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Trakeal Kalsifikasyon: Yaşla İlişkili mi?

Year 2007, Volume: 1 Issue: 3, 160 - 165, 20.11.2007


Düz grafilerde trakeal kalsifikasyonun(TK) kadınlarda daha sık görüldüğü ve yaşa bağlı fizyolojik bir süreç olduğu bildirilmiştir. Düz grafiler ile kalsifik değişikliklerin tanısının konduğu birkaç yayında gösterilmiştir ancak bu konudaki yayın sayısı yeterli değildir. Çalışmamızda TK'nın yaş, cinsiyet ve sigara ile ilişkisi incelendi.

Toraks bilgisayarlı tomografisinin (BT) kalsifikasyonları daha iyi gösterdiği düşünülerek çalışmamızda polikliniğimize başvuran 94 hastanın çeşitli nedenlerle istenmiş olan toraks BTlerinde TK varlığı İki göğüs hastalıkları klinisyeni sonra da bir radyoloji uzmanı tarafindan retrospek-tif olarak değerlendirildi.

Çalışmaya alınan 94 hastanın 36’sı kadın, 58’i erkekti. Hastalann 57’si sigara içiyordu. TK 41 hastada belirlendi. TK olan grubun ortalama yaşı (65.6 ± 10.8) TK olmayanlara (57.8 ± 14.0) göre daha büyüktü (p= 0.004). TK bulunanlar arasında erkek olgu sayısı 26, kadın olgu sayısı 15’di. Her iki cinsiyet arasında TK açısından anlamlı fark yoktu (p= 0.76). 60 yaş üzeri olan vakalarda kalsifikasyon yaygınlığı 60 yaş ve altı olanlara göre daha yüksek bulundu (p= 0.03). Erkeklerde TK sıkhğı 60 yaş üzerinde %59.3 (27 erkeğin 16’sında) iken 60 yaş ve altında %32.3 (31 erkeğin 10’unda) bulundu (p— 0,039). Kadınlarda TK sıklığı 60 yaş üzerinde %47.8 (23 kadının 1 Tinde) iken 60 yaş ve altında %30.8 (13 kadının 4’ünde) bulundu (p= 0.31). Sigara içenlerle içmeyenler arasında kalsifikasyon yaygınlığı yönünden istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark yoktu (p— 0-95).

Çalışmamızda TK varlığının yaşla birlikte arttığı ve bu artışın 60 yaş üstünde istatistiksel olarak daha anlamlı olduğu gözlemlenmiştir. Tüm yaş gruplan içinde değerlendirildiğinde kadın ya da erkek cinsiyetin üstünlüğü görülmemiştir. Sonuç olarak TK’nın yaşla ortaya çıkan doğal bir süreç olduğu düşünülmüştür. Ancak trakeada kalsifikasyonun sistemik bazı hastalıklara eşlik edebileceğini de unutmamak gerekir.


Calcific changes of trachea on chest X-Ray which are considered as a physiological process have been reported more in old women than in men. There are a few articles about diagnosis of tracheal calcification (TC) on X-Ray. We evaluated the relationship between TC and age, sex and cigarette smoking by computed tomography (CT).

We included 94 patients who were admitted in our department and had thorax CT because of other complaints. The computed tomographies were evaluated by two pulmonologist and one radiologist.

Thirty six patients were women and fifty eight were men. Fifty-one patients were smoker. TC was demonstrated on 41 patients. The mean age of TC group was 65.6 ± 10.8 and normal group was 57.8 ± 14.0. There was statistical significance between the groups when compared according to age (p: 0.004). In TC group there are 26 man and 15 women; there was no statistical significance between men and women (p: 0.76). When the TC group evaluated for age, in man 60 > had 59.3% (16 of 27) TC and 60< had 32.3% (10 of 31) TC (p:0.003). When compared the group of TC positive women according to age; in the women of 60 > had 47.8% (11 of 23) TC and 60 < had 30.8% (4 of 13) TC. There was no statistical significance between the study group when compared according to cigarette smoking (p:0.95).

TC is considered a physiological process and this finding is age-related almost exclusively in patients who are more than 60 years old. In the study group there is no relationship between the sex, cigarette smoking and TC. However systemic diseases that cause TC must be considered in the differential diagnosis.


  • 1. Ochs RH, Fishman A. Depositional Disease of the Lungs. In : Alfred P. Fishman (ed) Fishman’s Pulmonary diseases and Disorders. 3rd ed. The Me Graw Hill Company, Inc. 1998; Volume 1: 1154-5.
  • 2. Teale C, Romaniuk C, Mulley G. Calcification on Chest radiographs: the association with age. Age and ageing 1989; 18:333-6.
  • 3. Fukuya T, Mihara F, Kudo S, Russell WJ, DeLongchamp RR, Vaeth M, Hosoda Y. Tracheobronchial calcification in members of a fixed population sample. Act Radiologica 1989;30:277.
  • 4. Edge JR, Millard FJC, Reid L, Path M C, Simon G. The radiographic apperance of the chest in persons of advance age. Brit J Radiol 1964;37:769.
  • 5. Gamsu G, Webb WR. Computed tomography of the trachea. Normal and abnormal. Amer J Roentgenol 1982; 139:321.
  • 6. Lloyd DC, Taylor PM. Calcification of the intrathoracic trachea demonstrated by computed tomography. Br J Radiol 1990;63:31-2.
  • 7. Thoongsuwan N, Stern EJ. Warfarin-induced tracheobronchial calcification. J Thorac Imaging 2003;18: 110-2.
  • 8. Harasawa M, Fukuchi Y, Minami H, Yano K, So K. Roento-genographic diagnosis of the elderly, lung. Geriat Med 1980;18:162.
  • 9. Kumar V, Abbas AK. Cellular adaptations, cell injury and cell death. In: Rebecca Gruliow (ed), Robbins and Cotran, Pahologic basis of disease; 7th ed. Philadelphia, Copyright 2005 Elsevier Inc. ; s:41-2.
  • 10. Anderson JR. Muir’s textbook of pathology. In:Edward Arnold,12th end. London, 1985;11:20-3.
  • 11. Özdemir N, Ersu R, Akalın F, et al. Tracheobronchial calcification associated with Keutel syndrome. The Turkish Journal of Pediatrics 2006;48:357-61.
  • 12. Wolpoe ME, Braverman N. Severe tracheobronchial stenosis in the X-linked recessive form of chondrodysplasia punctata. Arch Otolarngol Head Neck Surg 2004;130:1423-6.
  • 13. Gurney W, Winer-Muram HT, Stern EJ. Diagnostic imaging Chest. First edition. In: Jud Gurney, MD (ed), Amirsys Copyright., FARC 2006;I:55,56.
  • 14. Aparna J, Berdon WE. CT detection of tracheobronchial calcification in an 18 year- old on maintenance Warfarin sodium therapy. Am J Roentgenol 2000;175:921-2.
  • 15. Grillo HC. Congenital lesions, neoplasms, inflammations, infections, injuries and other lesions of the trachea. In: Sabiston DC Jr, Spencer FC, eds. Surgery of the Chest. 6th ed. Philadelphia, Pa: WB Saunders; 1995.
  • 16. McAdam LP, O’Hanlan MA, Bluestone R, Pearson CM. Relapsing polychondritis: prospective study of 23 patients and a review of the literature. Medicine 1976;55:193-215.
  • 17. Mariotta S, Pallone G, Pedicelli G, Bisetti A. Spiral CT and endoscopic findings in a case of tracheobrochopathia ostheochondroplastica. J Comput Assist Tomog 1997;21: 418-20.
  • 18. Cordonnier C, Fleury-Feith J, Escudier E, et al. Secondary alveolar proteinosis is a reversible cause of respiratory failure in leukemic patients. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1994; 149:788-94.
  • 19. Andersen PE Jr, Justesen P.Chondrodysplasia punctata. Report of two cases. Skeletal Radiol 1987;16:223-6.
  • 20. Okhubo Y, Narimatsu A, et al. CT findings of the benign tracheobronchial lesions with calcification. Rinsho Hoshasen 1990;35:839-46.
  • 21. Woodring JH, Howard RS, Rehm SR. Congenital tracheobronchomegaly (Mounier-Kuhn syndrome): A report of 10 cases and review of the literature. J Thorac Imaging 1991;6:1-10.
  • 22. Hering T, Rossdeutscher R, Kaiser D. Mounier-Kuhn disease/Tracheobronchomegaly. Pneumologi 1990;44:507-8.
  • 23. Yılmaz A, Coşkunsel M, Işık R. Mounier-Kuhn sendromu. Solunum Hast Derg 1991;2:283-6.
  • 24. Well DS, Meier JM, Mahne A, et al. Detection of Age-Releated changes in thorasic structure and function by computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging and positron emission tomography. Semin Nucl Med 2007; 37:103-19.
  • 25. Trigaux JP, Swine C. Thoracic imaging in the elderly. I Beige Radiol 1997;80:239-42.
  • 26. Matsuoka S, Uchiyama K, Shima H, Ueno N, Oish S, Nojiri Y, et al. Bronchoarterial ratio and bronchial wall thickness on high-resolution CT in asymptomatic subjects: correlation with age and smoking. AJR 2003;180:513-8.
Year 2007, Volume: 1 Issue: 3, 160 - 165, 20.11.2007



  • 1. Ochs RH, Fishman A. Depositional Disease of the Lungs. In : Alfred P. Fishman (ed) Fishman’s Pulmonary diseases and Disorders. 3rd ed. The Me Graw Hill Company, Inc. 1998; Volume 1: 1154-5.
  • 2. Teale C, Romaniuk C, Mulley G. Calcification on Chest radiographs: the association with age. Age and ageing 1989; 18:333-6.
  • 3. Fukuya T, Mihara F, Kudo S, Russell WJ, DeLongchamp RR, Vaeth M, Hosoda Y. Tracheobronchial calcification in members of a fixed population sample. Act Radiologica 1989;30:277.
  • 4. Edge JR, Millard FJC, Reid L, Path M C, Simon G. The radiographic apperance of the chest in persons of advance age. Brit J Radiol 1964;37:769.
  • 5. Gamsu G, Webb WR. Computed tomography of the trachea. Normal and abnormal. Amer J Roentgenol 1982; 139:321.
  • 6. Lloyd DC, Taylor PM. Calcification of the intrathoracic trachea demonstrated by computed tomography. Br J Radiol 1990;63:31-2.
  • 7. Thoongsuwan N, Stern EJ. Warfarin-induced tracheobronchial calcification. J Thorac Imaging 2003;18: 110-2.
  • 8. Harasawa M, Fukuchi Y, Minami H, Yano K, So K. Roento-genographic diagnosis of the elderly, lung. Geriat Med 1980;18:162.
  • 9. Kumar V, Abbas AK. Cellular adaptations, cell injury and cell death. In: Rebecca Gruliow (ed), Robbins and Cotran, Pahologic basis of disease; 7th ed. Philadelphia, Copyright 2005 Elsevier Inc. ; s:41-2.
  • 10. Anderson JR. Muir’s textbook of pathology. In:Edward Arnold,12th end. London, 1985;11:20-3.
  • 11. Özdemir N, Ersu R, Akalın F, et al. Tracheobronchial calcification associated with Keutel syndrome. The Turkish Journal of Pediatrics 2006;48:357-61.
  • 12. Wolpoe ME, Braverman N. Severe tracheobronchial stenosis in the X-linked recessive form of chondrodysplasia punctata. Arch Otolarngol Head Neck Surg 2004;130:1423-6.
  • 13. Gurney W, Winer-Muram HT, Stern EJ. Diagnostic imaging Chest. First edition. In: Jud Gurney, MD (ed), Amirsys Copyright., FARC 2006;I:55,56.
  • 14. Aparna J, Berdon WE. CT detection of tracheobronchial calcification in an 18 year- old on maintenance Warfarin sodium therapy. Am J Roentgenol 2000;175:921-2.
  • 15. Grillo HC. Congenital lesions, neoplasms, inflammations, infections, injuries and other lesions of the trachea. In: Sabiston DC Jr, Spencer FC, eds. Surgery of the Chest. 6th ed. Philadelphia, Pa: WB Saunders; 1995.
  • 16. McAdam LP, O’Hanlan MA, Bluestone R, Pearson CM. Relapsing polychondritis: prospective study of 23 patients and a review of the literature. Medicine 1976;55:193-215.
  • 17. Mariotta S, Pallone G, Pedicelli G, Bisetti A. Spiral CT and endoscopic findings in a case of tracheobrochopathia ostheochondroplastica. J Comput Assist Tomog 1997;21: 418-20.
  • 18. Cordonnier C, Fleury-Feith J, Escudier E, et al. Secondary alveolar proteinosis is a reversible cause of respiratory failure in leukemic patients. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1994; 149:788-94.
  • 19. Andersen PE Jr, Justesen P.Chondrodysplasia punctata. Report of two cases. Skeletal Radiol 1987;16:223-6.
  • 20. Okhubo Y, Narimatsu A, et al. CT findings of the benign tracheobronchial lesions with calcification. Rinsho Hoshasen 1990;35:839-46.
  • 21. Woodring JH, Howard RS, Rehm SR. Congenital tracheobronchomegaly (Mounier-Kuhn syndrome): A report of 10 cases and review of the literature. J Thorac Imaging 1991;6:1-10.
  • 22. Hering T, Rossdeutscher R, Kaiser D. Mounier-Kuhn disease/Tracheobronchomegaly. Pneumologi 1990;44:507-8.
  • 23. Yılmaz A, Coşkunsel M, Işık R. Mounier-Kuhn sendromu. Solunum Hast Derg 1991;2:283-6.
  • 24. Well DS, Meier JM, Mahne A, et al. Detection of Age-Releated changes in thorasic structure and function by computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging and positron emission tomography. Semin Nucl Med 2007; 37:103-19.
  • 25. Trigaux JP, Swine C. Thoracic imaging in the elderly. I Beige Radiol 1997;80:239-42.
  • 26. Matsuoka S, Uchiyama K, Shima H, Ueno N, Oish S, Nojiri Y, et al. Bronchoarterial ratio and bronchial wall thickness on high-resolution CT in asymptomatic subjects: correlation with age and smoking. AJR 2003;180:513-8.
There are 26 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Chest Diseases, Radiology and Organ Imaging
Journal Section Research Article

Berna Bolat Yildirim This is me

Publication Date November 20, 2007
Published in Issue Year 2007 Volume: 1 Issue: 3


APA Bolat Yildirim, B. (2007). Trakeal Kalsifikasyon: Yaşla İlişkili mi?. Turkish Medical Journal, 1(3), 160-165.

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