Research Article
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Year 2023, , 201 - 212, 25.09.2023


Gambreion Mysia bölgesindeki kent devletlerinden birisidir. Kent, İzmir’in Kınık ilçesi sınırları içerisindeki Poyracık beldesinde yer almaktadır. Kentle ilgili ilk bilgiler antik yazarlardan İ.Ö.5.yy.da elde edilmektedir. Bu yazarlardan, kentin iç bölgelerden gelip limana ulaşan antik yolların kavşak noktasında yer alan önemli bir kent olduğu ve Persler için bu kontrol altında tutulmasının önemi net bir şekilde ifade edilmektedir (Thucydides, History of the Peloponnesian War, 1.138.6; Xenephon Hellenica, 3.1.6). Ticarette son derece gelişen kent, İ.Ö.4 yy.da kendi sikkesini basan bir kent devleti konumundadır. Bununla birlikte kent devletinin gelişmiş bir düzeyde olduğu, lex sacrasında kentte tapınakların olduğunun ifade edilmesi ile belli olmaktadır. Gambreion’un 19. Yüzyıl gezginleri tarafından Poyracık’da olduğu ifade edilmekle birlikte mimari buluntuları yok denecek kadar azdır. Maddi kalıntının bu kadar az olan bu kent devletinin eldeki verilere göre Poyracık beldesinden başka bir yerde olabileceği yönünde bulgular elde ederek öneriler geliştirebilmek çalışmadaki amaçlardan birisi olarak belirlenmiştir. Kent devletinde eldeki bulgular ışığında hangi tanrıçanın kültü olduğunu tespit edilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bulgular kentte iki tanrıçaya ait tapınak olabileceğini göstermekle birlikte sadece Artemis ya da Demeter kültü de olabileceği konusunda da öneriler geliştirebilmek çalışmanın amaçlarından birisi olarak belirlenmiştir. Demeter ve Artemis’e ait kültlerin Mysia bölgesi içerisindeki diğer kent devletlerindeki yaygınlığının incelenmesi ve bölge için öneminin tespit edilebilmesi yönünde öneriler geliştirebilmek de amaç olarak belirlenmiştir. Bununla birlikte İ.Ö.5 yy.da Mysia için çok önemli bir kent devleti olan Gambreion’un Hellenistik dönemdeki önemli krallıklardan birisi olan Pergamon’u ne derece etkilemiş olabileceği konuşunda öneriler geliştirebilmek çalışmanın amaçlarından bir diğeri olarak belirlenmiştir. Çalışmada kısıtlı sayıda verilerin incelenmesi neticesinde kent devletinin yerinin Poyracık beldesinin Işıklar köyü çevresinde olabileceği yönünde bulgular tespit edilmiştir. Bununla birlikte kent devletinde hem Artemis hem de Demeter kültünün olabileceği düşünülmektedir. Her iki tanrıçanın da tapınaklarının ve kutsal alanlarının olduğu düşünülmektedir.


  • Antonaccio, C. M., & Neils, J. (1995). A New Graffito from Archaic Morgantina. Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, 105, 261-277.
  • Balcer, J. M. (1997). The Liberation of Ionia: 478 B.C. Historia: Zeitschrift für Alte Geschichte, 46(3), 374-377.
  • Balcer, J. M. (1985). Fifth Century B.C. Ionia: A Frontier Redefined. Revue des Études anciennes, 87, 31-42.
  • Binder, G. (1976). Geburt II (Religionsgeschichtlich). RAC, 9, 43-171.
  • Buckler, W. H., & Calder, W. M. (1939). Monuments and Documents from Phrygia and Caria (MAMA VI). Manchester.
  • Burkert, W. (1977). Griechische Religion der archaischen und klassischen Epoche. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.
  • Dmitriev, S. (2005). City Government in Hellenistic and Roman Asia Minor. Oxford.
  • Diodorus Siculus. (n.d.). Library of History (Book 11, Section 44.3).
  • Ehrenheim, H. von. (2011). Greek Incubation Rituals in Classical and Hellenistic Times. Stokholm University.
  • Fellows, C. (1838). A Journal Written During an Excursion Asia Minor. London.
  • Garlan, R. (1989). The Well-Ordered Corpse: An Investigation Into The Motives Behind Greek Funerary Legislation. Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies, 36, 1-15.
  • Garland, B. J. (1981). GYNAIKONOMOI: An Investigation of Greek Censors of Women. (Dissertation). Johns Hopkins University.
  • Gauthier, P., Rougemont, G., Follet, S., Sève, M., Dubois, L., Masson, O., ... Feissel, D. (1990). Bulletin Epigrafiqué. Revue des Études Grecques, 103(492/494), 435-616.
  • Guithrie, W. K. C. (1955). The Greeks and Their Gods. Boston.
  • Hadzisteliou Price, T. (1978). Kourotrophos. Cults and Representations of the Greek Nursing Deities (Studies of the Dutch Archaeological and Historical Society 8). Leiden: E. J. Brill.
  • Hansen, H. M. (1991). The Athenian Democracy in the Age of Demosthenes. Oxford: Blackwell.
  • Karalantza, E. D. (2013). Throwing Out The “Menos” With The Bath Water: The Sophoclean Text. Bulletin Of The Institute Of Classical Studies. Supplement, 126, 61-78.
  • MacDowell, D. M. (1978). The Law in Classical Athens. London.
  • Nilsson, M. P. (1906). Griechische Feste von Religiöser Bedeutung. Leipzig.
  • Ostwald, M. (1969). Nomos and the Beginnings of the Athenian Democracy. Oxford.
  • O’Sullivan, L. (2001). Pollux and the Nomophulakes of Demetrius of Phalerum. The Journal of Hellenic Studies, 121, 51-62.
  • Radt, W. (n.d.). Pergamon: Antik Bir Kentin Tarihi ve Yapıları. (S. Tammer, Trans.). İstanbul.
  • Ramsay, W. N. (1890). The Historical Geography of Asia Minor. London.
  • Rehm, A. (1958). Didyma II. Die Inschriften. Berlin.
  • Strabo. (1917-1932). Geography, I-VIII (H. L. Jones, Ed. & Trans.). London.
  • Thomas, C. (n.d.). Te Sanctuary of Demeter at Pergamon: Cultic Space for Women and its Eclipse. In H. Koester (Ed.), Pergamon citadel of the gods: Archaeological record, literary description, and religious development.
  • Thucydides. (1972). History of the Peloponnesian War. (R. Warner, Trans.; M. I. Finley, Ed.).
  • Versnel, H. S. (1985). May He Not Be Able to Sacrifice...’ concerning a Curious Formula in Greek and Latin Curses. Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, 58, 247-269.
  • von Diest, W. (1889). Von Pergamon über den Dindymos zum Pontus. Gotha.
  • Williamson, C. (2014). Power of Place: Ruler, Landscape and Ritual Space at the Sanctuaries of Labraunda and Mamurt Kale in Asia Minor. In C. Moster & C. Feldman (Eds.), Locating the Sacred: Theoretical Approaches to the Emplacement of Religion (pp. 87-110). Oxford.
  • Wörrle, M. (1969). Die Lex Sacra von der Hallenstrasse (inv. 1965.20). AvP, 8(3), 167-190.
  • Xenophon. (1961). Hellenica. (C. Browson, Trans.).


Year 2023, , 201 - 212, 25.09.2023


Gambreion is one of the city-states in the Mysia region. The city is located in Poyracık town within the borders of Kınık district of Izmir. The first information about the city is obtained from ancient writers in the 5th century BC. These authors clearly state that the city was an important city located at the crossroads of the ancient roads coming from the inland regions and reaching the harbour, and the importance of keeping this under control for the Persians(Thucydides, History of the Peloponnesian War, 1.138.6; Xenephon Hellenica,3.1.6). The city, which was highly developed in trade, was a city-state that minted its own coins in the 4th century BC. However, the fact that the city-state was at an advanced level is evident from the statement in the lex sacra that there were temples in the city. Although it is stated by 19th century travellers that Gambreion was located in Poyracık, architectural finds are almost non-existent. One of the aims of the study is to develop suggestions by obtaining findings that this city-state, which has so few material remains, may be in a place other than the town of Poyracık according to the available data. In the light of the findings, it was aimed to determine which goddess had a cult in the city-state. Although the findings show that there may be temples belonging to two goddesses in the city, one of the aims of the study is to develop suggestions that there may be only Artemis or Demeter cult. The aim of the study is also to examine the prevalence of the cults of Demeter and Artemis in other city-states in Mysia and to develop suggestions to determine their importance for the region. In addition, another aim of the study is to develop suggestions on how Gambreion, which was a very important city-state for Mysia in the 5th century BC, may have influenced Pergamon, one of the important kingdoms in the Hellenistic period. As a result of the examination of the limited number of data in the study, it was found that the location of the city state may be around the Işıklar village of Poyracık town. However, it is thought that both Artemis and Demeter cult may have existed in the city state. It is thought that both goddesses had temples and sanctuaries.


  • Antonaccio, C. M., & Neils, J. (1995). A New Graffito from Archaic Morgantina. Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, 105, 261-277.
  • Balcer, J. M. (1997). The Liberation of Ionia: 478 B.C. Historia: Zeitschrift für Alte Geschichte, 46(3), 374-377.
  • Balcer, J. M. (1985). Fifth Century B.C. Ionia: A Frontier Redefined. Revue des Études anciennes, 87, 31-42.
  • Binder, G. (1976). Geburt II (Religionsgeschichtlich). RAC, 9, 43-171.
  • Buckler, W. H., & Calder, W. M. (1939). Monuments and Documents from Phrygia and Caria (MAMA VI). Manchester.
  • Burkert, W. (1977). Griechische Religion der archaischen und klassischen Epoche. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.
  • Dmitriev, S. (2005). City Government in Hellenistic and Roman Asia Minor. Oxford.
  • Diodorus Siculus. (n.d.). Library of History (Book 11, Section 44.3).
  • Ehrenheim, H. von. (2011). Greek Incubation Rituals in Classical and Hellenistic Times. Stokholm University.
  • Fellows, C. (1838). A Journal Written During an Excursion Asia Minor. London.
  • Garlan, R. (1989). The Well-Ordered Corpse: An Investigation Into The Motives Behind Greek Funerary Legislation. Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies, 36, 1-15.
  • Garland, B. J. (1981). GYNAIKONOMOI: An Investigation of Greek Censors of Women. (Dissertation). Johns Hopkins University.
  • Gauthier, P., Rougemont, G., Follet, S., Sève, M., Dubois, L., Masson, O., ... Feissel, D. (1990). Bulletin Epigrafiqué. Revue des Études Grecques, 103(492/494), 435-616.
  • Guithrie, W. K. C. (1955). The Greeks and Their Gods. Boston.
  • Hadzisteliou Price, T. (1978). Kourotrophos. Cults and Representations of the Greek Nursing Deities (Studies of the Dutch Archaeological and Historical Society 8). Leiden: E. J. Brill.
  • Hansen, H. M. (1991). The Athenian Democracy in the Age of Demosthenes. Oxford: Blackwell.
  • Karalantza, E. D. (2013). Throwing Out The “Menos” With The Bath Water: The Sophoclean Text. Bulletin Of The Institute Of Classical Studies. Supplement, 126, 61-78.
  • MacDowell, D. M. (1978). The Law in Classical Athens. London.
  • Nilsson, M. P. (1906). Griechische Feste von Religiöser Bedeutung. Leipzig.
  • Ostwald, M. (1969). Nomos and the Beginnings of the Athenian Democracy. Oxford.
  • O’Sullivan, L. (2001). Pollux and the Nomophulakes of Demetrius of Phalerum. The Journal of Hellenic Studies, 121, 51-62.
  • Radt, W. (n.d.). Pergamon: Antik Bir Kentin Tarihi ve Yapıları. (S. Tammer, Trans.). İstanbul.
  • Ramsay, W. N. (1890). The Historical Geography of Asia Minor. London.
  • Rehm, A. (1958). Didyma II. Die Inschriften. Berlin.
  • Strabo. (1917-1932). Geography, I-VIII (H. L. Jones, Ed. & Trans.). London.
  • Thomas, C. (n.d.). Te Sanctuary of Demeter at Pergamon: Cultic Space for Women and its Eclipse. In H. Koester (Ed.), Pergamon citadel of the gods: Archaeological record, literary description, and religious development.
  • Thucydides. (1972). History of the Peloponnesian War. (R. Warner, Trans.; M. I. Finley, Ed.).
  • Versnel, H. S. (1985). May He Not Be Able to Sacrifice...’ concerning a Curious Formula in Greek and Latin Curses. Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, 58, 247-269.
  • von Diest, W. (1889). Von Pergamon über den Dindymos zum Pontus. Gotha.
  • Williamson, C. (2014). Power of Place: Ruler, Landscape and Ritual Space at the Sanctuaries of Labraunda and Mamurt Kale in Asia Minor. In C. Moster & C. Feldman (Eds.), Locating the Sacred: Theoretical Approaches to the Emplacement of Religion (pp. 87-110). Oxford.
  • Wörrle, M. (1969). Die Lex Sacra von der Hallenstrasse (inv. 1965.20). AvP, 8(3), 167-190.
  • Xenophon. (1961). Hellenica. (C. Browson, Trans.).
There are 32 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Archaeological Science
Journal Section Articles

Derya Erol 0000-0003-1580-6448

Publication Date September 25, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Erol, D. (2023). GAMBREION KENT DEVLETİ: MYSIA BÖLGESİNİN İ.Ö.5.YY’DA ÖNE ÇIKAN MERKEZİ. The Journal of Social Science, 7(14), 201-212.