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Azotlu Gübre Uygulamalarının Farklı Gelişme Döneminde Makarnalık Buğday ve Tritikalenin Bazı Mineral Madde İçeriğine Etkisi

Year 2020, Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 38 - 47, 31.12.2020


Bu araştırma, 2018-2019 vejetasyon döneminde Isparta koşullarında yürütülmüştür. Çalışmada 2 makarnalık buğday (Çeşit-1252 ve Kızıltan-91) ve 2 tritikale (Ümran Hanım ve Karma-2000) çeşidi kullanılmıştır. Araştırmada; farklı azotlu gübre uygulamalarının (nitropower 33 ve dinitroso) farklı gelişme döneminde (sarı olum, tam olum) bazı mineral madde içeriklerine(Fe, Zn, Fosfor, K, Mg) etkisi incelenmiştir. Araştırma Bölünen Bölünmüş Parseller Deneme planına göre 3 tekerrürlü kurulmuş ve 24 parselden oluşmuştur (2 azot uygulaması x 4 çeşit x 3 tekerrür =24). Metrekareye 550 tohum atılmış ve ekimle birlikte bütün parsellere dekara 7 kg P2O5 ve 5 kg/da N uygulanmıştır. Azotun diğer yarısı ilkbaharda sapa kalkma başlangıcında verilmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda erken hasat döneminde Mg, P, Zn, Fe içerikleri azalırken, K oranı artmıştır. Yavaş salınımlı gübre (Dinitroso) uygulamasında bazı besin elementi içerikleri (Fe, P, K ve Mg) önemli seviyede artmıştır.
Sonuç olarak; tritikalenin erken hasat edilerek firik amacıyla kullanılabileceği ve yavaş salınımlı gübre uygulamasının tane kalitesi üzerinde etkili olduğu belirlenmiştir.

Supporting Institution

Isparta Uygulamalı Bilimler Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Yönetim Birimi

Project Number

2019 YL-0034


2019 YL-0034 No`lu Proje ile tezimi maddi olarak destekleyen Isparta Uygulamalı Bilimler Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Yönetim Birimine teşekkür ederim.


  • Akçura, M., Hocaoğlu, O., Kılıç, H. & Kökten, K. (2012). Karadeniz Bölgesine Ait Yerel Ekmeklik Buğday Hatlarının Tanedeki Besin Elementleri İçerikleri Yönünden Tescilli Ekmeklik Buğday Çeşitleri ile Karşılaştırılması. Türkiye 10. Tarla Bitkileri Kongresi, 10-13/09/2013, Konya. 53-60.
  • Akgün, İ. & Altındal, D. (2015). Determination of Macro and Micro Nutrient Concentrations at Different Growth Stages in Triticale Cultivar/Lines. Suleyman Demirel University, Faculty of Agriculture, International Journal of Science and Knowledge, 4(1), 3-10.
  • Andriollo-Sanchez, M., Hininger-Favier, I., Meunier, N., Toti, E., Zaccaria, M.,Brandolini-Bunlon, M., Polito, A., O’Connor, J.M., Ferry, M., Coudray, C. & Roussel, A.M. (2005). Zinc İntake and Status in Middle-Aged and Older European Subjects: The Zenith Study. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 59, 37-4 s.
  • Anonim, (2014). Agri Stat. (Erişim Tarihi: 23.10.2018) Anonim, (2016). Buğdayların Özellik Açısından Karşılaştırılması. T.C Kastamonu Valiliği İl Gıda Tarım ve Hayvancılık Müdürlüğü. (Erişim Tarihi: 10.5.2018)
  • Aydın, M. (1993). Makarnalık Buğdaylarda Su Tüketimi-Verim İlişkisi. Makarnalık Buğday ve Mamulleri Sempozyumu, 30 Kasım-3 Aralık, 1993. T.C. Tarım ve Köy işleri Bakanlığı. Tarımsal Araştırmalar İçnel Müdürlüğü. Tarla Bitkileri Merkez Araştırma Enstitüsü, Ankara, 507-513.
  • Balint, A.F., Kovacs, G., Erdei, L. & Sutka, J. (2001). Comparison of the Cu, Zn, Fe, Ca and Mg Contents of The Grains of Wild, Ancients and Cultivated Wheat Species. Cereal Research Communinications, 29, 375-382.
  • Bird, A.R. & Mular, M. (2003). Product Analysis: Green Wheat Freekeh. CSIRO Health Sciences and Nutrition, Product Analysis Report, (p. 4).
  • Boyacıoğlu, H. (2004). Durum For More Than Pasta World Grain, May 1, 2p.
  • Çakmak, I., Kalaycı, M., Kaya, Y., Torun, A. A., Aydın, N., Wang, Y., Arisoy, Z., Erdem, H., Gökmen, O., Öztürk, L. & Horst, W. J. (2010). Biofortification and Localization of Zinc in Wheat Grain. J Agric Food Chem, 58, 9092- 9102.
  • Çakmak, I., Özkan, H., Braun, HJ., Welch, RM. & Romheld, V. (2000). Zinc and İron Concentrations in Seeds of Wild, Primitive and Modern Wheats. Food and Nutrition Bulletin, 21, 401-403.
  • D’Edigio, M.G. & Cecchini, C. (1998). Immature Wheat Grains as Functional Foods. Italian Food & Beverage Technology, 14: 34.
  • Erenoğlu, E.B., Kutman, U.B., Ceylan, Y., Yıldız, B. & Çakmak, İ. (2011). Improved Nitrogen Nutrition Enhances Root Uptake, Root-to-Shoot Translocation and Remobilization of Zinc (65Zn) in Wheat. New Phytologist, 189(2), 438-448.
  • Erdal, I., Yılmaz, A., Taban, S., Eker, S. & Çakmak, İ. (2002). Phytic acid and phosphorus concentrations in seeds of wheat cultivars grown with and without zinc fertilization. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 25(1), 113-127.
  • FAO, (2018). Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Faostat Agriculture.(Erişim Tarihi: 26.02.2020) (Erişim Tarihi: 26.02.2020)
  • Garnett, T. P. & Graham, R. D. (2005). Distribution and Remobilization of İron and Copper in Wheat. Annals of Botany, 95(5), 817–826.
  • Garvin, D.F., Welch, R.M. & Finley, J.W. (2006). Historical Shifts in The Seed Mineral Micronutrient Concentration of US Hard Red Winter Wheat Germplasm. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture,86, 2213-2220.
  • Humphries, J.M. & Khachik, F. (2003). Distribution of Lutein, Zeaxanthin, and Related Geometrical İsomers in Fruit, Vegetables, Wheat, and Pasta Products. J Agric Food Chem, 51(5), 1322-1327.
  • Kacar, B. & Inal, A. (2008). Bitki Analizleri. Nobel No:1241, Ankara.
  • Kınacı, E. (1993). Cumhuriyetten Bugüne Makarnalık Buğday Araştırmaları ve Gelişmeler. Makarnalık Buğday ve Mamülleri Sempozyumu, 30 Kasım-3 Aralık, 1993. T.C. Tarım ve Köyişleri Bakanlığı. Tarımsal Araştırmalar Genel Müdürlüğü. Tarla Bitkileri Merkez Araştırma Enstitüsü, Ankara. 49-55.
  • Kochetova, A., Levitskii, A. & Federova, T. (1987). Tritikale. Nutr. Abst. 57(3), 936 p.124.
  • Kutman, U. B., Yildiz, B. & Cakmak, I. (2011). İmproved Nitrogen Status Enhances Zinc and İron Concentrations Both in the Whole Grain and the Endosperm Fraction of Wheat. Journal of Cereal Science, 53, 118-125.
  • Kutman, U.B. (2010b). Roles of Nitrogen and Zinc Nutrient İn Biofortification of Wheat Grain. (PhD Thesis, Sabanci Üniversity.)
  • Kutman, U.B., Yıldız, B., Öztürk, L. & Çakmak, İ. (2010a). Biofortification of Durum Wheat With Zinc through Soil and Foliar Applications of Nitrogen. Cereal Chemistry, 87(1), 1-9.
  • Marschner, H. (1993). Zinc uptake from soils. In A. D. Robson (Ed.), Zinc in Soils and Plants. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers. (pp. 59–77).
  • Mohammed, K. A. (1994). The Effect of Foliage Spray of Wheat With Zn, Cu, Fe and Urea on Yield, Water Use Efficiency and Nutritients Uptake at Different Levels of Soil Salinity. Assiut Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 25(3),179-189.
  • Morgounov, A., Gomez-Becerra, H.F., Abugalieva, A., Dzhunusova, M., Yessimbekova, M., Muminjanov, H., Zelenskiy, Y., Öztürk, L. & Çakmak, İ. (2007). Iron and zinc Grain Density in Common Wheat Grown in Central Asia. Euphytica, 155(1-2), 193-203.
  • Mukherjee, A., Sinha, I. & Das, R. (2015). Application of Nanotechnology in Agriculture: Future Prospects. Outstanding Young Chemical Engineers (OYCE) Conference, March 13-14, DJ Sanghvi College of Engineering, Mumbai, India.
  • Mut, Z. & Erbaş, Köse, Ö.D. (2018). Tritikale Genotiplerinin Tane Verimi ve Bazı Kalite Özellikleri. Bozok Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi, Anadolu Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 33 (2018), 47-57. doi: 10.7161/omuanajas.336108.
  • Mut, Z., Ayan, I. & Mut, H. (2006). Evaluation of Forage Yield and Quality at Two Phenological Stages of Triticale Genotypes and Other Cereals Grown Under Rainfed Conditions. Bangladesh J. Bot. 35(1), 45-53.
  • Myer, R.O. & Lozano, A.J. (2004). Triticale in livestock production. In Triticale Improvement and Production, M. Mergoum (Eds.), Rome, Italy: FAO, pp 49–58.
  • Ozkaya, B., Ozkaya, H., Eren, N., Unsal, A.S. & Koksel, H. (1999). Effects of Wheat Maturation Stage and Cooking Method on Physical and Chemical Properties of Firiks. Food Chem., 66 (1), 97-102.
  • Özboy, Ö., Özkaya, B., Özkaya, H. & Köksel, H. (2001). Effects of Wheat Maturation Stage and Cooking Method on Dietary Fiber and Phytic Acid Contents of Firik, A Wheat-Based local. 347–349.
  • Öztürk, L., Erenoğlu, B., Kaya, Y., Altıntas, Z., Haklı, E., Andi, E. & Yılmaz, Ö. (2011). Çinko'nun Buğday Tanesine Tasınmasını Etkileyen Fizyolojik Mekanizmaların Arastırılması, Tübitak Projesi Sonuç Raporu, Proje No: 108T436.
  • Peleg, Z., Saranga, Y., Yazıcı, A., Fahima, T., Öztürk, L. & Çakmak, İ. (2008). Grain Zinc, İron and Protein Concentrations and Zinc-Efficiency in Wild Emmer Wheat Under Contrasting İrrigation Regimes. Plant and Soil, 306(1-2), 57-67.
  • Pena, R.J. (2004). Food uses of triticale. In: Mergoum, M. and Go´mez-Macpherson H. (eds.). Triticale İmprovement and Production. FAO, Plant Production and Protection Paper No. 179. Food and Agriculture Organization of United Nations, Rome. pp. 37–48.
  • Sezen, Y. (1991). Gübreler ve Gübreleme. Atatürk Üniversitesi yayınları No:679. Ziraat Fakültesi Yay. No:3003, Ders Kitapları Seri No: 55, Erzurum.
  • Shi, R., Zhang, Y., Chen, X., Sun, Q., Zhang, F., Romheld, V. & Zou, C. (2010). Influence of Long Term Nitrogen Fertilization on Micronutrient Density in Grain of Winter Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Journal of Cereal Science, 51(1), 165-170.
  • Suchowilska, E., Wiwart, M., Kandler, W. & Krska, R. (2012). A Comparison of Macro-and Microelement Concentration in the Whole Grain of Flour Triticum Species. Plant Soil Environ,58,141-147.
  • TÜİK, (2019a). Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu. = 92&locale=tr. (Erişim Tarihi: 26.02.2020)
  • TÜİK, (2019b). Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu. (Erişim Tarihi: 26.02.2020)
  • Vallega, V. (1996). The quality of Triticum monococcum L. in perspective. Pages 129–146 in: Hulled Wheats. S. Padulosi, K. Hammer, and J. Heller, eds. IPGRI Press, Rome, Italy.
  • Varughese, G., Barker, T. & Isaari, E. (1987).Tritikale. CIMMYT, Mexico. p.32.
  • Zhao, F.J., Su, Y.H., Dunham, S.J., Rakszegi, Mi Bedo Z., McGrath, S.P. & Shewry, P.R. (2009). Variation in Mineral Micronutrient Concentrations in Grain of Wheat Lines of Diverse Origin, Journal of. Cereal Science, 49,290-295.

The Effect of Nitrogen Fertilizer Applications on Some Nutrient Contents of Durum Wheat and Triticale in Different Development Stage

Year 2020, Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 38 - 47, 31.12.2020


This research was carried out under Isparta conditions in 2018-2019 vegetation period. In the study, 2 durum wheat (Çeşit-1252 and Kızıltan-91) and 2 triticale (Ümran Hanım and Karma-2000) varieties were used. In this research; the effect of different nitrogen fertilizer applications (nitropower 33 and dinitroso) on some mineral contents (Fe, Zn, Phosphorus, K, Mg) in different development stages was investigated. This research was consisted of 24 plots (2 nitrogen applications x 4 varieties x 3 replications = 24) and carried out split split plot design with three replications. 550 seeds were sown on per square meter and 7 kg P2O5 and 5 kg / da N were applied to all plots during planting. The other half of the nitrogen was given at the beginning of stem elongation period. In research results, in the early harvest period while the values of Mg, P, Zn, Fe contents decreased, K ratio increased. In slow release fertilizer (Dinitroso) application some nutrient contents (Fe, P, K and Mg) have increased significantly.
As a result; It has been determined that triticale can be used for freekeh purposes as it is harvested early and slow release fertilizer application has been determined to be effective on grain quality.

Project Number

2019 YL-0034


  • Akçura, M., Hocaoğlu, O., Kılıç, H. & Kökten, K. (2012). Karadeniz Bölgesine Ait Yerel Ekmeklik Buğday Hatlarının Tanedeki Besin Elementleri İçerikleri Yönünden Tescilli Ekmeklik Buğday Çeşitleri ile Karşılaştırılması. Türkiye 10. Tarla Bitkileri Kongresi, 10-13/09/2013, Konya. 53-60.
  • Akgün, İ. & Altındal, D. (2015). Determination of Macro and Micro Nutrient Concentrations at Different Growth Stages in Triticale Cultivar/Lines. Suleyman Demirel University, Faculty of Agriculture, International Journal of Science and Knowledge, 4(1), 3-10.
  • Andriollo-Sanchez, M., Hininger-Favier, I., Meunier, N., Toti, E., Zaccaria, M.,Brandolini-Bunlon, M., Polito, A., O’Connor, J.M., Ferry, M., Coudray, C. & Roussel, A.M. (2005). Zinc İntake and Status in Middle-Aged and Older European Subjects: The Zenith Study. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 59, 37-4 s.
  • Anonim, (2014). Agri Stat. (Erişim Tarihi: 23.10.2018) Anonim, (2016). Buğdayların Özellik Açısından Karşılaştırılması. T.C Kastamonu Valiliği İl Gıda Tarım ve Hayvancılık Müdürlüğü. (Erişim Tarihi: 10.5.2018)
  • Aydın, M. (1993). Makarnalık Buğdaylarda Su Tüketimi-Verim İlişkisi. Makarnalık Buğday ve Mamulleri Sempozyumu, 30 Kasım-3 Aralık, 1993. T.C. Tarım ve Köy işleri Bakanlığı. Tarımsal Araştırmalar İçnel Müdürlüğü. Tarla Bitkileri Merkez Araştırma Enstitüsü, Ankara, 507-513.
  • Balint, A.F., Kovacs, G., Erdei, L. & Sutka, J. (2001). Comparison of the Cu, Zn, Fe, Ca and Mg Contents of The Grains of Wild, Ancients and Cultivated Wheat Species. Cereal Research Communinications, 29, 375-382.
  • Bird, A.R. & Mular, M. (2003). Product Analysis: Green Wheat Freekeh. CSIRO Health Sciences and Nutrition, Product Analysis Report, (p. 4).
  • Boyacıoğlu, H. (2004). Durum For More Than Pasta World Grain, May 1, 2p.
  • Çakmak, I., Kalaycı, M., Kaya, Y., Torun, A. A., Aydın, N., Wang, Y., Arisoy, Z., Erdem, H., Gökmen, O., Öztürk, L. & Horst, W. J. (2010). Biofortification and Localization of Zinc in Wheat Grain. J Agric Food Chem, 58, 9092- 9102.
  • Çakmak, I., Özkan, H., Braun, HJ., Welch, RM. & Romheld, V. (2000). Zinc and İron Concentrations in Seeds of Wild, Primitive and Modern Wheats. Food and Nutrition Bulletin, 21, 401-403.
  • D’Edigio, M.G. & Cecchini, C. (1998). Immature Wheat Grains as Functional Foods. Italian Food & Beverage Technology, 14: 34.
  • Erenoğlu, E.B., Kutman, U.B., Ceylan, Y., Yıldız, B. & Çakmak, İ. (2011). Improved Nitrogen Nutrition Enhances Root Uptake, Root-to-Shoot Translocation and Remobilization of Zinc (65Zn) in Wheat. New Phytologist, 189(2), 438-448.
  • Erdal, I., Yılmaz, A., Taban, S., Eker, S. & Çakmak, İ. (2002). Phytic acid and phosphorus concentrations in seeds of wheat cultivars grown with and without zinc fertilization. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 25(1), 113-127.
  • FAO, (2018). Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Faostat Agriculture.(Erişim Tarihi: 26.02.2020) (Erişim Tarihi: 26.02.2020)
  • Garnett, T. P. & Graham, R. D. (2005). Distribution and Remobilization of İron and Copper in Wheat. Annals of Botany, 95(5), 817–826.
  • Garvin, D.F., Welch, R.M. & Finley, J.W. (2006). Historical Shifts in The Seed Mineral Micronutrient Concentration of US Hard Red Winter Wheat Germplasm. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture,86, 2213-2220.
  • Humphries, J.M. & Khachik, F. (2003). Distribution of Lutein, Zeaxanthin, and Related Geometrical İsomers in Fruit, Vegetables, Wheat, and Pasta Products. J Agric Food Chem, 51(5), 1322-1327.
  • Kacar, B. & Inal, A. (2008). Bitki Analizleri. Nobel No:1241, Ankara.
  • Kınacı, E. (1993). Cumhuriyetten Bugüne Makarnalık Buğday Araştırmaları ve Gelişmeler. Makarnalık Buğday ve Mamülleri Sempozyumu, 30 Kasım-3 Aralık, 1993. T.C. Tarım ve Köyişleri Bakanlığı. Tarımsal Araştırmalar Genel Müdürlüğü. Tarla Bitkileri Merkez Araştırma Enstitüsü, Ankara. 49-55.
  • Kochetova, A., Levitskii, A. & Federova, T. (1987). Tritikale. Nutr. Abst. 57(3), 936 p.124.
  • Kutman, U. B., Yildiz, B. & Cakmak, I. (2011). İmproved Nitrogen Status Enhances Zinc and İron Concentrations Both in the Whole Grain and the Endosperm Fraction of Wheat. Journal of Cereal Science, 53, 118-125.
  • Kutman, U.B. (2010b). Roles of Nitrogen and Zinc Nutrient İn Biofortification of Wheat Grain. (PhD Thesis, Sabanci Üniversity.)
  • Kutman, U.B., Yıldız, B., Öztürk, L. & Çakmak, İ. (2010a). Biofortification of Durum Wheat With Zinc through Soil and Foliar Applications of Nitrogen. Cereal Chemistry, 87(1), 1-9.
  • Marschner, H. (1993). Zinc uptake from soils. In A. D. Robson (Ed.), Zinc in Soils and Plants. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers. (pp. 59–77).
  • Mohammed, K. A. (1994). The Effect of Foliage Spray of Wheat With Zn, Cu, Fe and Urea on Yield, Water Use Efficiency and Nutritients Uptake at Different Levels of Soil Salinity. Assiut Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 25(3),179-189.
  • Morgounov, A., Gomez-Becerra, H.F., Abugalieva, A., Dzhunusova, M., Yessimbekova, M., Muminjanov, H., Zelenskiy, Y., Öztürk, L. & Çakmak, İ. (2007). Iron and zinc Grain Density in Common Wheat Grown in Central Asia. Euphytica, 155(1-2), 193-203.
  • Mukherjee, A., Sinha, I. & Das, R. (2015). Application of Nanotechnology in Agriculture: Future Prospects. Outstanding Young Chemical Engineers (OYCE) Conference, March 13-14, DJ Sanghvi College of Engineering, Mumbai, India.
  • Mut, Z. & Erbaş, Köse, Ö.D. (2018). Tritikale Genotiplerinin Tane Verimi ve Bazı Kalite Özellikleri. Bozok Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi, Anadolu Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 33 (2018), 47-57. doi: 10.7161/omuanajas.336108.
  • Mut, Z., Ayan, I. & Mut, H. (2006). Evaluation of Forage Yield and Quality at Two Phenological Stages of Triticale Genotypes and Other Cereals Grown Under Rainfed Conditions. Bangladesh J. Bot. 35(1), 45-53.
  • Myer, R.O. & Lozano, A.J. (2004). Triticale in livestock production. In Triticale Improvement and Production, M. Mergoum (Eds.), Rome, Italy: FAO, pp 49–58.
  • Ozkaya, B., Ozkaya, H., Eren, N., Unsal, A.S. & Koksel, H. (1999). Effects of Wheat Maturation Stage and Cooking Method on Physical and Chemical Properties of Firiks. Food Chem., 66 (1), 97-102.
  • Özboy, Ö., Özkaya, B., Özkaya, H. & Köksel, H. (2001). Effects of Wheat Maturation Stage and Cooking Method on Dietary Fiber and Phytic Acid Contents of Firik, A Wheat-Based local. 347–349.
  • Öztürk, L., Erenoğlu, B., Kaya, Y., Altıntas, Z., Haklı, E., Andi, E. & Yılmaz, Ö. (2011). Çinko'nun Buğday Tanesine Tasınmasını Etkileyen Fizyolojik Mekanizmaların Arastırılması, Tübitak Projesi Sonuç Raporu, Proje No: 108T436.
  • Peleg, Z., Saranga, Y., Yazıcı, A., Fahima, T., Öztürk, L. & Çakmak, İ. (2008). Grain Zinc, İron and Protein Concentrations and Zinc-Efficiency in Wild Emmer Wheat Under Contrasting İrrigation Regimes. Plant and Soil, 306(1-2), 57-67.
  • Pena, R.J. (2004). Food uses of triticale. In: Mergoum, M. and Go´mez-Macpherson H. (eds.). Triticale İmprovement and Production. FAO, Plant Production and Protection Paper No. 179. Food and Agriculture Organization of United Nations, Rome. pp. 37–48.
  • Sezen, Y. (1991). Gübreler ve Gübreleme. Atatürk Üniversitesi yayınları No:679. Ziraat Fakültesi Yay. No:3003, Ders Kitapları Seri No: 55, Erzurum.
  • Shi, R., Zhang, Y., Chen, X., Sun, Q., Zhang, F., Romheld, V. & Zou, C. (2010). Influence of Long Term Nitrogen Fertilization on Micronutrient Density in Grain of Winter Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Journal of Cereal Science, 51(1), 165-170.
  • Suchowilska, E., Wiwart, M., Kandler, W. & Krska, R. (2012). A Comparison of Macro-and Microelement Concentration in the Whole Grain of Flour Triticum Species. Plant Soil Environ,58,141-147.
  • TÜİK, (2019a). Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu. = 92&locale=tr. (Erişim Tarihi: 26.02.2020)
  • TÜİK, (2019b). Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu. (Erişim Tarihi: 26.02.2020)
  • Vallega, V. (1996). The quality of Triticum monococcum L. in perspective. Pages 129–146 in: Hulled Wheats. S. Padulosi, K. Hammer, and J. Heller, eds. IPGRI Press, Rome, Italy.
  • Varughese, G., Barker, T. & Isaari, E. (1987).Tritikale. CIMMYT, Mexico. p.32.
  • Zhao, F.J., Su, Y.H., Dunham, S.J., Rakszegi, Mi Bedo Z., McGrath, S.P. & Shewry, P.R. (2009). Variation in Mineral Micronutrient Concentrations in Grain of Wheat Lines of Diverse Origin, Journal of. Cereal Science, 49,290-295.
There are 43 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Research Articles

Esra Özbek 0000-0002-2147-9247

İlknur Akgün 0000-0002-7476-7226

Project Number 2019 YL-0034
Publication Date December 31, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 2 Issue: 2


APA Özbek, E., & Akgün, İ. (2020). Azotlu Gübre Uygulamalarının Farklı Gelişme Döneminde Makarnalık Buğday ve Tritikalenin Bazı Mineral Madde İçeriğine Etkisi. Turkish Journal of Science and Engineering, 2(2), 38-47.