Research Article
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A Group of Ceramic Find from the Basilica of Thyateira City

Year 2025, Volume: 9 Issue: 17, 120 - 130, 28.02.2025


Thyateira is thought to have been an outpost founded by Seleucus during the Hellenistic period. Thyateira came under Roman rule after 133 BC as a city in the Pergamon kingdom. Under Roman rule, it managed to become an important city in the Asia Minor province, both economically and politically. It was one of the important cities of the Asia Province during the Roman period. The excavations, which resumed in 2024, continued in the Basilica, which was unearthed in the 1970s. The ceramic findings obtained in these studies, especially the lamps and unguentaria, form the basis of this study. The lamps examined show Roman-era ceramic production techniques and symbolic areas of use. In addition, the unguentaria provide clues about the periods of the city with their context and dating methods. The studies conducted shed light on the city's history, which dates back to the 4th-3rd centuries BC. The data obtained show that Thyateira ceased to be a small military outpost established as a mere cathoikya in the Hellenistic period and became one of the developed Hellenistic cities. During the Roman Empire, the city had a great economic and cultural activity in the region, as it was located at the crossroads of trade routes and was a city that produced in many areas. These findings provide valuable data to better understand the importance of Thyateira in production and trade networks, as well as findings that will reveal the historical development of the city.


  • Bailey, D. M. (1988). A catalogue of the lamps in the British Museum: Roman provincial lamps (Vol. 3). London.
  • Boatwright, M. T. (2000). Hadrian and the cities of the Roman Empire. New Jersey.
  • Buckler, W. H. (1917). Lydian records. Journal of Hellenic Studies, 37, 88–115.
  • Cohen, G. (1995). The Hellenistic settlements in Europe, the islands, and Asia Minor. Berkeley.
  • Diest, H. (1889). Pergamon: Über den Dindymos zum Pontus.
  • Gassner, V. (1997). Südtor der Tetragonos-Agora: Keramik und Kleinfunde. In Forschungen in Ephesos (Vol. XVIII/1/1). Wien.
  • Gürler, B. (2000). Tire Müzesi cam eserleri. Ankara: T.C. Kültür Bakanlığı Yayınları.
  • Hayes, J. W. (1971). A new type of early Christian ampulla. British School at Athens Studies, 66, 241–248.
  • Jones, A. H. M. (1962). The cloth industry under the Roman Empire. The Economic History Review, 13(2), 183–192.
  • Head, B. (n.d.). Historia Numorum: A manual of Greek numismatics. London.
  • Hendy, M. (1985). Studies in the Byzantine monetary economy c. 300–1450. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Heuchert, V. (1997). Roman coins from the province of Asia in the Antonine period (AD 138–192). Oxford.
  • Isings, C. (1957). Roman glass from dated finds. Groningen.
  • Ladstätter, S. (2005). XIV. Keramik. In Hanghause 2 in Ephesos, die Wohneinheit 4, Baubefund, Ausstattung, Funde (Vol. VIII/6).
  • Loeschcke, S. (1919). Lampen aus Vindonissa. Zürich.
  • Lightfoot, C. S., & Aslan, M. (1992). Antik Anadolu camları: Özel bir koleksiyon Yüksel Erimtan Kolleksiyonu.
  • Magie, D. (1950). Roman rule in Asia Minor: To the end of the third century after Christ (Vols. I–II). Princeton.
  • Malay, H. (1994). Greek and Latin inscriptions in the Manisa Museum. Ergänzungsbände zu den Tituli Asiae Minoris (Nr. 19). Wien.
  • Millar, F. (1999). The Greek East and Roman law: The dossier of M. Cn. Licinius Rufinus. Journal of Roman Studies, 89, 90–108.
  • Mitchell, S. (1993). Anatolia: Land, men, and gods in Asia Minor (Vol. 1). Oxford.
  • Doukellis, P. N. (2007). Hadrian’s Panhellenion: A network of cities? Mediterranean Historical Review, 22(2), 295–312.
  • Perlzweig, J. (1961). Lamps of the Roman period: The Athenian Agora (Vol. VII). New Jersey: ASCAS.
  • Premerstein, A., & Keil, J. (1914). Bericht über eine zweite Reise in Lydien. Vienna.
  • Price, S. R. F. (2004). Küçük Asya’da Roma İmparatorluk Kültü: Ritüel ve İktidar (T. Esin, Trans.). İstanbul.
  • Robert, L. (1948). Inscriptions de Thyatire. Hellenica, 7, 70–79.
  • Robinson, E. S. G. (1954). Cistophori in the name of king Eumenes. Numismatic Chronicle, 114, 1–8.
  • Robinson, H. S. (1959). Pottery of the Roman period: Chronology (Vol. V). Princeton, NJ: ASCAS.
  • Scheibler, I. (1976). Griechische Lampen: Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen (Kerameikos XI).
  • Smith, J. C. (1982). A Roman chamber tomb on the south-east slopes of Monasteriaki Kephala, Knossos. The Annual of the British School at Athens, 77, 35–44.
  • SNG München Lydien. (n.d.). Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum: Deutschland Staatliche, Münzsammlung München (23 Heft). München.
  • Stinson, P. (2012). Local meanings of the civil basilica at Aphrodisias: Image, text, and monument. In L. Cavalier et al. (Eds.), Basiliques et agoras de Grèce et d’Asie Mineure (pp. 107–126). Bordeaux: Ausonius.
  • TAM V. 2. Herrmann, P. (1989). Tituli Asiae Minoris: Volumen V. Tituli Lydiae Fasciculus II. Wien.
  • Waagé, F. O. (1941). Lamps. In Antioch on the Orontes III: The excavations of 1937–1939 (pp. 55–82). Menasha.
  • Walters, H. B. (1914). Catalogue of the Greek and Roman lamps in the British Museum. London.
  • Williams, H. (1981). The lamps: Kenchreai Eastern Part of Corinth V. Leiden.

Thyateira Kenti Bazilikası Buluntusu Bir Grup Seramik

Year 2025, Volume: 9 Issue: 17, 120 - 130, 28.02.2025


Thyateira’nın Hellenistik dönemde Seleukos tarafından kurulan bir katoikia olduğu düşünülmektedir. Thyateira, Pergamon krallığına bir kent olarak İ.Ö.133 yılı sonrasında Roma egemenliğine girmiştir. Roma egemenliği altında Asia Minor eyaletinde hem ekonomik hem de siyasi açıdan önemli bir kent olabilmeyi başarmıştır. Roma döneminde Asia Eyaleti'nin önemli kentlerinden biridir. 2024 yılında yeniden başlatılan kazı çalışmaları, 1970'lerde açığa çıkarılan Bazilika'da devam etmiştir. Bu çalışmalarda elde edilen seramik buluntular, özellikle kandiller ve unguentariumlar, bu çalışmanın temelini oluşturmaktadır. İncelenen kandiller, Roma dönemi seramik üretim tekniklerini ve sembolik kullanım alanlarını göstermektedir. Ayrıca, unguentariumlar, bulundukları bağlam ve tarihlendirme yöntemleriyle kentin dönemleri hakkında ipuçları sunmaktadır. Yapılan incelemeler, kentin İ.Ö. 4-3. yüzyıla kadar uzanan geçmişine ışık tutmuştur. Elde edilen verilerle görülmektedir ki Thyateira Hellenistik dönemde sadece bir katoikia olarak kurulan küçük bir askeri karakol olmaktan çıkmış gelişkin bir Hellenistik dönem kentlerinden birisi haline gelmiştir. Roma İmparatorluk döneminde ise kent hem ticaret yollarının kavşak noktasında yer alması hem de pek çok alanda üretimde bulunan bir kent olarak bölgede çok büyük ekonomik ve kültürel etkinliği bulunmaktadır. Bu buluntular, Thyateira’nın üretim ve ticaret ağlarındaki önemini daha iyi anlamaya yönelik değerli veriler sağlamakla birlikte kentin tarihsel gelişimini ortaya çıkarmayı sağlayacak bulgular sunmaktadır.


  • Bailey, D. M. (1988). A catalogue of the lamps in the British Museum: Roman provincial lamps (Vol. 3). London.
  • Boatwright, M. T. (2000). Hadrian and the cities of the Roman Empire. New Jersey.
  • Buckler, W. H. (1917). Lydian records. Journal of Hellenic Studies, 37, 88–115.
  • Cohen, G. (1995). The Hellenistic settlements in Europe, the islands, and Asia Minor. Berkeley.
  • Diest, H. (1889). Pergamon: Über den Dindymos zum Pontus.
  • Gassner, V. (1997). Südtor der Tetragonos-Agora: Keramik und Kleinfunde. In Forschungen in Ephesos (Vol. XVIII/1/1). Wien.
  • Gürler, B. (2000). Tire Müzesi cam eserleri. Ankara: T.C. Kültür Bakanlığı Yayınları.
  • Hayes, J. W. (1971). A new type of early Christian ampulla. British School at Athens Studies, 66, 241–248.
  • Jones, A. H. M. (1962). The cloth industry under the Roman Empire. The Economic History Review, 13(2), 183–192.
  • Head, B. (n.d.). Historia Numorum: A manual of Greek numismatics. London.
  • Hendy, M. (1985). Studies in the Byzantine monetary economy c. 300–1450. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Heuchert, V. (1997). Roman coins from the province of Asia in the Antonine period (AD 138–192). Oxford.
  • Isings, C. (1957). Roman glass from dated finds. Groningen.
  • Ladstätter, S. (2005). XIV. Keramik. In Hanghause 2 in Ephesos, die Wohneinheit 4, Baubefund, Ausstattung, Funde (Vol. VIII/6).
  • Loeschcke, S. (1919). Lampen aus Vindonissa. Zürich.
  • Lightfoot, C. S., & Aslan, M. (1992). Antik Anadolu camları: Özel bir koleksiyon Yüksel Erimtan Kolleksiyonu.
  • Magie, D. (1950). Roman rule in Asia Minor: To the end of the third century after Christ (Vols. I–II). Princeton.
  • Malay, H. (1994). Greek and Latin inscriptions in the Manisa Museum. Ergänzungsbände zu den Tituli Asiae Minoris (Nr. 19). Wien.
  • Millar, F. (1999). The Greek East and Roman law: The dossier of M. Cn. Licinius Rufinus. Journal of Roman Studies, 89, 90–108.
  • Mitchell, S. (1993). Anatolia: Land, men, and gods in Asia Minor (Vol. 1). Oxford.
  • Doukellis, P. N. (2007). Hadrian’s Panhellenion: A network of cities? Mediterranean Historical Review, 22(2), 295–312.
  • Perlzweig, J. (1961). Lamps of the Roman period: The Athenian Agora (Vol. VII). New Jersey: ASCAS.
  • Premerstein, A., & Keil, J. (1914). Bericht über eine zweite Reise in Lydien. Vienna.
  • Price, S. R. F. (2004). Küçük Asya’da Roma İmparatorluk Kültü: Ritüel ve İktidar (T. Esin, Trans.). İstanbul.
  • Robert, L. (1948). Inscriptions de Thyatire. Hellenica, 7, 70–79.
  • Robinson, E. S. G. (1954). Cistophori in the name of king Eumenes. Numismatic Chronicle, 114, 1–8.
  • Robinson, H. S. (1959). Pottery of the Roman period: Chronology (Vol. V). Princeton, NJ: ASCAS.
  • Scheibler, I. (1976). Griechische Lampen: Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen (Kerameikos XI).
  • Smith, J. C. (1982). A Roman chamber tomb on the south-east slopes of Monasteriaki Kephala, Knossos. The Annual of the British School at Athens, 77, 35–44.
  • SNG München Lydien. (n.d.). Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum: Deutschland Staatliche, Münzsammlung München (23 Heft). München.
  • Stinson, P. (2012). Local meanings of the civil basilica at Aphrodisias: Image, text, and monument. In L. Cavalier et al. (Eds.), Basiliques et agoras de Grèce et d’Asie Mineure (pp. 107–126). Bordeaux: Ausonius.
  • TAM V. 2. Herrmann, P. (1989). Tituli Asiae Minoris: Volumen V. Tituli Lydiae Fasciculus II. Wien.
  • Waagé, F. O. (1941). Lamps. In Antioch on the Orontes III: The excavations of 1937–1939 (pp. 55–82). Menasha.
  • Walters, H. B. (1914). Catalogue of the Greek and Roman lamps in the British Museum. London.
  • Williams, H. (1981). The lamps: Kenchreai Eastern Part of Corinth V. Leiden.
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Ceramics in Archeology
Journal Section Articles

Derya Erol 0000-0003-1580-6448

Early Pub Date February 25, 2025
Publication Date February 28, 2025
Submission Date January 15, 2025
Acceptance Date January 27, 2025
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 9 Issue: 17


APA Erol, D. (2025). Thyateira Kenti Bazilikası Buluntusu Bir Grup Seramik. The Journal of Social Science, 9(17), 120-130.