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Bursa, Karacabey subasar ormanı kızılağaç meşcerelerinde yıllık döküm miktarı ve bu yolla ekosisteme giren karbon ve besin maddesi

Year 2024, Volume: 25 Issue: 2, 156 - 165, 28.06.2024


Bu çalışmanın temel amacı, Bursa Karacabey subasar ormanlarında, iki farklı ortamdaki (sulak ve karasal) doğal kızılağaç (Alnus glutinosa L.) Kzc3 (d1,3=20-35,9 cm) ve Kzd3 (d1,3=36,0-51,9 cm) meşcere gelişim çağlarında, ağaç bileşenlerinin (yaprak, dal, tohum ve diğer) yıllık döküm miktarı ve döküm ile ölü örtüye ulaşan karbon ve makro (N, P, K, Ca, Mg ve S) ve mikro (Fe, Mn, Na, Cu, Zn, Cl, Ni ve Co) besin elementi miktarını belirlemektir. Çalışma 2021, 2022 ve 2023 yıllarında yürütülmüştür. Bulgulara göre, yıllık ortalama döküm miktarı, sulak ortamdaki Kzc3 için hektarda 10407 kg, Kzd3 için 7678 kg iken, karasal ortamdaki Kzc3 ve Kzd3 için bu değerler daha düşük olup sırasıyla 8157 ve 5907 kg olarak tespit edilmiştir. Toplam döküntüye, yaprak miktarının katkı oranı, sulak ortamdaki Kzc3 ve Kzd3 meşcerelerinde sırasıyla %45 ve %47 iken, bu oranlar karasal ortamda %37 ve %41 olarak belirlenmiştir. Döküntü miktarı meşcere tipine göre farklılık göstermiş ve genel olarak meşcere yaşı ve ortalama çapı arttıkça döküntü miktarı azalmıştır. Sulak ortamda, döküntü ile ekosisteme giren yıllık ortalama karbon ve diğer makro ve mikro besin maddesi miktarları, genel olarak karasal ortamdan daha yüksek bulunmuştur. Örneğin, sulak ortamda Kzc3 için C, N, P, K, Ca, Mg ve S girdileri sırasıyla 4154; 130; 15; 48; 244; 48 ve 24 kg/ha/yıl olarak hesaplanırken, karasal ortamda bu değerler sırasıyla 3051; 104; 27; 49; 202; 38 ve 32 kg/ha/yıl olarak hesaplanmıştır. Çalışma ile kızılağaç meşcerelerinin döküntü üretimi ve besin maddesi girişinin sulak ve karasal ortam ile meşcere gelişim çağlarına göre farklılık gösterdiği ortaya konulmuştur.

Project Number



Bu çalışma, TÜBİTAK 1001 projesi kapsamında (Proje No 121O702) desteklenmiştir.


  • Akay, A.E., Gencal, B., Taş, İ., 2017. Spatiotemporal change detection using landsat imagery: The case study of Karacabey flooded forest, Bursa, Turkey, ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 4th International GeoAdvances Workshop, 14-15 October, Safranbolu, Karabuk, Turkey, pp. 31-35.
  • Anderson, J.M., Ingram, J.S.I., 1993. Tropical Soil Biology and Fertlity: A Handbook for Methods (2nd edition). Wallingford, Oxfordshire: CAB International.
  • Aygün, D., 2021. Arazi kullanım değişikliğinin Bursa, Karacabey Longoz ormanlarının toprak organik karbon ve toplam azot stok oranlarına etkileri. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Bursa Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Bursa.
  • Barlow, J., Gardner, T.A., Ferreira, L.V., Peres, C.A., 2007. Litterfall and decomposition in primary, secondary and plantation forests in the Brazilian Amazon. Forest Ecology and Management, 247: 91-97. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2007.04.017
  • Barnes, B.V., Zak, D.R., Denton, S.R., Spurr, S.H., 1998. Forest Ecology. 4 th ed. John Wiley and Sons, New York.
  • Bray, J.R., Gorham, E., 1964. Litter production in forests of the world. Advances in Ecological Research, 2: 101-157.
  • Camargo, M., Giarrizzo, T., Jesus, A., 2015. Effect of seasonal flooding cycle on litterfall production in alluvialrainforest on the middle Xingu River (Amazon basin, Brazil). Brazilian Journal of Biology, 75: 250-256. doi: 10.1590/1519-6984.00514BM
  • Celentano, D., Zahawi, R.A., Finegan, B., Ostertag, R., Cole, R.J., Holl, K.D., 2011. Litterfall dynamics under different tropical forest restoration strategies in Costa Rica. Biotropica, 43: 279–287. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1744-7429.2010.00688.x
  • Çakır, M., Akburak, S., 2017. Litterfall and nutrients return to soil in pure and mixed stands of oak and beech. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University, 67(2): 178-193.http://dx.doi.org/10.17099/jffiu.301602
  • Çakır, M., Akburak, S., Sargıncı, M., 2019. Çankırı bölgesi karaçam (Pinus nigra Arnold.) meşcerelerinde ölü örtü ayrışması ile mikroeklembacaklılar ve mikrobiyal aktivitenin zamansal değişimi ve toprağa verilen besin maddeleri. TÜBİTAK Proje Sonuç Raporu, Proje Numarası, 215O572, Ankara.
  • Dawoe, E.K., Isaac, M.E., Quashie-Sam, J., 2010. Litterfall and litter nutrient dynamics under cocoa ecosystems in lowland humid Ghana. Plant and Soil, 330: 55-64. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11104-009-0173-0
  • Demessie, A., Singh, B.R., Lal, R., Strand, L.T., 2012. Leaf litterfall and litter decomposition under Eucalyptus and coniferous plantations in Gambo District, southern Ethiopia. Acta Agriculture Scandinavica, Section B- Soil and Plant Science, 62: 467-476. https://doi.org/10.1080/09064710.2011.645497
  • Dimitrova, V., Damyanova, S., 2023. Chemical composition of litterfall in beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) forests. Wseas Transactions on Environment and Development, 19: 412-417. https://doi.org/10.37394/232015.2023.19.38
  • Dimitrova, V., Dimitrov, D., Malchev, D., 2023. Litterfall in beech forest (Fagus sylvatica L.). V. International Halich Congress on Multidisciplinary Scientific Research, 15-16 January, Istanbul, Türkiye, pp. 702-706.
  • Fennessy, M.S., Ibáñez, C., Calvo-Cubero, J., Sharpe, P., Rovira, A., Callaway, J., Caiola, N., 2019. Environmental controls on carbon sequestration, sediment accretion, and elevation change in the Ebro River Delta: Implications for wetland restoration. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 222: 32-42. Flower-Ellis, J.G.K., Olsson, L., 1978. Litterfall in an age series of scots pine stands and its variation by components during the years 1973-1976. Swedish Coniferous Project, Technic Report, 15: 1-62.
  • Gautam, T.P., Mandal, T.N., 2018. Storage and flux of nutrients in disturbed and undisturbed tropical moist forest of Eastern Nepal. International Journal of Forerstry Research, 2018: 1-12. https://doi.org/10.1155/2018/8516321
  • Giweta, M., 2020. Role of litter production and its decomposition, and factors affecting the processes in a tropical forest ecosystem: A review. Journal of Ecology and Environment, 44(11). https://doi.org/10.1186/s41610-020-0151-2
  • Gonzalez, E., 2012. Seasonal patterns of litterfall in the floodplain forest of a large Mediterranean river. Limnetica, 31(1): 173-186. DOI: 10.23818/limn.31.16.
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  • Hu, S., Niu, Z., Chen, Y., Li, L., Zhang, H., 2017. Global wetlands: Potential distribution, wetland loss, and status. Science of Total Environment, 586: 319-327. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.02.001. Epub 2017 Feb 9. PMID: 28190574.
  • Infante-Mata, D., Moreno-Casasola, P., MaderoVega, C., Castillo-Campos, G., Warner, B.G., 2011. Floristic composition and soil characteristics of tropical freshwater forested wetlands of Veracruz on the coastal plain of the Gulf of Mexico. Forest Ecology and Management, 262: 1514-1531.
  • Irmak, A., Çepel, N., 1968. Belgrad Ormanı’nda seçilen birer kayın, meşe, karaçam meşceresinde yıllık yaprak dökümünün miktarı ve bu yolla toprağa verilen besin maddelerinin tespiti üzerine araştırmalar. İstanbul Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Dergisi, A18(2): 53-76
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Annual litterfall and carbon and nutrient inputs into alder stands in Bursa, Karacabey forested wetlands

Year 2024, Volume: 25 Issue: 2, 156 - 165, 28.06.2024


Annual litterfall and the amount of carbon and macro (N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S) and micro nutrients (Fe, Mn, Na, Cu, Zn, Cl, Ni and Co) reaching into the forest floor by litterfall were determined in Kzc3 (d1,3=20-35,9 cm) and Kzd3 (d1,3=36,0-51,9 cm stand development stages of natural alder stands (Alnus glutinosa L.) growing at two different sites (floodplain and terrestrial) in Bursa Karacabey forested wetlands. The study covers the years of 2021, 2022 and 2023. Results showed that annual litterfall in the floodplain site was 10407 kg/ha for the Kzc3 and 7678 kg/ha for the Kzd3 stands, while, it was 8157 and 5907 kg/ha/year in the terrestrial site respectively. The foliage contribution to the total litterfall was 45% for the Kzd3 and 47% for the Kzd3 in the floodplain site, while it was 37 and 41% in the terrestrial sites respectively. The litterfall varied with the stand type, and it increased with the diameter and age of the stands. The annual carbon and macro- and micro-nutrients inputs into the forest floor litter through by the litterfall in the floodplain site were generally higher than in the terrestrial site. For example, annual C, N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S inputs into the floodplain sites were 4154; 130; 15; 48; 244; 48 and 24 kg/ha/yr respectively, while they were 3051; 104; 27; 49; 202; 38 and 32 kg/ha in the terrestrial sites, respectively. This study indicates that litterfall production and nutrient inputs into the alder stands significantly vary with water condition and stand development stages in the forested wetland ecosystems.

Supporting Institution


Project Number



Çalışma, TÜBİTAK 1001 projesi kapsamında (Proje No 121O702) desteklenmiştir. Bu bakımdan TÜBİTAK’a teşekkürlerimizi sunarız.


  • Akay, A.E., Gencal, B., Taş, İ., 2017. Spatiotemporal change detection using landsat imagery: The case study of Karacabey flooded forest, Bursa, Turkey, ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 4th International GeoAdvances Workshop, 14-15 October, Safranbolu, Karabuk, Turkey, pp. 31-35.
  • Anderson, J.M., Ingram, J.S.I., 1993. Tropical Soil Biology and Fertlity: A Handbook for Methods (2nd edition). Wallingford, Oxfordshire: CAB International.
  • Aygün, D., 2021. Arazi kullanım değişikliğinin Bursa, Karacabey Longoz ormanlarının toprak organik karbon ve toplam azot stok oranlarına etkileri. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Bursa Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Bursa.
  • Barlow, J., Gardner, T.A., Ferreira, L.V., Peres, C.A., 2007. Litterfall and decomposition in primary, secondary and plantation forests in the Brazilian Amazon. Forest Ecology and Management, 247: 91-97. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2007.04.017
  • Barnes, B.V., Zak, D.R., Denton, S.R., Spurr, S.H., 1998. Forest Ecology. 4 th ed. John Wiley and Sons, New York.
  • Bray, J.R., Gorham, E., 1964. Litter production in forests of the world. Advances in Ecological Research, 2: 101-157.
  • Camargo, M., Giarrizzo, T., Jesus, A., 2015. Effect of seasonal flooding cycle on litterfall production in alluvialrainforest on the middle Xingu River (Amazon basin, Brazil). Brazilian Journal of Biology, 75: 250-256. doi: 10.1590/1519-6984.00514BM
  • Celentano, D., Zahawi, R.A., Finegan, B., Ostertag, R., Cole, R.J., Holl, K.D., 2011. Litterfall dynamics under different tropical forest restoration strategies in Costa Rica. Biotropica, 43: 279–287. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1744-7429.2010.00688.x
  • Çakır, M., Akburak, S., 2017. Litterfall and nutrients return to soil in pure and mixed stands of oak and beech. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University, 67(2): 178-193.http://dx.doi.org/10.17099/jffiu.301602
  • Çakır, M., Akburak, S., Sargıncı, M., 2019. Çankırı bölgesi karaçam (Pinus nigra Arnold.) meşcerelerinde ölü örtü ayrışması ile mikroeklembacaklılar ve mikrobiyal aktivitenin zamansal değişimi ve toprağa verilen besin maddeleri. TÜBİTAK Proje Sonuç Raporu, Proje Numarası, 215O572, Ankara.
  • Dawoe, E.K., Isaac, M.E., Quashie-Sam, J., 2010. Litterfall and litter nutrient dynamics under cocoa ecosystems in lowland humid Ghana. Plant and Soil, 330: 55-64. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11104-009-0173-0
  • Demessie, A., Singh, B.R., Lal, R., Strand, L.T., 2012. Leaf litterfall and litter decomposition under Eucalyptus and coniferous plantations in Gambo District, southern Ethiopia. Acta Agriculture Scandinavica, Section B- Soil and Plant Science, 62: 467-476. https://doi.org/10.1080/09064710.2011.645497
  • Dimitrova, V., Damyanova, S., 2023. Chemical composition of litterfall in beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) forests. Wseas Transactions on Environment and Development, 19: 412-417. https://doi.org/10.37394/232015.2023.19.38
  • Dimitrova, V., Dimitrov, D., Malchev, D., 2023. Litterfall in beech forest (Fagus sylvatica L.). V. International Halich Congress on Multidisciplinary Scientific Research, 15-16 January, Istanbul, Türkiye, pp. 702-706.
  • Fennessy, M.S., Ibáñez, C., Calvo-Cubero, J., Sharpe, P., Rovira, A., Callaway, J., Caiola, N., 2019. Environmental controls on carbon sequestration, sediment accretion, and elevation change in the Ebro River Delta: Implications for wetland restoration. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 222: 32-42. Flower-Ellis, J.G.K., Olsson, L., 1978. Litterfall in an age series of scots pine stands and its variation by components during the years 1973-1976. Swedish Coniferous Project, Technic Report, 15: 1-62.
  • Gautam, T.P., Mandal, T.N., 2018. Storage and flux of nutrients in disturbed and undisturbed tropical moist forest of Eastern Nepal. International Journal of Forerstry Research, 2018: 1-12. https://doi.org/10.1155/2018/8516321
  • Giweta, M., 2020. Role of litter production and its decomposition, and factors affecting the processes in a tropical forest ecosystem: A review. Journal of Ecology and Environment, 44(11). https://doi.org/10.1186/s41610-020-0151-2
  • Gonzalez, E., 2012. Seasonal patterns of litterfall in the floodplain forest of a large Mediterranean river. Limnetica, 31(1): 173-186. DOI: 10.23818/limn.31.16.
  • Hansen, K., Vesterdal, L., Schmidt, I.K., Gundersen, P., Sevel, L., Bastrup-Birk, A., Pedersen, L.B., Bille-Hansen, J., 2009. Litterfall and nutrient return in five tree species in a common garden experiment. Forest Ecology and Management, 257: 2133–2144.
  • Hu, S., Niu, Z., Chen, Y., Li, L., Zhang, H., 2017. Global wetlands: Potential distribution, wetland loss, and status. Science of Total Environment, 586: 319-327. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.02.001. Epub 2017 Feb 9. PMID: 28190574.
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There are 54 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Forest Ecosystems
Journal Section Orijinal Araştırma Makalesi

Temel Sarıyıldız 0000-0003-3451-3229

Project Number 121O702
Early Pub Date June 28, 2024
Publication Date June 28, 2024
Submission Date February 29, 2024
Acceptance Date May 16, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 25 Issue: 2


APA Sarıyıldız, T. (2024). Bursa, Karacabey subasar ormanı kızılağaç meşcerelerinde yıllık döküm miktarı ve bu yolla ekosisteme giren karbon ve besin maddesi. Turkish Journal of Forestry, 25(2), 156-165. https://doi.org/10.18182/tjf.1444895
AMA Sarıyıldız T. Bursa, Karacabey subasar ormanı kızılağaç meşcerelerinde yıllık döküm miktarı ve bu yolla ekosisteme giren karbon ve besin maddesi. Turkish Journal of Forestry. June 2024;25(2):156-165. doi:10.18182/tjf.1444895
Chicago Sarıyıldız, Temel. “Bursa, Karacabey Subasar Ormanı kızılağaç meşcerelerinde yıllık döküm Miktarı Ve Bu Yolla Ekosisteme Giren Karbon Ve Besin Maddesi”. Turkish Journal of Forestry 25, no. 2 (June 2024): 156-65. https://doi.org/10.18182/tjf.1444895.
EndNote Sarıyıldız T (June 1, 2024) Bursa, Karacabey subasar ormanı kızılağaç meşcerelerinde yıllık döküm miktarı ve bu yolla ekosisteme giren karbon ve besin maddesi. Turkish Journal of Forestry 25 2 156–165.
IEEE T. Sarıyıldız, “Bursa, Karacabey subasar ormanı kızılağaç meşcerelerinde yıllık döküm miktarı ve bu yolla ekosisteme giren karbon ve besin maddesi”, Turkish Journal of Forestry, vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 156–165, 2024, doi: 10.18182/tjf.1444895.
ISNAD Sarıyıldız, Temel. “Bursa, Karacabey Subasar Ormanı kızılağaç meşcerelerinde yıllık döküm Miktarı Ve Bu Yolla Ekosisteme Giren Karbon Ve Besin Maddesi”. Turkish Journal of Forestry 25/2 (June 2024), 156-165. https://doi.org/10.18182/tjf.1444895.
JAMA Sarıyıldız T. Bursa, Karacabey subasar ormanı kızılağaç meşcerelerinde yıllık döküm miktarı ve bu yolla ekosisteme giren karbon ve besin maddesi. Turkish Journal of Forestry. 2024;25:156–165.
MLA Sarıyıldız, Temel. “Bursa, Karacabey Subasar Ormanı kızılağaç meşcerelerinde yıllık döküm Miktarı Ve Bu Yolla Ekosisteme Giren Karbon Ve Besin Maddesi”. Turkish Journal of Forestry, vol. 25, no. 2, 2024, pp. 156-65, doi:10.18182/tjf.1444895.
Vancouver Sarıyıldız T. Bursa, Karacabey subasar ormanı kızılağaç meşcerelerinde yıllık döküm miktarı ve bu yolla ekosisteme giren karbon ve besin maddesi. Turkish Journal of Forestry. 2024;25(2):156-65.