Case Report
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Retroperitoneal Leiomyosarcoma Invading the Inferior Vena Cava, Uterus and Ovary: Radiologic Findings: Case Report

Year 2009, Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 45 - 49, 19.03.2009


Retroperitoneal leiomyosarcoma is a rare neoplasm. Because these lesions are often asymptomatic during growth, the tumor can be massive at the time of diagnosis. About two thirds of leiomyosarcomas are found in the retroperitoneal space. Surgical resection is the treatment of choice, and the most important factor in preventing local recurrence and attaining a good outcome is to be able to remove the tumor completely.; however, complete removal is sometimes difficult if there is an invasion of the surrounding tissues, affecting the inferior vena cava or renal veins. In this case report, imaging findings of a histopathologically proven retroperitoneal leiomyosarcoma in a 38-year-old woman are presented. Also, the benefits of different imaging modalities (Ultrasound, Doppler and MDCT) in the diagnosis are discussed.



  • 1. Me Leod AJ, Zornoza J, Shirkhoda A. Leiomyosarcoma: Computed tomographic findings. Radiology 1984;152:133-6.
  • 2. Cohan RH, Baker ME, Cooper C, Moore JO, Saeed M, Dunnick NR. Computed tomography of primary retroperitoneal malignancies. Journal of Comput Assist Tomogr 1988; 12: 804-10.
  • 3. Lane RH, Stephens DH, Reiman HM. Primary retroperitoneal neoplasms: CT fingings in 90 cases with clinical and pathologic correlation. AJR 1989;152: 83-9.
  • 4. Munk PL, Lee MJ, Poon PY, Goddard KJ, Knowling MA, Hassell PR. Computed tomography of retroperitoneal and mesenteric sar- comas: a pictoral essay. Can Assoc Radiol J 1996;47: 335-41.
  • 5. Waele BD, Belle SV, Claes H, Goovaerts G, Delvaux G, Willems G. Retroperitoneal leiomyosarcoma. Acta Chir Belg 1987;87:229-34.
  • 6. Shindo S, Matsumoto H, Ogata K, et al. Surgical treatment of retroperitoneal leiomyosarcoma invading the inferior vena cava: report of three cases. Surg Today 2002;32: 929-33.
  • 7. Arakawa A, Yasunaga T, Yano S, et al. Radiological findings of retroperitoneal leiomyoma and leiomyosarcoma: report of two cases. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 1993;17:125-31.
  • 8. Neville A, Herts BR. CT characteristics of primary retroperitoneal neoplasms. Critical Reviews in Computed Tomography 2004;45: 247-270.
  • 9. Cuevas C, Raske M, Bush WH, et al. Imaging primary and secondary tumor thrombus of the inferior vena cava: multi-detector computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. Curr Probl Diagn Radiol 2006; may/june: 90-101.
  • 10. Harris RD, Heaney JA, Sueoka BL, Burke PR. Retroperitoneal leiomyosarcoma: a rare cause of adrenal pseudotumor on CT and MRI. Urol Radiol 1988;10: 186-88.

inferior Vena Kava, Uterus ve Överi İnvaze Eden Retroperitoneal Leyomiyosarkom: Radyolojik Bulgular

Year 2009, Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 45 - 49, 19.03.2009


Retroperitoneal leyomiyosarkom nadir bir neoplazmdır. Bu lezyonlar gelişmeleri sırasında sıklıkla asemptomatik oldukları için tümör, tanı anında oldukça büyük olabilir. Leyomiyosarkom-ların yaklaşık üçte ikisi retroperitoneal boşlukta bulunur. Cerrahi rezeksiyon bir tedavi seçeneğidir ve lokal rekürrensi önlemek ve iyi sonuçlar elde etmede en önemli faktör kitlenin tamamen çıkarılmasını başarmaktır. Bununla birlikte, inferiyor vana kava veya renal venleri etkileyen çevre doku invazyonu mevcut ise kitlenin tamamen çıkarılması bazen güç olabilir. Biz burada, 38 yaşındaki bayan hastada histopatolojik olarak retroperitoneal leyomiyosarkom olduğu kanıtlanmış olgunun görüntüleme bulgularını sunmaktayız. Aynı zamanda, farklı görüntüleme modalitelerinin (ultrasonografi, Doppler ve çok kesitli bilgisayarlı tomografi) faydalarını da tartıştık.


  • 1. Me Leod AJ, Zornoza J, Shirkhoda A. Leiomyosarcoma: Computed tomographic findings. Radiology 1984;152:133-6.
  • 2. Cohan RH, Baker ME, Cooper C, Moore JO, Saeed M, Dunnick NR. Computed tomography of primary retroperitoneal malignancies. Journal of Comput Assist Tomogr 1988; 12: 804-10.
  • 3. Lane RH, Stephens DH, Reiman HM. Primary retroperitoneal neoplasms: CT fingings in 90 cases with clinical and pathologic correlation. AJR 1989;152: 83-9.
  • 4. Munk PL, Lee MJ, Poon PY, Goddard KJ, Knowling MA, Hassell PR. Computed tomography of retroperitoneal and mesenteric sar- comas: a pictoral essay. Can Assoc Radiol J 1996;47: 335-41.
  • 5. Waele BD, Belle SV, Claes H, Goovaerts G, Delvaux G, Willems G. Retroperitoneal leiomyosarcoma. Acta Chir Belg 1987;87:229-34.
  • 6. Shindo S, Matsumoto H, Ogata K, et al. Surgical treatment of retroperitoneal leiomyosarcoma invading the inferior vena cava: report of three cases. Surg Today 2002;32: 929-33.
  • 7. Arakawa A, Yasunaga T, Yano S, et al. Radiological findings of retroperitoneal leiomyoma and leiomyosarcoma: report of two cases. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 1993;17:125-31.
  • 8. Neville A, Herts BR. CT characteristics of primary retroperitoneal neoplasms. Critical Reviews in Computed Tomography 2004;45: 247-270.
  • 9. Cuevas C, Raske M, Bush WH, et al. Imaging primary and secondary tumor thrombus of the inferior vena cava: multi-detector computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. Curr Probl Diagn Radiol 2006; may/june: 90-101.
  • 10. Harris RD, Heaney JA, Sueoka BL, Burke PR. Retroperitoneal leiomyosarcoma: a rare cause of adrenal pseudotumor on CT and MRI. Urol Radiol 1988;10: 186-88.
There are 10 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Pathology, Urology
Journal Section Case Reports

Nilgün Işıksalan Özbülbül

Publication Date March 19, 2009
Published in Issue Year 2009 Volume: 3 Issue: 1


APA Işıksalan Özbülbül, N. (2009). Retroperitoneal Leiomyosarcoma Invading the Inferior Vena Cava, Uterus and Ovary: Radiologic Findings: Case Report. Turkish Medical Journal, 3(1), 45-49.

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