Research Article
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Non-State Armed Actors in the Sahel: Analyzing the Rising Resilience of Terrorist Organizations and Militia Groups

Year 2023, , 99 - 139, 23.06.2023


The subject of the article is to analyze the hybrid strategies of non-state armed groups (NSAGs) operating in the Sahel region, integrating their special agendas and local dynamics. In the study, the violent acts of selected terrorist groups and local militia groups in Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger in the last 10 years will be analyzed. The aim of the study is to determine the reasons why these groups have gained resilience in the Sahel region in line with the recently increased activities and area controls of the groups. In this context; weak armies and problematic counter-terrorism approach, lack of local governance and the dilemma of ungoverned territories were identified as factors that paved the way for the expansion of these groups.


  • Kaynakça ACLED. “Sahel 2021: Communal Wars, Broken Ceasefires and Shifting Frontlines”, 17 Haziran 2021.
  • Adam Day. “Hybrid Conflict, Hybrid Peace: How militias and paramilitary groups shape post-conflict transitions”, United Nations University Centre for Policy Research, 2020, 136.
  • Anna Schmauder ve Annabelle Willeme. “The Volunteers for The Defense of The Homeland”, Clingendael, 9 Mart 2021.
  • Benjamin Roger ve Farid Alilat. “How AQIM leader Abdelmalek Droukdel was killed in Mali?”, Africa Report, 8 Haziran 2020.
  • Caleb Weiss ve Heni Nsabia. “The End of the Sahelian Anomaly: How the Global Conflict between Islamic State and al-Qa’ida Finally Came to West Africa”, CTC Sentinel, 13(7), 2020.
  • Clionadh Raleigh. Caitriona Dowd, “Governance and Conflict in the Sahel’s Ungoverned Space”, Stability: International Journal of Security and Development, 2(2), 2013.
  • Daniel Eizenga. Wendy Williams, “The Puzzle of JNIM and Militan Islamist Groups in the Sahel”, Africa Security Brief, no. 38, Aralık 2020, 2.
  • Denis M. Tull. “Operation Barkhane and the Future of Intervention in the Sahel”, SWP, 20 Ocak 2021.
  • Edoardo Baldaro. “Violence, Dysfunctional States, and the Rise of Jihadi Governance in the Sahel” (ed. Camillo Casola ‘Unraveling the Sahel State Politics and Armed Violence’ içinde), ISPI, Mart 2021, 20.
  • Edoardo Baldaro, Yida Seydou Diall, “The End of the Sahelian Exception: Al-Qaeda and Islamic State Clash in Central Mali, The International Spectator, 55(4), 2020, 77.
  • Emiliy Estelle Perez. “The Underestimated Insurgency, Continued: Salafi-Jihadi Capabilities and Opportunuties in Africa”, American Enterprise Institute: Critical Threats, Aralık 2022, 13.
  • Heni Nsabia. “The Conflict Between Al-Qaeda and the Islamic State in the Sahel, A Year On”, (ed. Camillo Casola ‘Unraveling the Sahel State Politics and Armed Violence’ içinde), ISPI, Mart 2021, 16.
  • Jude Cocodia. “Nationalist Sentiment, Terorrist Incursions and the Survival of the Malian State” (ed, Carolina Varin, Dauda Abubakar, “Violent Non-State Actors in Africa” içinde), 2017, 53.
  • Leonardo Alfonso Villalon. “Political Regimes and Electoral Processes: The State of Democracy in the Sahel”, (ed. Camillo Casola ‘Unraveling the Sahel State Politics and Armed Violence’ içinde), ISPI, Mart 2021, 7.
  • Manon Laplace. “Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger: Islamic State in the Greater Sahara flexes its muscles”, Africa Report, 14 Aralık 2022.
  • Marc-Antoine Perouse de Montclos. “Rethinking the response to jihadist groups across the Sahel”, Chatham House, Mart 2021, 7.
  • Mohammed Ibrahim Shire. “Protection or predation? Understanding the behavior of community-created self-defense militias during civil wars”, Small Wars & Insurgencies, 33(3), 2021, 470.
  • Mohammed M. Hafez. “Fratricidal Rebels: Ideologoical Extremity and Warning Factionalism in Civil Wars”, Terrorism and Political Violence, 32(3), 2017, 2.
  • Morten Boas ve Francesco Strazzari. “Governance, Fragility and Insurgency in the Sahel: A Hybrid Political Order in the Making”, The International Spectator, 55(4), 2020, 1.
  • Ornella Moderan. “Proliferation of Armed Non-State Actors in the Sahel: Evidence of State Failure?” (ed. Camillo Casola ‘Unraveling the Sahel State Politics and Armed Violence’ içinde), ISPI, Mart 2021, 11.
  • Sabine C. Carey, Michael P. Colaresi ve Neil J. Mitchell. “Governments, Informal Links to Militias and Accountability”, Journal of Conflict Resolution, 59(7), 2015, 854.
  • Sabine C. Carey, Neil J. Mitchell ve Will Lowe. “States, the security sector, and the monopoly of violence: A new database on pro-government militias”, Journal of Peace Research, 50(2), 2012, 250-251.
  • Stewart Patrick. “Weak Links: Fragile States, Global Threats and International Security”, Institute for National Strategic Security, 3(1), 2011, 62.
  • Stig Jarle Hansen. “Forever Wars? Patterns of diffusion and consolidation of Jihadism in Africa”, Small Wars & Insurgencies, 33(3), 2021, 424.
  • Ulrich Schneckener. “Fragile Statehood, Armed Non-State Actors and Security Governance”, Private Actors and Security Governance, 2006, 30.
  • Ulrich Schneckener. “Militas and the Politics of Legitimacy”, Small Wars & Insurgencies, 28 (4-5) 2017, 802.
  • UNDP Human Development Report 2021-2022: Uncertain Times, Unsettled Lives: Shaping Our Future in a Transforming World.
  • Zachariah Cherian Mampily. “Rebel Rulers: Insurgent Governance and Civilian Life During War”, Cornell University Press, 2011, 25-29. İnternet Kaynakları “Five Zones of Militant Islamist Violence in the Sahel”, Africa Center for Strategic Studies, 26 Eylül 2022.
  • “Fransa Mali’den Çekilme Durumunda Nijer’e Yerleşme Planı Yapıyor”, Anadolu Ajansı, 7 Şubat 2022.

Sahel'de Devlet Dışı Silahlı Aktörler: Terör Örgütleri ve Milis Grupların Artan Dirençliliğinin Analiz Edilmesi

Year 2023, , 99 - 139, 23.06.2023


Makalenin konusu, Sahel bölgesinde faaliyet gösteren devlet dışı silahlı aktörlerin özel ajandaları ile yerel dinamikleri birbirine entegre eden hibrit stratejilerini analiz etmektir. Çalışmada, seçilen terör grupları ve yerel milis grupların 2013-2022 tarihleri arasında Mali, Burkina Faso ve Nijer’deki şiddet eylemleri analiz edilecektir. Çalışmanın amacı, DDSA tanımlaması altında ele alınan grupların son dönemde artan eylemleri ve alan kontrolleri doğrultusunda bu grupların hangi sebepler dahilinde Sahel bölgesinde dirençlilik kazandığını saptamaktır. Bu bağlamda; zayıf ordular ve sorunlu terörle mücadele yaklaşımı, yerel yönetişim eksikliği ve yönetilemeyen alanlar ikilemi, bu grupların genişlemesine zemin hazırlayan faktörler olarak belirlenmiştir.


  • Kaynakça ACLED. “Sahel 2021: Communal Wars, Broken Ceasefires and Shifting Frontlines”, 17 Haziran 2021.
  • Adam Day. “Hybrid Conflict, Hybrid Peace: How militias and paramilitary groups shape post-conflict transitions”, United Nations University Centre for Policy Research, 2020, 136.
  • Anna Schmauder ve Annabelle Willeme. “The Volunteers for The Defense of The Homeland”, Clingendael, 9 Mart 2021.
  • Benjamin Roger ve Farid Alilat. “How AQIM leader Abdelmalek Droukdel was killed in Mali?”, Africa Report, 8 Haziran 2020.
  • Caleb Weiss ve Heni Nsabia. “The End of the Sahelian Anomaly: How the Global Conflict between Islamic State and al-Qa’ida Finally Came to West Africa”, CTC Sentinel, 13(7), 2020.
  • Clionadh Raleigh. Caitriona Dowd, “Governance and Conflict in the Sahel’s Ungoverned Space”, Stability: International Journal of Security and Development, 2(2), 2013.
  • Daniel Eizenga. Wendy Williams, “The Puzzle of JNIM and Militan Islamist Groups in the Sahel”, Africa Security Brief, no. 38, Aralık 2020, 2.
  • Denis M. Tull. “Operation Barkhane and the Future of Intervention in the Sahel”, SWP, 20 Ocak 2021.
  • Edoardo Baldaro. “Violence, Dysfunctional States, and the Rise of Jihadi Governance in the Sahel” (ed. Camillo Casola ‘Unraveling the Sahel State Politics and Armed Violence’ içinde), ISPI, Mart 2021, 20.
  • Edoardo Baldaro, Yida Seydou Diall, “The End of the Sahelian Exception: Al-Qaeda and Islamic State Clash in Central Mali, The International Spectator, 55(4), 2020, 77.
  • Emiliy Estelle Perez. “The Underestimated Insurgency, Continued: Salafi-Jihadi Capabilities and Opportunuties in Africa”, American Enterprise Institute: Critical Threats, Aralık 2022, 13.
  • Heni Nsabia. “The Conflict Between Al-Qaeda and the Islamic State in the Sahel, A Year On”, (ed. Camillo Casola ‘Unraveling the Sahel State Politics and Armed Violence’ içinde), ISPI, Mart 2021, 16.
  • Jude Cocodia. “Nationalist Sentiment, Terorrist Incursions and the Survival of the Malian State” (ed, Carolina Varin, Dauda Abubakar, “Violent Non-State Actors in Africa” içinde), 2017, 53.
  • Leonardo Alfonso Villalon. “Political Regimes and Electoral Processes: The State of Democracy in the Sahel”, (ed. Camillo Casola ‘Unraveling the Sahel State Politics and Armed Violence’ içinde), ISPI, Mart 2021, 7.
  • Manon Laplace. “Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger: Islamic State in the Greater Sahara flexes its muscles”, Africa Report, 14 Aralık 2022.
  • Marc-Antoine Perouse de Montclos. “Rethinking the response to jihadist groups across the Sahel”, Chatham House, Mart 2021, 7.
  • Mohammed Ibrahim Shire. “Protection or predation? Understanding the behavior of community-created self-defense militias during civil wars”, Small Wars & Insurgencies, 33(3), 2021, 470.
  • Mohammed M. Hafez. “Fratricidal Rebels: Ideologoical Extremity and Warning Factionalism in Civil Wars”, Terrorism and Political Violence, 32(3), 2017, 2.
  • Morten Boas ve Francesco Strazzari. “Governance, Fragility and Insurgency in the Sahel: A Hybrid Political Order in the Making”, The International Spectator, 55(4), 2020, 1.
  • Ornella Moderan. “Proliferation of Armed Non-State Actors in the Sahel: Evidence of State Failure?” (ed. Camillo Casola ‘Unraveling the Sahel State Politics and Armed Violence’ içinde), ISPI, Mart 2021, 11.
  • Sabine C. Carey, Michael P. Colaresi ve Neil J. Mitchell. “Governments, Informal Links to Militias and Accountability”, Journal of Conflict Resolution, 59(7), 2015, 854.
  • Sabine C. Carey, Neil J. Mitchell ve Will Lowe. “States, the security sector, and the monopoly of violence: A new database on pro-government militias”, Journal of Peace Research, 50(2), 2012, 250-251.
  • Stewart Patrick. “Weak Links: Fragile States, Global Threats and International Security”, Institute for National Strategic Security, 3(1), 2011, 62.
  • Stig Jarle Hansen. “Forever Wars? Patterns of diffusion and consolidation of Jihadism in Africa”, Small Wars & Insurgencies, 33(3), 2021, 424.
  • Ulrich Schneckener. “Fragile Statehood, Armed Non-State Actors and Security Governance”, Private Actors and Security Governance, 2006, 30.
  • Ulrich Schneckener. “Militas and the Politics of Legitimacy”, Small Wars & Insurgencies, 28 (4-5) 2017, 802.
  • UNDP Human Development Report 2021-2022: Uncertain Times, Unsettled Lives: Shaping Our Future in a Transforming World.
  • Zachariah Cherian Mampily. “Rebel Rulers: Insurgent Governance and Civilian Life During War”, Cornell University Press, 2011, 25-29. İnternet Kaynakları “Five Zones of Militant Islamist Violence in the Sahel”, Africa Center for Strategic Studies, 26 Eylül 2022.
  • “Fransa Mali’den Çekilme Durumunda Nijer’e Yerleşme Planı Yapıyor”, Anadolu Ajansı, 7 Şubat 2022.
There are 29 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Regional Studies
Journal Section Makaleler

Fuat Emir Şefkatli 0000-0002-2111-1194

Güngör Şahin 0000-0001-6296-8568

Early Pub Date May 5, 2023
Publication Date June 23, 2023
Acceptance Date March 20, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Şefkatli, F. E., & Şahin, G. (2023). Sahel’de Devlet Dışı Silahlı Aktörler: Terör Örgütleri ve Milis Grupların Artan Dirençliliğinin Analiz Edilmesi. Türkiye Ortadoğu Çalışmaları Dergisi, 10(1), 99-139.

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