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‘Açık Kapı’ Politikasından ‘Göç Diplomasisi’ne İran’da Afgan Mülteciler Meselesi

Year 2023, , 127 - 160, 30.12.2023


Dünyanın en kalabalık göçmen popülasyonlarından birini topraklarında barındıran İran, kırk yılı aşkın bir süredir önemli miktarda Afgan nüfusa ev sahipliği yapmaktadır. Bununla beraber, İran’a yoğun Afgan göçlerinin yaşanmaya başladığı seksenli yıllardan bu yana İran’ın duruma yaklaşımında belirgin farklılaşmalar yaşanmış, İran’da göç yönetimi, ‘açık kapı’ politikası uygulamaktan, göçmenlerin diplomaside araçsallaştırılmasına dönük çabalara dek uzanan bir skalada önemli ölçüde dönüşüme uğramıştır. Bu çalışma, İran’ın Afgan göçmenler hususunda izlediği politikayı süreç bağlantılı ve çoklu etkenler bağlamında değerlendirmektedir. Çalışmada, İran’ın Afgan göçmenlere yönelik ‘açık kapı’ politikası izlediği ilk on yıllık evrede dönemsel koşullar dahilinde davrandığı ve yanı sıra rejimin konsolidasyonu adına belirli kimliksel ilkeler ekseninde politikalar takip ettiği ifade edilmekte, ancak doksanlı yılların “yeniden inşa” evresiyle birlikte Afgan mültecilere yönelik politikanın da bir dönüşüme uğradığı ve meselenin günümüze ulaşılıncaya dek geçen süreçte yeni koşullara adapte edildiği belirtilmektedir. ‘Göç diplomasisi’ kavramını odağına alarak göçün diplomatik bağlamda araçsallaştırılması hususunu vurgulayan literatürden yola çıkılan çalışmada, Türkçe literatürde henüz çok fazla yer bulamamış olan bu kavramsal çerçevenin İran’da bugün Afgan mültecilerin dış politikaya konu edilme biçiminin ve göçmenlere dönük edimlerin anlaşılmasında kolaylaştırıcı bir rol üstleneceği savlanmaktadır.


  • Abbasi-Shavazi, M.J. and Diana Glazebrook, “Continued Protection, Sustainable Reintegration: Afghan Refugees and Migrants in Iran,” Afghanistan Faculty of Social Sciences University of Tehran, Research and Evaluation Unit (AREU), Briefing Paper, (Mayıs 2006).
  • Abbasi-Shavazi, Mohammad Jalal, Diana Glazebrook, Gholamreza Jamshidiha, Hossein Mahmoudian, Rasoul Sadeghi, “Second-generation Afghans in Iran: Integration, Identity and Return,” Case Study Series, (Nisan 2008).
  • Abbasi-Shavazi, Mohammad Jalal, Diana Glazebrook, Gholamreza Jamshidiha, Hossein Mahmoudian ve Rasoul Sadeghi, “Return to Afghanistan? A Study of Afghans Living in Zahedan, Islamic Republic of Iran,” Afghanistan Faculty of Social Sciences University of Tehran, Research and Evaluation Unit (AREU), (Ekim 2005).
  • Adamson, Fiona B., and Gerasimos Tsourapas. “Migration Diplomacy in World Politics,” International Studies Perspectives, (2018): 1-16. https://doi:10.1093/isp/eky015
  • Adelkhah, Fariba and Zuzanna Olszewska, “The Iranian Afghans,” Iranian Studies 40, no. 2, (2007): 137-165.
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  • Esfahani, Arash Nasr and Hasan Hosseini. “Afghan Refugees and Iran’s Open Door Policy in the 1980s,” Social Sciences and Humanities, 26, (2018): 225-252.
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  • Irgil, Ezgi, Kelsey P. Norman and Gerasimos Tsourapas, “Why Migration Diplomacy Matters for the 2023 Greek and Turkish Elections,” The Swedish Institute of International Affairs (UI), (2023).
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  • Kent, Sami. “Lake Van: An Overlooked and Deadly Migration Route to Turkey and Europe,” The New Humanitarian, 21 Ekim 2020,
  • Koç, Mehmet. “Türkiye’ye Düzensiz Afgan Göçü ve İran’ın Göç Politikaları,” İRAM Perspektif, (Mayıs 2018).
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  • Modrzejewska-Leśniewska, J. “Afghan migrants in Iran in modern times,” Studia z Polityki Publicznej / Public Policy Studies 7 no.4, (2020): 9-30.
  • Mogaddam, Amin and Safinaz Jadali. “Immigration and Revolution in Iran: Asylum Politics and State Consolidation,” REMHU 29, no. 63 (2021): 21-41.
  • Monsutti, A. “Afghan Migratory Strategies and the Three Solutions to the Refugee Problem,” Refugee Survey Quarterly 27, no. 1 (2008): 58-73
  • Naseh, Mitra, Miriam Potocky, Paul H. Stuart, Sara Pezeshk. “Repatriation of Afghan refugees from Iran: a shelter profile study,” Journal of International Humanitarian Action 3, 13 (2018).
  • Nijrabi, Abdul Bari. “Afghan Refugees in Iran: Yesterday’s Assets, Today’s Troubles,” The Geopolitics, 3 Haziran 2019.
  • Pourbagheri, Moharram. “İran’daki Afgan Göçmenlerin Toplumsal Sorunları,” Maduniyet 1, no.2 (2019): 84.
  • Rajaee, Bahram. “The Politics of Refugee Policy in Post-Revolutionary Iran,” Middle East Journal 54, no. 1 (Kış 2000): 44-63.
  • Rubin, Barnett R. “Afghanistan: The Forgotten Crisis,” 1 Aralık 1996. (erişim tarihi: 2 Haziran 2023)
  • Rubin, Michael. “Who is Responsible for the Taliban?,” The Washington Institute, 1 Mart 2002.
  • Siavoshi, Sussan. “Afghans in Iran: The State and The Working of Immigration Policies,” British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, (2022). https://doi.10.1080/13530194.2022.2113504
  • Squire, Catherine. “Education of Afghan Refugees in The Islamic Republic of Iran,” UNESCO Office, Tahran, Aralık 2000.
  • Thiollet, Hélène. “Migration as Diplomacy: Labor Migrants, Refugees, and Arab Regional Politics in the Oil-Rich Countries,” International Labor and Working-Class History, Cambridge University Press, 2011.
  • Tsourapas, Gerasimos. “Migration diplomacy in the Global South: Cooperation, Coercion and Issue Linkage in Gaddafi’s Libya,” Third World Quarterly 38, no.10 (2017): 2367–2385.
  • Tsourapas, Gerasimos. “The Syrian Refugee Crisis and Foreign Policy Decision-Making in Jordan, Lebanon, and Turkey,” Journal of Global Security Studies, (2019): 1–18. https://doi:10.1093/jogss/ogz016
  • Tsourapas, Gerosimos. “Migration Diplomacy Gets Messy and Tough,” Mixed Migration Center, 6 Aralık 2022.
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  • Willner-Reid, Matthew. “Afghanistan: Displacement Challenges in a Country on the Move,” 16 Kasım 2017.

From ‘Open Door Policy’ to ‘Migration Diplomacy’: Afghan Migrants in Iran

Year 2023, , 127 - 160, 30.12.2023


Hosting one of the world's largest migrant populations, Iran has harbored a significant Afghan population for more than four decades. However, since the 1980s, when massive Afghan migration to Iran commenced, Iran's approach to the situation has undergone a significant transformation, ranging from an ‘open door’ policy to efforts to instrumentalize migrants in diplomacy. This study evaluates Iran’s policy towards Afghan migrants in the context of process-related and multiple factors. The study argues that Iran acted in accordance with periodic conditions and pursued policies based on certain identity principles for the sake of regime consolidation in the first decade, however, with the 'restructuring' phase in the 1990s, the policy towards Afghan refugees has also undergone a transformation. Today, it has been argued that Iran's attitude towards Afghan migrants has been adapted to current conditions and tried to be turned into a bargaining chip in foreign policy issues. This study which based on the literature that has emphasises the instrumentalisation of migration in the diplomatic context by focusing on the concept of 'migration diplomacy,' argues that this conceptual framework, which has not yet found much space in the Turkish literature, will play a facilitating role in understanding the way Afghan refugees are subject to foreign policy in contemporary Iran.


  • Abbasi-Shavazi, M.J. and Diana Glazebrook, “Continued Protection, Sustainable Reintegration: Afghan Refugees and Migrants in Iran,” Afghanistan Faculty of Social Sciences University of Tehran, Research and Evaluation Unit (AREU), Briefing Paper, (Mayıs 2006).
  • Abbasi-Shavazi, Mohammad Jalal, Diana Glazebrook, Gholamreza Jamshidiha, Hossein Mahmoudian, Rasoul Sadeghi, “Second-generation Afghans in Iran: Integration, Identity and Return,” Case Study Series, (Nisan 2008).
  • Abbasi-Shavazi, Mohammad Jalal, Diana Glazebrook, Gholamreza Jamshidiha, Hossein Mahmoudian ve Rasoul Sadeghi, “Return to Afghanistan? A Study of Afghans Living in Zahedan, Islamic Republic of Iran,” Afghanistan Faculty of Social Sciences University of Tehran, Research and Evaluation Unit (AREU), (Ekim 2005).
  • Adamson, Fiona B., and Gerasimos Tsourapas. “Migration Diplomacy in World Politics,” International Studies Perspectives, (2018): 1-16. https://doi:10.1093/isp/eky015
  • Adelkhah, Fariba and Zuzanna Olszewska, “The Iranian Afghans,” Iranian Studies 40, no. 2, (2007): 137-165.
  • Akın, Şeyma. “The Effects of the Syrian Crisis on German Politics”, Türkiye Ortadoğu Çalışmaları Dergisi, Özel Sayı, 2017, ss. 81-103.
  • Alagöz, Bilgehan ve Kandemir, Ekber. “11 Eylül Sonrası Dönemde Bölgesel Güvenlik ve İran’ın Afganistan Siyaseti”, Türkiye Ortadoğu Çalışmaları Dergisi 2, sayı 2, (2015): 126-127.
  • Alborzi, M.R. Evaluation the Effectiveness of International Refugee Law: The Protection of Iraqi Refugees, Boston: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2006.
  • Beşiriye, Hüseyin. “İran’da Siyasal İdeoloji ve Toplumsal Kimlik” içinde İran: Ulusal Kimlik İnşası, ed. Hamid Ahmedi, 1. Baskı, İstanbul: Küre Yayınları, 2009.
  • Davin, Eric and Nassim Majidi, “ILO-UNHCR Cooperation Towards Comprehensive Solutions for Afghan Displacement,” Altai Consulting, (Ağustos 2008).
  • Demiryontar, Birce. “Accession Conditionality and Migration Diplomacy: Turkey’s Dual Identity in Migration Policy Negotiations with the EU,” European Politics and Society, (2020). https://10.1080/23745118.2020.1719741
  • Esfahani, Arash Nasr and Hasan Hosseini. “Afghan Refugees and Iran’s Open Door Policy in the 1980s,” Social Sciences and Humanities, 26, (2018): 225-252.
  • Farmer, Ben.“Iran Threatens to Expel Afghan Refugees if Kabul Ratifies US Strategic Partnership,” The Telegraph, 9 Mayıs 2012.
  • Guarascio, Francesco. “EU Sees Spike in Afghan Migrants as Many Leave Sanctions-Stricken Iran,” Reuters, 15 Ekim 2019.
  • Irgil, Ezgi, Kelsey P. Norman and Gerasimos Tsourapas, “Why Migration Diplomacy Matters for the 2023 Greek and Turkish Elections,” The Swedish Institute of International Affairs (UI), (2023).
  • İçduygu, Ahmet and Damla B. Aksel, “Two-to-Tango in Migration Diplomacy: Negotiating Readmission Agreement between the Eu and Turkey,” European Journal of Migration and Law 16, no. 3, (2014): 337–63.
  • Kajjo, Sirwan, Ezel Sahinkaya, Mehdi Jedinia, “Iran Criticized for Threat to Deport Afghan Refugees,” 15 Mayıs 2019.
  • Kent, Sami. “Lake Van: An Overlooked and Deadly Migration Route to Turkey and Europe,” The New Humanitarian, 21 Ekim 2020,
  • Koç, Mehmet. “Türkiye’ye Düzensiz Afgan Göçü ve İran’ın Göç Politikaları,” İRAM Perspektif, (Mayıs 2018).
  • Loescher, Gil. Beyond Charity: International Cooperation and the Global Refugee Crisis a Twentieth Century, New York: Oxford University Press, 1996.
  • Milani, Mohsen M. “Iran's Policy Towards Afghanistan,” Middle East Journal 60, no. 2 (Bahar 2006): 235-256.
  • Modrzejewska-Leśniewska, J. “Afghan migrants in Iran in modern times,” Studia z Polityki Publicznej / Public Policy Studies 7 no.4, (2020): 9-30.
  • Mogaddam, Amin and Safinaz Jadali. “Immigration and Revolution in Iran: Asylum Politics and State Consolidation,” REMHU 29, no. 63 (2021): 21-41.
  • Monsutti, A. “Afghan Migratory Strategies and the Three Solutions to the Refugee Problem,” Refugee Survey Quarterly 27, no. 1 (2008): 58-73
  • Naseh, Mitra, Miriam Potocky, Paul H. Stuart, Sara Pezeshk. “Repatriation of Afghan refugees from Iran: a shelter profile study,” Journal of International Humanitarian Action 3, 13 (2018).
  • Nijrabi, Abdul Bari. “Afghan Refugees in Iran: Yesterday’s Assets, Today’s Troubles,” The Geopolitics, 3 Haziran 2019.
  • Pourbagheri, Moharram. “İran’daki Afgan Göçmenlerin Toplumsal Sorunları,” Maduniyet 1, no.2 (2019): 84.
  • Rajaee, Bahram. “The Politics of Refugee Policy in Post-Revolutionary Iran,” Middle East Journal 54, no. 1 (Kış 2000): 44-63.
  • Rubin, Barnett R. “Afghanistan: The Forgotten Crisis,” 1 Aralık 1996. (erişim tarihi: 2 Haziran 2023)
  • Rubin, Michael. “Who is Responsible for the Taliban?,” The Washington Institute, 1 Mart 2002.
  • Siavoshi, Sussan. “Afghans in Iran: The State and The Working of Immigration Policies,” British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, (2022). https://doi.10.1080/13530194.2022.2113504
  • Squire, Catherine. “Education of Afghan Refugees in The Islamic Republic of Iran,” UNESCO Office, Tahran, Aralık 2000.
  • Thiollet, Hélène. “Migration as Diplomacy: Labor Migrants, Refugees, and Arab Regional Politics in the Oil-Rich Countries,” International Labor and Working-Class History, Cambridge University Press, 2011.
  • Tsourapas, Gerasimos. “Migration diplomacy in the Global South: Cooperation, Coercion and Issue Linkage in Gaddafi’s Libya,” Third World Quarterly 38, no.10 (2017): 2367–2385.
  • Tsourapas, Gerasimos. “The Syrian Refugee Crisis and Foreign Policy Decision-Making in Jordan, Lebanon, and Turkey,” Journal of Global Security Studies, (2019): 1–18. https://doi:10.1093/jogss/ogz016
  • Tsourapas, Gerosimos. “Migration Diplomacy Gets Messy and Tough,” Mixed Migration Center, 6 Aralık 2022.
  • Türkmen, Füsun. “ABD’nin Afganistan’dan Çekilme Süreci: Nedenler ve Sonuçlar,” Global İlişkiler Forumu, Bilgi Notları, 22 Eylül 2021.
  • Willner-Reid, Matthew. “Afghanistan: Displacement Challenges in a Country on the Move,” 16 Kasım 2017.
There are 38 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Regional Studies, International Relations (Other)
Journal Section Makaleler

İlknur Cihangir Demirbaş 0000-0002-3284-8212

Early Pub Date December 30, 2023
Publication Date December 30, 2023
Acceptance Date November 20, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Cihangir Demirbaş, İ. (2023). ‘Açık Kapı’ Politikasından ‘Göç Diplomasisi’ne İran’da Afgan Mülteciler Meselesi. Türkiye Ortadoğu Çalışmaları Dergisi, 10(2), 127-160.

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