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Insecticidal effect of halofenozide and methoxyfenozide in different stages of Lymantria dispar, an important cork oak defoliator

Year 2016, Vol 17 Special Issue, 80 - 84, 10.05.2016


The gypsy moth Lymantria dispar (Lepidoptera, Lymantriidae) is one of the most notorious pests of hardwood trees. It appears in cyclic way and provokes serious defoliations of the cork oak. In Algeria, L. dispar is reported since 1925 and the control of this defoliator consists of chemical insecticides and/or biological control tools. In this project we evaluated halofenozide and methoxyfenozide against larvae of L. dispar. These two molecules are member of a new generation of insect growth regulators that mimic the natural insect moulting hormones or ecdysteroids. Halofenozide is active against Lepidoptera and Coleoptera, while methoxyfenozide is more specific for Lepidoptera. We determined the toxicity and mode of action of these two insecticides by treatment of the larvae of L.dispar. In intoxicated larvae typical morphological aberrations during moulting/ metamorphosis were observed leading to death. In addition, we noted in the surviving adults a strong negative effect on the fecundity and fertility. The results are discussed in relation to the susceptibility of the different stages of L. dispar.
Keywords: Lymantria dispar, Algeria, Halofenozide, Methoxyfenozide, Toxicity, Development


Evaluation du pouvoir insecticide de deux mimétiques de l’hormone de mue (Halofénozide et Méthoxyfénozide) sur les stades immatures de Lymantria dispar, principal défoliateur du chêne-liège


La spongieuse Lymantria dispar (Lepidoptera, Lymantriidae) est l'un des plus importants ravageurs des subéraies. Il apparaît de manière cyclique et provoque de graves défoliations du chêne-liège. En Algérie, L. dispar a été signalé depuis 1925 et la lutte contre ce défoliateur majeur s’appuie essentiellement sur des insecticides chimiques. Dans cette étude, nous avons évalué l’effet insecticide du halofenozide et du methoxyfenozide contre les larves de L. dispar. Ces deux molécules appartiennent à une nouvelle génération de régulateurs de croissance des insectes qui imitent les hormones de mue ou ecdystéroïdes. Le Halofenozide est actif contre les Lépidoptères et les Coléoptères, le méthoxyfénozide est spécifique aux Lépidoptères. Le traitement des larves de L. dispar nous a permis de déterminer la toxicité et le mode d'action de ces deux insecticides et d’examiner son action différée sur la fécondité des adultes issus du traitement des larves. Nous avons calculé aussi les paramètres toxicologiques, comme on a mis en évidence un effet différé sur la fécondité et la fertilité, avec apparition de formes aberrantes de larve et d’adulte.
Mots-clés : Lymantria dispar, Algérie, Halofenozide, Methoxyfenozide, Toxicité, Développement

Halofenozid ve metoksifenozidin önemli bir mantar meşesi yaprak zararlısı olan Lymantria dispar’ın farklı evrelerinde insektisidal etkisi

Year 2016, Vol 17 Special Issue, 80 - 84, 10.05.2016


Ağaç zararlısı Lymantria dispar (Lepidoptera, Lymantriidae), set ağaçlar için en zararlı böceklerden biridir. Bu zararlı, periyodik olarak ortaya çıkmakta ve mantar meşesinin yapraklarına ciddi zararlar vermektedir. Cezayir’de, L. dispar 1925 yılından bu yana bildirilmektedir ve bu yaprak zararlısıyla mücadele kapsamında kimyasal insektisitler ve/veya biyolojik mücadele araçları kullanılmaktadır. Bu projede, L. dispar larvalarına karşı halofenozid ve metoksifenozid kullanımını değerlendirdik. Bu iki molekül, doğal böcek tüy değiştirme hormonları veya ekdisteroidleri taklit eden yeni nesil böcek büyüme düzenleyicileri arasında yer almaktadır. Halofenozid Lepidoptera ve Coleoptera türlerine karşı etki gösterirken, metoksifenozid Lepidoptra’ya karşı daha etkilidir. L.dispar larvalarına bu iki insektisidi uygulayarak toksisitesi ve etki mekanizmasını belirledik. İnsektisid uygulanan larvalar tipik olarak tüy değiştirme esnasında ölümle sonuçlanan morfolojik sapmalar/ metamorfoz gözlemlenmektedir. Ayrıca, hayatta kalan erişkinlerin doğurganlığı ve fertilitesi üzerinde güçlü bir negatif etki tespit ettik. Sonuçlar, L. dispar’ın farklı evrelerde duyarlılığı açısından irdelenmektedir.
Anahtar kelimeler: Lymantria dispar, Cezayir, Halofenozid, Kromafenozid klorofenapir fenisobromolat, Toksisite, Geliştirme

There are 0 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Orijinal Araştırma Makalesi

Mohamed Ouakid

Yasmine Adjami This is me

Waffa Habbachi This is me

Rym Ghanem This is me

Hiba Daas This is me

Abdelkrim Tahraoui This is me

Publication Date May 10, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Vol 17 Special Issue


APA Ouakid, M., Adjami, Y., Habbachi, W., Ghanem, R., et al. (2016). Insecticidal effect of halofenozide and methoxyfenozide in different stages of Lymantria dispar, an important cork oak defoliator. Turkish Journal of Forestry, 17, 80-84.
AMA Ouakid M, Adjami Y, Habbachi W, Ghanem R, Daas H, Tahraoui A. Insecticidal effect of halofenozide and methoxyfenozide in different stages of Lymantria dispar, an important cork oak defoliator. Turkish Journal of Forestry. May 2016;17:80-84. doi:10.18182/tjf.97406
Chicago Ouakid, Mohamed, Yasmine Adjami, Waffa Habbachi, Rym Ghanem, Hiba Daas, and Abdelkrim Tahraoui. “Insecticidal Effect of Halofenozide and Methoxyfenozide in Different Stages of Lymantria Dispar, an Important Cork Oak Defoliator”. Turkish Journal of Forestry 17, May (May 2016): 80-84.
EndNote Ouakid M, Adjami Y, Habbachi W, Ghanem R, Daas H, Tahraoui A (May 1, 2016) Insecticidal effect of halofenozide and methoxyfenozide in different stages of Lymantria dispar, an important cork oak defoliator. Turkish Journal of Forestry 17 80–84.
IEEE M. Ouakid, Y. Adjami, W. Habbachi, R. Ghanem, H. Daas, and A. Tahraoui, “Insecticidal effect of halofenozide and methoxyfenozide in different stages of Lymantria dispar, an important cork oak defoliator”, Turkish Journal of Forestry, vol. 17, pp. 80–84, 2016, doi: 10.18182/tjf.97406.
ISNAD Ouakid, Mohamed et al. “Insecticidal Effect of Halofenozide and Methoxyfenozide in Different Stages of Lymantria Dispar, an Important Cork Oak Defoliator”. Turkish Journal of Forestry 17 (May 2016), 80-84.
JAMA Ouakid M, Adjami Y, Habbachi W, Ghanem R, Daas H, Tahraoui A. Insecticidal effect of halofenozide and methoxyfenozide in different stages of Lymantria dispar, an important cork oak defoliator. Turkish Journal of Forestry. 2016;17:80–84.
MLA Ouakid, Mohamed et al. “Insecticidal Effect of Halofenozide and Methoxyfenozide in Different Stages of Lymantria Dispar, an Important Cork Oak Defoliator”. Turkish Journal of Forestry, vol. 17, 2016, pp. 80-84, doi:10.18182/tjf.97406.
Vancouver Ouakid M, Adjami Y, Habbachi W, Ghanem R, Daas H, Tahraoui A. Insecticidal effect of halofenozide and methoxyfenozide in different stages of Lymantria dispar, an important cork oak defoliator. Turkish Journal of Forestry. 2016;17:80-4.