Research Article
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Year 2017, , 60 - 70, 15.12.2017


Participation Banking has been developing and growing rapidly, especially in the last quarter century, and included in the 10th Development Plan in line with Turkey's Islamic Financial Center goal. Despite the fact that some studies have been carried out on a small scale to investigate why interest-free banks are preferred in the world and in Turkey, this number is both inadequate and the studies on why the participation banks are preferred for the regional and larger size are rarely found in the literature. In this study; it has been searched why the participation banks in the Western Black Sea region are preferred by the customers. In this frame, data were collected by survey from Bolu, Düzce and Zonguldak that is located in the Western Black Sea region and analyzed by SPSS 23 program. In the light of findings, the factors enabling the participation banks to be preferred in Western Black Sea Region have been obtained. In addition, as a result of the factor analysis, it was observed that two factors were important for customers when they preferred participation banks. According to these factors, it was tested by Anova analysis whether there is a preference difference in participation banks in the related cases. According to the analysis results, the most effective reason for the preference of participation banks is; it has been concluded that the branch is closely related to the staff. This research is expected to contribute to the literature and researchers.


  • Apil, A. R.(2009), Türkiye Örneğinde Katılım Bankacılığına Müşteri Yaklaşımları [Customer Approach to Participatory Banking in the Case of Turkey ] (TKBB No. Katılım Bankacılığının Finans Sektörüne Getirdiği Yenilik ve Açılımlar Başlıklı Bilimsel Araştırma Yarışması). Retrieved 2012, June 21.
  • Awan, H. M., & Bukhari, K. S. (2010). Customer's Criteria For Selecting an Islamic Bank: Evidence From Pakistan, Journal of İslâmic Marketing, 2 (1), 14-27. Buchari, I., Rafiki, A., & Al Qassab, M. A. H. (2015). Awareness and Attitudes of Employees towards Islamic Banking Products in Bahrain, Procedia Economics and Finance, 30, 68-78.
  • Chin, T., & Liu, R. (2017). Critical management issues in China’s socio-economic transformation: multiple scientific perspectives to strategy and innovation. Chinese Management Studies, 11(1).
  • Erol, Cengiz ve El-Bdour, Radi (1989). “Attitudes, Behaviour, and Patronage Factors of Bank Customers towards İslâmic Banks”, International Journal of Bank Marketing, 7(6), 31-37
  • Gerrard, P., & Barton Cunningham, J. (1997). İslâmic banking: a study in Singapore, International Journal of Bank Marketing, 15(6), 204-216.
  • Haque, A. K. M. Ahasanul and Osman, Jamil and Ismail, Ahmad Zaki (2009) Factor influences selection of İslâmic banking: a study on Malaysian customer preferences. American Journal of Applied Sciences , 6 (5). pp. 922-928. ISSN 1554-3641(O), 1546-9239 (P).
  • Haron, Sudin , Norafifah, Ahmad ve Planisek, Sandra L. (1994), “Bank Patronage Factors of Muslim and Non-Muslim Customers”, International Journal of Bank Marketing, 12(1), 32-40.
  • Jamal, A., & Naser, K. (2002). Customer satisfaction and retail banking: an assessment of some of the key antecedents of customer satisfaction in retail banking. International journal of bank marketing, 20(4), 146-160.
  • Kaynak, Erdener (1986), “How to Measure Your Bank’s Personality: Some Insights from Canada”, International Journal of Bank Marketing, 4(3), 54-68.
  • Lambert, R. (2012), “What does business want from business schools?”, Global Focus Magazine, Vol. 6 No. 3, pp. 16-21.
  • Laroche, Michel , Rosenblatt, Jerry A. ve Manning, Terrill (1986), “Services Used and Factors Considered Important in Selecting a Bank: An Investigation across Diverse Demographic Segments”, International Journal of Bank Marketing, 4(1), 35-55
  • Lee, K. H., & Ullah, S. (2011). Customers' attitude toward İslâmic banking in Pakistan. International Journal of İslâmic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management, 4(2), 131-145.
  • Lo, C. W. , & Leow, C. S. (2014). İslâmic banking in Malaysia: A sustainable growth of the consumer market. International Journal of Trade, Economics and Finance, 5(6), 526.
  • Mansour, W., Ben Abdelhamid, M., Masood, O., & Niazi, G. S. K. (2010). İslâmic banking and customers' preferences: the case of the UK. Qualitative Research in Financial Markets, 2(3), 185-199.
  • Marimuthu, Maran , Chan, Wai Jing , Lim, Phei Gie , Low, Pey Mun ve Tan, Yew Ping (2010),“İslâmic Banking: Selection Criteria and Implications”, Global Journal of Human Social Science, 10(4:1), 52-62.
  • Naser, K., Jamal, A., & Al-Khatib, K. (1999). İslâmic banking: a study of customer satisfaction and preferences in Jordan. International journal of bank marketing, 17(3), 135-151.
  • Nunnally, Jum C. (1967), Psychometric Theory, New York, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri: McGrawHill
  • Okumuş, H. Şaduman (2005), “Interest-Free Banking in Turkey: A Study of Customer Satisfaction and Bank Selection Criteria”, Journal of Economic Cooperation, 26(4): 51-86.
  • Özsoy, İ., Görmez, B., & Mekik, S. (2013). Türkiye’de katılım bankalarının tercih edilme sebepleri: Ampirik bir tetkik. Yönetim ve Ekonomi: Celal Bayar Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 20(1), 187-206.
  • Porter, M.E. and Kramer, M.R. (2011), “Creating shared value”, Harvard Business Review, Vol. 89


Year 2017, , 60 - 70, 15.12.2017


Özellikle son çeyrek asırda hızla
gelişip büyümekte olan katılım bankaları, Türkiye'nin İslami Finans Merkezi
hedefi doğrultusunda Onuncu kalkınma planına dâhil olmuştur. Dünyada ve
Türkiye’de faizsiz bankaların niçin tercih edildiğini araştıran küçük çapta
belli başlı bazı çalışmalar yapılmış olmasına rağmen bu sayı hem yetersiz, hem
de katılım bankalarının bölgesel ve daha büyük çapta niçin tercih edildiğine
dair yapılan çalışmalar literatürde yok denecek kadar azdır. Bu araştırmada; Düzce,
Bolu ve Zonguldak’ta katılım bankalarının müşteriler tarafından niçin tercih
edildiği araştırılmıştır. Bu çerçevede, Bolu, Düzce ve Zonguldak’tan anket
yoluyla veri toplanarak, SPSS 23 programıyla analiz edilmiştir. Bulgular
ışığında, katılım bankalarının Düzce, Bolu ve Zonguldak illerinde tercih
edilmesini sağlayan etkenler ortaya konmuştur. Ayrıca, faktör analizi sonucunda
müşterilerin katılım bankalarını tercih etmesinde iki faktörün önemli olduğu
gözlenmiştir. Bu faktörlere göre iller arasında katılım bankalarının tercih
edilmesinde bir farklılık olup olmadığı Anova analizi ile test edilmiştir. Bu
araştırma neticesinde, çalışmanın literatüre ve katılım bankalarına katkıda
bulunması beklenmektedir.


  • Apil, A. R.(2009), Türkiye Örneğinde Katılım Bankacılığına Müşteri Yaklaşımları [Customer Approach to Participatory Banking in the Case of Turkey ] (TKBB No. Katılım Bankacılığının Finans Sektörüne Getirdiği Yenilik ve Açılımlar Başlıklı Bilimsel Araştırma Yarışması). Retrieved 2012, June 21.
  • Awan, H. M., & Bukhari, K. S. (2010). Customer's Criteria For Selecting an Islamic Bank: Evidence From Pakistan, Journal of İslâmic Marketing, 2 (1), 14-27. Buchari, I., Rafiki, A., & Al Qassab, M. A. H. (2015). Awareness and Attitudes of Employees towards Islamic Banking Products in Bahrain, Procedia Economics and Finance, 30, 68-78.
  • Chin, T., & Liu, R. (2017). Critical management issues in China’s socio-economic transformation: multiple scientific perspectives to strategy and innovation. Chinese Management Studies, 11(1).
  • Erol, Cengiz ve El-Bdour, Radi (1989). “Attitudes, Behaviour, and Patronage Factors of Bank Customers towards İslâmic Banks”, International Journal of Bank Marketing, 7(6), 31-37
  • Gerrard, P., & Barton Cunningham, J. (1997). İslâmic banking: a study in Singapore, International Journal of Bank Marketing, 15(6), 204-216.
  • Haque, A. K. M. Ahasanul and Osman, Jamil and Ismail, Ahmad Zaki (2009) Factor influences selection of İslâmic banking: a study on Malaysian customer preferences. American Journal of Applied Sciences , 6 (5). pp. 922-928. ISSN 1554-3641(O), 1546-9239 (P).
  • Haron, Sudin , Norafifah, Ahmad ve Planisek, Sandra L. (1994), “Bank Patronage Factors of Muslim and Non-Muslim Customers”, International Journal of Bank Marketing, 12(1), 32-40.
  • Jamal, A., & Naser, K. (2002). Customer satisfaction and retail banking: an assessment of some of the key antecedents of customer satisfaction in retail banking. International journal of bank marketing, 20(4), 146-160.
  • Kaynak, Erdener (1986), “How to Measure Your Bank’s Personality: Some Insights from Canada”, International Journal of Bank Marketing, 4(3), 54-68.
  • Lambert, R. (2012), “What does business want from business schools?”, Global Focus Magazine, Vol. 6 No. 3, pp. 16-21.
  • Laroche, Michel , Rosenblatt, Jerry A. ve Manning, Terrill (1986), “Services Used and Factors Considered Important in Selecting a Bank: An Investigation across Diverse Demographic Segments”, International Journal of Bank Marketing, 4(1), 35-55
  • Lee, K. H., & Ullah, S. (2011). Customers' attitude toward İslâmic banking in Pakistan. International Journal of İslâmic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management, 4(2), 131-145.
  • Lo, C. W. , & Leow, C. S. (2014). İslâmic banking in Malaysia: A sustainable growth of the consumer market. International Journal of Trade, Economics and Finance, 5(6), 526.
  • Mansour, W., Ben Abdelhamid, M., Masood, O., & Niazi, G. S. K. (2010). İslâmic banking and customers' preferences: the case of the UK. Qualitative Research in Financial Markets, 2(3), 185-199.
  • Marimuthu, Maran , Chan, Wai Jing , Lim, Phei Gie , Low, Pey Mun ve Tan, Yew Ping (2010),“İslâmic Banking: Selection Criteria and Implications”, Global Journal of Human Social Science, 10(4:1), 52-62.
  • Naser, K., Jamal, A., & Al-Khatib, K. (1999). İslâmic banking: a study of customer satisfaction and preferences in Jordan. International journal of bank marketing, 17(3), 135-151.
  • Nunnally, Jum C. (1967), Psychometric Theory, New York, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri: McGrawHill
  • Okumuş, H. Şaduman (2005), “Interest-Free Banking in Turkey: A Study of Customer Satisfaction and Bank Selection Criteria”, Journal of Economic Cooperation, 26(4): 51-86.
  • Özsoy, İ., Görmez, B., & Mekik, S. (2013). Türkiye’de katılım bankalarının tercih edilme sebepleri: Ampirik bir tetkik. Yönetim ve Ekonomi: Celal Bayar Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 20(1), 187-206.
  • Porter, M.E. and Kramer, M.R. (2011), “Creating shared value”, Harvard Business Review, Vol. 89
There are 20 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

İsmail Durak

Murat Bayat

Hakan Murat Arslan 0000-0002-3515-5358

Publication Date December 15, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017


APA Durak, İ., Bayat, M., & Arslan, H. M. (2017). CUSTOMER PREFERENCES IN BANK SELECTION: AN EMPIRICAL ANALYSIS ON PARTICIPATION BANKS. The Journal of Social Science, 1(2), 60-70.