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Defense Policies of The Gulf States

Yıl 2023, , 15 - 47, 30.12.2023


Why do Gulf States exhibit a propensity towards diversification of actors within their defense policies? In addressing this research question, the study focuses on three Gulf States that have prominently asserted themselves through dynamic foreign policy engagement in recent times. Specifically, this study concentrates on Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Qatar. It will try to explain the political goals of the three Gulf countries, their national security strategies, and the defense policies they follow in line with this strategy. Through the process tracing methodology, the study leverages data sourced from internationally recognized institutions within the realm of defense studies concerning the Gulf States. In this context, it is possible to say that the Arab Revolts emerged as a serious transformation process in the defense policies of the Gulf countries. The fact that the U.S. started to give up on assuming global military costs, including the Gulf region, has, of course significantly affected the defense policies of the Gulf countries. The main argument of the study is that although the Gulf countries are searching for new strategic partners for defense autonomy, it remains constrained due to the low probability of changing the unipolar structure in the international system.


  • Acar, Necmettin. "İran-Suudi Arabistan Rekabeti Karşısında Çin Dış Politikası". Türkiye Ortadoğu Çalışmaları Dergisi 9, no. 1 (2022 ): 187-216.
  • Al-Suwaidi, Khalifa. The UAE After the Arab Spring: Strategy for Survival. London: New York, NY: I.B. TAURIS, 2023. Baharoon, Mohammed. “UAE-U.S. Relations: What Went Wrong?” Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington (blog), 22 Nisan 2022.
  • Bakır, Ali. “The UAE’s Disruptive Policy in Libya”. Insight Turkey 22, no. 4 (Güz 2020): 157-77.
  • Barany, Zoltan. “Soldiers of Arabia: Explaining Compulsory Military Service in the Gulf”. Journal of Arabian Studies 8, no. 1 (Ocak 2018): 118-40.
  • Barany, Zoltan D. How Armies Respond to Revolutions and Why. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2016.
  • BBC News. “UAE Arming Yemen Militias with Western Weapons - Amnesty”. 06 Şubat 2019,
  • Bianco, Cinzia. “The GCC Monarchies: Perceptions of the Iranian Threat amid Shifting Geopolitics”. The International Spectator 55, no. 2 (Nisan 2020): 92-107.
  • Breitenbauch, Henrik ve André Ken Jakobsson, ed. Defence Planning as Strategic Fact. London ; New York, NY: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group, 2020.
  • Center for Strategic and International Studies. “Missile Defense Project, ‘Missiles of Iran,’ Missile Threat,” 10 Ağustos 2021.
  • “China, GCC to deepen cooperation in trade and investment, digital Economy”, Global Times, 22 Ekim 2023.
  • Cohen, Zachary. “U.S. intel and satellite images show Saudi Arabia is now building its own ballistic missiles with help of China”, CNN, 23 Aralık 2021.
  • Cordesman, Anthony H. “The Gulf and the Challenge of Missile Defense: Net Assessment Indicator”. CSIS, 2019.
  • Dursun, Ahmet, ve Mahmut Geldi, “Suudi Arabistan ve BAE, Husilerin saldırılarını neden önleyemiyor?”, Anadolu Ajansı, 26 Ocak 2022,
  • Edström, Hakan, ve Jacob Westberg. “The defense strategies of middle powers: Competing for security, influence and status in an era of unipolar demise”. Comparative Strategy 39, no. 2 (Mart 2020): 171-90.
  • Esfandiary, Dina. New Order in the Gulf: The Rise of the UAE. London: New York, NY: I.B. TAURIS, 2022.
  • Eslami, M. and Papageorgou, M., “China’s Increasing Role in the Middle East: Implications for Regional and International Dynamics”, Georgetown Journal of International Affairs, 2 Haziran 2023.
  • “Fact Sheet – U.S. Military Bases and Facilities in the Middle East”. American Security Project. 23 Ağustos 2023.
  • Gatopoulos, Alex. “How the Gulf crisis spurred Qatar to expand its military”. Al Jazeera. 24 Ağustos 2023.
  • Gerges, Fawaz A. “The Obama approach to the Middle East: the end of America’s moment?” International Affairs (Royal Institute of International Affairs 1944-) 89, no. 2 (2013): 299-323.
  • Hassib, Bassant, ve James Shires. “Cybersecurity in the GCC: From Economic Development to Geopolitical Controversy”. Middle East Policy 29, no. 1 (2022): 90-103.
  • Hedges, Matthew. “Small State Security Engagement In Post-Arab Spring MENA: The Case of the United Arab Emirates”. Asian Affairs 52, no. 2 (Mart 2021): 412-25.
  • Helou, Agnes. “Saudi Naval Modernization Pushes Ahead, with Eye Always on Iran”. Breaking Defense (blog), 09 Eylül 2022.
  • Hokayem, Emile, ve David B Roberts. “Friends with Benefits: Gulf States and the Perpetual Quest for Alliances”,. Century Foundation, Ocak 2018.
  • Karim, Umer. “Pakistan and Saudi Ties: An Overview of Political, Strategic, Economic and Defence Linkages”. içinde Regional Security in South Asia and the Gulf, 152-79. London: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group, 2023.
  • Keck, Zachary. “Why Is Qatar Building a Massive Air Force?”, The National Interest. The Center for the National Interest, 29 Eylül 2017.
  • Keshk, Ashraf Mohammed. Maritime Security of the Arab Gulf States: Analysis of Current Threats, Confrontation Mechanisms, and Future Challenges. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2022.
  • “Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Vision 2030”,
  • Mason, Robert. Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates: Foreign policy and strategic alliances in an uncertain world. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2023.
  • McCall, Michael. “US-Gulf Cooperation Council Relations in the age of the Obama Doctrine”. içinde U.S. Foreign Policy in the Middle East: From American Missionaries to the Islamic State, 155-71. New York: Routledge, 2018.
  • Mizobuchi, Masaki. “Strategic asset or political burden? U.S. military bases and base politics in Saudi Arabia”. içinde Exploring base politics: how host countries shape the network of U.S. overseas bases, editör Shinji Kawana ve Minori Takahashi, 111-32. London: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group, 2021.
  • Motamedi, Maziar. “Iran Has a Hypersonic Missile. What Does That Mean?” Al Jazeera. 24 Ağustos 2023.
  • Motamedi, Maziar. “Iran Says It Has Technology to Build Supersonic Missiles amid U.S. Tensions”. Al Jazeera. 24 Ağustos 2023.
  • Obaid, Nawaf. “A Saudi Arabian Defense Doctrine”, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard Kennedy School, May 2014.
  • Özdemir, Hilmi ve Nursima Şahkulu Baykal. “Savunma Planlaması”. içinde Savunma Politikalarına Giriş, 1. Baskı., 103-32. İstanbul: SETA Kitapları, 2021.
  • Pollack, Kenneth M. “Sizing Up Little Sparta: Understanding UAE Military Effectiveness”. American Enterprise Institute, 2020..
  • Ragab, Eman. “Beyond Money and Diplomacy: Regional Policies of Saudi Arabia and UAE after the Arab Spring”. The International Spectator 52, no. 2 (Nisan 2017): 37-53.
  • Rakipoğlu, Mehmet. “BAE-Çin ilişkileri derinleşiyor”, Anadolu Ajansı, 31 Temmuz 2019,
  • Richardson, Doug. “Ground-Based Air Defence in the Gulf Region”, 08 Mart 2023.
  • Roberts, David. “The UAE and the Rise of a New Military Power”. Middle East Insights, no. 242 (2020).
  • Roberts, David B. “Bucking the Trend: The UAE and the Development of Military Capabilities in the Arab World”. Security Studies 29, no. 2 (Mart 2020): 301-34.
  • Roberts, David B. Security Politics in the Gulf Monarchies: Continuity amid Change. Columbia Studies in Middle East Politics. New York: Columbia University Press, 2023.
  • Saidy, Brahim. “Qatari-US military relations: context, evolution and prospects”. Contemporary Arab Affairs 10, no. 2 (Nisan 2017): 286-99. Saidy, Brahim. “Qatar’s Defense Polıcy: Smart Choices of A Small State”, Small States and the New Security Environment, Policy Brief 24, 26 Haziran 2018.
  • Salisbury, Peter. “Risk Perception and Appetite in UAE Foreign and National Security Policy”, London: Chatham House, 2020.
  • “Saudis announce Islamic anti-terrorism coalition - BBC News”. 24 Ağustos 2023.
  • “SIPRI Arms Transfers Database | SIPRI”. 23 Ağustos 2023. Tian, Nan ve Diğerleri. “Trends in World Military Expenditure, 2022”. SIPRI, Nisan 2023.
  • Thievon, Kevin. “The Naval Modernisation of the Gulf States”. IISS. Erişim 23 Ağustos 2023.
  • Trevor Taylor. “Defence as Policy”. içinde Routledge Handbook of Defence Studies, 5-17. New York: Routledge, 2018.
  • “UAE Defense Market, Budget Assessment, Drivers, Market Trends 2022”. 23 Ağustos 2023.,The%20UAE's%20defense%20expenditure%20recorded%20an%20overall%20contraction%20of%200.7,defense%20expenditure%20during%202018%E2%80%9322.
  • “UAE Strategy for Artificial Intelligence | The Official Portal of the UAE Government”. 23 Ağustos 2023.
  • Ulrichsen, Kristian Coates. Qatar and the Arab Spring. New York: Oxford University Press, 2014.
  • Waltz, Kenneth N. Theory of International Politics. Addison-Wesley Series in Political Science. Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley Pub. Co., 1979.
  • WDS. “Royal Saudi Navy Marks Milestone in ‘Project Tuwaiq’ with Keel-Laying Ceremony for ‘HMS King Abdullah’”. 23 Ağustos 2023.
  • Yates, Athol. “Western Expatriates in the UAE Armed Forces, 1964–2015”. Journal of Arabian Studies 6, no. 2 (Temmuz 2016): 182-200.

Körfez Ülkelerinin Savunma Politikaları

Yıl 2023, , 15 - 47, 30.12.2023


Körfez ülkeleri savunma alanında neden aktör çeşitlenmesine yönelmektedir? Çalışma, araştırma sorusunu cevaplarken son yıllarda aktif dış politikasıyla kendilerinden söz ettiren üç Körfez ülkesine; Suudi Arabistan, BAE ve Katar’a odaklanacaktır. Üç Körfez ülkesinin siyasi hedeflerini, ulusal güvenlik stratejilerini ve bu strateji doğrultusunda takip ettikleri savunma politikalarını açıklamaya çalışacaktır. Süreç Analizi yönteminin kullanılacağı çalışmada, uluslararası saygın kuruluşların Körfez ülkelerinin savunma alanına ait oluşturduğu verilerden yararlanılacaktır. Bölgesel ölçekte güçlü bir oyuncu olarak yer almaya çalışan Katar, BAE ve Suudi Arabistan’ın özellikle Arap İsyanları sürecinde Ortadoğu uluslararası ilişkilerinde etkin olduklarını söylemek mümkündür. Bu bağlamda Körfez ülkelerinin savunma politikalarında Arap İsyanları’nın ciddi bir dönüşüm süreci olarak ortaya çıktığını söylemek mümkündür. ABD’nin Körfez bölgesi de dahil olmak üzere küresel askeri maliyetleri üstlenmekten vazgeçmeye başlaması elbette Körfez ülkelerinin savunma politikalarını önemli ölçüde etkilemiştir. Katar, BAE ve Suudi Arabistan, ABD’nin güvenlik şemsiyesini kaldırması ve askeri varlığını azaltmasıyla birlikte yeni savunma tasarımları için gerekli olan araçları/silah sistemlerini tedarik etmek adına yüksek oranda silahlanmaya ve bunun içinde aktör çeşitlendirmesine yönelmişlerdir. Çalışmanın temel iddiası her ne kadar Körfez ülkeleri savunma ihtiyaçlarını karşılamak için yeni stratejik ortaklar arayışı içinde olsa da, uluslararası sistemdeki tek kutuplu yapının değişme olasılığının düşük olması nedeniyle Körfez ülkelerinin savunma politikalarında eksen kayması ihtimalinin zayıf olduğunu ileri sürmektedir.


  • Acar, Necmettin. "İran-Suudi Arabistan Rekabeti Karşısında Çin Dış Politikası". Türkiye Ortadoğu Çalışmaları Dergisi 9, no. 1 (2022 ): 187-216.
  • Al-Suwaidi, Khalifa. The UAE After the Arab Spring: Strategy for Survival. London: New York, NY: I.B. TAURIS, 2023. Baharoon, Mohammed. “UAE-U.S. Relations: What Went Wrong?” Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington (blog), 22 Nisan 2022.
  • Bakır, Ali. “The UAE’s Disruptive Policy in Libya”. Insight Turkey 22, no. 4 (Güz 2020): 157-77.
  • Barany, Zoltan. “Soldiers of Arabia: Explaining Compulsory Military Service in the Gulf”. Journal of Arabian Studies 8, no. 1 (Ocak 2018): 118-40.
  • Barany, Zoltan D. How Armies Respond to Revolutions and Why. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2016.
  • BBC News. “UAE Arming Yemen Militias with Western Weapons - Amnesty”. 06 Şubat 2019,
  • Bianco, Cinzia. “The GCC Monarchies: Perceptions of the Iranian Threat amid Shifting Geopolitics”. The International Spectator 55, no. 2 (Nisan 2020): 92-107.
  • Breitenbauch, Henrik ve André Ken Jakobsson, ed. Defence Planning as Strategic Fact. London ; New York, NY: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group, 2020.
  • Center for Strategic and International Studies. “Missile Defense Project, ‘Missiles of Iran,’ Missile Threat,” 10 Ağustos 2021.
  • “China, GCC to deepen cooperation in trade and investment, digital Economy”, Global Times, 22 Ekim 2023.
  • Cohen, Zachary. “U.S. intel and satellite images show Saudi Arabia is now building its own ballistic missiles with help of China”, CNN, 23 Aralık 2021.
  • Cordesman, Anthony H. “The Gulf and the Challenge of Missile Defense: Net Assessment Indicator”. CSIS, 2019.
  • Dursun, Ahmet, ve Mahmut Geldi, “Suudi Arabistan ve BAE, Husilerin saldırılarını neden önleyemiyor?”, Anadolu Ajansı, 26 Ocak 2022,
  • Edström, Hakan, ve Jacob Westberg. “The defense strategies of middle powers: Competing for security, influence and status in an era of unipolar demise”. Comparative Strategy 39, no. 2 (Mart 2020): 171-90.
  • Esfandiary, Dina. New Order in the Gulf: The Rise of the UAE. London: New York, NY: I.B. TAURIS, 2022.
  • Eslami, M. and Papageorgou, M., “China’s Increasing Role in the Middle East: Implications for Regional and International Dynamics”, Georgetown Journal of International Affairs, 2 Haziran 2023.
  • “Fact Sheet – U.S. Military Bases and Facilities in the Middle East”. American Security Project. 23 Ağustos 2023.
  • Gatopoulos, Alex. “How the Gulf crisis spurred Qatar to expand its military”. Al Jazeera. 24 Ağustos 2023.
  • Gerges, Fawaz A. “The Obama approach to the Middle East: the end of America’s moment?” International Affairs (Royal Institute of International Affairs 1944-) 89, no. 2 (2013): 299-323.
  • Hassib, Bassant, ve James Shires. “Cybersecurity in the GCC: From Economic Development to Geopolitical Controversy”. Middle East Policy 29, no. 1 (2022): 90-103.
  • Hedges, Matthew. “Small State Security Engagement In Post-Arab Spring MENA: The Case of the United Arab Emirates”. Asian Affairs 52, no. 2 (Mart 2021): 412-25.
  • Helou, Agnes. “Saudi Naval Modernization Pushes Ahead, with Eye Always on Iran”. Breaking Defense (blog), 09 Eylül 2022.
  • Hokayem, Emile, ve David B Roberts. “Friends with Benefits: Gulf States and the Perpetual Quest for Alliances”,. Century Foundation, Ocak 2018.
  • Karim, Umer. “Pakistan and Saudi Ties: An Overview of Political, Strategic, Economic and Defence Linkages”. içinde Regional Security in South Asia and the Gulf, 152-79. London: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group, 2023.
  • Keck, Zachary. “Why Is Qatar Building a Massive Air Force?”, The National Interest. The Center for the National Interest, 29 Eylül 2017.
  • Keshk, Ashraf Mohammed. Maritime Security of the Arab Gulf States: Analysis of Current Threats, Confrontation Mechanisms, and Future Challenges. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2022.
  • “Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Vision 2030”,
  • Mason, Robert. Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates: Foreign policy and strategic alliances in an uncertain world. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2023.
  • McCall, Michael. “US-Gulf Cooperation Council Relations in the age of the Obama Doctrine”. içinde U.S. Foreign Policy in the Middle East: From American Missionaries to the Islamic State, 155-71. New York: Routledge, 2018.
  • Mizobuchi, Masaki. “Strategic asset or political burden? U.S. military bases and base politics in Saudi Arabia”. içinde Exploring base politics: how host countries shape the network of U.S. overseas bases, editör Shinji Kawana ve Minori Takahashi, 111-32. London: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group, 2021.
  • Motamedi, Maziar. “Iran Has a Hypersonic Missile. What Does That Mean?” Al Jazeera. 24 Ağustos 2023.
  • Motamedi, Maziar. “Iran Says It Has Technology to Build Supersonic Missiles amid U.S. Tensions”. Al Jazeera. 24 Ağustos 2023.
  • Obaid, Nawaf. “A Saudi Arabian Defense Doctrine”, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard Kennedy School, May 2014.
  • Özdemir, Hilmi ve Nursima Şahkulu Baykal. “Savunma Planlaması”. içinde Savunma Politikalarına Giriş, 1. Baskı., 103-32. İstanbul: SETA Kitapları, 2021.
  • Pollack, Kenneth M. “Sizing Up Little Sparta: Understanding UAE Military Effectiveness”. American Enterprise Institute, 2020..
  • Ragab, Eman. “Beyond Money and Diplomacy: Regional Policies of Saudi Arabia and UAE after the Arab Spring”. The International Spectator 52, no. 2 (Nisan 2017): 37-53.
  • Rakipoğlu, Mehmet. “BAE-Çin ilişkileri derinleşiyor”, Anadolu Ajansı, 31 Temmuz 2019,
  • Richardson, Doug. “Ground-Based Air Defence in the Gulf Region”, 08 Mart 2023.
  • Roberts, David. “The UAE and the Rise of a New Military Power”. Middle East Insights, no. 242 (2020).
  • Roberts, David B. “Bucking the Trend: The UAE and the Development of Military Capabilities in the Arab World”. Security Studies 29, no. 2 (Mart 2020): 301-34.
  • Roberts, David B. Security Politics in the Gulf Monarchies: Continuity amid Change. Columbia Studies in Middle East Politics. New York: Columbia University Press, 2023.
  • Saidy, Brahim. “Qatari-US military relations: context, evolution and prospects”. Contemporary Arab Affairs 10, no. 2 (Nisan 2017): 286-99. Saidy, Brahim. “Qatar’s Defense Polıcy: Smart Choices of A Small State”, Small States and the New Security Environment, Policy Brief 24, 26 Haziran 2018.
  • Salisbury, Peter. “Risk Perception and Appetite in UAE Foreign and National Security Policy”, London: Chatham House, 2020.
  • “Saudis announce Islamic anti-terrorism coalition - BBC News”. 24 Ağustos 2023.
  • “SIPRI Arms Transfers Database | SIPRI”. 23 Ağustos 2023. Tian, Nan ve Diğerleri. “Trends in World Military Expenditure, 2022”. SIPRI, Nisan 2023.
  • Thievon, Kevin. “The Naval Modernisation of the Gulf States”. IISS. Erişim 23 Ağustos 2023.
  • Trevor Taylor. “Defence as Policy”. içinde Routledge Handbook of Defence Studies, 5-17. New York: Routledge, 2018.
  • “UAE Defense Market, Budget Assessment, Drivers, Market Trends 2022”. 23 Ağustos 2023.,The%20UAE's%20defense%20expenditure%20recorded%20an%20overall%20contraction%20of%200.7,defense%20expenditure%20during%202018%E2%80%9322.
  • “UAE Strategy for Artificial Intelligence | The Official Portal of the UAE Government”. 23 Ağustos 2023.
  • Ulrichsen, Kristian Coates. Qatar and the Arab Spring. New York: Oxford University Press, 2014.
  • Waltz, Kenneth N. Theory of International Politics. Addison-Wesley Series in Political Science. Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley Pub. Co., 1979.
  • WDS. “Royal Saudi Navy Marks Milestone in ‘Project Tuwaiq’ with Keel-Laying Ceremony for ‘HMS King Abdullah’”. 23 Ağustos 2023.
  • Yates, Athol. “Western Expatriates in the UAE Armed Forces, 1964–2015”. Journal of Arabian Studies 6, no. 2 (Temmuz 2016): 182-200.
Toplam 53 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Bölgesel Çalışmalar
Bölüm Makaleler

Abdullah Erboğa 0000-0002-4435-5220

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 30 Ekim 2023
Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Aralık 2023
Kabul Tarihi 29 Ekim 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023

Kaynak Göster

APA Erboğa, A. (2023). Körfez Ülkelerinin Savunma Politikaları. Türkiye Ortadoğu Çalışmaları Dergisi, 10(2), 15-47.

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