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Evaluation of landscape designs of hospital gardens in Kastamonu

Year 2013, Volume: 14 Issue: 1, 64 - 73, 19.02.2013


Hospitals are health institutions proving care services for people. The people who go to a hospital for getting a medical treatment usually feel anxious, tense, and stressful. Hospital gardens must be exactly the opposite of hospital environment. They should help to calm and relax the patients, and provide a positive contribution to the treatment, as well. When designing the hospital gardens, aesthetic considerations should be kept in the background, and requests and needs of users should be given priority in the design approach. In this study, six hospital gardens in Kastamonu are investigated in detail with the help of experimental qualities. The problems of hospital gardens have been put forward with the help of scoring table, common problems of the hospitals have been identified, and solutions to these problems have been proposed.
Keywords: Hospital garden, Healing garden, Therapeutic areas


  • Akın, Z.Ş., 2006. Çocuklar İçin İyileştirme Bahçeleri. Ankara Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, 118 s.
  • Anonim, 2004. Healing by design: Healing gardens and therapeutic Landscapes. Implications, 2, 10: 1-4.
  • Appleton, J., 1975. The Experience of Landscape. John Wiley, New York.
  • Appleton J., 1990. The Symbolism of Habitat: An Interpretation of Landscape In The Arts. Seattle: University of Washington Press.
  • Appleton, J., 1996. The Experience of Landscape. Revised Edition, John Wiley, New York.
  • Arnetz, B., Theorell, T., Levi, L., 1983. An experimental study of social isolation of elderly people: Psycho-endocrine and metabolic effects. Psychosomatic Medicine, 45: 395–406.
  • Bowers, D.A., 2003. Incorporating Restorative Experiential Qualities and Key Landscape Attributes to Enhance The Restorative Experience in Healing Gardens Within Health Care Settings. Master Theses. Washington State University, Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, USA.
  • Brawley, E.C., 1992. Alzheimer’s disease: Designing the physical environment. Am J Alzheimer’s Care Related Dis Res, 2:3-8.
  • Elings, M., 2006. People-plant interaction: The physiological, psychological and sociological effects of plants on people, farming for health-springer agriculture book. Ed: Jan Hassink, Majken van Dijk (eds). Printed In The Netherlands Chapter 4: 43-55.
  • Ergenoğlu, A.S., Aytuğ, A., 2007. Sağlık kurumlarında değişen paradigmalar ve iyileştiren hastane kavramının mimari tasarım açısından irdelenmesi. YTÜ Mim. Fak. E-Dergisi, Cilt 2, Sayı 1: 44-63.
  • Fredrickson, B.L., Levenson, R.W., 1998. Positive emotions speed recovery from the cardiovascular sequelae of negative emotions. Cogn. Emotion, 12: 191–220.
  • Ghose, S., 1999. The Healing Dimensions of Hospital Gardens: Three Case Studies Assessing The Use, Therepeutic Benefits and Design Recommendations. The University of Texas, Master Thesis, Arlington.
  • Hartig, T., Book, A., Garvill, J., Olsson, T., Garling, T., 1995. Environmental Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 37 (4): 378-93. on psychological restoration.
  • Hartig, T., Mang, M., Evans, G.W., 1991. Restorative effects of natural environment experiences. Environment and Behavior, 23(1): 3-26.
  • Kaplan, S., 1992. The Restorative environment: Nature and human experience. In: D. Relf (editor), The Role of Horticulture in Human Well-being and Social Development: A National Symposium, Timber Press, pp. 134–142, Portland.
  • Kaplan, S., Kaplan, R., 1983. Cognition and Environment: Functioning in an Uncertain World. Praeger Publishers, New York.
  • Kaplan, R., Kaplan, S., 1989. Experience of Nature: A Psychological Perspective. Cambridge University Press, New York.
  • Marcus, C., 2001. Gardens and health: The therapeutic benefits of design. In: A. Dilani (editor) Design & Health, pp. 61–71.
  • Marcus, C.C., Barnes, M., 1995. Gardens in Health Care Facilities: Uses, Therapeutic Benefits, and Design Recommendations. Martinez, CA: The Center for Health Care Design.
  • Marcus, C.C., Barnes, M., 1999. Healing Gardens: Therapeutic Benefits and Design Recommendations. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York.
  • Maslow, A.H., 1970. Motivation and Personality. Harper&Row, 411p., New York.
  • Menninger, C.F., Pratt, J.R., 1957. The therapy of gardening. Popular Gardening, 8: 54.
  • Orians, G.H., Heerwagen, J.H., 1992. Evolved responses to landscapes. In: Barkow J, Cosmides L, Tooby J, eds. The Adapted Mind: Evolutionary Psychology and the Generation of Culture, Oxford & New York: Oxford University Press, 98–121.
  • Parsons, R., Hartig, T., 2000. Environmental psychophysiology. In: J.T. Cacioppo, L.G. Tassinary and G.G. Berntson, Editors, Handbook of Psychophysiology. (second ed.), Cambridge University Press, pp. 815–846, New York.
  • Relf, D., 1992. Human issues in horticulture. Horticulture Technology, 2: 1–11.
  • Riordan, R.J., 1983. Gardening as a rehabilitation adjunct. Journal of Rehabilitation, 49: 39–41.
  • Sakıcı, Ç., 2009. Ruh ve Sinir Hastalıkları Hastanelerinde Açık Alan Terapi Ünitelerinin Peyzaj Tasarımı: Ataköy (Trabzon) Ruh Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Hastanesi Örneği. KTÜ, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Doktora Tezi, Trabzon.
  • Söderström, M., 2000. The Possibility Garden, A Garden For All People. The Swedish Institute for Handicapped and The Swedish Broadcasting AB, In Swedish.
  • Theorell, T., 2001. Physiological reactions to creative and less creative environments. Design & Health, The Therapeutic Benefits of Design, 11–16.
  • Tyson, M.M., 1998. The Healing Landscape: Therapeutic Outdoor Environments. McGraw-Hill, 224 s., New York.
  • Ulrich, R.S., 1981. Natural versus urban scenes: Some psychological effects. Environment and Behavior, 13: 553–556.
  • Ulrich, R.S., 1984. Views through a window may influence recovery from surgery. Science, 224: 420–421.
  • Ulrich, R.S., 1991. Stress recovery during exposure to natural and urban environments. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 11: 210-230.
  • Ulrich, R.S., 1992. Effects of health facility interior design on wellness: Theory and scientific research. Journal of Health Care Design, 3: 97–109.
  • Ulrich, R.S., 1999. Effects of gardens on health outcomes, healing gardens: Therapeutic benefits and design recommendation. Eds.: Marcus, C.C., Barnes, M., 27-86.
  • Ulrich, R.S., 2000. Evidence-based Environmental Design for Improving Medical Outcomes, Healing by Design: Building for Health Care in the 21st Century. McGill University Health Care, Montreal.
  • Ulrich, R.S., 2001. Effects of healthcare environmental design on medical outcomes, the therapeutic benefits of design. Ed.: Dilani, A., Design & Health, 49–59.
  • Ulrich, R., Parsons, R., 1992. Influences of passive experiences with plants on individual well-being and health. The Role of Horticulture in Human Well-being and Social Development, Ed.: Relf, D., 93-105.
  • Ulrich, R.S., Simons, R.F., Losito, B.D., Fioreto, E., Miles, M.A., Zelson, M., 1991. Stress recovery during exposure to natural and urban environment. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 11: 201– 230.
  • Varni, J.W., Katz, E.R., 1997. Stress, social support and negative affectivity in children with newly diagnosed cancer: A prospective transactional analysis. Psycho-Oncology, 6, 4: 267–278.
  • Varni, J.W., Rapoff, M.A., Waldron, S.A., Gragg, R.A., Bernstein, B.H., Lindsley, C.B., 1996. Chronic pain and emotional distress in children and adolescents. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, 17, 3: 154–161.
  • Van den Berg, A.E., Koole, S.L., Van der Wulp, N.Y., 2003. Environmental preference and restoration: How are they related?. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 23, 2: 135–146.
  • Warner, S.B.J., 1995. The periodic rediscoveries of restorative gardens. Eds.: Francis, M., Lindsey, P., Rice, J.S., The Healing Dimensions of People-Plant Relations: Proceedings of A Research Symposium, 5-12.
  • White, A.S., 1967. Gardening for the disabled child. Medical Biology, Illustrations, 17: 270–272.
  • Whitehouse, S., Varni, J.W., Seid, M., Marcus, C.C., Ensberg, M.J., Jacobs, J.R., Mehlenbeck, R.S., 2001. Evaluating a children’s hospital satisfaction. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 21: 301-314.
  • Zeisel, J., 2001. Health Outcomes, Improvements from Alzheimer’s and consumer Care Design. Design & Health, The Therapeutic Benefits of Design.

Kastamonu'daki hastane bahçelerinin peyzaj tasarımlarının değerlendirilmesi

Year 2013, Volume: 14 Issue: 1, 64 - 73, 19.02.2013


Hastaneler, her insanın yaşamı boyunca sağlık sorunları ya da ziyaret için mutlak gittiği sağlık kurumlarıdır. Genellikle hastaneye giden insanlar tedirgin, gergin ve stres içerisinde olur. Peyzaj mimarlarının, kullanıcılar üzerinde stres yaratan hastane ortamına zıt bir dış mekan olarak hastane bahçelerine mutlaka açık yeşil alan düzenlemeleri içerisinde yer vermesi gerekir. Hastane bahçelerinin kullanıcıların stresten uzaklaşmalarına, sakinleşmelerine yardımcı olduğu ve hastaların tedavilerinde gözle görülür oranda olumlu katkı sağladığı birçok bilimsel araştırmalarda ortaya konmuştur. Diğer dış mekan tasarımlarından farklı olarak hastane bahçeleri tasarlanırken, estetik kaygılar ikinci plana atılmalı öncelikle kullanıcıların istek ve ihtiyaçları doğrultusunda tasarım yaklaşımlarına yer verilmelidir. Kullanılan her türlü donatı ve malzemede bu hususlara dikkat etmek gerekir. Bu çalışmada Kastamonu'daki 6 hastane bahçesi deneyimsel kaliteler yardımıyla detaylı bir şekilde incelenmiştir. Puantaj tablosu yardımıyla hastanelere verilen puanlar sonucunda hastane bahçelerinin sorunları ortaya konulmuş ve hastanelerin ortak problemleri belirlenip çözüm önerileri getirilmiştir.
Anahtar kelimeler: Hastane bahçeleri, İyileştirici bahçe, Terapi alanları


  • Akın, Z.Ş., 2006. Çocuklar İçin İyileştirme Bahçeleri. Ankara Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, 118 s.
  • Anonim, 2004. Healing by design: Healing gardens and therapeutic Landscapes. Implications, 2, 10: 1-4.
  • Appleton, J., 1975. The Experience of Landscape. John Wiley, New York.
  • Appleton J., 1990. The Symbolism of Habitat: An Interpretation of Landscape In The Arts. Seattle: University of Washington Press.
  • Appleton, J., 1996. The Experience of Landscape. Revised Edition, John Wiley, New York.
  • Arnetz, B., Theorell, T., Levi, L., 1983. An experimental study of social isolation of elderly people: Psycho-endocrine and metabolic effects. Psychosomatic Medicine, 45: 395–406.
  • Bowers, D.A., 2003. Incorporating Restorative Experiential Qualities and Key Landscape Attributes to Enhance The Restorative Experience in Healing Gardens Within Health Care Settings. Master Theses. Washington State University, Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, USA.
  • Brawley, E.C., 1992. Alzheimer’s disease: Designing the physical environment. Am J Alzheimer’s Care Related Dis Res, 2:3-8.
  • Elings, M., 2006. People-plant interaction: The physiological, psychological and sociological effects of plants on people, farming for health-springer agriculture book. Ed: Jan Hassink, Majken van Dijk (eds). Printed In The Netherlands Chapter 4: 43-55.
  • Ergenoğlu, A.S., Aytuğ, A., 2007. Sağlık kurumlarında değişen paradigmalar ve iyileştiren hastane kavramının mimari tasarım açısından irdelenmesi. YTÜ Mim. Fak. E-Dergisi, Cilt 2, Sayı 1: 44-63.
  • Fredrickson, B.L., Levenson, R.W., 1998. Positive emotions speed recovery from the cardiovascular sequelae of negative emotions. Cogn. Emotion, 12: 191–220.
  • Ghose, S., 1999. The Healing Dimensions of Hospital Gardens: Three Case Studies Assessing The Use, Therepeutic Benefits and Design Recommendations. The University of Texas, Master Thesis, Arlington.
  • Hartig, T., Book, A., Garvill, J., Olsson, T., Garling, T., 1995. Environmental Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 37 (4): 378-93. on psychological restoration.
  • Hartig, T., Mang, M., Evans, G.W., 1991. Restorative effects of natural environment experiences. Environment and Behavior, 23(1): 3-26.
  • Kaplan, S., 1992. The Restorative environment: Nature and human experience. In: D. Relf (editor), The Role of Horticulture in Human Well-being and Social Development: A National Symposium, Timber Press, pp. 134–142, Portland.
  • Kaplan, S., Kaplan, R., 1983. Cognition and Environment: Functioning in an Uncertain World. Praeger Publishers, New York.
  • Kaplan, R., Kaplan, S., 1989. Experience of Nature: A Psychological Perspective. Cambridge University Press, New York.
  • Marcus, C., 2001. Gardens and health: The therapeutic benefits of design. In: A. Dilani (editor) Design & Health, pp. 61–71.
  • Marcus, C.C., Barnes, M., 1995. Gardens in Health Care Facilities: Uses, Therapeutic Benefits, and Design Recommendations. Martinez, CA: The Center for Health Care Design.
  • Marcus, C.C., Barnes, M., 1999. Healing Gardens: Therapeutic Benefits and Design Recommendations. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York.
  • Maslow, A.H., 1970. Motivation and Personality. Harper&Row, 411p., New York.
  • Menninger, C.F., Pratt, J.R., 1957. The therapy of gardening. Popular Gardening, 8: 54.
  • Orians, G.H., Heerwagen, J.H., 1992. Evolved responses to landscapes. In: Barkow J, Cosmides L, Tooby J, eds. The Adapted Mind: Evolutionary Psychology and the Generation of Culture, Oxford & New York: Oxford University Press, 98–121.
  • Parsons, R., Hartig, T., 2000. Environmental psychophysiology. In: J.T. Cacioppo, L.G. Tassinary and G.G. Berntson, Editors, Handbook of Psychophysiology. (second ed.), Cambridge University Press, pp. 815–846, New York.
  • Relf, D., 1992. Human issues in horticulture. Horticulture Technology, 2: 1–11.
  • Riordan, R.J., 1983. Gardening as a rehabilitation adjunct. Journal of Rehabilitation, 49: 39–41.
  • Sakıcı, Ç., 2009. Ruh ve Sinir Hastalıkları Hastanelerinde Açık Alan Terapi Ünitelerinin Peyzaj Tasarımı: Ataköy (Trabzon) Ruh Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Hastanesi Örneği. KTÜ, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Doktora Tezi, Trabzon.
  • Söderström, M., 2000. The Possibility Garden, A Garden For All People. The Swedish Institute for Handicapped and The Swedish Broadcasting AB, In Swedish.
  • Theorell, T., 2001. Physiological reactions to creative and less creative environments. Design & Health, The Therapeutic Benefits of Design, 11–16.
  • Tyson, M.M., 1998. The Healing Landscape: Therapeutic Outdoor Environments. McGraw-Hill, 224 s., New York.
  • Ulrich, R.S., 1981. Natural versus urban scenes: Some psychological effects. Environment and Behavior, 13: 553–556.
  • Ulrich, R.S., 1984. Views through a window may influence recovery from surgery. Science, 224: 420–421.
  • Ulrich, R.S., 1991. Stress recovery during exposure to natural and urban environments. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 11: 210-230.
  • Ulrich, R.S., 1992. Effects of health facility interior design on wellness: Theory and scientific research. Journal of Health Care Design, 3: 97–109.
  • Ulrich, R.S., 1999. Effects of gardens on health outcomes, healing gardens: Therapeutic benefits and design recommendation. Eds.: Marcus, C.C., Barnes, M., 27-86.
  • Ulrich, R.S., 2000. Evidence-based Environmental Design for Improving Medical Outcomes, Healing by Design: Building for Health Care in the 21st Century. McGill University Health Care, Montreal.
  • Ulrich, R.S., 2001. Effects of healthcare environmental design on medical outcomes, the therapeutic benefits of design. Ed.: Dilani, A., Design & Health, 49–59.
  • Ulrich, R., Parsons, R., 1992. Influences of passive experiences with plants on individual well-being and health. The Role of Horticulture in Human Well-being and Social Development, Ed.: Relf, D., 93-105.
  • Ulrich, R.S., Simons, R.F., Losito, B.D., Fioreto, E., Miles, M.A., Zelson, M., 1991. Stress recovery during exposure to natural and urban environment. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 11: 201– 230.
  • Varni, J.W., Katz, E.R., 1997. Stress, social support and negative affectivity in children with newly diagnosed cancer: A prospective transactional analysis. Psycho-Oncology, 6, 4: 267–278.
  • Varni, J.W., Rapoff, M.A., Waldron, S.A., Gragg, R.A., Bernstein, B.H., Lindsley, C.B., 1996. Chronic pain and emotional distress in children and adolescents. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, 17, 3: 154–161.
  • Van den Berg, A.E., Koole, S.L., Van der Wulp, N.Y., 2003. Environmental preference and restoration: How are they related?. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 23, 2: 135–146.
  • Warner, S.B.J., 1995. The periodic rediscoveries of restorative gardens. Eds.: Francis, M., Lindsey, P., Rice, J.S., The Healing Dimensions of People-Plant Relations: Proceedings of A Research Symposium, 5-12.
  • White, A.S., 1967. Gardening for the disabled child. Medical Biology, Illustrations, 17: 270–272.
  • Whitehouse, S., Varni, J.W., Seid, M., Marcus, C.C., Ensberg, M.J., Jacobs, J.R., Mehlenbeck, R.S., 2001. Evaluating a children’s hospital satisfaction. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 21: 301-314.
  • Zeisel, J., 2001. Health Outcomes, Improvements from Alzheimer’s and consumer Care Design. Design & Health, The Therapeutic Benefits of Design.
There are 46 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Orijinal Araştırma Makalesi

Çiğdem Sakıcı

Suzan Çelik This is me

Özkan Kapucu This is me

Publication Date February 19, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2013 Volume: 14 Issue: 1


APA Sakıcı, Ç., Çelik, S., & Kapucu, Ö. (2013). Evaluation of landscape designs of hospital gardens in Kastamonu. Turkish Journal of Forestry, 14(1), 64-73.
AMA Sakıcı Ç, Çelik S, Kapucu Ö. Evaluation of landscape designs of hospital gardens in Kastamonu. Turkish Journal of Forestry. February 2013;14(1):64-73. doi:10.18182/tjf.06641
Chicago Sakıcı, Çiğdem, Suzan Çelik, and Özkan Kapucu. “Evaluation of Landscape Designs of Hospital Gardens in Kastamonu”. Turkish Journal of Forestry 14, no. 1 (February 2013): 64-73.
EndNote Sakıcı Ç, Çelik S, Kapucu Ö (February 1, 2013) Evaluation of landscape designs of hospital gardens in Kastamonu. Turkish Journal of Forestry 14 1 64–73.
IEEE Ç. Sakıcı, S. Çelik, and Ö. Kapucu, “Evaluation of landscape designs of hospital gardens in Kastamonu”, Turkish Journal of Forestry, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 64–73, 2013, doi: 10.18182/tjf.06641.
ISNAD Sakıcı, Çiğdem et al. “Evaluation of Landscape Designs of Hospital Gardens in Kastamonu”. Turkish Journal of Forestry 14/1 (February 2013), 64-73.
JAMA Sakıcı Ç, Çelik S, Kapucu Ö. Evaluation of landscape designs of hospital gardens in Kastamonu. Turkish Journal of Forestry. 2013;14:64–73.
MLA Sakıcı, Çiğdem et al. “Evaluation of Landscape Designs of Hospital Gardens in Kastamonu”. Turkish Journal of Forestry, vol. 14, no. 1, 2013, pp. 64-73, doi:10.18182/tjf.06641.
Vancouver Sakıcı Ç, Çelik S, Kapucu Ö. Evaluation of landscape designs of hospital gardens in Kastamonu. Turkish Journal of Forestry. 2013;14(1):64-73.