Research Article
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Year 2021, , 176 - 181, 10.08.2021


Purpose: Upper extremities are important to perform activities of daily living. Although, the relationship between upper extremity movements and spinal region is known; to the best of our knowledge, the relationship between unsupported upper extremity exercise capacity (UUEEC) and spinal mobility has not been studied. The first aim of our study was to examine the relationship between the UUEEC and spinal mobility. The second aim of the study was to determine whether spinal mobility is a predictor of the UUEEC.
Methods: The study design was cross-sectional. Forty asymptomatic and volunteer individuals were included in the study. The 6-minute pegboard and ring test (6PBRT) was performed to assess the UUEEC. Spinal mobility was assessed to use a hand-held, computer-assisted electromechanical device. The analysis of spinal mobility in the sagittal (SAP – maximal extension/flexion) and the coronal (CRP – maximal left/right lateral flexion) plane was measured.
Results: The 6PBRT score had significant correlation with the SAP spinal mobility (r=0.361, p=0.022) and the CRP spinal mobility (r=0.322, p=0.043). Stepwise multiple linear regression analysis demonstrated that the SAP spinal mobility was significant and independent determinants of the 6PBRT score with 11% of the variance.
Conclusions: In this first study in the literature investigating the relationship between spinal mobility and the UUEEC, the SAP spinal mobility was found as a predictor of the UUEEC in asymptomatic individuals. This study demonstrates that the UUEEC can be improved by increasing spinal mobility.


  • Engdahl SM, Gates DH. Reliability of upper limb and trunk joint angles in healthy adults during activities of daily living. Gait Posture. 2018;60:41-7.
  • Gates DH, Walters LS, Cowley J, Wilken JM, Resnik L. Range of Motion Requirements for Upper-Limb Activities of Daily Living. Am J Occup Ther. 2016;70(1):70013500101-10.
  • Ellenbecker TS, Aoki R. Step by Step Guide to Understanding the Kinetic Chain Concept in the Overhead Athlete. Curr Rev Musculoskelet Med. 2020; 13(2):155-163.
  • DeCastro A. Common Upper-Extremity Injuries. Prim Care. 2020;47(1):105-14.
  • Couser JI, Jr., Martinez FJ, Celli BR. Respiratory response and ventilatory muscle recruitment during arm elevation in normal subjects. Chest. 1992;101(2):336-40.
  • Toosizadeh N, Berry C, Bime C, Najafi B, Kraft M, Mohler J. Assessing upper-extremity motion: An innovative method to quantify functional capacity in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. PloS One. 2017;12(2):0172766.
  • Heneghan NR, Webb K, Mahoney T, Rushton A. Thoracic spine mobility, an essential link in upper limb kinetic chains in athletes: A systematic review. Transl Sports Med. 2019;2(6):301-15.
  • Kaczmarek PK, Lubiatowski P, Cisowski P, Grygorowicz M, Lepski M, Dlugosz J, et al. Shoulder problems in overhead sports. Part I - biomechanics of throwing. Pol Orthop Traumatol. 2014;79:50-8.
  • Fujii R, Sakaura H, Mukai Y, Hosono N, Ishii T, Iwasaki M, et al. Kinematics of the lumbar spine in trunk rotation: in vivo three-dimensional analysis using magnetic resonance imaging. Eur Spine J. 2007;16(11):1867-74.
  • Theodoridis D, Ruston S. The effect of shoulder movements on thoracic spine 3D motion. Clin Biomech. 2002;17(5):418-21.
  • Edmondston SJ, Christensen MM, Keller S, Steigen LB, Barclay L. Functional radiographic analysis of thoracic spine extension motion in asymptomatic men. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2012;35(3):203-8.
  • Aragon VJ, Oyama S, Oliaro SM, Padua DA, Myers JB. Trunk-rotation flexibility in collegiate softball players with or without a history of shoulder or elbow injury. J Athl Train. 2012;47(5):507-13.
  • Clark N, Voight ML, Campbell AM, Pierce S, Sells P, Cook R, et al. The relationship between segmental rolling ability and lumbar multifidus activation time. Int J Sports Phys Ther. 2017;12(6):921-30.
  • Takeda K, Kawasaki Y, Yoshida K, Nishida Y, Harada T, Yamaguchi K, et al. The 6-minute pegboard and ring test is correlated with upper extremity activity of daily living in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis. 2013;8:347-51.
  • Kararti C, Bilgin S, Dadali Y, Büyükturan B, Büyükturan Ö, Özsoy İ, et al. Does Plantar Pressure Distribution Influence the Lumbar Multifidus Muscle Thickness in Asymptomatic Individuals? A Preliminary Study. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2020;S0161-4754(20)30059-2.
  • Zhan S, Cerny FJ, Gibbons WJ, Mador MJ, Wu YW. Development of an unsupported arm exercise test in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. J Cardiopulm Rehabil. 2006;26(3):180-7; discussion 8-90.
  • Post RB, Leferink VJ. Spinal mobility: sagittal range of motion measured with the SpinalMouse, a new non-invasive device. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2004;124(3):187-92.
  • Kocahan T, Akınoğlu B. Determination of the relationship between core endurance and isokinetic muscle strength of elite athletes. J Exerc Rehabil. 2018;14(3):413-8.
  • Chodock E, Hahn J, Setlock CA, Lipps DB. Identifying predictors of upper extremity muscle elasticity with healthy aging. J Biomech. 2020;103:109687.
  • Crosbie J, Kilbreath SL, Hollmann L, York S. Scapulohumeral rhythm and associated spinal motion. Clin Biomech. 2008;23(2):184-92.


Year 2021, , 176 - 181, 10.08.2021


Amaç: Üst ekstremiteler günlük yaşam aktivitelerini gerçekleştirmek için önemlidir. Üst ekstremite hareketleri ile omurga bölgesi arasındaki ilişki bilinmesine rağmen; bildiğimiz kadarıyla, desteksiz üst ekstremite egzersiz kapasitesi (DÜEEK) ile spinal mobilite arasındaki ilişki araştırılmamıştır. Çalışmamızın ilk amacı DÜEEK ile spinal mobilite arasındaki ilişkiyi incelemekti. Çalışmanın ikinci amacı, spinal mobilitenin DÜEEK’in bir belirleyicisi olup olmadığını belirlemekti.
Yöntem: Çalışma tasarımı kesitseldi. Çalışmaya kırk asemptomatik ve gönüllü birey dahil edildi. DÜEEK’ni değerlendirmek için 6-dakika pegboard ve ring testi (6PBRT) yapıldı. Spinal mobilite elde taşınabilen, bilgisayar destekli bir elektromekanik cihaz kullanılarak değerlendirildi. Sagittal (SAD- maksimal ekstansiyon/fleksiyon) ve koronal (KRD-maksimal sol/sağ lateral fleksiyon) düzlemde spinal mobilite ölçüldü.
Sonuçlar: 6PBRT skoru ile SAD spinal mobilite (r = 0.361, p = 0.022) ve KRD spinal mobilite (r = 0.322, p = 0.043) arasında anlamlı ilişki vardı. Kademeli çoklu doğrusal regresyon analizi SAD spinal mobilitenin 6PBRT skorunun % 11 varyans ile anlamlı ve bağımsız belirleyicisi olduğunu gösterdi.
Tartışma: Literatürde spinal mobilite ve DÜEEK arasındaki ilişkiyi araştıran bu ilk çalışmada SAD spinal mobilite asemptomatik bireylerde DÜEEK 'nin bir belirleyicisi olarak bulundu. Bu çalışma DÜEEK’ nin spinal mobilite artırılarak geliştirilebileceğini göstermektedir.


  • Engdahl SM, Gates DH. Reliability of upper limb and trunk joint angles in healthy adults during activities of daily living. Gait Posture. 2018;60:41-7.
  • Gates DH, Walters LS, Cowley J, Wilken JM, Resnik L. Range of Motion Requirements for Upper-Limb Activities of Daily Living. Am J Occup Ther. 2016;70(1):70013500101-10.
  • Ellenbecker TS, Aoki R. Step by Step Guide to Understanding the Kinetic Chain Concept in the Overhead Athlete. Curr Rev Musculoskelet Med. 2020; 13(2):155-163.
  • DeCastro A. Common Upper-Extremity Injuries. Prim Care. 2020;47(1):105-14.
  • Couser JI, Jr., Martinez FJ, Celli BR. Respiratory response and ventilatory muscle recruitment during arm elevation in normal subjects. Chest. 1992;101(2):336-40.
  • Toosizadeh N, Berry C, Bime C, Najafi B, Kraft M, Mohler J. Assessing upper-extremity motion: An innovative method to quantify functional capacity in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. PloS One. 2017;12(2):0172766.
  • Heneghan NR, Webb K, Mahoney T, Rushton A. Thoracic spine mobility, an essential link in upper limb kinetic chains in athletes: A systematic review. Transl Sports Med. 2019;2(6):301-15.
  • Kaczmarek PK, Lubiatowski P, Cisowski P, Grygorowicz M, Lepski M, Dlugosz J, et al. Shoulder problems in overhead sports. Part I - biomechanics of throwing. Pol Orthop Traumatol. 2014;79:50-8.
  • Fujii R, Sakaura H, Mukai Y, Hosono N, Ishii T, Iwasaki M, et al. Kinematics of the lumbar spine in trunk rotation: in vivo three-dimensional analysis using magnetic resonance imaging. Eur Spine J. 2007;16(11):1867-74.
  • Theodoridis D, Ruston S. The effect of shoulder movements on thoracic spine 3D motion. Clin Biomech. 2002;17(5):418-21.
  • Edmondston SJ, Christensen MM, Keller S, Steigen LB, Barclay L. Functional radiographic analysis of thoracic spine extension motion in asymptomatic men. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2012;35(3):203-8.
  • Aragon VJ, Oyama S, Oliaro SM, Padua DA, Myers JB. Trunk-rotation flexibility in collegiate softball players with or without a history of shoulder or elbow injury. J Athl Train. 2012;47(5):507-13.
  • Clark N, Voight ML, Campbell AM, Pierce S, Sells P, Cook R, et al. The relationship between segmental rolling ability and lumbar multifidus activation time. Int J Sports Phys Ther. 2017;12(6):921-30.
  • Takeda K, Kawasaki Y, Yoshida K, Nishida Y, Harada T, Yamaguchi K, et al. The 6-minute pegboard and ring test is correlated with upper extremity activity of daily living in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis. 2013;8:347-51.
  • Kararti C, Bilgin S, Dadali Y, Büyükturan B, Büyükturan Ö, Özsoy İ, et al. Does Plantar Pressure Distribution Influence the Lumbar Multifidus Muscle Thickness in Asymptomatic Individuals? A Preliminary Study. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2020;S0161-4754(20)30059-2.
  • Zhan S, Cerny FJ, Gibbons WJ, Mador MJ, Wu YW. Development of an unsupported arm exercise test in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. J Cardiopulm Rehabil. 2006;26(3):180-7; discussion 8-90.
  • Post RB, Leferink VJ. Spinal mobility: sagittal range of motion measured with the SpinalMouse, a new non-invasive device. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2004;124(3):187-92.
  • Kocahan T, Akınoğlu B. Determination of the relationship between core endurance and isokinetic muscle strength of elite athletes. J Exerc Rehabil. 2018;14(3):413-8.
  • Chodock E, Hahn J, Setlock CA, Lipps DB. Identifying predictors of upper extremity muscle elasticity with healthy aging. J Biomech. 2020;103:109687.
  • Crosbie J, Kilbreath SL, Hollmann L, York S. Scapulohumeral rhythm and associated spinal motion. Clin Biomech. 2008;23(2):184-92.
There are 20 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Rehabilitation
Journal Section Araştırma Makaleleri

İsmail Özsoy 0000-0001-9048-1116

Gülşah Özsoy 0000-0001-5678-771X

Buket Büyükturan 0000-0001-5898-1698

Özge Barut 0000-0002-3990-5814

Atahan Turhan 0000-0001-9510-925X

Öznur Büyükturan 0000-0002-1163-9972

Publication Date August 10, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Özsoy, İ., Özsoy, G., Büyükturan, B., Barut, Ö., et al. (2021). ROLE OF SPINAL MOBILITY ON UNSUPPORTED UPPER EXTREMITY EXERCISE CAPACITY IN ASYMPTOMATIC INDIVIDUALS. Türk Fizyoterapi Ve Rehabilitasyon Dergisi, 32(2), 176-181.
AMA Özsoy İ, Özsoy G, Büyükturan B, Barut Ö, Turhan A, Büyükturan Ö. ROLE OF SPINAL MOBILITY ON UNSUPPORTED UPPER EXTREMITY EXERCISE CAPACITY IN ASYMPTOMATIC INDIVIDUALS. Turk J Physiother Rehabil. August 2021;32(2):176-181. doi:10.21653/tjpr.772558
Chicago Özsoy, İsmail, Gülşah Özsoy, Buket Büyükturan, Özge Barut, Atahan Turhan, and Öznur Büyükturan. “ROLE OF SPINAL MOBILITY ON UNSUPPORTED UPPER EXTREMITY EXERCISE CAPACITY IN ASYMPTOMATIC INDIVIDUALS”. Türk Fizyoterapi Ve Rehabilitasyon Dergisi 32, no. 2 (August 2021): 176-81.
EndNote Özsoy İ, Özsoy G, Büyükturan B, Barut Ö, Turhan A, Büyükturan Ö (August 1, 2021) ROLE OF SPINAL MOBILITY ON UNSUPPORTED UPPER EXTREMITY EXERCISE CAPACITY IN ASYMPTOMATIC INDIVIDUALS. Türk Fizyoterapi ve Rehabilitasyon Dergisi 32 2 176–181.
IEEE İ. Özsoy, G. Özsoy, B. Büyükturan, Ö. Barut, A. Turhan, and Ö. Büyükturan, “ROLE OF SPINAL MOBILITY ON UNSUPPORTED UPPER EXTREMITY EXERCISE CAPACITY IN ASYMPTOMATIC INDIVIDUALS”, Turk J Physiother Rehabil, vol. 32, no. 2, pp. 176–181, 2021, doi: 10.21653/tjpr.772558.
ISNAD Özsoy, İsmail et al. “ROLE OF SPINAL MOBILITY ON UNSUPPORTED UPPER EXTREMITY EXERCISE CAPACITY IN ASYMPTOMATIC INDIVIDUALS”. Türk Fizyoterapi ve Rehabilitasyon Dergisi 32/2 (August 2021), 176-181.
MLA Özsoy, İsmail et al. “ROLE OF SPINAL MOBILITY ON UNSUPPORTED UPPER EXTREMITY EXERCISE CAPACITY IN ASYMPTOMATIC INDIVIDUALS”. Türk Fizyoterapi Ve Rehabilitasyon Dergisi, vol. 32, no. 2, 2021, pp. 176-81, doi:10.21653/tjpr.772558.
Vancouver Özsoy İ, Özsoy G, Büyükturan B, Barut Ö, Turhan A, Büyükturan Ö. ROLE OF SPINAL MOBILITY ON UNSUPPORTED UPPER EXTREMITY EXERCISE CAPACITY IN ASYMPTOMATIC INDIVIDUALS. Turk J Physiother Rehabil. 2021;32(2):176-81.