Research Article
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Mammography-Related Pain and Anxiety in Turkish Women: A Cross-sectional Study

Year 2021, Volume: 15 Issue: 1, 78 - 84, 09.03.2021


Objective: This study was carried out to determine mammography-related pain and anxiety level among women. Methods: A cross-sectional study conducted was on 222 women at the Mammography Unit of Department of Radiology in a tertiary-care hospital in Turkey. Visual Analog Scale and State-Trait Anxiety Inventory and a survey form were used in the study. Results: Women in this study was determined that 70.7% experienced pain during mammography. About a quarter of women describe mammography as a painful procedure. Mammography-related pain level was found to be at the 38.40 ± 22.46 and “moderate” level among the participants. It was determined that women during mammography experienced mean 40.0 and "mild" anxiety level. There was no statistically significant difference between the frequency of pain and anxiety. Conclusion: It is the important duty of health professionals to minimize the pain experienced by women during mammography and to prevent pain from being an obstacle to mammography.

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Project Number



The authors would like to thank the participants of women in this study.


  • 1. Bray F, Ferlay J, Soerjomararam I, Siegel RL, Torre LA, Jemal A. Global cancer statistic 2018: GLOBOCAN estimates of incidence and mortality worldwide for 36 cancers in 185 countries. CA Cancer J Clin. 2018; 68(6):394-424. doi: 10.3322/caac.21492.
  • 2. Özkan S, Keskinkılıç B, Gültekin M, Karaca AS, Öztürk C, Boztaş G, et al. Turkey Cancer Control Programme 2013-2018. Turkey Public Health Agency Publishing, 2016; p.20,46. Anıl Reklam Matbaa Ltd. Şti.
  • 3. Lee JY, Tsai WM. Pain during mammography: a review of its causes and resolution. Fu-Jen Journal of Medicine 2011;9(4): 199-205.
  • 4. Alteri R, Kalidas M, Ogoro C. American Cancer Society Guidelines for the Early Detection of Cancer. [Internet]: [cited July 06, 2020] Available Forme.
  • 5. Almog R, Hagoel L, Tamir A, Barnett O, Rennert G. Quality control in a National Program for the Early Detection of Breast Cancer: women’s satisfaction with the mammography process. Women's Health Issues 2008; 18(2): 110-117.
  • 6. Dincel E, Kısmet K, Erel S, Sunay D, Sahin M, Tasova V, et al. Factors affecting the first mammography age. Journal of Breast Health 2010; 6(3):113-117.
  • 7. Leong H, Heng R, Emmanuel S. Survey on mammographic screening among women aged 40 to 65 years old at polyclinics. Singapore Medical Journal 2007; 48(1): 34-40.
  • 8. Yılmaz M, Kıymaz O. Anxiety and pain associated with process mammography: influence of process information before. The Journal of Breast Health 2010; 6(2): 62-68.
  • 9. Bener A, Honein G, Carter AO, Da'ar Z, Miller C, Dunn EV. The determinants of breast cancer screening behavior: a focus group study of women in the United Arab Emirates. Oncology Nursing Forum 2002; 29(9):91-98. doi:10.1188/02.ONF.E91-E98.
  • 10. Hafslund B. Mammography and the experience of pain and anxiety. Radiography 2000; 6(4): 269-272. doi: 10.1053/radi.2000.0281.
  • 11. Uchiyama M, Lee Y, Sadakata M, Sayama M, Tsai DY. Measurement of muscle activities for evaluating physical burden and pain during mammography positioning. Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine 2012; 228(1): 53-58. doi:10.1620/tjem.228.53.
  • 12. Whelehan P, Evans A, Wells M, MacGillivray S. The effect of mammography pain on repeat participation in breast cancer screening: a systematic review. The Breast 2013; 22(4): 389-394. doi: 10.1016/j.breast.2013.03.003.
  • 13. Tsai HW, Twu NF, Ko CC, Yen MS, Yang MJ, Chao KC, et al. Compliance with screening mammography and breast sonography of young Asian women. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 2011; 157(1), 89-93. doi: 10.1016/j.ejogrb.2011.02.010.
  • 14. Clark S, Reeves PJ. Women's experiences of mammography: a thematic evaluation of the literature. Radiography 2015; 21(1):84-88. doi:10.1016/j.radi.2014.06.010.
  • 15. Ozer FG, Karamanoglu AY, Sahin S. Anxiety level and descriptive features of women requesting mammography at early diagnosis center. TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin 2009; 8(4), 333-338.
  • 16. Price DD, Bush FM, Long S, Harkins SW. A comparison of pain measurement characteristics of mechanical visual analogue and simple numerical rating scales. Pain 1994; 56(2): 217-226. doi:10.1016/0304-3959(94)90097-3.
  • 17. Oner N, Le Compte A. Durumluk-Sürekli Kaygı Envanteri El Kitabı (Handbook of state-trait anxiety inventory). Bogaziçi Universitesi Publications 1985; p:51-68, Istanbul, Turkey.
  • 18. Aro AR, Absetz-Ylöstalo P, Eerola T, Pamilo M, Lönnqvist J. Pain and discomfort during mammography. European Journal of Cancer 1996; 32A(10): 1674-1679. 19. Asghari A, Nicholas MK. Pain during mammography: the role of coping strategies. Pain 2004; 108(1-2), 170-179. doi:10.1016/j.pain.2003.12.022.
  • 20. Bruyninckx E, Mortelmans D, Van Goethem M, Van Hove E. Risk factors of pain in mammographic screening. Social Science & Medicine 1999; 49(7): 933-941. doi: 10.1016/s0277-9536(99)00181-1.
  • 21. Drossaert C, Boer H, Seydel E. Monitoring women's experiences during three rounds of breast cancer screening: results from a longitudinal study. Journal of Medical Screening 2002; 9(4): 168-175. doi:10.1136/jms.9.4.168.
  • 22. Van Goethem M, Mortelmans D, Bruyninckx E, Verslegers I, Biltjes I, Van Hove E, et al. Influence of the radiographer on the pain felt during mammography. European Radiology 2003; 13(10): 2384-2389. doi:10.1007/s00330-002-1686-6.
  • 23. Dullum JR, Lewis EC, Mayer JA. Rates and correlates of discomfort associated with mammography. Radiology 2000; 214(2): 547-552. doi: 10.1148/radiology.214.2.r00fe23547.
  • 24. Alimoglu E, Alimoglu MK, Kabaalioglu A, Ceken K, Apaydın A, Lüleci E. Pain and anxiety due to mammography. Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology 2004; 10(3): 213-217.
  • 25. Gupta R, Nayak M, Khoursheed M, Roy S, Behbehani A. Pain during mammography: impact of breast pathologies and demographic factors. Medical Principles and Practice 2003; 12(3): 180-183. doi:10.1159/000070756.
  • 26. Kashikar-Zuck S, Keefe FJ, Kornguth P, Beaupre P, Holzberg A, Delong D. Pain coping and the pain experience during mammography: a preliminary study. Pain 1997; 73(2): 165-172. doi:10.1016/s0304-3959(97)00114-0
  • 27. Keemers-Gels ME, Groenendijk RP, van den Heuvel JH, Boetes C, Peer PG, Wobbes TH. Pain experienced by women attending breast cancer screening. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 2000; 60(3):235-240.
  • 28. Kornguth PJ, Keefe FJ, Wright KR, Delong DM. Mammography pain in women treated conservatively for breast cancer. The Journal of Pain 2000; 1(4): 268-274. doi:10.1054/jpai.2000.7884.
  • 29. Fernández-Feito A, Lana A, Cabello-Gutiérrez L, Franco-Correia S, Baldonedo-Cernuda R, Mosteiro-Díaz P. Face-to-face information and emotional support from trained nurses reduce pain during screening mammography: results from a randomized controlled trial. Pain Management Nursing 2015;16(6): 862-870. doi: 10.1016/j.pmn.2015.07.008.
  • 30. Armstrong K, Moye E, Williams S, Berlin JA, Reynolds EE. Screening mammography in women 40 to 49 years of age: a systematic review for the American college of physicians. Annals of Internal Medicine 2007; 146(7):516-526.
  • 31. Arslan S, Nazik E, Uzun O, Torun S, Taylan S. Evaluation of pre-procedure anxiety levels for undergoing mammography women. HealthMED 2012; 6(4): 1182-1186.
  • 32. Hafslund B, Espehaug B, Nortvedt MW. Health-related quality of life, anxiety and depression related to mammography screening in Norway. Journal of Clinical Nursing 2012; 21(21-22):3223-3234. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2702.2012.04244.x.
  • 33. Mainiero MB, Schepps B, Clements NC, Bird CE. Mammography-related anxiety: effect of preprocedural patient education. Women's Health Issues 2001; 11(2):110-115. doi:10.1016/s1049-3867(00)00071-2.
  • 34. Beesdo K, Jacobi F, Hoyer J, Low NC, Höfler M, Wittchen HU. Pain associated with specific anxiety and depressive disorders in a nationally representative population sample. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology 2010; 45(1):89-104. doi: 10.1007/s00127-009-0045-1.
  • 35. Fabian TJ, Schwartzman DS, Ujhelyi MR, Corey SE, Bigos KL, Pollock BG, et al. Decreasing pain and anxiety associated with patient‐activated atrial shock: a placebo‐controlled study of adjunctive sedation with oral triazolam. Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology 2006;17(4):391-395. doi:10.1111/j.1540-8167.2006.00416.x.

Türk Kadınlarında Mamografiye Bağlı Ağrı ve Anksiyete: Kesitsel Bir Çalışma

Year 2021, Volume: 15 Issue: 1, 78 - 84, 09.03.2021


Amaç: Bu çalışma kadınlarda mamografi ile ilişkili ağrı ve anksiyete düzeyini belirlemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Yöntem: Kesitsel olan bu çalışma Türkiye'de üçüncü basamak bir hastanede Radyoloji Bölümü Mamografi Birimi'nde 222 kadının katılımı ile yapılmıştır. Çalışmada Görsel Analog Skala ve Durumluk-Sürekli Kaygı Envanteri ile bir anket formu kullanılmıştır. Bulgular: Bu çalışmada, kadınların % 70,7'sinin mamografi sırasında ağrı yaşadıkları belirlenmiştir. Kadınların yaklaşık dörtte biri mamografiyi acı verici bir prosedür olarak tanımlamaktadır. Bu çalışmada kadınlarda mamografiye bağlı ağrı düzeyinin 38,40 ± 22,46 ve “orta” düzeyde olduğu görülmüştür. Mamografi sırasında kadınların ortalama 40,0 ve "hafif" düzeyde kaygı yaşadıkları belirlenmiştir. Ağrı sıklığı ile kaygı arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark bulunmamıştır. Sonuç: Mamografi sırasında kadınların yaşadığı ağrıyı en aza indirmek ve ağrının kadınlar için mamografi çekimine engel olmasını önlemek sağlık profesyonellerinin önemli görevidir.

Project Number



  • 1. Bray F, Ferlay J, Soerjomararam I, Siegel RL, Torre LA, Jemal A. Global cancer statistic 2018: GLOBOCAN estimates of incidence and mortality worldwide for 36 cancers in 185 countries. CA Cancer J Clin. 2018; 68(6):394-424. doi: 10.3322/caac.21492.
  • 2. Özkan S, Keskinkılıç B, Gültekin M, Karaca AS, Öztürk C, Boztaş G, et al. Turkey Cancer Control Programme 2013-2018. Turkey Public Health Agency Publishing, 2016; p.20,46. Anıl Reklam Matbaa Ltd. Şti.
  • 3. Lee JY, Tsai WM. Pain during mammography: a review of its causes and resolution. Fu-Jen Journal of Medicine 2011;9(4): 199-205.
  • 4. Alteri R, Kalidas M, Ogoro C. American Cancer Society Guidelines for the Early Detection of Cancer. [Internet]: [cited July 06, 2020] Available Forme.
  • 5. Almog R, Hagoel L, Tamir A, Barnett O, Rennert G. Quality control in a National Program for the Early Detection of Breast Cancer: women’s satisfaction with the mammography process. Women's Health Issues 2008; 18(2): 110-117.
  • 6. Dincel E, Kısmet K, Erel S, Sunay D, Sahin M, Tasova V, et al. Factors affecting the first mammography age. Journal of Breast Health 2010; 6(3):113-117.
  • 7. Leong H, Heng R, Emmanuel S. Survey on mammographic screening among women aged 40 to 65 years old at polyclinics. Singapore Medical Journal 2007; 48(1): 34-40.
  • 8. Yılmaz M, Kıymaz O. Anxiety and pain associated with process mammography: influence of process information before. The Journal of Breast Health 2010; 6(2): 62-68.
  • 9. Bener A, Honein G, Carter AO, Da'ar Z, Miller C, Dunn EV. The determinants of breast cancer screening behavior: a focus group study of women in the United Arab Emirates. Oncology Nursing Forum 2002; 29(9):91-98. doi:10.1188/02.ONF.E91-E98.
  • 10. Hafslund B. Mammography and the experience of pain and anxiety. Radiography 2000; 6(4): 269-272. doi: 10.1053/radi.2000.0281.
  • 11. Uchiyama M, Lee Y, Sadakata M, Sayama M, Tsai DY. Measurement of muscle activities for evaluating physical burden and pain during mammography positioning. Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine 2012; 228(1): 53-58. doi:10.1620/tjem.228.53.
  • 12. Whelehan P, Evans A, Wells M, MacGillivray S. The effect of mammography pain on repeat participation in breast cancer screening: a systematic review. The Breast 2013; 22(4): 389-394. doi: 10.1016/j.breast.2013.03.003.
  • 13. Tsai HW, Twu NF, Ko CC, Yen MS, Yang MJ, Chao KC, et al. Compliance with screening mammography and breast sonography of young Asian women. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 2011; 157(1), 89-93. doi: 10.1016/j.ejogrb.2011.02.010.
  • 14. Clark S, Reeves PJ. Women's experiences of mammography: a thematic evaluation of the literature. Radiography 2015; 21(1):84-88. doi:10.1016/j.radi.2014.06.010.
  • 15. Ozer FG, Karamanoglu AY, Sahin S. Anxiety level and descriptive features of women requesting mammography at early diagnosis center. TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin 2009; 8(4), 333-338.
  • 16. Price DD, Bush FM, Long S, Harkins SW. A comparison of pain measurement characteristics of mechanical visual analogue and simple numerical rating scales. Pain 1994; 56(2): 217-226. doi:10.1016/0304-3959(94)90097-3.
  • 17. Oner N, Le Compte A. Durumluk-Sürekli Kaygı Envanteri El Kitabı (Handbook of state-trait anxiety inventory). Bogaziçi Universitesi Publications 1985; p:51-68, Istanbul, Turkey.
  • 18. Aro AR, Absetz-Ylöstalo P, Eerola T, Pamilo M, Lönnqvist J. Pain and discomfort during mammography. European Journal of Cancer 1996; 32A(10): 1674-1679. 19. Asghari A, Nicholas MK. Pain during mammography: the role of coping strategies. Pain 2004; 108(1-2), 170-179. doi:10.1016/j.pain.2003.12.022.
  • 20. Bruyninckx E, Mortelmans D, Van Goethem M, Van Hove E. Risk factors of pain in mammographic screening. Social Science & Medicine 1999; 49(7): 933-941. doi: 10.1016/s0277-9536(99)00181-1.
  • 21. Drossaert C, Boer H, Seydel E. Monitoring women's experiences during three rounds of breast cancer screening: results from a longitudinal study. Journal of Medical Screening 2002; 9(4): 168-175. doi:10.1136/jms.9.4.168.
  • 22. Van Goethem M, Mortelmans D, Bruyninckx E, Verslegers I, Biltjes I, Van Hove E, et al. Influence of the radiographer on the pain felt during mammography. European Radiology 2003; 13(10): 2384-2389. doi:10.1007/s00330-002-1686-6.
  • 23. Dullum JR, Lewis EC, Mayer JA. Rates and correlates of discomfort associated with mammography. Radiology 2000; 214(2): 547-552. doi: 10.1148/radiology.214.2.r00fe23547.
  • 24. Alimoglu E, Alimoglu MK, Kabaalioglu A, Ceken K, Apaydın A, Lüleci E. Pain and anxiety due to mammography. Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology 2004; 10(3): 213-217.
  • 25. Gupta R, Nayak M, Khoursheed M, Roy S, Behbehani A. Pain during mammography: impact of breast pathologies and demographic factors. Medical Principles and Practice 2003; 12(3): 180-183. doi:10.1159/000070756.
  • 26. Kashikar-Zuck S, Keefe FJ, Kornguth P, Beaupre P, Holzberg A, Delong D. Pain coping and the pain experience during mammography: a preliminary study. Pain 1997; 73(2): 165-172. doi:10.1016/s0304-3959(97)00114-0
  • 27. Keemers-Gels ME, Groenendijk RP, van den Heuvel JH, Boetes C, Peer PG, Wobbes TH. Pain experienced by women attending breast cancer screening. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 2000; 60(3):235-240.
  • 28. Kornguth PJ, Keefe FJ, Wright KR, Delong DM. Mammography pain in women treated conservatively for breast cancer. The Journal of Pain 2000; 1(4): 268-274. doi:10.1054/jpai.2000.7884.
  • 29. Fernández-Feito A, Lana A, Cabello-Gutiérrez L, Franco-Correia S, Baldonedo-Cernuda R, Mosteiro-Díaz P. Face-to-face information and emotional support from trained nurses reduce pain during screening mammography: results from a randomized controlled trial. Pain Management Nursing 2015;16(6): 862-870. doi: 10.1016/j.pmn.2015.07.008.
  • 30. Armstrong K, Moye E, Williams S, Berlin JA, Reynolds EE. Screening mammography in women 40 to 49 years of age: a systematic review for the American college of physicians. Annals of Internal Medicine 2007; 146(7):516-526.
  • 31. Arslan S, Nazik E, Uzun O, Torun S, Taylan S. Evaluation of pre-procedure anxiety levels for undergoing mammography women. HealthMED 2012; 6(4): 1182-1186.
  • 32. Hafslund B, Espehaug B, Nortvedt MW. Health-related quality of life, anxiety and depression related to mammography screening in Norway. Journal of Clinical Nursing 2012; 21(21-22):3223-3234. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2702.2012.04244.x.
  • 33. Mainiero MB, Schepps B, Clements NC, Bird CE. Mammography-related anxiety: effect of preprocedural patient education. Women's Health Issues 2001; 11(2):110-115. doi:10.1016/s1049-3867(00)00071-2.
  • 34. Beesdo K, Jacobi F, Hoyer J, Low NC, Höfler M, Wittchen HU. Pain associated with specific anxiety and depressive disorders in a nationally representative population sample. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology 2010; 45(1):89-104. doi: 10.1007/s00127-009-0045-1.
  • 35. Fabian TJ, Schwartzman DS, Ujhelyi MR, Corey SE, Bigos KL, Pollock BG, et al. Decreasing pain and anxiety associated with patient‐activated atrial shock: a placebo‐controlled study of adjunctive sedation with oral triazolam. Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology 2006;17(4):391-395. doi:10.1111/j.1540-8167.2006.00416.x.
There are 34 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Orijinal Articles

Neşe Çelik 0000-0002-2071-5615

Berrak Mızrak Şahin

Alaattin Ünsal 0000-0001-8353-1605

Cüneyt Çalışır

Özlem Çağan 0000-0001-8671-3279

Project Number yok
Publication Date March 9, 2021
Submission Date June 23, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 15 Issue: 1


Vancouver Çelik N, Mızrak Şahin B, Ünsal A, Çalışır C, Çağan Ö. Mammography-Related Pain and Anxiety in Turkish Women: A Cross-sectional Study. TJFMPC. 2021;15(1):78-84.

English or Turkish manuscripts from authors with new knowledge to contribute to understanding and improving health and primary care are welcome. 

Turkish Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care © 2024 by Academy of Family Medicine Association is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0