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Menopozal dönemin Meleis’in Geçiş Teorisi’ne göre incelenmesi

Year 2020, Volume: 14 Issue: 4, 676 - 685, 20.12.2020


İnsan hayatında büyüme ve gelişmenin normal akışı içinde pek çok geçiş dönemi vardır. Kadın hayatındaki gelişimsel evrelerin en önemlilerinden biri olan ve üreme çağından, üreme yeteneğinin kaybolduğu döneme geçiş olarak tanımlanan evreye menopozal dönem denir. Bu dönemde kadının hayatında sadece biyolojik değişimler olmaz, aynı zamanda sosyal ve psikolojik değişimler de meydana gelir. Menopozal dönemde başarılı bir geçişin sağlanması için teoriler rehberliğinde girişimlerin planlanması ve uygulanması daha etkili sağlık çıktılarına ulaşmada önemlidir. Meleis Geçiş Teorisi’ni açıklarken çeşitli geçişler yaşayan bireylere yardım etmenin, bireylerin gelişimsel, durumsal, sağlık/hastalık ve kurumsal geçişlerde desteklenmesinin önemini vurgulamaktadır. Sağlık profesyonelleri geçiş sürecinde birey, aile ve toplumu desteklemeli, semptomları iyileştirmeli, sağlığı geliştirmeli ve öz bakım aktivitelerini destekleyerek geçiş ile baş etmeye yardım etmelidir. Yaşanan geçiş sürecini anlamak, bireyin ihtiyaçlarını ve karşılaşabileceği riskleri belirlemek ve iyilik halini yükseltmeye yönelik etkili girişimler planlamak için teoriler kullanılması başarıya ulaşmayı kolaylaştıracaktır. Bu derlemede menopozal dönemdeki kadınların menopozal geçişlerinin Meleis’in Geçiş Teorisine göre incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır.

Supporting Institution


Project Number





  • 1. Perry SE, Lowdermilk DL. Maternity and Womens Health Care, Eighth Edition. USA, Mosby,2004;205-350.
  • 2. Hotun Şahin N. Klimakteryum Dönemi ve Menopoz. (Ed. Kızılkaya Beji). Kadın sağlığı ve hastalıkları. İstanbul, Nobel kitapevleri, 2015;1-650.
  • 3. Bener A, Falah A. A measurement specific quality of life satisfaction during premenopause, perimenopause and postmenopause in Arabian Qatari women. J Midlife Health.2014;5:126-134.
  • 4. Taşkın L. Doğum ve Kadın Sağlığı Hemşireliği. XIII. Baskı. Ankara, Reaksiyon matbaacılık, 2016.1-562.
  • 5. Meleis AI. Transitions Theory: Middle-Range and Situation-Specific Theories in nursing research and practice. New York, Springer Publishing Company, 2010;16-616.
  • 6. Meleis AI, Sawyer LM, Im EO, Hilfinger M, Deanne K, Schumacher K. Experiencing transitions: an emerging middle-range theory. Advances in NursingScience. 2000;23:12-28.
  • 7. Bekmezci H, Hamlacı Y, Özerdoğan N. Meleis’in geçiş kuramına dayalı postpartum dönemde bakım. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi.2016;5(4):101-106.
  • 8. Ertem, G. Kadınların menopoz sonrası yaşam kalitelerinin incelenmesi. Uluslararası İnsan Bilimleri Dergisi. 2010;7(1):469-483.
  • 9. Reed PG, Shearer NBC. Perspectives on nursingtheory (6th ed.). Lippincott Williams &Wilkins, Philadelphia, 2012;1-250.
  • 10. Munck B, Björklund A, Jansson I, Lundberg K, Wagman P. Adulthood transitions in health and welfare; a literature review. Nursing open.2018;5(3):254-260.
  • 11. Im EO, Meleis AI. A situation-specific theory of Korean immigrant women’s menopausal transition. Journal of Nursing Scholarship.1999;31(4):333-338.
  • 12. Greendale GA, Ishii S, Huang MH, Karlamangla AS. Predicting the timeline to the final menstrual period: The study of women’s health across the nation. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. 2013;98(4):1483-1491.
  • 13. Mitchell ES, Woods NF. Correlates of urinary incontinence during the menopausal transition and early postmenopause: Observations from the Seattle midlife women’s health study. Climacteric. 2013;16(6):653–662.
  • 14. Allen T, Williams LD. An approachto life skills group work with youth in transition to independent living: The oretical, practice and operational considerations. Residential Treatment for Children&Youth, 2012;29(4): 324–342.
  • 15. Wardrop A, Popadiuk N. Women’s experiences with postpartum anxiety: Expectations, relationships and sociocultural influences. Qualitative Report.2013;28(3):1-24.
  • 16. Fegran L, Hall EO, Uhrenfeldt L, Aagaard H, Ludvigsen MS. Adolescents’ and young adults’ transition experiences when transferring from paediatric to adult care: a qualitativemetasynthesis. International Journal of NursingStudies.2014;51(1):123-135.
  • 17. Butterworth P, Leach LS, Strazdins L, Olesen SC, Rodgers B, Broom DH. The psychosocial quality of work determines whether employment has benefits for mental health: Results from a longitudinal national household panel survey. Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 2011;68(11): 806-812.
  • 18. Calvo E, Sarkisian N, Tamborini CR. Causal effects of retirement timing on subjective physical and emotional health. Journals of Gerontology. 2013;68(1): 73–84.
  • 19. Hewitt B, Turrell G, Giskes K. Maritalloss, mental health and the role of perceived social support: Findings from six waves of an Australian population based panel study. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. 2012; 66(4): 308–314.
  • 20. Salmela-Aro K. Academic expectations and well-being from school to work during the economic downturn. New Dir Youth Dev. 2012;135: 57-64.
  • 21. Im EO. Meleis AI: TransitionTheory. InAlligood MR, Torry AM. (Eds.) Nursing theorists and their work. 6th ed., Mosby-Elsevier. Philadelphia, 2006;378-395.
  • 22. Im EO, Young K, Chee E, Chee W. A cluster analysis on midlife women's sleep-related symptoms: racial/ethnic differences. Menopause. 2015;22(11): 1182-1189.
  • 23. Schumacher K, Meleis AI. Transitions: A centralconcept in nursing.Journal of NursingScholarship. 1994;26(2):119–127.
  • 24. Coleman DA. The lived experience of nurses transitioning from personal bereavement to providers of compassionate nursing care. Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing, Azusa Pacific University, California,2016;18-25.
  • 25. Will CI, Fowles W. Woman to woman: complementary therapy use in menopause. Journal of Holistic Nursing. 2003;21(4): 368-382.
  • 26. Im EO, Meleis AI. Meanings of Menopause to Korean Immigrant Women. Western Journal of Nursing Research. 2000;22(1): 84-102.
  • 27. Skarsater I, Willman A. The recovery process in major depression an analysis employing Meleis’ Transition Frame work for deeper understanding as a foundation for nursing interventions. Advances in NursingScience.2006;29(3):245-259.
  • 28. Im EO. A situation-specific theory of Asian immigrant women’s menopausal symptom experience in the U.S. ANS AdvNursSci. 2010;33(2):143-157.
  • 29. Lenz B. The Transition from adolescence to young adulthood: A theoretical perspective. The Journal of School Nursing. 2001;17(6):300-306.
  • 30. Rotem M, Kushnir T, Levine R, Ehrenfeld M. A psycho‐educational program for improving women's attitudes and coping with menopause symptoms. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, &NeonatalNursing. 2005;34(2): 233-240.
  • 31. Ertekin Pınar Ş, Yıldırım G, Duran Aksoy Ö, Cesur B. A problem peculiar to women: Mental health in menopause. International Journal of Human Sciences. 2015;12(2): 787-798.
  • 32. Karakoç H, Özerdoğan N, Kul Uçtu A. Menopozla ilgili genitoüriner sendrom. Jinekoloji - Obstetrik ve Neonatoloji Tıp Dergisi. 2017;14(3): 122-126.
  • 33. Gözüyeşil E, Başer M. Menopozal dönemde yaşanan vazomotor yakınmaların günlük yaşam aktiviteleri üzerine etkisi. Anadolu Hemşirelik ve Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi.2016;19(4): 261-268.
  • 34. Özer Ü, Gözükara F. Şanlıurfa’da kadınların menopozla ilgili yaşadıkları sorunların, baş etme yollarının ve bakış açılarının belirlenmesi. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Fakültesi Dergisi.2016;16–26.
  • 35. Eftekhar T, Dashti M, Shariat M, Haghollahi F, Raisi F, Ghahghaei-Nezamabadi A. Female sexual function during the menopausal transition in a group of Iranian women. Journal of Family&Reproductive Health; 2016; 10(2):52-58.
  • 36. Höbek Akarsu R, Kuş B. Menapozal sıcak basması kontrolünde kullanılan nonfarmakolojik yöntemler. GÜSBD.2017;6(2):104-112.
  • 37. Uludağ A, Çakır Güngör AN, Gencer M, Şahin EM, Coşar E. Kadınların hayatındaki başka bir dönem: Menopoz ve menopozun yaşam kalitesine etkisi. Türk Aile Hek Dergi. 2014;18(1): 25-30.
  • 38. Irmak Vural P, Balcı Yaygın H. Menopoz algısı: Türk ve Alman kadınların karşılaştırılması. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi. 2016;5(3): 7-15.
  • 39. Zıvdır P, Sohbet R. Menopozdaki kadınların suçluluk ve utanç duygularının yaşam kalitesine etkisi. Medical Sciences. 2017;12(1):1-9.
  • 40. Ramsay P, Huby G, Thompson A, Walsh T. Intensive care survivors' experiences of ward‐basedcare: Meleis' theory of nursing transitions and role development among critical care outreach services. Journal of Clinical Nursing. 2014;23(5-6):605-615.
  • 41. Brisini KSC, Solomon DH, Nussbaum J. Transitions in marriage: Types, turbulence, and transition processing activities. Journal of Socialand Personal Relationships.2018;35(6): 831-853.
  • 42. Meleis AI. Theoretical Nursing Development andProgress. Fifth Edition. Wolters Kluwer Health Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. 2012;407-426.
  • 43. Smith-Dijulio K, Woods NF, Mitchell ES. Well-being during the menopausal transition and early postmenopause a within-stage analysis. Women’s Health Issues.2008;18:310-318.
  • 44. Im EO. Situation-specific theories from the middle-range transitions theory. Advances in Nursing Science.2014;37(1):19-31.

Examination of the menopausal period according to Meleis' Theory of Transition

Year 2020, Volume: 14 Issue: 4, 676 - 685, 20.12.2020


There are many transitional periods in the normal flow of growth and development in human life. The phase, which is one of the most important developmental stages in women's life and defined as the transition from the reproductive age to the period in which the reproductive ability is lost, is called the menopausal period. During this period, not only biological changes, but also social and psychological changes occur in the life of the woman. In order to ensure a successful transition in the menopausal period, planning and implementing initiatives under the guidance of theories is important in achieving more effective health outcomes. While explaining the Transition Theory, Meleis emphasizes the importance of helping individuals with various transitions, supporting individuals in developmental, situational, health / illness and organizational transitions. Health professionals should support the individual, family and community during the transition process, improve symptoms, improve health, and support coping with self-care activities. Using theories to understand the transition process, identify the needs and risks of the individual, and plan effective interventions to improve well-being will facilitate success. In this review, it is aimed to examine the menopausal transition of women in menopausal period according to Meleis' Transition Theory.

Project Number



  • 1. Perry SE, Lowdermilk DL. Maternity and Womens Health Care, Eighth Edition. USA, Mosby,2004;205-350.
  • 2. Hotun Şahin N. Klimakteryum Dönemi ve Menopoz. (Ed. Kızılkaya Beji). Kadın sağlığı ve hastalıkları. İstanbul, Nobel kitapevleri, 2015;1-650.
  • 3. Bener A, Falah A. A measurement specific quality of life satisfaction during premenopause, perimenopause and postmenopause in Arabian Qatari women. J Midlife Health.2014;5:126-134.
  • 4. Taşkın L. Doğum ve Kadın Sağlığı Hemşireliği. XIII. Baskı. Ankara, Reaksiyon matbaacılık, 2016.1-562.
  • 5. Meleis AI. Transitions Theory: Middle-Range and Situation-Specific Theories in nursing research and practice. New York, Springer Publishing Company, 2010;16-616.
  • 6. Meleis AI, Sawyer LM, Im EO, Hilfinger M, Deanne K, Schumacher K. Experiencing transitions: an emerging middle-range theory. Advances in NursingScience. 2000;23:12-28.
  • 7. Bekmezci H, Hamlacı Y, Özerdoğan N. Meleis’in geçiş kuramına dayalı postpartum dönemde bakım. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi.2016;5(4):101-106.
  • 8. Ertem, G. Kadınların menopoz sonrası yaşam kalitelerinin incelenmesi. Uluslararası İnsan Bilimleri Dergisi. 2010;7(1):469-483.
  • 9. Reed PG, Shearer NBC. Perspectives on nursingtheory (6th ed.). Lippincott Williams &Wilkins, Philadelphia, 2012;1-250.
  • 10. Munck B, Björklund A, Jansson I, Lundberg K, Wagman P. Adulthood transitions in health and welfare; a literature review. Nursing open.2018;5(3):254-260.
  • 11. Im EO, Meleis AI. A situation-specific theory of Korean immigrant women’s menopausal transition. Journal of Nursing Scholarship.1999;31(4):333-338.
  • 12. Greendale GA, Ishii S, Huang MH, Karlamangla AS. Predicting the timeline to the final menstrual period: The study of women’s health across the nation. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. 2013;98(4):1483-1491.
  • 13. Mitchell ES, Woods NF. Correlates of urinary incontinence during the menopausal transition and early postmenopause: Observations from the Seattle midlife women’s health study. Climacteric. 2013;16(6):653–662.
  • 14. Allen T, Williams LD. An approachto life skills group work with youth in transition to independent living: The oretical, practice and operational considerations. Residential Treatment for Children&Youth, 2012;29(4): 324–342.
  • 15. Wardrop A, Popadiuk N. Women’s experiences with postpartum anxiety: Expectations, relationships and sociocultural influences. Qualitative Report.2013;28(3):1-24.
  • 16. Fegran L, Hall EO, Uhrenfeldt L, Aagaard H, Ludvigsen MS. Adolescents’ and young adults’ transition experiences when transferring from paediatric to adult care: a qualitativemetasynthesis. International Journal of NursingStudies.2014;51(1):123-135.
  • 17. Butterworth P, Leach LS, Strazdins L, Olesen SC, Rodgers B, Broom DH. The psychosocial quality of work determines whether employment has benefits for mental health: Results from a longitudinal national household panel survey. Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 2011;68(11): 806-812.
  • 18. Calvo E, Sarkisian N, Tamborini CR. Causal effects of retirement timing on subjective physical and emotional health. Journals of Gerontology. 2013;68(1): 73–84.
  • 19. Hewitt B, Turrell G, Giskes K. Maritalloss, mental health and the role of perceived social support: Findings from six waves of an Australian population based panel study. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. 2012; 66(4): 308–314.
  • 20. Salmela-Aro K. Academic expectations and well-being from school to work during the economic downturn. New Dir Youth Dev. 2012;135: 57-64.
  • 21. Im EO. Meleis AI: TransitionTheory. InAlligood MR, Torry AM. (Eds.) Nursing theorists and their work. 6th ed., Mosby-Elsevier. Philadelphia, 2006;378-395.
  • 22. Im EO, Young K, Chee E, Chee W. A cluster analysis on midlife women's sleep-related symptoms: racial/ethnic differences. Menopause. 2015;22(11): 1182-1189.
  • 23. Schumacher K, Meleis AI. Transitions: A centralconcept in nursing.Journal of NursingScholarship. 1994;26(2):119–127.
  • 24. Coleman DA. The lived experience of nurses transitioning from personal bereavement to providers of compassionate nursing care. Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing, Azusa Pacific University, California,2016;18-25.
  • 25. Will CI, Fowles W. Woman to woman: complementary therapy use in menopause. Journal of Holistic Nursing. 2003;21(4): 368-382.
  • 26. Im EO, Meleis AI. Meanings of Menopause to Korean Immigrant Women. Western Journal of Nursing Research. 2000;22(1): 84-102.
  • 27. Skarsater I, Willman A. The recovery process in major depression an analysis employing Meleis’ Transition Frame work for deeper understanding as a foundation for nursing interventions. Advances in NursingScience.2006;29(3):245-259.
  • 28. Im EO. A situation-specific theory of Asian immigrant women’s menopausal symptom experience in the U.S. ANS AdvNursSci. 2010;33(2):143-157.
  • 29. Lenz B. The Transition from adolescence to young adulthood: A theoretical perspective. The Journal of School Nursing. 2001;17(6):300-306.
  • 30. Rotem M, Kushnir T, Levine R, Ehrenfeld M. A psycho‐educational program for improving women's attitudes and coping with menopause symptoms. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, &NeonatalNursing. 2005;34(2): 233-240.
  • 31. Ertekin Pınar Ş, Yıldırım G, Duran Aksoy Ö, Cesur B. A problem peculiar to women: Mental health in menopause. International Journal of Human Sciences. 2015;12(2): 787-798.
  • 32. Karakoç H, Özerdoğan N, Kul Uçtu A. Menopozla ilgili genitoüriner sendrom. Jinekoloji - Obstetrik ve Neonatoloji Tıp Dergisi. 2017;14(3): 122-126.
  • 33. Gözüyeşil E, Başer M. Menopozal dönemde yaşanan vazomotor yakınmaların günlük yaşam aktiviteleri üzerine etkisi. Anadolu Hemşirelik ve Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi.2016;19(4): 261-268.
  • 34. Özer Ü, Gözükara F. Şanlıurfa’da kadınların menopozla ilgili yaşadıkları sorunların, baş etme yollarının ve bakış açılarının belirlenmesi. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Fakültesi Dergisi.2016;16–26.
  • 35. Eftekhar T, Dashti M, Shariat M, Haghollahi F, Raisi F, Ghahghaei-Nezamabadi A. Female sexual function during the menopausal transition in a group of Iranian women. Journal of Family&Reproductive Health; 2016; 10(2):52-58.
  • 36. Höbek Akarsu R, Kuş B. Menapozal sıcak basması kontrolünde kullanılan nonfarmakolojik yöntemler. GÜSBD.2017;6(2):104-112.
  • 37. Uludağ A, Çakır Güngör AN, Gencer M, Şahin EM, Coşar E. Kadınların hayatındaki başka bir dönem: Menopoz ve menopozun yaşam kalitesine etkisi. Türk Aile Hek Dergi. 2014;18(1): 25-30.
  • 38. Irmak Vural P, Balcı Yaygın H. Menopoz algısı: Türk ve Alman kadınların karşılaştırılması. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi. 2016;5(3): 7-15.
  • 39. Zıvdır P, Sohbet R. Menopozdaki kadınların suçluluk ve utanç duygularının yaşam kalitesine etkisi. Medical Sciences. 2017;12(1):1-9.
  • 40. Ramsay P, Huby G, Thompson A, Walsh T. Intensive care survivors' experiences of ward‐basedcare: Meleis' theory of nursing transitions and role development among critical care outreach services. Journal of Clinical Nursing. 2014;23(5-6):605-615.
  • 41. Brisini KSC, Solomon DH, Nussbaum J. Transitions in marriage: Types, turbulence, and transition processing activities. Journal of Socialand Personal Relationships.2018;35(6): 831-853.
  • 42. Meleis AI. Theoretical Nursing Development andProgress. Fifth Edition. Wolters Kluwer Health Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. 2012;407-426.
  • 43. Smith-Dijulio K, Woods NF, Mitchell ES. Well-being during the menopausal transition and early postmenopause a within-stage analysis. Women’s Health Issues.2008;18:310-318.
  • 44. Im EO. Situation-specific theories from the middle-range transitions theory. Advances in Nursing Science.2014;37(1):19-31.
There are 44 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Review

Aslıhan Ozturk Eyimaya 0000-0001-7932-8567

Ayfer Tezel 0000-0001-6370-883X

Project Number -
Publication Date December 20, 2020
Submission Date April 20, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 14 Issue: 4


Vancouver Ozturk Eyimaya A, Tezel A. Menopozal dönemin Meleis’in Geçiş Teorisi’ne göre incelenmesi. TJFMPC. 2020;14(4):676-85.

English or Turkish manuscripts from authors with new knowledge to contribute to understanding and improving health and primary care are welcome. 

Turkish Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care © 2024 by Academy of Family Medicine Association is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0