Research Article
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Year 2016, Volume: 21 Issue: 1, 10 - 15, 01.06.2016



  • Alam, M.A., F. Xue, C.Y. Wang and W.Q. Ji. 2011. Powdery mildew resistance genes in wheat: identification and genetic analysis. J. Mol. Biol. Res. 1:20–39.
  • Bhullar, N.K., K. Street, M. Mackay, N. Yahiaoui and B. Keller. 2009. Unlocking wheat genetic resources for the molecular identification of previously undescribed functional alleles at the Pm3 resistance locus. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., USA. 106: 9519–9524.
  • Boyd, L.A., C. Ridout, D.M. O’Sullivan, J.E. Leach and H. Leung. 2012. Plant–pathogen interactions: disease resistance in modern agriculture.
  • Elvier, Trends in Genetics xx. 2012. 1–8.
  • Bryan, G., A. Collins, P. Stephenson, A. Orry, J. Smith and M. Gale. 1997. Isolation and characterization of microsatellites from hexaploid bread wheat. Theor. Appl. Genet. 94: 557- 563.
  • Dilbirligi, M., M. Erayman, D. Sandhu, D. Sidhu and K. S. Gill. 2004. Identification of wheat chromosomal regions containing expressed resistance genes. Genetics. 166: 461–481.
  • Gadaleta, A., A. Giancaspro, S.L. Giove, S. Zacheo, G. Mangini, R. Simeone, A. Signorile and A. Blanco. 2009. Genetic and physical mapping of new EST-derived SSRs on the A and B genome chromosomes of wheat. Theor. Appl. Genet. 118: 1015–1025.
  • Gao, H., F. Zhu, Y. Jiang, J. Wu, W. Yan, Q. Zhang, A. Jacobi and S. Cai. 2012. Genetic analysis and molecular mapping of a new powdery mildew resistant gene Pm46 in common wheat. Theor. Appl. Genet. 125: 967–973.
  • Grama, A. and Z.K. Gerechter-Amitai. 1974. Inheritance of resistance to stripe rust (Puccinia striiformis) in crosses between wild emmer (Triticum dicoccoides) and cultivated tetraploid and hexaploid wheats. II. Triticum aestivum. Euphytica. 23: 393–398.
  • Griffey, C.A., M.K. Das and E.L. Stromberg. 1993. Effectiveness of adult-plant resistance in reducing grain yield loss to powdery mildew in winter wheat. Plant Dis. 77: 618-622.
  • Hao, Y., A. Liu, Y. Wang, D. Feng, J. Gao, X. Li, S. Liu and H. Wang. 2008. Pm23: a new allele of Pm4 located on chromosome 2AL in wheat. Theor. Appl. Genet. 117: 1205– 1212.
  • Hua, W., Z.J. Liu, J. Zhu, C.J. Xie, T.M. Yang, Y.L. Zhou, X.Y. Duan, Q.X. Sun and Z.Y. Liu. 2009. Identification and genetic mapping of pm42, a new recessive wheat powdery mildew resistance gene derived from wild emmer (Triticum turgidum var. dicoccoides). Theor. Appl. Genet. 119: 223–230.
  • Jorgensen, J.H. and C.J. Jensen. 1973. Gene Pm6 for resistance to powdery mildew in wheat. Euphytica. 22:423.
  • Khan, M.T., M.I. Haque, M.Z. Kayani, A.R. Rattu and A.M. Kazi. 2012. Synthetic hexaploid wheats as a novel source of genetic diversity and resistance against yellow rust. Pak. J. Bot. 44: 1147-1152.
  • Leath, S. and K.L. Bowen. 1989. Effects of powdery mildew, triadimenol seed treatment, and triadimefon foliar sprays on yield of winter wheat in North Carolina. Phytopathol. 79: 152- 155.
  • Liu, R.H. and J.L. Meng. 2003. MapDraw: a Microsoft Excel macro for drawing genetic linkage maps based on given genetic linkage data. Hereditas. 25: 317–321.
  • Liu, Z., J. Zhu, Y. Cui, Y. Liang, H. Wu, W. Song, Q. Liu, T. Yang, Q. Sun and Z. Liu. 2011. Identification and comparative mapping of a powdery mildew resistance gene derived from wild emmer (Triticum turgidum var. dicoccoides) on chromosome 2BS. Theor. Appl. Genet. 124: 1041-1049.
  • Ma, H., Z. Kong, B. Fu, N. Li, L. Zhang, H. Jia and Z. Ma. 2011. Identification and mapping of a new powdery mildew resistance gene on chromosome 6D of common wheat. Theor. Appl. Genet. 123: 1099-106.
  • Michelmore, R.W., I. Param and R.V. Kesseli. 1991. Identification of markers linked to disease resistance genes by bulked segregant analysis: a rapid method to detect markers in specifc genomic regions using segragation population. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., USA. 88: 9828-9832.
  • Mohler, V., F.J. Zeller, G. Wenzel and S.L.K. Hsam. 2005. Chromosomal location of genes for resistance to powdery mildew in common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.em Thell.). 9. Gene MlZec1 from the Triticum dicoccoides-derived wheat line Zecoi-1. Euphytica. 142:161–167.
  • Moseman, J.G., E. Nevo, M.A. El-Morshidy and D. Zohary. 1984. Resistance of Triticum dicoccoides collected in Isreal to infection with Erysiphe gramminis tritici. Euphytica. 33: 41– 47.
  • Moseman, J.G., E. Nevo, Z.K. Gerechter-Amitai, M.A. ElMorshidy and D. ZOHARY. 1985. Resistance of Triticum dicoccoides collected in Israel to infection with Puccinia recondita tritici. Crop Sci. 25: 262–265.
  • Nevo, E., Z.K. Gerechter-Amitai and A. Beiles. 1991. Resistance of wild emmer wheat to stem rust: ecological, pathological and allozyme associations. Euphytica. 53:121–130.
  • Perugini, L.D., J.P. Murphy, D. Marshall and G. Brown-Guedira. 2008. Pm37, a new broadly effective powdery mildew resistance gene from Triticum timopheevii. Theor. Appl. Genet. 116: 417–425.
  • Piarulli, L., G. Agata, M. Giacomo, M.A. Signorile, M. Pasquini, A. Blanco and R. Simeone. 2012. Molecular identification of a new powdery mildew resistance gene on chromosome 2BS from Triticum turgidum ssp. Dicoccum. Plant Sci. 196:101- 106.
  • Riar, A.K., S. Kaur, H.S. Dhaliwal, K. Singh and P. Chhuneja. 2012. Introgression of a leaf rust resistance gene from Aegilops caudata to bread wheat. J. Genet. 91: 155–161.
  • Röder, M.S., V. Korzun, K. Wendehake, J. Plaschke, M.H. Tixer, P. Leroy and M.W. Ganal. 1998. A microsatellite map of wheat. Genetics. 149: 2007-2023.
  • Rong, J.K., E. Millet, J. Manisterski and M. Feldman. 2000. A new powdery mildew resistance gene: introgression from wild emmer into common wheat and RFLP-based mapping. Euphytica. 115:121–126.
  • Saghai-Maroof, M.A., K.M. Soliman, R.A. Jorgensen and R.W. Allard. 1984. Ribosomal DNA spacer-length polymorphisms in barley: Mendelian inheritance, chromosomal locations and population dynamics. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., USA. 81: 8014- 8018.
  • Sheng, B.Q. 1988. Grades of resistance to powdery mildew classified by different phenotypes of response in the seedling stage of wheat. Plant Prot. 1:49.
  • Singrün, C. H., S. L. K. Hsam, L. Hartl, F. J. Zeller and V. Mohler. 2003. Powdery mildew resistance gene Pm22 in cultivar Virest is a member of the complex Pm1 locus in common wheat (Triticum aestivum L. em Thell.). Theor. Appl. Genet. 106: 1420-1424.
  • Somers, D.J., P. Isaac and K. Edward. 2004. A high-density microsatellite consensus map for bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Theor. Appl. Genet. 109: 1105-1114.
  • Song, Q.J., J.R. Shi, S. Singh, E.W. Fickus, J.M. Costa, J. Lewis, B.S. Gill, R. Ward and P.B. Cregan. 2005. Development and mapping of microsatellite (SSR) markers in wheat. Theor. Appl. Genet. 110:550–560
  • Xiao, M., F. Song, J. Jiao, X. Wang, H. Xu and H. Li. 2013. Identification of the gene Pm47 on chromosome 7BS conferring resistance to powdery mildew in the Chinese wheat landrace Hongyanglazi. Theor. Appl. Genet. (DOI 10.1007/s00122-013-2060-6).
  • Xu, S., Y. Tao and Z. Yang. 2002. A simple and rapid methods used for silver staining and gel preservation. Hereditas. 24: 335-336.
  • Xue, F., C. Wang, C. Li, X. Duan, Y. Zhou, N. Zhao, Y. Wang and W. Ji. 2012. Molecular mapping of a powdery mildew resistance gene in common wheat landrace Baihulu and its allelism with Pm24. Theor. Appl. Genet. 125: 1425-1432.
  • Zhu, Z.D., R.H. Zhou, X.Y. Kong, Y.C. Dong and J.Z. Jia. 2005. Microsatellite markers linked to 2 powdery mildew resistance genes introgressed from Triticum carthlicum accession PS5 into common wheat. Genome. 48: 585–590.


Year 2016, Volume: 21 Issue: 1, 10 - 15, 01.06.2016


Common wheat line N0324, derived from the cross wild emmer (Triticum dicoccoides Thell) accession 5055 and
Shaan 253, provides effective protection to powdery mildew. Analysis of 205 individuals in the segregating F2
population generated by crossing N0324 with the susceptible cultivar Shaanyou 225 revealed that resistance in
N0324 line was controlled by a single recessive gene designated temporarily as Pm5055. Bulked segregant
analysis (BSA) and simple sequence repeats (SSRs) were used to characterize the powdery mildew resistance
gene Pm5055. Four SSR markers such as Xwmc441, Xbarc7, Xbarc13 and Xbarc55 were linked to the gene with
genetic distances of 10.6, 23, 23 and 23.9 cM, respectively. Chinese Spring nulli-tetrasomic and ditelosomic lines
were used to assign the chromosomal locations of the linked markers. The results suggested that this gene might
be located on chromosome 2B. Pm5055 can be used to diversify powdery mildew resistance sources in future
wheat breeding programs.


  • Alam, M.A., F. Xue, C.Y. Wang and W.Q. Ji. 2011. Powdery mildew resistance genes in wheat: identification and genetic analysis. J. Mol. Biol. Res. 1:20–39.
  • Bhullar, N.K., K. Street, M. Mackay, N. Yahiaoui and B. Keller. 2009. Unlocking wheat genetic resources for the molecular identification of previously undescribed functional alleles at the Pm3 resistance locus. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., USA. 106: 9519–9524.
  • Boyd, L.A., C. Ridout, D.M. O’Sullivan, J.E. Leach and H. Leung. 2012. Plant–pathogen interactions: disease resistance in modern agriculture.
  • Elvier, Trends in Genetics xx. 2012. 1–8.
  • Bryan, G., A. Collins, P. Stephenson, A. Orry, J. Smith and M. Gale. 1997. Isolation and characterization of microsatellites from hexaploid bread wheat. Theor. Appl. Genet. 94: 557- 563.
  • Dilbirligi, M., M. Erayman, D. Sandhu, D. Sidhu and K. S. Gill. 2004. Identification of wheat chromosomal regions containing expressed resistance genes. Genetics. 166: 461–481.
  • Gadaleta, A., A. Giancaspro, S.L. Giove, S. Zacheo, G. Mangini, R. Simeone, A. Signorile and A. Blanco. 2009. Genetic and physical mapping of new EST-derived SSRs on the A and B genome chromosomes of wheat. Theor. Appl. Genet. 118: 1015–1025.
  • Gao, H., F. Zhu, Y. Jiang, J. Wu, W. Yan, Q. Zhang, A. Jacobi and S. Cai. 2012. Genetic analysis and molecular mapping of a new powdery mildew resistant gene Pm46 in common wheat. Theor. Appl. Genet. 125: 967–973.
  • Grama, A. and Z.K. Gerechter-Amitai. 1974. Inheritance of resistance to stripe rust (Puccinia striiformis) in crosses between wild emmer (Triticum dicoccoides) and cultivated tetraploid and hexaploid wheats. II. Triticum aestivum. Euphytica. 23: 393–398.
  • Griffey, C.A., M.K. Das and E.L. Stromberg. 1993. Effectiveness of adult-plant resistance in reducing grain yield loss to powdery mildew in winter wheat. Plant Dis. 77: 618-622.
  • Hao, Y., A. Liu, Y. Wang, D. Feng, J. Gao, X. Li, S. Liu and H. Wang. 2008. Pm23: a new allele of Pm4 located on chromosome 2AL in wheat. Theor. Appl. Genet. 117: 1205– 1212.
  • Hua, W., Z.J. Liu, J. Zhu, C.J. Xie, T.M. Yang, Y.L. Zhou, X.Y. Duan, Q.X. Sun and Z.Y. Liu. 2009. Identification and genetic mapping of pm42, a new recessive wheat powdery mildew resistance gene derived from wild emmer (Triticum turgidum var. dicoccoides). Theor. Appl. Genet. 119: 223–230.
  • Jorgensen, J.H. and C.J. Jensen. 1973. Gene Pm6 for resistance to powdery mildew in wheat. Euphytica. 22:423.
  • Khan, M.T., M.I. Haque, M.Z. Kayani, A.R. Rattu and A.M. Kazi. 2012. Synthetic hexaploid wheats as a novel source of genetic diversity and resistance against yellow rust. Pak. J. Bot. 44: 1147-1152.
  • Leath, S. and K.L. Bowen. 1989. Effects of powdery mildew, triadimenol seed treatment, and triadimefon foliar sprays on yield of winter wheat in North Carolina. Phytopathol. 79: 152- 155.
  • Liu, R.H. and J.L. Meng. 2003. MapDraw: a Microsoft Excel macro for drawing genetic linkage maps based on given genetic linkage data. Hereditas. 25: 317–321.
  • Liu, Z., J. Zhu, Y. Cui, Y. Liang, H. Wu, W. Song, Q. Liu, T. Yang, Q. Sun and Z. Liu. 2011. Identification and comparative mapping of a powdery mildew resistance gene derived from wild emmer (Triticum turgidum var. dicoccoides) on chromosome 2BS. Theor. Appl. Genet. 124: 1041-1049.
  • Ma, H., Z. Kong, B. Fu, N. Li, L. Zhang, H. Jia and Z. Ma. 2011. Identification and mapping of a new powdery mildew resistance gene on chromosome 6D of common wheat. Theor. Appl. Genet. 123: 1099-106.
  • Michelmore, R.W., I. Param and R.V. Kesseli. 1991. Identification of markers linked to disease resistance genes by bulked segregant analysis: a rapid method to detect markers in specifc genomic regions using segragation population. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., USA. 88: 9828-9832.
  • Mohler, V., F.J. Zeller, G. Wenzel and S.L.K. Hsam. 2005. Chromosomal location of genes for resistance to powdery mildew in common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.em Thell.). 9. Gene MlZec1 from the Triticum dicoccoides-derived wheat line Zecoi-1. Euphytica. 142:161–167.
  • Moseman, J.G., E. Nevo, M.A. El-Morshidy and D. Zohary. 1984. Resistance of Triticum dicoccoides collected in Isreal to infection with Erysiphe gramminis tritici. Euphytica. 33: 41– 47.
  • Moseman, J.G., E. Nevo, Z.K. Gerechter-Amitai, M.A. ElMorshidy and D. ZOHARY. 1985. Resistance of Triticum dicoccoides collected in Israel to infection with Puccinia recondita tritici. Crop Sci. 25: 262–265.
  • Nevo, E., Z.K. Gerechter-Amitai and A. Beiles. 1991. Resistance of wild emmer wheat to stem rust: ecological, pathological and allozyme associations. Euphytica. 53:121–130.
  • Perugini, L.D., J.P. Murphy, D. Marshall and G. Brown-Guedira. 2008. Pm37, a new broadly effective powdery mildew resistance gene from Triticum timopheevii. Theor. Appl. Genet. 116: 417–425.
  • Piarulli, L., G. Agata, M. Giacomo, M.A. Signorile, M. Pasquini, A. Blanco and R. Simeone. 2012. Molecular identification of a new powdery mildew resistance gene on chromosome 2BS from Triticum turgidum ssp. Dicoccum. Plant Sci. 196:101- 106.
  • Riar, A.K., S. Kaur, H.S. Dhaliwal, K. Singh and P. Chhuneja. 2012. Introgression of a leaf rust resistance gene from Aegilops caudata to bread wheat. J. Genet. 91: 155–161.
  • Röder, M.S., V. Korzun, K. Wendehake, J. Plaschke, M.H. Tixer, P. Leroy and M.W. Ganal. 1998. A microsatellite map of wheat. Genetics. 149: 2007-2023.
  • Rong, J.K., E. Millet, J. Manisterski and M. Feldman. 2000. A new powdery mildew resistance gene: introgression from wild emmer into common wheat and RFLP-based mapping. Euphytica. 115:121–126.
  • Saghai-Maroof, M.A., K.M. Soliman, R.A. Jorgensen and R.W. Allard. 1984. Ribosomal DNA spacer-length polymorphisms in barley: Mendelian inheritance, chromosomal locations and population dynamics. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., USA. 81: 8014- 8018.
  • Sheng, B.Q. 1988. Grades of resistance to powdery mildew classified by different phenotypes of response in the seedling stage of wheat. Plant Prot. 1:49.
  • Singrün, C. H., S. L. K. Hsam, L. Hartl, F. J. Zeller and V. Mohler. 2003. Powdery mildew resistance gene Pm22 in cultivar Virest is a member of the complex Pm1 locus in common wheat (Triticum aestivum L. em Thell.). Theor. Appl. Genet. 106: 1420-1424.
  • Somers, D.J., P. Isaac and K. Edward. 2004. A high-density microsatellite consensus map for bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Theor. Appl. Genet. 109: 1105-1114.
  • Song, Q.J., J.R. Shi, S. Singh, E.W. Fickus, J.M. Costa, J. Lewis, B.S. Gill, R. Ward and P.B. Cregan. 2005. Development and mapping of microsatellite (SSR) markers in wheat. Theor. Appl. Genet. 110:550–560
  • Xiao, M., F. Song, J. Jiao, X. Wang, H. Xu and H. Li. 2013. Identification of the gene Pm47 on chromosome 7BS conferring resistance to powdery mildew in the Chinese wheat landrace Hongyanglazi. Theor. Appl. Genet. (DOI 10.1007/s00122-013-2060-6).
  • Xu, S., Y. Tao and Z. Yang. 2002. A simple and rapid methods used for silver staining and gel preservation. Hereditas. 24: 335-336.
  • Xue, F., C. Wang, C. Li, X. Duan, Y. Zhou, N. Zhao, Y. Wang and W. Ji. 2012. Molecular mapping of a powdery mildew resistance gene in common wheat landrace Baihulu and its allelism with Pm24. Theor. Appl. Genet. 125: 1425-1432.
  • Zhu, Z.D., R.H. Zhou, X.Y. Kong, Y.C. Dong and J.Z. Jia. 2005. Microsatellite markers linked to 2 powdery mildew resistance genes introgressed from Triticum carthlicum accession PS5 into common wheat. Genome. 48: 585–590.
There are 37 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Mamoudou Saıdou This is me

Changyou Wang This is me

Md. Ashraful Alam This is me

Chunhuan Chen This is me

Wanquan Jı This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 21 Issue: 1


APA Saıdou, M., Wang, C., Alam, M. A., Chen, C., et al. (2016). GENETIC ANALYSIS OF POWDERY MILDEW RESISTANCE GENE USING SSR MARKERS IN COMMON WHEAT ORIGINATED FROM WILD EMMER (Triticum dicoccoides Thell). Turkish Journal Of Field Crops, 21(1), 10-15.

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