Tetanus is an acutely developed, rarely observed disease that can be fatal in older age and is caused by neurotoxins. Our case was a 61- year old male patient who developed generalized tetanus with trismus, opistotonus, risus sardonicus, abdominal rigidity and ultimately remained sequelae. With our case report, it is aimed to draw attention to the importance of tetanus prophylaxis and adult immunization in those with an unknown history of past vaccination and a history of contact with foreign bodies from injury or mucousa /open wound.
1. Doğan G, Kayır S, Ekici AA, Aşıcı E. Mortal seyreden tetanoz vakası: olgu sunumu. Kocaeli Medical J. 2017; 6(2): 52-5.
2. Güneysel Ö, Sarıtemur M. Tetanoz: Klinik yaklaşım ve korunma. Akademik Acil Tıp Dergisi. 2006;4: 48-53.
3. Brook I. Current concepts in the management of Clostridium tetani infection. Expert Rev Anti Infect Ther. 2008; 6(3): 327-36. PMID: 18588497
4. Saltoglu N, Tasova Y, Midikli D, Burgut R, Dundar IH. Prognostic factors affecting deaths from adult tetanus. Clin Microbiol Infect. 2004; 10(3): 229–33. PMID: 15008944
5. Geyik MF. Tetanoz ve immunizasyon. Dicle Tıp Derg. 2001;28(2):37-44.
6. Arslan-Gülen T, Destegül D, Ortaköylü-Kılıçkaya R, İmre A, Atan-Uçar Z, Kayabaş Ü. Adult tetanus with fatal course: A case report. Klimik Derg. 2019; 32(2): 200-2.
7. Ergonul O, Erbay A, Eren S, Dokuzoguz B. Analysis of the case fatality rate of tetanus among adults in a tertiary hospital in Turkey. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis. 2003; 22: 188-90.
8. Pavani R, Bleck TP. Clostridium tetani (tetanus). In: Mandell GL, Bennett JE, Dolin R, editors. Mandell, Douglas, and Bennett’s Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases. 7th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Churchill Livingstone Elsevier; 2010.p.3091-6.
9. Martha H, Steven GF, Heather M, et al. Tetanus toxoid. In: Plotkin S, Orenstein W, Offit P, Edwards KM, editors. Plotkin’s Vaccines. 7th ed. Philadelphia; Elsevier; 2017.p.1052-79.
10. Parlak E, Ertürk A, Sevgili-Çağ Y. Happy ending in two elderly patients with generalized tetanus. Turk Hij Den Biyol Derg. 2015;72(4): 317-22.
11. Tosun S, Batirel A, Oluk AI, et al. Tetanus in adults: results of the multicenter ID-IRI study. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis. 2017;36(8): 1455-62.
12. Temoçin F, Köse H, Sarı S. A case of generalized tetanus with a short incubation period. Klimik Derg. 2018; 31(1): 64-6.
Bir Palyatif Bakım Servisi’nde Takip Edilen Tetanoz Olgusu
Tetanoz, akut gelişen, nadir izlenen, ileri yaşlarda ölümcül seyredebilen ve nörotoksinlerle oluşan bir hastalıktır. Olgumuz, 61 yaşında, trismus, opistotonus, risus sardonicus, abdominal rijidite bulguları ile jeneralize tetanoz gelişen ve sonuçta sekel kalan erkek bir hastaydı. Olgu sunumumuz ile geçmiş aşılama öyküsü bilinmeyen, yaralanma veya mukozadan/açık yaradan yabancı cisim ile temas öyküsü olanlarda tetanoz profilaksisinin ve erişkin bağışıklamasının önemine dikkat çekmek amaçlanmıştır.
1. Doğan G, Kayır S, Ekici AA, Aşıcı E. Mortal seyreden tetanoz vakası: olgu sunumu. Kocaeli Medical J. 2017; 6(2): 52-5.
2. Güneysel Ö, Sarıtemur M. Tetanoz: Klinik yaklaşım ve korunma. Akademik Acil Tıp Dergisi. 2006;4: 48-53.
3. Brook I. Current concepts in the management of Clostridium tetani infection. Expert Rev Anti Infect Ther. 2008; 6(3): 327-36. PMID: 18588497
4. Saltoglu N, Tasova Y, Midikli D, Burgut R, Dundar IH. Prognostic factors affecting deaths from adult tetanus. Clin Microbiol Infect. 2004; 10(3): 229–33. PMID: 15008944
5. Geyik MF. Tetanoz ve immunizasyon. Dicle Tıp Derg. 2001;28(2):37-44.
6. Arslan-Gülen T, Destegül D, Ortaköylü-Kılıçkaya R, İmre A, Atan-Uçar Z, Kayabaş Ü. Adult tetanus with fatal course: A case report. Klimik Derg. 2019; 32(2): 200-2.
7. Ergonul O, Erbay A, Eren S, Dokuzoguz B. Analysis of the case fatality rate of tetanus among adults in a tertiary hospital in Turkey. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis. 2003; 22: 188-90.
8. Pavani R, Bleck TP. Clostridium tetani (tetanus). In: Mandell GL, Bennett JE, Dolin R, editors. Mandell, Douglas, and Bennett’s Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases. 7th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Churchill Livingstone Elsevier; 2010.p.3091-6.
9. Martha H, Steven GF, Heather M, et al. Tetanus toxoid. In: Plotkin S, Orenstein W, Offit P, Edwards KM, editors. Plotkin’s Vaccines. 7th ed. Philadelphia; Elsevier; 2017.p.1052-79.
10. Parlak E, Ertürk A, Sevgili-Çağ Y. Happy ending in two elderly patients with generalized tetanus. Turk Hij Den Biyol Derg. 2015;72(4): 317-22.
11. Tosun S, Batirel A, Oluk AI, et al. Tetanus in adults: results of the multicenter ID-IRI study. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis. 2017;36(8): 1455-62.
12. Temoçin F, Köse H, Sarı S. A case of generalized tetanus with a short incubation period. Klimik Derg. 2018; 31(1): 64-6.
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