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Türkiye-Fas İlişkileri ve Ortaya Çıkan Sorunların Çözümü Adına Her İki Tarafın Attığı Dinamik Adımlar

Year 2025, Volume: 9 Issue: 17, 64 - 79, 28.02.2025


Türkiye-Fas ilişkilerinin konusunu oluşturan bu makale, siyaset, kültür ve ekonomi gibi farklı alanları kapsayan Türkiye-Fas ilişkilerinin bir analizini sunmaktadır. Türkiye-Fas ilişkileri, Fas'ın bağımsızlığından sonra 1950'lerde başlamıştır. Ancak, Türkler ve Faslılar arasındaki ilk temas 16. yüzyılda kurulmuş ve ilişkiler bu yüzyıldan itibaren gelişmeye başlamıştır. Bununla birlikte, Soğuk Savaş'ın sona ermesine kadar ilişkilerde dikkate değer bir gelişme olmamıştır. Soğuk Savaş sonrası dönemde Türkiye-Fas ilişkilerinde yeni bir dönem açılmıştır. Bu yeni dönemde ilişkiler farklı alanlarda gelişmeye ve derinleşmeye başlamıştır ve Türkiye ile Fas arasında bugün bölgesel ve uluslararası konularla gelen zorluklara rağmen iyi, gelişmiş, derinleşmiş ve stratejik ilişkiler bulunmaktadır. Bu makale, bölgedeki değişen gerçekliklere ve dünya sistemindeki değişimlere odaklanarak, Türkiye ve Fas arasındaki ilişkilerin geçmişten bugüne farklı zaman dilimlerine göre nasıl şekillendiğini ve geliştiğini analiz etmektedir.


  • AA. (2017). All FETO-linked schools shut down countrywide: Morocco. (2024,August 31)
  • AA. (2023). Türkiye ve Fas işbirliğini güçlendirmek istiyor. (2024,August 24)
  • Adamson, F. B. (2001). Democratization and the domestic sources of foreign policy: Turkey in the 1974 Cyprus crisis. Political Science Quarterly, 277-303.
  • Al-Akhssassi, M. (2017). Reforms in Morocco. Contemporary Arab Affairs, 482-509.
  • Al-Taheri, M. (2017, February 21). All FETO-linked schools shut down countrywide: Morocco. Anatolian News Agency: (2023,July 21)
  • Arab Center for Research. (2020). The Increasing Turkish Role in Libya. In Turkey’s Growing Role in Libya: Motives, Background and Responses (pp. 1–2). Arab Center for Research & Policy Studies.
  • Atçil, A. (2013). Decentralization, Imperialism, and Ottoman Sovereignty in the Arab Lands before 1914. Die Welt des Islams, 53(1), 26-49.
  • Aydın, C. (2017). The Idea of the Muslim World: A global intellectual history. Harvard University Press
  • Awad, H. (1964). Morocco’s Expanding Towns. The Geographical Journal, 130(1), 49–64.
  • Baudais, V., Bourhrous, A., & O’driscoll, D. (2021). Conflict Mediation and Peacebuilding in the Sahel: The Role of Maghreb Countries in an African Framework. Stockholm International Peace Research Institute.
  • Brett, M. (1984). Morocco and the Ottomans: The sixteenth century in North Africa. The Journal of African History, 331-341.
  • Corrales, E. M. (2021). Muslims in Spain, 1492-1814: Living and Negotiating in the Land of the Infidel. Brill.
  • Denizeau, A. (2022). Turkish–French relations during the Second World War and the Cold War. In O. Ömerci, & A. Denizeau (Eds.), Turkish-French Relations (p. 57-77). Cham: Springer.
  • Deringil, S. (1991). Legitimacy structures in the Ottoman State: The reign of Abdulhamid II (1876-1909). International Journal of Middle East Studies, 345-359.
  • EU. (2000). Turkey and relations with the European Union. (2024, August 29)
  • Falls, N. (2005, October 10). The conquest of Algiers. History Today.,colony%20for%20over%20130%20years. (2024, July 20)
  • Findley, C.V. (1980). Bureaucratic reform in the Ottoman Empire: the sublime porte, 1789-1922. Princeton University Press.
  • Foreign Economic Relations Board. (2011). Morocco country bulletin. (2024, July 28)
  • Gleijeses, P. (2002). Conflicting missions: Havana, Washington and Africa, 1959–1976. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press.
  • GNAT. (2020). Turkey’s candidate, Volkan Bozkır, elected to the presidency of the 75. UN General Assembly. (2024, August 25)
  • Hale, W. (2013). Turkish foreign policy since 1774. London: Routledge.
  • Hasnaoui, Y. (2017). Morocco and the African Union: A New Chapter for Western Sahara Resolution? Arab Center for Research & Policy Studies.
  • Hazar, N. (2023). Turkish foreign policy and the importance of Türkiye’s policy of outreach to the African continent. Perceptions: Journal of International Affairs, 28 (1), 11-26.
  • Hess, A. C. (1968). The Moriscos: An Ottoman Fifth Column in Sixteenth-Century Spain. The American Historical Review, 74(1), 1–25.
  • Isci, O. (2014). Wartime Propaganda and the Legacies of Defeat: Russian and Ottoman Newspapers in the War of 1877–1878. Russian History, 41(2), 181–196.
  • Ipek, V. and Turkes-Kılıc, S. (2019). European Turkey and European Morocco: Two Identity Construction cases in the path to the EEC membership. Türkiye Ortadoğu Çalışmaları Dergisi , 6 (2) , 43-70 .
  • Lazerq, M. A. (2021, July 30). Morocco and Turkey: 65 years of friendship and cooperation. TRT World: (2024, July 22)
  • Levy, H. L. (1957). Morocco. The American Jewish Book. 353-359.
  • Makdisi, U. (2002). Ottoman Orientalism. The American Historical Review, 107(3), 768–796.
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs-Türkiye. (2023a). Relations between Türkiye and Morocco. (2024, August 22)
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs-Türkiye. (2023b). The first Foreign Minister-level visit from Morocco to Turkey after 25 years. (2024, August 23)
  • Onis, Z. (1995). Turkey in the Post-Cold War era: In search of identity. Middle East Journal, 48-68.
  • ORSAM. (2022). 2000'li yıllarda Türkiye-Fas ilişkileri (2024, August 27)
  • Özkan, M. (2011). Turkey’s ‘New’ Engagements in Africa and Asia: Scope, Content and Implications. Perceptions: Journal of International Affairs, 16 (3), 115-137.
  • Özcan, M. (2017). Turkish foreign policy under the AK Party. INSIGHT Turkey, 9-20.
  • Ökmen, M. (2007), Osmanlı’dan Cumhuriyet’e Türkiye’de merkeziyetçilik- âdem-i merkeziyetçilik pratiği üzerine notlar. Akademik Araştırmalar Dergisi, 9(10), 1-25.
  • Pavia, A., Mezran, K., Menotti, R., Melcangi, A., & Badi, E. (2022). Crisis in the Maghreb. In North Africa’s transatlantic relations amid change and continuity (pp. 29–39). Atlantic Council.
  • Pellicer, M., & Wegner, E. (2015). The Justice and Development Party in Moroccan Local Politics. Middle East Journal, 69(1), 32–50.
  • Sayari, S. (2000). Turkish foreign policy in the Post-Cold War Era: The challenges of multi-regionalism. Journal of International Affairs, 169-182.
  • Seddon, D. (1987). Morocco and the Western Sahara. Review of African Political Economy, 24-47.
  • Sıradağ, A. (2022). The Rise of Turkey’s soft power in Africa. International Journal of Political Studies, 1-14.
  • Şimşir, B. (1970). Fransız belgelerine göre Midhat Paşa’nın Sonu. Ayyıldız.
  • Tepeciklioğlu, E.E. (2012). Afrika kıtasının dünya politikasında artan önemi ve Türkiye-Afrika ilişkileri. Ankara Üniversitesi Afrika Çalışmaları Dergisi, 1(2), 59-94.
  • TGSP. (2021). Türkiye’de uluslararasi öğrenciler. (2024, August 24)
  • TİKA. (2015). Turkish development assistance report. (2024, August 30)
  • TİKA. (2016). Turkish development assistance report. (2024, August 30)
  • TİKA. (2019). Turkish development assistance report. (2024, August 30)
  • TİKA. (2020). Turkish development assistance report. (2024, August 30)
  • Treaty of Rome. (1957). The treaty establishing the European Economic Community. (2024, August 29)
  • Trading Economics (2023a). Turkey Exports to Morocco. (2024, December 29)
  • Trading Economics (2023b). Turkey Imports from Morocco. (2024, December 29)
  • Turkish Embassy in Rabat. (2023). History of the embassy. (2024, August 26)
  • UN. (1945). United Nations Charter. (2024, August 27)
  • UN. (2008). General Assembly elects Austria, Japan, Mexico, Turkey, Uganda To two-year terms on Security Council (2024, August 30)
  • Wagner, H. (1993). What was bipolarity? International Organization. Cambridge University Press, vol. 47(1). p .77-106.
  • World Bank. (1981). Morocco - Economic and social development report. (2024, August 27)
  • Yaakoubi, A. E. (2015, December 17). Libyan factions sign U.N. deal to form unity government. Reuters. (2024, July 12)
  • Yeşilmen, G. (2018). Osmanlı Devleti’nin Fas siyaseti üzerine bir değerlendirme. Medeniyet ve Toplum Dergisi, 2 (2), 107-121.
  • Zakhir, M., & O’Brien, J.L. (2017). French neo-colonial influence on Moroccan language education policy: a study of current status of standard Arabic in science disciplines. Language Policy, 16, 39-58.
  • Zoubeidi, A. (2021, November 12). Morocco and Turkey are seeking a sustainable partnership. Politics Today. (2024, July 10)
  • Zoubir, Y. H. (1995). The United States, the Soviet Union and Decolonization of the Maghreb, 1945-62. Middle Eastern Studies, 31(1), 58–84.

Türkiye-Morocco Relations and The Dynamic Actions Taken by Both Sides to Address Emerging Issues

Year 2025, Volume: 9 Issue: 17, 64 - 79, 28.02.2025


The article on Türkiye-Morocco relations analyzes the two countries together encompassing politics and economy. Türkiye-Morocco relations began in the 1950s after the independence of Morocco. However, there were relations between Turks and Moroccans before the establishment of diplomatic relations in the modern sense. In the 16th century, the Ottoman Empire conquered Algeria and it began to have a border with Morocco. However, there was not any notable development in the relations until the end of the Cold War due to the interdependence of Morocco with France in domestic and external affairs. A new era was opened in Türkiye-Morocco relations during the Post-Cold War era. In 1998, notable developments began to take place in the relations and the affairs gained a new dimension during the 21st century. Since 2005, Türkiye has followed proactive policy in this continent thanks to the Africa Initiative and Morocco has been a key country to open a page with African countries. The relations have begun to develop and deepen in different fields in this new term and both countries created good and strategic affairs today despite the challenges coming from regional and international issues. This article analyzes how the relations between Türkiye and Morocco have been shaped according to different periods from the past to today by focusing on changing realities in the region and world system, and the basis of the relation.


  • AA. (2017). All FETO-linked schools shut down countrywide: Morocco. (2024,August 31)
  • AA. (2023). Türkiye ve Fas işbirliğini güçlendirmek istiyor. (2024,August 24)
  • Adamson, F. B. (2001). Democratization and the domestic sources of foreign policy: Turkey in the 1974 Cyprus crisis. Political Science Quarterly, 277-303.
  • Al-Akhssassi, M. (2017). Reforms in Morocco. Contemporary Arab Affairs, 482-509.
  • Al-Taheri, M. (2017, February 21). All FETO-linked schools shut down countrywide: Morocco. Anatolian News Agency: (2023,July 21)
  • Arab Center for Research. (2020). The Increasing Turkish Role in Libya. In Turkey’s Growing Role in Libya: Motives, Background and Responses (pp. 1–2). Arab Center for Research & Policy Studies.
  • Atçil, A. (2013). Decentralization, Imperialism, and Ottoman Sovereignty in the Arab Lands before 1914. Die Welt des Islams, 53(1), 26-49.
  • Aydın, C. (2017). The Idea of the Muslim World: A global intellectual history. Harvard University Press
  • Awad, H. (1964). Morocco’s Expanding Towns. The Geographical Journal, 130(1), 49–64.
  • Baudais, V., Bourhrous, A., & O’driscoll, D. (2021). Conflict Mediation and Peacebuilding in the Sahel: The Role of Maghreb Countries in an African Framework. Stockholm International Peace Research Institute.
  • Brett, M. (1984). Morocco and the Ottomans: The sixteenth century in North Africa. The Journal of African History, 331-341.
  • Corrales, E. M. (2021). Muslims in Spain, 1492-1814: Living and Negotiating in the Land of the Infidel. Brill.
  • Denizeau, A. (2022). Turkish–French relations during the Second World War and the Cold War. In O. Ömerci, & A. Denizeau (Eds.), Turkish-French Relations (p. 57-77). Cham: Springer.
  • Deringil, S. (1991). Legitimacy structures in the Ottoman State: The reign of Abdulhamid II (1876-1909). International Journal of Middle East Studies, 345-359.
  • EU. (2000). Turkey and relations with the European Union. (2024, August 29)
  • Falls, N. (2005, October 10). The conquest of Algiers. History Today.,colony%20for%20over%20130%20years. (2024, July 20)
  • Findley, C.V. (1980). Bureaucratic reform in the Ottoman Empire: the sublime porte, 1789-1922. Princeton University Press.
  • Foreign Economic Relations Board. (2011). Morocco country bulletin. (2024, July 28)
  • Gleijeses, P. (2002). Conflicting missions: Havana, Washington and Africa, 1959–1976. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press.
  • GNAT. (2020). Turkey’s candidate, Volkan Bozkır, elected to the presidency of the 75. UN General Assembly. (2024, August 25)
  • Hale, W. (2013). Turkish foreign policy since 1774. London: Routledge.
  • Hasnaoui, Y. (2017). Morocco and the African Union: A New Chapter for Western Sahara Resolution? Arab Center for Research & Policy Studies.
  • Hazar, N. (2023). Turkish foreign policy and the importance of Türkiye’s policy of outreach to the African continent. Perceptions: Journal of International Affairs, 28 (1), 11-26.
  • Hess, A. C. (1968). The Moriscos: An Ottoman Fifth Column in Sixteenth-Century Spain. The American Historical Review, 74(1), 1–25.
  • Isci, O. (2014). Wartime Propaganda and the Legacies of Defeat: Russian and Ottoman Newspapers in the War of 1877–1878. Russian History, 41(2), 181–196.
  • Ipek, V. and Turkes-Kılıc, S. (2019). European Turkey and European Morocco: Two Identity Construction cases in the path to the EEC membership. Türkiye Ortadoğu Çalışmaları Dergisi , 6 (2) , 43-70 .
  • Lazerq, M. A. (2021, July 30). Morocco and Turkey: 65 years of friendship and cooperation. TRT World: (2024, July 22)
  • Levy, H. L. (1957). Morocco. The American Jewish Book. 353-359.
  • Makdisi, U. (2002). Ottoman Orientalism. The American Historical Review, 107(3), 768–796.
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs-Türkiye. (2023a). Relations between Türkiye and Morocco. (2024, August 22)
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs-Türkiye. (2023b). The first Foreign Minister-level visit from Morocco to Turkey after 25 years. (2024, August 23)
  • Onis, Z. (1995). Turkey in the Post-Cold War era: In search of identity. Middle East Journal, 48-68.
  • ORSAM. (2022). 2000'li yıllarda Türkiye-Fas ilişkileri (2024, August 27)
  • Özkan, M. (2011). Turkey’s ‘New’ Engagements in Africa and Asia: Scope, Content and Implications. Perceptions: Journal of International Affairs, 16 (3), 115-137.
  • Özcan, M. (2017). Turkish foreign policy under the AK Party. INSIGHT Turkey, 9-20.
  • Ökmen, M. (2007), Osmanlı’dan Cumhuriyet’e Türkiye’de merkeziyetçilik- âdem-i merkeziyetçilik pratiği üzerine notlar. Akademik Araştırmalar Dergisi, 9(10), 1-25.
  • Pavia, A., Mezran, K., Menotti, R., Melcangi, A., & Badi, E. (2022). Crisis in the Maghreb. In North Africa’s transatlantic relations amid change and continuity (pp. 29–39). Atlantic Council.
  • Pellicer, M., & Wegner, E. (2015). The Justice and Development Party in Moroccan Local Politics. Middle East Journal, 69(1), 32–50.
  • Sayari, S. (2000). Turkish foreign policy in the Post-Cold War Era: The challenges of multi-regionalism. Journal of International Affairs, 169-182.
  • Seddon, D. (1987). Morocco and the Western Sahara. Review of African Political Economy, 24-47.
  • Sıradağ, A. (2022). The Rise of Turkey’s soft power in Africa. International Journal of Political Studies, 1-14.
  • Şimşir, B. (1970). Fransız belgelerine göre Midhat Paşa’nın Sonu. Ayyıldız.
  • Tepeciklioğlu, E.E. (2012). Afrika kıtasının dünya politikasında artan önemi ve Türkiye-Afrika ilişkileri. Ankara Üniversitesi Afrika Çalışmaları Dergisi, 1(2), 59-94.
  • TGSP. (2021). Türkiye’de uluslararasi öğrenciler. (2024, August 24)
  • TİKA. (2015). Turkish development assistance report. (2024, August 30)
  • TİKA. (2016). Turkish development assistance report. (2024, August 30)
  • TİKA. (2019). Turkish development assistance report. (2024, August 30)
  • TİKA. (2020). Turkish development assistance report. (2024, August 30)
  • Treaty of Rome. (1957). The treaty establishing the European Economic Community. (2024, August 29)
  • Trading Economics (2023a). Turkey Exports to Morocco. (2024, December 29)
  • Trading Economics (2023b). Turkey Imports from Morocco. (2024, December 29)
  • Turkish Embassy in Rabat. (2023). History of the embassy. (2024, August 26)
  • UN. (1945). United Nations Charter. (2024, August 27)
  • UN. (2008). General Assembly elects Austria, Japan, Mexico, Turkey, Uganda To two-year terms on Security Council (2024, August 30)
  • Wagner, H. (1993). What was bipolarity? International Organization. Cambridge University Press, vol. 47(1). p .77-106.
  • World Bank. (1981). Morocco - Economic and social development report. (2024, August 27)
  • Yaakoubi, A. E. (2015, December 17). Libyan factions sign U.N. deal to form unity government. Reuters. (2024, July 12)
  • Yeşilmen, G. (2018). Osmanlı Devleti’nin Fas siyaseti üzerine bir değerlendirme. Medeniyet ve Toplum Dergisi, 2 (2), 107-121.
  • Zakhir, M., & O’Brien, J.L. (2017). French neo-colonial influence on Moroccan language education policy: a study of current status of standard Arabic in science disciplines. Language Policy, 16, 39-58.
  • Zoubeidi, A. (2021, November 12). Morocco and Turkey are seeking a sustainable partnership. Politics Today. (2024, July 10)
  • Zoubir, Y. H. (1995). The United States, the Soviet Union and Decolonization of the Maghreb, 1945-62. Middle Eastern Studies, 31(1), 58–84.
There are 61 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects International Relations (Other)
Journal Section Articles

Burak Şakir Şeker 0000-0002-8536-1790

Early Pub Date February 25, 2025
Publication Date February 28, 2025
Submission Date January 15, 2025
Acceptance Date February 15, 2025
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 9 Issue: 17


APA Şeker, B. Ş. (2025). Türkiye-Morocco Relations and The Dynamic Actions Taken by Both Sides to Address Emerging Issues. The Journal of Social Science, 9(17), 64-79.