Hayvanat bahçeleri tasarım ilkeleri ve tipolojileri
Year 2011,
Volume: 12 Issue: 1, 47 - 56, 18.04.2011
Serap Yılmaz
Ali Özbilen
Doğal alanların kentleşme uğruna hızla tüketimi, birçok canlı türünün yok olması ile sonuçlanmaktadır. Bu nedenle doğal çevrenin ve doğal yaşam düzeninin korunabilmesi için tanıtımın ve eğitimin gereği ortaya çıkmaktadır. Bu konudaki bilimsel araştırmalar, doğal yaşam alanlarına benzer tasarlanmış hayvanat bahçelerinin, doğal yaşamın tanıtımı ve insanların bilinçlendirilmesi konusunda önemli bir yer tuttuğunu göstermiştir. Bu çalışmada hayvanat bahçelerinin tarihsel süreçteki gelişimi ve başarılı bir hayvanat bahçesinin hangi tasarım ilkeleri ile oluşturulması gerektiği ortaya konulmaya çalışılmıştır.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Hayvanat bahçeleri, Sergi alanı tasarımı, İmmersion sergiler
- Açıkkol, C., 1984.Master Plan for Ankara Zoo and The Planning of Aquatic Exhibition Building, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, O.D.T.Ü.,Ankara, 178 s.
- Altman, J.D., 1998. Animal Activity and Visitor Learning at The Zoo, Anthrozoos 11: 12–21.
- Anderson, D., Lucas, K. B., Ginns, I. S., 2003. Theoretical Perspectives on Learning in An İnformal Setting, J. Res. Sci. Teach., 40:2, 177– 199.
- Baele, N., 1989. Metro Toronto Zoo, Landscape Architecture, 79:1 88-89.
- Berkyez, Ş., 1992. Hayvanat Bahçesi Fiziksel Planlamalarda Göz Önünde Bulundurulması Gerekli Genel Prensibler, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Ç.Ü., Adana, 106 s.
- Bitgood C. S., Loomis J. R., 1993, Environmental Design and Evaluation in Museums, Environ. Behav., 25:6 683-698.
- Bitgood, S., 1990. Toward An Objective Description of The Visitor Immersion Experience, Visitor Behavior, 5:2 11-14.
- Bitgood, S., Patterson, D., Benefield, A., 1988. Exhibit Design and Visitors Behavior: Empirical Relationships, Environ. Behav., 20:4 474-491.
- Cerver, F. A., Duenas, A., 1998. World of Enviromental Design Landscape of Recreation II (Amusement Parks), Watson- Guptill Publications, pp. 256.
- Chua B. H., Edwards N., 1992. public space: Design, use and management, National University of Singapore Press, Singapore, pp. 240.
- Civelek, S., 1999. Hayvanat Bahçeleri Tasarımı Üzerine Bir Araştırma –Mekansal Farklılığın Ziyaretçi Algılarına Etkileri-, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, K.T.Ü., Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Trabzon, 107 s.
- Coe, J., 1985. Design and Perception: Making The Zoo Experience Real, Zoo Biology, 46, 197–208.
- Fielder, F. E., & Wheeler, W. A., 1985. A survey of visitors to the Woodland Park Zoological Gardens. Seattle, Washington: The Zoological Foundation of Woodland Park.
- Finlay, T., James, L. R., Maple, T. L., 1988. People’s perceptions of animals: The influence of zoo environment, Environ. Behav., 20:4, 508-526.
- Fortham-Quick, D.L. 1984, An Integrative Approach to Environmental Engineering in Zoos, Zoo Biol. 1:3, 65-78.
- Giritlioğlu, C., Ergun, N., Yüzer, M. A., 1993. Yerleşmelerde İnsan-Doğa İlişkileri ve hayvanat Bahçelerinin Kurgu ve Tasarım İlkeleri Florya Hayvanat Bahçeleri Örneği, Tasarım Dergisi, 39:4, 68-72.
- Gökteke, E., 1998. Doğanın Başyapıtı Kaplan, Gezi, 8:5, 47-64.
- Hancocks, D., 2001. A Different Nature: The paradoxical world and their uncertain future. Berkeley: University of California Press, pp. 280.
- Harrison, B., 1998. The Living Animal And It’s Exhibit As Interpreter; Exhibition Techniques in Modern Zoos, Zoos’ Print, New Delhi.
- Hosey, G.R., 2005. How does the zoo environment affect the behaviour ofcaptive primates? Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci. 90:2, 107–129.
- IUDZG (World Zoo Organisation)-IUCN (The World Conservation Union), 1997. Dünya Hayvanat Bahçesi Koruma Stratejisi, Çeviri: Güray Çelik, , Çevre Koruma Daire Başkanlığı Yerel Gündem 21 Şube Müdürlüğü Yayını 3, Bursa.
- Johnston, J., 1998. Mr., Exogenous Factors and Visitors Behavior: A Regression Analysis of Exhibit Viewing Time, Environment And Behavior, 30:3, 322- 347.
- Jones, T. W., 1989. What Are Zoos, Garten-und-Landschaft, 85:1, 19-23.
- Kellert, R. S., 2005. Building for Life: Designing and Understanding The Human-Nature Connection. Covelo, CA, Island Press, pp. 262, USA.
- Kenneth, J.P., 1987. Zoo Design: The Reality of Wild Illusions, The University of Michigan School of Natural Resources, Washington, pp. 193.
- Maple, T., Finlay, T., 1989. Applied Primatology in The Modern Zoo, Zoo Biology, 1, 101–116.
- Ogden, J., Lindburg, D., Maple, T., 1993. The Effects of Ecologically-Relevant Sounds on Zoo Visitors, Curator, 36: 2, 147-156.
- Pitsko, L., E., 2003.Wild Tigers in Captivity: A Study of The Effects of The Captive Environment on Tiger Behavior, Master of Science in Geography, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, pp 266.
- Plaatsman, M., 1996. Zoo Exhibit Design: The Influence of Animal Visibility on Visitor Experience, Master of Landscape Architecture, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Virginia, pp. 158.
- Powell, A. E., 1997. Breaking The Mold, Landscape Architecture, 87, 10.
- Price, E., Ashmore, L., McGivern, A.-M., 1994. Reactions of Zoo Visitors to Free-Ranging Monkeys. Zoo Biology. 13, 355–373.
- Reade, R.S., Waran, N.K., 1996. The modern zoo: How do people perceive zoo animals? Anim. Welf. 47, 109–118.
- Ross, S. R., Lukas, K. E., 2006. Use of Space in A Non- Naturalistic Environment by Chimpanzees (Pan Troglodytes) and Lowland Gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla), Applied Animal Behaviour Science, Elsevier Science Ltd., 96, 143–152.
- Shepherdson, D., Mellen, J., HutChins, M., 1998.Second Nature: Environmental Enrichment for Captive Animals. Smithsonian Institute Press, Washington, DC.
- Shettel, J. ve Neuber, 1988. Second- and Third- Generation Zoo Exhibits: A Comparison of Visitor, Staff, Animal Responses, Environ.and Behav., 20:4 452–475.
- Totfield, S., Coll, R., Vyle, B., Bolstad, R. 2003. Zoos as a source of free choice learning. Res. Sci. Technol. Educ. 21: 67–99.
- Tudge C. 1992. Last animals at the zoo: how mass extinction can be stopped. Washington, D.C.: Island
- Tygielski, S., 2005. Barrıers to Lıve Anımal Handlıng Traınıng for Zoo Volunteers, Doctor of Educatıon, The Unıversıty of Arızona, Umı,
- Verderber, S., Gardner, L., Islam, D., Nakanishi, L., 1988. Elderly Persons’ Appraisal of The Zoological Environment, Environ. and Behav., 20:4, 492-507
- Wiesner, H., 1997. München Tierpark Hellabrunn, Franz Fackler Gmbh & Co. KG, Münih.
- Wylson, A., 1994. Theme Parks, Leisure Centres, Zoos and Aquaria, Longman Harlow, New York, pp.183.
- Yılmaz, S. 2007. Hayvanat Bahçelerinin Doğa Korumadaki Rolü, 4. Ulusal Ekoloji ve Çevre Kongresi, 10–13 Eylül, Malatya.
- Yılmaz, S. 2008. Hayvanat Bahçesi Sergi Alanlarındaki Genişlik Etkisinin Arttırılmasına Yönelik Algısal Yanılsamalara Dayalı Bir Tasarım Yaklaşımı, Doktora Tezi, K.T.Ü., Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Trabzon, 209 s.
Design principles and typologies of zoos
Year 2011,
Volume: 12 Issue: 1, 47 - 56, 18.04.2011
Serap Yılmaz
Ali Özbilen
The consumption of natural areas for the sake of urbanization results in extinction of various species. Therefore, introduction and education become important in order to protect natural environment and natural life system. Research in this area revealed that the zoos designed like natural life areas have great importance and that they contribute to the introduction of natural life and help people become conscious about natural life. This study aims to reveal the development of zoos in historical process and to explore the principles that are useful in designing an effective zoo.
Keywords: Zoos, Exhibition area design, Immersion exhibitions
- Açıkkol, C., 1984.Master Plan for Ankara Zoo and The Planning of Aquatic Exhibition Building, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, O.D.T.Ü.,Ankara, 178 s.
- Altman, J.D., 1998. Animal Activity and Visitor Learning at The Zoo, Anthrozoos 11: 12–21.
- Anderson, D., Lucas, K. B., Ginns, I. S., 2003. Theoretical Perspectives on Learning in An İnformal Setting, J. Res. Sci. Teach., 40:2, 177– 199.
- Baele, N., 1989. Metro Toronto Zoo, Landscape Architecture, 79:1 88-89.
- Berkyez, Ş., 1992. Hayvanat Bahçesi Fiziksel Planlamalarda Göz Önünde Bulundurulması Gerekli Genel Prensibler, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Ç.Ü., Adana, 106 s.
- Bitgood C. S., Loomis J. R., 1993, Environmental Design and Evaluation in Museums, Environ. Behav., 25:6 683-698.
- Bitgood, S., 1990. Toward An Objective Description of The Visitor Immersion Experience, Visitor Behavior, 5:2 11-14.
- Bitgood, S., Patterson, D., Benefield, A., 1988. Exhibit Design and Visitors Behavior: Empirical Relationships, Environ. Behav., 20:4 474-491.
- Cerver, F. A., Duenas, A., 1998. World of Enviromental Design Landscape of Recreation II (Amusement Parks), Watson- Guptill Publications, pp. 256.
- Chua B. H., Edwards N., 1992. public space: Design, use and management, National University of Singapore Press, Singapore, pp. 240.
- Civelek, S., 1999. Hayvanat Bahçeleri Tasarımı Üzerine Bir Araştırma –Mekansal Farklılığın Ziyaretçi Algılarına Etkileri-, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, K.T.Ü., Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Trabzon, 107 s.
- Coe, J., 1985. Design and Perception: Making The Zoo Experience Real, Zoo Biology, 46, 197–208.
- Fielder, F. E., & Wheeler, W. A., 1985. A survey of visitors to the Woodland Park Zoological Gardens. Seattle, Washington: The Zoological Foundation of Woodland Park.
- Finlay, T., James, L. R., Maple, T. L., 1988. People’s perceptions of animals: The influence of zoo environment, Environ. Behav., 20:4, 508-526.
- Fortham-Quick, D.L. 1984, An Integrative Approach to Environmental Engineering in Zoos, Zoo Biol. 1:3, 65-78.
- Giritlioğlu, C., Ergun, N., Yüzer, M. A., 1993. Yerleşmelerde İnsan-Doğa İlişkileri ve hayvanat Bahçelerinin Kurgu ve Tasarım İlkeleri Florya Hayvanat Bahçeleri Örneği, Tasarım Dergisi, 39:4, 68-72.
- Gökteke, E., 1998. Doğanın Başyapıtı Kaplan, Gezi, 8:5, 47-64.
- Hancocks, D., 2001. A Different Nature: The paradoxical world and their uncertain future. Berkeley: University of California Press, pp. 280.
- Harrison, B., 1998. The Living Animal And It’s Exhibit As Interpreter; Exhibition Techniques in Modern Zoos, Zoos’ Print, New Delhi.
- Hosey, G.R., 2005. How does the zoo environment affect the behaviour ofcaptive primates? Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci. 90:2, 107–129.
- IUDZG (World Zoo Organisation)-IUCN (The World Conservation Union), 1997. Dünya Hayvanat Bahçesi Koruma Stratejisi, Çeviri: Güray Çelik, , Çevre Koruma Daire Başkanlığı Yerel Gündem 21 Şube Müdürlüğü Yayını 3, Bursa.
- Johnston, J., 1998. Mr., Exogenous Factors and Visitors Behavior: A Regression Analysis of Exhibit Viewing Time, Environment And Behavior, 30:3, 322- 347.
- Jones, T. W., 1989. What Are Zoos, Garten-und-Landschaft, 85:1, 19-23.
- Kellert, R. S., 2005. Building for Life: Designing and Understanding The Human-Nature Connection. Covelo, CA, Island Press, pp. 262, USA.
- Kenneth, J.P., 1987. Zoo Design: The Reality of Wild Illusions, The University of Michigan School of Natural Resources, Washington, pp. 193.
- Maple, T., Finlay, T., 1989. Applied Primatology in The Modern Zoo, Zoo Biology, 1, 101–116.
- Ogden, J., Lindburg, D., Maple, T., 1993. The Effects of Ecologically-Relevant Sounds on Zoo Visitors, Curator, 36: 2, 147-156.
- Pitsko, L., E., 2003.Wild Tigers in Captivity: A Study of The Effects of The Captive Environment on Tiger Behavior, Master of Science in Geography, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, pp 266.
- Plaatsman, M., 1996. Zoo Exhibit Design: The Influence of Animal Visibility on Visitor Experience, Master of Landscape Architecture, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Virginia, pp. 158.
- Powell, A. E., 1997. Breaking The Mold, Landscape Architecture, 87, 10.
- Price, E., Ashmore, L., McGivern, A.-M., 1994. Reactions of Zoo Visitors to Free-Ranging Monkeys. Zoo Biology. 13, 355–373.
- Reade, R.S., Waran, N.K., 1996. The modern zoo: How do people perceive zoo animals? Anim. Welf. 47, 109–118.
- Ross, S. R., Lukas, K. E., 2006. Use of Space in A Non- Naturalistic Environment by Chimpanzees (Pan Troglodytes) and Lowland Gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla), Applied Animal Behaviour Science, Elsevier Science Ltd., 96, 143–152.
- Shepherdson, D., Mellen, J., HutChins, M., 1998.Second Nature: Environmental Enrichment for Captive Animals. Smithsonian Institute Press, Washington, DC.
- Shettel, J. ve Neuber, 1988. Second- and Third- Generation Zoo Exhibits: A Comparison of Visitor, Staff, Animal Responses, Environ.and Behav., 20:4 452–475.
- Totfield, S., Coll, R., Vyle, B., Bolstad, R. 2003. Zoos as a source of free choice learning. Res. Sci. Technol. Educ. 21: 67–99.
- Tudge C. 1992. Last animals at the zoo: how mass extinction can be stopped. Washington, D.C.: Island
- Tygielski, S., 2005. Barrıers to Lıve Anımal Handlıng Traınıng for Zoo Volunteers, Doctor of Educatıon, The Unıversıty of Arızona, Umı,
- Verderber, S., Gardner, L., Islam, D., Nakanishi, L., 1988. Elderly Persons’ Appraisal of The Zoological Environment, Environ. and Behav., 20:4, 492-507
- Wiesner, H., 1997. München Tierpark Hellabrunn, Franz Fackler Gmbh & Co. KG, Münih.
- Wylson, A., 1994. Theme Parks, Leisure Centres, Zoos and Aquaria, Longman Harlow, New York, pp.183.
- Yılmaz, S. 2007. Hayvanat Bahçelerinin Doğa Korumadaki Rolü, 4. Ulusal Ekoloji ve Çevre Kongresi, 10–13 Eylül, Malatya.
- Yılmaz, S. 2008. Hayvanat Bahçesi Sergi Alanlarındaki Genişlik Etkisinin Arttırılmasına Yönelik Algısal Yanılsamalara Dayalı Bir Tasarım Yaklaşımı, Doktora Tezi, K.T.Ü., Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Trabzon, 209 s.