Arazi kullanımındaki değişiklikler nedeniyle Doğu Akdeniz Havzası’nda yer alan mera niteliği de taşıyan ormanlar hızla yok olmaktadır. Geleneksel tarım ve hayvancılık faaliyetlerden keçi yetiştiriciliği ve yemlik dal yararlanması, bu sahalarda yer alan ağaçların yaşlanarak uzun yıllarca hayatta kalmasını sağlayarak biyolojik çeşitlilik için son derece değerli habitatlar yaratmıştır. Korunması gereken bu habitatlar için etkili ve uygulanabilir yönetim planlarının geliştirilmesi, habitat yapısı ve ona bağlı türler arasındaki ilişkileri tanımlamayı hedefleyen çalışmaları gerektirmektedir. Bu çalışmada, Türkiye'nin güneybatısında yer alan yaşlı bir meşe ormanında transekt yöntemi ile gerçekleştirilen habitat envanterlerinden elde edilen veriler kullanılarak, habitat yapısı ile kuş türü çeşitliliği arasındaki ilişkiler detaylı bir ölçekte ele alınmıştır. Genellikle sahada tespit edilen kuş türlerinin yoğunluğunun; ağacın gövde büyüklüğü, göğüs yüzeyi veya sıklığın artmasıyla doğru orantılı olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Yerde yuvalanan kuş türlerinin çeşitliliği üzerinde ağaçların göğüs yüzeyi artışı ile nispeten pozitif bir ilişkisinin olduğu tespit edilmiş; çalı ve ağaççık yoğunluğundaki artışın, alçak seviyelerde yuvalanan kuş türleri üzerinde olumlu, ancak yüksek seviyelerde yuvalanan kuş türleri açısından olumsuz bir etkisinin olduğu belirlenmiştir. Oyuk ve kovuklarda ikincil olarak yuvalanan kuş türlerinin, küçük gövde oyuklarının yoğunluğu ile herhangi bir olumlu ya da olumsuz ilişkisine rastlanmazken, göğüs yüzeyi artışı ile olumlu bir ilişkisinin olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Bununla birlikte, oyuk ve kovuklarda birincil olarak yuvalanan kuş türlerinin daha büyük oyuklara sahip ağaçları tercih ettiği görülmüştür. Ancak bu durum muhtemelen bu ağaçların diğer olumlu özelliklerinden de kaynaklanmış olabilir. Bu çalışmanın sonuçları, üzerinde az sayıda çalışma yapılmış ancak, tür çeşitliliği bakımndan zengin olan ve işletilen Akdeniz ekosistemlerindeki kuş topluluklarının yapısı ve dağılımı hakkında önemli bilgiler vermektedir.
Bai, M-L., Wichmann, F., Mühlenberg, M., 2003. The abundance of tree holes and their utilization by hole-nesting birds in a primeval boreal forest in Mongolia. Acta Ornithologica, 38: 95-102.
Bainbridge, D.A., 1985. The rise of agriculture: a new perspective. Ambio, 14: 148-151.
Bergner, A., Avcı, M., Eryiğit, H., Jansson, N., Niklasson, M., Westerberg, L., Milberg, P., 2015. Influences of forest type and habitat structure on bird assemblages of oak (Quercus spp.) and pine (Pinus spp.) stands in southwestern Turkey. Forest Ecology and Management, 336: 137-147.
Bergner, A., Sunnergren, A., Yeşilbudak, B., Erdem, C., Jansson, N., 2016. Attributes of trees used by nesting and foraging woodpeckers (Aves: Picidae) in an area with old pollarded Oaks (Quercus spp.) in the Taurus Mountains, Turkey. Zoology in the Middle East, 62: 288-298.
Bergner, A., Türkay, O.Ç., Eryiğit, H., Avcı, M., 2018. Overview of the bird diversity in oak (Quercus spp.) forest habitats in Isparta province, southwestern Turkish Anatolia. Turkish Journal of Forestry, 19: 347-354.
Blondel, J., Farré, H., 1988. The convergent trajectories of bird communities along ecological successions in European forests. Oecologia, 75: 83-93.
Camprodon, J., Brotons, L., 2006. Effects of undergrowth clearing on the bird communities of the Northwestern Mediterranean Coppice Holm Oak forests. Forest Ecology and Management, 221: 72-82.
Camprodon, J., Salvanyà, J., Soler-Zurita, J., 2008. The abundance and suitability of tree cavities and their impact on hole-nesting bird populations in beech forests of NE Iberian Peninsula. Acta Ornithologica, 43: 17-31.
Caprio, E., Ellena, I., Rolando, A., 2009. Assessing habitat/landscape predictors of bird diversity in managed deciduous forests: a seasonal and guild-based approach. Biodiversity and Conservation, 18: 1287-1303.
Cockle, K.L., Martin, K., Drever, M.C., 2010. Supply of tree-holes limits nest density of cavity-nesting birds in primary and logged subtropical Atlantic Forest. Biological Conservation, 143: 2851-2857.
Cockle, K.L., Martin, K., Wesołowski, T., 2011. Woodpeckers, decay, and the future of cavity-nesting vertebrate communities worldwide. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 9: 377-382.
Davis, S.K., 2005. Nest-site selection patterns and the influence of vegetation on nest survival of mixed-grass prairie passerines. The Condor, 107: 605-616.
Díaz, L., 2006. Influences of forest type and forest structure on bird communities in oak and pine woodlands in Spain. Forest Ecology and Management, 223: 54-65.
Frank, B., Battisti, C., 2005. Area effect on bird communities, guilds and species in a highly fragmented forest landscape of central Italy. Italian Journal of Zoology, 72: 297-304.
Gil-Tena, A., Saura, S., Brotons, L., 2007. Effects of forest composition and structure on bird species richness in a Mediterranean context: implications for forest ecosystem management. Forest Ecology and Management, 242: 470-476.
Gregory, R.D., Gibbons, D.W., Donald, P.F. Bird census and survey techniques. In Sutherland et al., 2004. Bird ecology and conservation – a handbook of techniques.
Hartel, T., Hanspach, J., Abson, D.J., Máthé, O., Ioan Moga, C., Fischer, J., 2014. Bird communities in traditional wood-pastures with changing management in Eastern Europe. Basic and Applied Ecology, 15: 385-395.
Hartel, T., Plieninger, T. (eds)., 2014. European wood-pastures in transition: A social-ecological approach. Routledge, New York.
Jansson, N., Antonsson, K., 2002. The work with old trees and saproxylic beetles in Östergötland, Sweden. In: Bowen, C. P. N. (eds). Conservation of saproxylic beetles in ancient trees, with special attention to the stag beetle Lucanus cervus, violet click beetle Limoniscus violaceus, noble chafer Gnorimus nobilis and variable chafer Gnorimus variabilis. People´s Trust For Endangered Species, Royal Holloway, University of London, pp. 41-43.
Jansson, N., Coskun, M., 2008. How similar is the saproxylic beetle fauna on old oaks (Quercus spp.) in Turkey and Sweden? Revue d´Écologie (Terre Vie) suppl. 10: 91-99.
Jones, C.G., Lawton, J.H., Schachak, M., 1994. Organisms as ecosystem engineers. Oikos, 69: 373-386.
Kaniewski, D., de Laet, V., Paulissen, E., Waelkens, M., 2007. Long-term effects of human impact on mountainous ecosystems, western Taurus Mountains, Turkey. Journal of Biogeography, 34: 1975-1997.
Mammides, C., Schleuning, M., Böhning-Gaese, K., Schaab, G., Farwig, N., Kadis, C., Coulson, T., 2015. The indirect effects of habitat disturbance on the bird communities in a tropical African forest. Biodiversity and Conservation, 24: 3083-3107.
Martin, K., Eadie, J.M., 1999. Nest webs: A community-wide approach to the management and conservation of cavity-nesting forest birds. Forest Ecology and Management, 115: 243-257.
Mentil, L., Battisti, C., Carpaneto, G.M., 2018. The older the richer: significant increase in breeding bird diversity along an age gradient of different coppiced woods. Web Ecology, 18: 143-151.
Nagy, L.R., Holmes, R.T., 2005. Food limits annual fecundity of a migratory songbird: an experimental study. Ecology, 86: 675-681.
Newton, I., 1994a. The role of nest sites in limiting the numbers of hole-nesting birds: a review. Biological Conservation, 70: 265-276.
Newton, I., 1994b. Experiments on the limitation of bird breeding densities: a review. Ibis, 136: 397-411.
Newton, I., 1998. Population limitations in birds. Academic Press Limited.
Novak, V., Jansson, N., Avcı, M., Sarıkaya, O., Coşkun, M., Atay, E., & Gürkan, T., 2011. New Allecula species (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae: Alleculinae) from Turkey. Journal of the Entomological Research Society. Studies and reports. Taxonomical Series, 7: 335-346.
Paillet, Y., Archaux, F., Boulanger, V., Debaive, N., Fuhr, M., Gilg, O., Gosselin, F., Guilbert, E., 2017. Snags and large trees drive higher tree microhabitat densities in strict forest reserves. Forest Ecology and Management, 389: 176-186.
Pereira, P., Godinho, C., Roque, I., Marques, A., Branco, M., Rabaça, J.E., 2014. Time to rethink the management intensity in a Mediterranean oak woodland: the response of insectivorous birds and leaf-chewing defoliators as key groups in the forest ecosystem. Annals of Forest Science, 71: 25-32.
Politi, N., Hunter, Jr M., Rivera, L., 2010. Availability of cavities for avian cavity nesters in selectively logged subtropical montane forests of the Andes. Forest Ecology and Management, 260: 893-906.
Rackham, O., Moody, J., 1997. The Making of the Cretan Landscape. Manchester University Press.
Regnery, B., Covet, D., Kubarek, L., Julien, J-F., Kerbiriou, C., 2013. Tree microhabitats as indicators of bird and bat communities in Mediterranean forests. Ecological Indicators, 34: 221-230.
Reinkensmeyer, D.P., Miller, R.F., Anthony, R.G., Marr, V.E., 2007. Avian community structure along a mountain big sagebrush successional gradient. The Journal of Wildlife Management, 4: 1057-1066.
Remm, J., Lõhmus, A., Remm, K., 2006. Tree cavities in riverine forests: what determines their occurrence and use by hole-nesting passerines? Forest Ecology and Management, 221: 267-277.
Robles, H., Ciudad, C., Matthysen, E., 2011. Tree-cavity occurrence, cavity occupation and reproductive performance of secondary cavity-nesting birds in oak forests: the role of traditional management practices. Forest Ecology and Management, 261: 1428-1435.
Robles, H., Ciudad, C., Matthysen, E., 2012. Responses to experimental reduction and increase of cavities by a secondary cavity-nesting bird community in cavity-rich Pyrenean oak forests. Forest Ecology and Management, 277: 46-53.
Robles, H., Martin, K., 2013. Resource quantity and quality determine the interspecific associations between ecosystem engineers and resource users in a cavity-nest web.
PLoS ONE, 8(9): e74694.
Sama, G., Jansson, N., Avcı, M., Sarikaya, O., Coskun, M., Kayis, T., Özdikmen, H., 2011. Preliminary report on a survey of the saproxylic beetle fauna living on old hollow oaks (Quercus spp.) and oak wood in Turkey. Munis Entomology and Zoology, 6: 819-831.
Fine-scale habitat utilization by birds in an ancient oak (Quercus spp.) wood-pasture in southwestern Turkey
Wood-pastures are disappearing rapidly in the eastern Mediterranean basin due to changes in land use. Traditional farming by means of goat husbandry and pollarding has allowed many trees to become old, creating valuable habitats for biodiversity. Developing viable management schemes for habitats of conservation concern require studies aiming at identifying relationships between habitat structure and associated species. In this study, the associations between habitat structure and bird species diversity were studied on a fine scale, using data obtained from transect inventories in an oak wood-pasture in southwestern Turkey. Almost all species were most abundant where trunk size, basal area or tree density peaked. Diversity of ground-nesters was slightly and positively associated with an increase in basal area. Low canopy-nesters were positively associated with an increase in shrub density, whereas there was a negative association for high canopy-nesters. Secondary cavity-nesters were unrelated to the density of small trunk cavities but exhibited a positive association with basal area of trees. Contrarily, primary cavity-nesters preferred trees with larger cavities, although this was most likely due to the presence of other desirable attributes of the very same trees. The results of this study give important insights to the structural and spatial organization of bird assemblages in a little studied but rich, culturally managed ecosystem in the Mediterranean.
Bai, M-L., Wichmann, F., Mühlenberg, M., 2003. The abundance of tree holes and their utilization by hole-nesting birds in a primeval boreal forest in Mongolia. Acta Ornithologica, 38: 95-102.
Bainbridge, D.A., 1985. The rise of agriculture: a new perspective. Ambio, 14: 148-151.
Bergner, A., Avcı, M., Eryiğit, H., Jansson, N., Niklasson, M., Westerberg, L., Milberg, P., 2015. Influences of forest type and habitat structure on bird assemblages of oak (Quercus spp.) and pine (Pinus spp.) stands in southwestern Turkey. Forest Ecology and Management, 336: 137-147.
Bergner, A., Sunnergren, A., Yeşilbudak, B., Erdem, C., Jansson, N., 2016. Attributes of trees used by nesting and foraging woodpeckers (Aves: Picidae) in an area with old pollarded Oaks (Quercus spp.) in the Taurus Mountains, Turkey. Zoology in the Middle East, 62: 288-298.
Bergner, A., Türkay, O.Ç., Eryiğit, H., Avcı, M., 2018. Overview of the bird diversity in oak (Quercus spp.) forest habitats in Isparta province, southwestern Turkish Anatolia. Turkish Journal of Forestry, 19: 347-354.
Blondel, J., Farré, H., 1988. The convergent trajectories of bird communities along ecological successions in European forests. Oecologia, 75: 83-93.
Camprodon, J., Brotons, L., 2006. Effects of undergrowth clearing on the bird communities of the Northwestern Mediterranean Coppice Holm Oak forests. Forest Ecology and Management, 221: 72-82.
Camprodon, J., Salvanyà, J., Soler-Zurita, J., 2008. The abundance and suitability of tree cavities and their impact on hole-nesting bird populations in beech forests of NE Iberian Peninsula. Acta Ornithologica, 43: 17-31.
Caprio, E., Ellena, I., Rolando, A., 2009. Assessing habitat/landscape predictors of bird diversity in managed deciduous forests: a seasonal and guild-based approach. Biodiversity and Conservation, 18: 1287-1303.
Cockle, K.L., Martin, K., Drever, M.C., 2010. Supply of tree-holes limits nest density of cavity-nesting birds in primary and logged subtropical Atlantic Forest. Biological Conservation, 143: 2851-2857.
Cockle, K.L., Martin, K., Wesołowski, T., 2011. Woodpeckers, decay, and the future of cavity-nesting vertebrate communities worldwide. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 9: 377-382.
Davis, S.K., 2005. Nest-site selection patterns and the influence of vegetation on nest survival of mixed-grass prairie passerines. The Condor, 107: 605-616.
Díaz, L., 2006. Influences of forest type and forest structure on bird communities in oak and pine woodlands in Spain. Forest Ecology and Management, 223: 54-65.
Frank, B., Battisti, C., 2005. Area effect on bird communities, guilds and species in a highly fragmented forest landscape of central Italy. Italian Journal of Zoology, 72: 297-304.
Gil-Tena, A., Saura, S., Brotons, L., 2007. Effects of forest composition and structure on bird species richness in a Mediterranean context: implications for forest ecosystem management. Forest Ecology and Management, 242: 470-476.
Gregory, R.D., Gibbons, D.W., Donald, P.F. Bird census and survey techniques. In Sutherland et al., 2004. Bird ecology and conservation – a handbook of techniques.
Hartel, T., Hanspach, J., Abson, D.J., Máthé, O., Ioan Moga, C., Fischer, J., 2014. Bird communities in traditional wood-pastures with changing management in Eastern Europe. Basic and Applied Ecology, 15: 385-395.
Hartel, T., Plieninger, T. (eds)., 2014. European wood-pastures in transition: A social-ecological approach. Routledge, New York.
Jansson, N., Antonsson, K., 2002. The work with old trees and saproxylic beetles in Östergötland, Sweden. In: Bowen, C. P. N. (eds). Conservation of saproxylic beetles in ancient trees, with special attention to the stag beetle Lucanus cervus, violet click beetle Limoniscus violaceus, noble chafer Gnorimus nobilis and variable chafer Gnorimus variabilis. People´s Trust For Endangered Species, Royal Holloway, University of London, pp. 41-43.
Jansson, N., Coskun, M., 2008. How similar is the saproxylic beetle fauna on old oaks (Quercus spp.) in Turkey and Sweden? Revue d´Écologie (Terre Vie) suppl. 10: 91-99.
Jones, C.G., Lawton, J.H., Schachak, M., 1994. Organisms as ecosystem engineers. Oikos, 69: 373-386.
Kaniewski, D., de Laet, V., Paulissen, E., Waelkens, M., 2007. Long-term effects of human impact on mountainous ecosystems, western Taurus Mountains, Turkey. Journal of Biogeography, 34: 1975-1997.
Mammides, C., Schleuning, M., Böhning-Gaese, K., Schaab, G., Farwig, N., Kadis, C., Coulson, T., 2015. The indirect effects of habitat disturbance on the bird communities in a tropical African forest. Biodiversity and Conservation, 24: 3083-3107.
Martin, K., Eadie, J.M., 1999. Nest webs: A community-wide approach to the management and conservation of cavity-nesting forest birds. Forest Ecology and Management, 115: 243-257.
Mentil, L., Battisti, C., Carpaneto, G.M., 2018. The older the richer: significant increase in breeding bird diversity along an age gradient of different coppiced woods. Web Ecology, 18: 143-151.
Nagy, L.R., Holmes, R.T., 2005. Food limits annual fecundity of a migratory songbird: an experimental study. Ecology, 86: 675-681.
Newton, I., 1994a. The role of nest sites in limiting the numbers of hole-nesting birds: a review. Biological Conservation, 70: 265-276.
Newton, I., 1994b. Experiments on the limitation of bird breeding densities: a review. Ibis, 136: 397-411.
Newton, I., 1998. Population limitations in birds. Academic Press Limited.
Novak, V., Jansson, N., Avcı, M., Sarıkaya, O., Coşkun, M., Atay, E., & Gürkan, T., 2011. New Allecula species (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae: Alleculinae) from Turkey. Journal of the Entomological Research Society. Studies and reports. Taxonomical Series, 7: 335-346.
Paillet, Y., Archaux, F., Boulanger, V., Debaive, N., Fuhr, M., Gilg, O., Gosselin, F., Guilbert, E., 2017. Snags and large trees drive higher tree microhabitat densities in strict forest reserves. Forest Ecology and Management, 389: 176-186.
Pereira, P., Godinho, C., Roque, I., Marques, A., Branco, M., Rabaça, J.E., 2014. Time to rethink the management intensity in a Mediterranean oak woodland: the response of insectivorous birds and leaf-chewing defoliators as key groups in the forest ecosystem. Annals of Forest Science, 71: 25-32.
Politi, N., Hunter, Jr M., Rivera, L., 2010. Availability of cavities for avian cavity nesters in selectively logged subtropical montane forests of the Andes. Forest Ecology and Management, 260: 893-906.
Rackham, O., Moody, J., 1997. The Making of the Cretan Landscape. Manchester University Press.
Regnery, B., Covet, D., Kubarek, L., Julien, J-F., Kerbiriou, C., 2013. Tree microhabitats as indicators of bird and bat communities in Mediterranean forests. Ecological Indicators, 34: 221-230.
Reinkensmeyer, D.P., Miller, R.F., Anthony, R.G., Marr, V.E., 2007. Avian community structure along a mountain big sagebrush successional gradient. The Journal of Wildlife Management, 4: 1057-1066.
Remm, J., Lõhmus, A., Remm, K., 2006. Tree cavities in riverine forests: what determines their occurrence and use by hole-nesting passerines? Forest Ecology and Management, 221: 267-277.
Robles, H., Ciudad, C., Matthysen, E., 2011. Tree-cavity occurrence, cavity occupation and reproductive performance of secondary cavity-nesting birds in oak forests: the role of traditional management practices. Forest Ecology and Management, 261: 1428-1435.
Robles, H., Ciudad, C., Matthysen, E., 2012. Responses to experimental reduction and increase of cavities by a secondary cavity-nesting bird community in cavity-rich Pyrenean oak forests. Forest Ecology and Management, 277: 46-53.
Robles, H., Martin, K., 2013. Resource quantity and quality determine the interspecific associations between ecosystem engineers and resource users in a cavity-nest web.
PLoS ONE, 8(9): e74694.
Sama, G., Jansson, N., Avcı, M., Sarikaya, O., Coskun, M., Kayis, T., Özdikmen, H., 2011. Preliminary report on a survey of the saproxylic beetle fauna living on old hollow oaks (Quercus spp.) and oak wood in Turkey. Munis Entomology and Zoology, 6: 819-831.
Kalay Göktepe, M., Bergner, A., Göktepe, S., Milberg, P., et al. (2019). Fine-scale habitat utilization by birds in an ancient oak (Quercus spp.) wood-pasture in southwestern Turkey. Turkish Journal of Forestry, 20(1), 1-7.
Kalay Göktepe M, Bergner A, Göktepe S, Milberg P, Jansson N, Avcı M. Fine-scale habitat utilization by birds in an ancient oak (Quercus spp.) wood-pasture in southwestern Turkey. Turkish Journal of Forestry. March 2019;20(1):1-7. doi:10.18182/tjf.482386
Kalay Göktepe, Meltem, Adam Bergner, Serdar Göktepe, Per Milberg, Nicklas Jansson, and Mustafa Avcı. “Fine-Scale Habitat Utilization by Birds in an Ancient Oak (Quercus spp.) Wood-Pasture in Southwestern Turkey”. Turkish Journal of Forestry 20, no. 1 (March 2019): 1-7.
Kalay Göktepe M, Bergner A, Göktepe S, Milberg P, Jansson N, Avcı M (March 1, 2019) Fine-scale habitat utilization by birds in an ancient oak (Quercus spp.) wood-pasture in southwestern Turkey. Turkish Journal of Forestry 20 1 1–7.
M. Kalay Göktepe, A. Bergner, S. Göktepe, P. Milberg, N. Jansson, and M. Avcı, “Fine-scale habitat utilization by birds in an ancient oak (Quercus spp.) wood-pasture in southwestern Turkey”, Turkish Journal of Forestry, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 1–7, 2019, doi: 10.18182/tjf.482386.
Kalay Göktepe, Meltem et al. “Fine-Scale Habitat Utilization by Birds in an Ancient Oak (Quercus spp.) Wood-Pasture in Southwestern Turkey”. Turkish Journal of Forestry 20/1 (March 2019), 1-7.
Kalay Göktepe M, Bergner A, Göktepe S, Milberg P, Jansson N, Avcı M. Fine-scale habitat utilization by birds in an ancient oak (Quercus spp.) wood-pasture in southwestern Turkey. Turkish Journal of Forestry. 2019;20:1–7.
Kalay Göktepe, Meltem et al. “Fine-Scale Habitat Utilization by Birds in an Ancient Oak (Quercus spp.) Wood-Pasture in Southwestern Turkey”. Turkish Journal of Forestry, vol. 20, no. 1, 2019, pp. 1-7, doi:10.18182/tjf.482386.
Kalay Göktepe M, Bergner A, Göktepe S, Milberg P, Jansson N, Avcı M. Fine-scale habitat utilization by birds in an ancient oak (Quercus spp.) wood-pasture in southwestern Turkey. Turkish Journal of Forestry. 2019;20(1):1-7.