Research Article
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Türkiye’s and the EU’s Coordinated and Divergent Approaches to the 2011 Syrian Crisis

Year 2024, , 111 - 132, 13.06.2024


The Syrian crisis has prompted immediate reactions from the EU and a few other countries, including the US, Russia, and Türkiye, as well as some of their proxies. This research purposefully limits itself to examining Türkiye’s and the EU’s reactions to the Syrian civil war. According to the study’s results Türkiye and the EU have differences and similarities in six key policy areas: (1) Assad’s oppressive actions against its people drew criticism from Türkiye and the EU. (2) Türkiye and the EU have suffered as a result of the ISIS danger resulting from the Syrian civil conflict. (3) Türkiye and the EU both have humanitarian concerns and have made an effort to assist Syrian refugees. (4) Türkiye has engaged in two military operations in northern Syria in opposition to the YPG. The EU denounced these military maneuvers by Türkiye. (5) The EU and Türkiye have had discussions over the issue of foreign fighters. The EU criticized Türkiye as it failed to secure its borders, and as a result, foreign fighters utilized the country as a transit between Syria and European nations. (6) Despite opposition from the EU, Türkiye has insisted on creating a “safe zone” in Syria for Syrian refugees.


  • Akkaya, A. Y. (2019). Avrupa’nın mülteci politikalarına oryantalist yaklaşımı: Suriye krizi sonrası Avrupa ve Türkiye ilişkileri. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, 74(2), 357–380.
  • Al-Hilu, K. (2021) The Turkish intervention in Northern Syria: one strategy, discrepant policies, Technical Middle East Directions (MED), 01, Wartime and Post-Conflict in Syria, European University Institute,
  • Altundeğer, N., & Yılmaz, M. E. (2016). İç Savaştan Bölgesel İstikrarsızlığa: Suriye Krizinin Türkiye’ye Faturası. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 21(1), 289–301.
  • Altunışık, M. B. (2016). The inflexibility of Turkey’s policy in Syria. IEMed. Mediterranean Yearbook,
  • Aşkar-Karakır, İ. (2017). Suriye İç Savaşının AB’ye Yansımaları: Mülteci Sorunu ve Uluslararası Terörizm. Yaprak Gülcan, Sedef Akgüngör & Yeşim Kuştepeli (eds.), Türkiye-AB İlişkilerinde Yeni Bir Konu: Mülteci Sorunu ve Türkiye-AB İşbirliği, 134-164. İktisadi Kalkınma Vakfı.
  • Asseburg, M. (2020). Reconstruction in Syria: Challenges and policy options for the EU and its member states. [SWP Research Paper 11]. Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik German Institute for International and Security Affairs
  • Ataç, C. A. (2008). EU’s Capacity of Creating Desirable Outcomes: Cyprus, Georgia, Central Asia, and Some Other Matters of Normative Leadership. Journal of Cyprus Studies, 14(35), 59-88.
  • Ataç, C. A. (2012). AB’nin Normatif Kapasite Sorunu, Akdeniz İçin Birlik ve Türkiye. Ankara Avrupa Çalışmaları Dergisi, 11(1), 1–24.
  • Ataman, M., & Özdemir, Ç. (2018). Turkey’s Syria policy: Constant objectives shifting priorities. Türkiye Ortadoğu Çalışmaları Dergisi, 5(2), 13-36.
  • Björkdahl, A., Chaban, N., Leslie, J., & Masselot, A. (2015). Introduction: To take or not to take EU norms? Adoption, adaptation, resistance, and rejection. Björkdahl, A., Chaban, N., Leslie, J., Masselot, A. (eds) Importing EU Norms. United Nations University Series on Regionalism, vol 8, 1–9. Springer, Cham.
  • Commission, E. (2015). European Commission—Fact Sheet “EU-Turkey joint action plan.” European Commission.
  • Council, E. (2011). Conclusions – 23/24 June 2011. General Secretariat of the Council.
  • Council, E. (2012). Conclusions – 1/2 March 2012. General Secretariat of the Council.
  • Del Sarto, R. A. (2016). Normative empire Europe: The European Union, its borderlands, and the ‘Arab spring.’ JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, 54(2), 215–232.
  • Del Torre, V. (2019). The EU Response to Turkey’s Invasion of Northen Syria. Euro-Gulf Information Centre.
  • Dempsey, J. (2020). Europe and NATO’s Shame Over Syria and Turkey. Carnegie Europe.
  • European Union. (2019). The Turkish military operation in northeast Syria and its consequences European Parliament resolution of 24 October 2019 on the Turkish military operation in northeast Syria and its consequences (2019/2886(RSP)) (2021/C 202/16).
  • Eurupean, C. (2024). Syria: EU Response to the Crisis.
  • Futák-Campbell, B., & Nolting, H. D. S. (2022). Turkey as normative power: Connections with the Muslim brotherhood during the Arab Spring. Uluslararası İlişkiler Dergisi, 19(74), 3–19.
  • Gürler, A. Y., & Yavuz, S. Y. (2023). Suriye Krizine Neorealist Perspektifle Türkiye Cumhuriyeti ve Rusya Federasyonu’nun Yaklaşımı: 1957 & 2011 Krizleri. Türkiye Ortadoğu Çalışmaları Dergisi, 9(2), 207–246.
  • Havlová, R. (2015). The European Union and the Crisis in Syria. Současná Evropa, 20(2), 65.
  • Kadıoğlu, İ. A. (2020). International Peace Efforts in the Syrian Civil War: The ‘Inevitable’Failure?. Türkiye Ortadoğu Çalışmaları Dergisi, 7(1), 13-44.
  • Kasapoglu, C. (2020). Turkey’s military policy in Syria: Implications for NATO.
  • Keskin, İ. F., & Yanarışık, O. (2021). Suriye göç krizi hakkında güvenlik endişeleri: Türkiye ve AB ülkeleri karşılaştırması. Güvenlik Çalışmaları Dergisi, 23(1), 54–70.
  • Kiraz, S. (2020). Türkiye’nin doğrudan müdahale Öncesi dönemde Suriye İç savaşı’na yönelik dış Politikasının analizi. Türkiye Ortadoğu Çalışmaları Dergisi, 7(2), 99-140.
  • Kızılkan, Z. B. (2019). Changing Policies of Turkey and the EU to the Syrian Conflict. Atatürk Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 33(1), 321–338.
  • Korgun, İ. (2020). Türkiye Suriye ilişkileri. Ahi Evran Akademi, 1(1), 53–66.
  • Laïdi, Z. (2008). European preferences and their reception. Zaki Laïdi (ed.) EU foreign policy in a Globalized World: Normative power and social preferences, 11–30. Routledge.
  • Levallois, A., Kasapoğlu, C., Tür, Ö., & Dalay, G. (2023). Syria: A Multifaceted and Challenging Crisis for EU Foreign and Security Policy, Joint Research Paper No. 17.
  • Manners, I. (2008). The normative power of the European Union in a Globalized World. Z. Laïdi (Ed.) EU foreign policy in a globalized world, 33–47. Routledge.
  • Manners, I. (2011). The European Union’s normative power: Critical perspectives and perspectives on the critical. Richard Whitman (Ed.) Normative Power Europe, 226–247. Springer.
  • Manners, I., & Diez, T. (2007). Reflecting on NPE. Felix Berenskoetter & M. J. Williams (eds.) Power in world politics, 173–188. Routledge.
  • Metreveli, T. (2012). The EU’s Normative Power–Its Greatest Strength or its Greatest Weakness? Atlantic Community.
  • Nas, Ç. (2019). The EU’s Approach to the Syrian Crisis: Turkey as a Partner? Uluslararası İlişkiler Dergisi, 16(62), 45–64.
  • Neuman, M., & Stanković, S. (2019). Introduction: EU Democracy Promotion in Its Near (and Further) Abroad Through the Prism of Normative Power Europe. Marek Neuman (Ed.) In Democracy Promotion and the Normative Power Europe Framework, 1–10. Springer.
  • Oktav, Ö. Z., & Çelikaksoy, A. (2015). The Syrian Refugee Challenge and Turkey’s Quest for Normative Power in the Middle East. International Journal: Canada’s Journal of Global Policy Analysis, 70(3), 408–420.
  • Özcan, M. (2017). AB-Türkiye ilişkileri ve Suriye Krizi, (Araştırma 40), İnsani ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Merkezi (İNSAMER).
  • Özer, Y., & Kaçar, F. (2018). The EU’s Stance Toward VNSAs During the Syrian Crisis: YPG and ISIS Cases. In Ö. Z. Oktav, E. Parlar Dal, & A. M. Kurşun (Eds.), Violent Non-state Actors and the Syrian Civil War, 173–192. Springer International Publishing.
  • Palani, K., Ala’Aldeen, D., & Cersosimo, S. (2018). Turkey and the European Union: Conflicting Policies and Opportunities for Cooperation. Middle East Research Institute.
  • Parlar Dal, E. (2013). Assessing Turkey’s “Normative” Power in the Middle East and North Africa Region: New Dynamics and their Limitations. Turkish Studies, 14(4), 709–734.
  • Parliament, E. (2011). P7_TA (2011)0582 Situation in Syria European Parliament resolution of 15 December 2011 on the situation in Syria. European Parliament.
  • Parliament, E. (2013). P7_TA (2013)0453 Annual report from the Council to the European Parliament on the common foreign and security policy European Parliament resolution of 24 October 2013 on the Annual Report from the Council to the European Parliament on the Common Foreign and Security Policy (2013/2081(INI)). European Parliament.
  • Parliament, E. (2017). P8_TA (2017)0306 2016 Report on Turkey European Parliament resolution of 6 July 2017 on the 2016 Commission Report on Turkey (2016/2308(INI)). European Parliament.
  • Parliament, E. (2019a). P9_TA. (2019)0049 The Turkish military operation in northeast Syria and its consequences European Parliament resolution of 24 October 2019 on the Turkish military operation in northeast Syria and its consequences (2019/2886(RSP). European Parliament.
  • Parliament, E. (2019b). Turkey’s military operation in Syria and its impact on relations with the EU. European Parliament Briefing.
  • Phillips, C. (2011). Turkey’s global strategy: Turkey and Syria. IDEAS reports - special reports, Kitchen, Nicholas (ed.) SR007. LSE IDEAS, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK.
  • Phillips, C. (2012). Turkey’s Syria problem. Public Policy Review, Institute for Public Policy Research, vol. 19(2), 137-140,
  • Pollack, M. A. (2020). Living in a material world: A critique of ‘normative power Europe.’ Available at SSRN: or
  • Republic of Türkiye Ministry of Foreign Affairs. (2018). Joint Statement following the High-Level Political Dialogue between Turkey and the EU, Ankara.
  • Republic of Türkiye Ministry of Foreign Affairs. (2022a). Suriye’nin Siyasi Görünümü.
  • Republic of Türkiye Ministry of Foreign Affairs. (2022b). Türkiye-Suriye Siyasi İlişkileri.
  • Republic of Türkiye Ministry of National Defence. (2024). Fırat Kalkanı,
  • Saatçioğlu, B. (2017). AB’nin Mülteci Krizi: Normlar-Çıkarlar Dikotomisi Üzerinden AB’yi Yeniden Değerlendirmek. Yaprak Gülcan, Sedef Akgüngör & Yeşim Kuştepeli (eds.) içinde Türkiye-AB İlişkilerinde Yeni Bir Konu: Mülteci Sorunu ve Türkiye-AB İşbirliği, 212-236. İktisadi Kalkınma Vakfı.
  • Saatçioğlu, B. (2022). The EU’s response to the Syrian refugee crisis: A battleground among many Europes. In Transforming Europe Through Crises, 131–146. Routledge.
  • Şahin, M. (2022). Normatif Güç ve Güç Kapasitesizliği Arasında AB-Suriye İlişkileri içinde Suriye Krizi: Bölgesel Dinamikler ve Küresel Yansımalar, 333–345. Türk Akademisi Siyasi Sosyal Stratejik Araştırmalar Vakfı (TASAV).
  • Şenyuva, Ö., & Üstün, Ç. (2016). A Deal to End ‘the’ Deal: Why the Refugee Agreement is a Threat to Turkey-EU Relations. GMF On Turkey Series.
  • Sjursen, H. (2003). Understanding the Common Foreign and Security Policy: Analytical Building Blocs. [ARENA Working Paper 9/03] Forthcoming in Sebastian Princen and Michelle Knodt (eds) Understanding the European Union’s External Relations, 29, 34.
  • Tocci, N. (2008). The European Union as a normative foreign policy actor. CEPS Working Document No. 281.
  • UNHCR The UN Refugee Agency (2017). Syrian Refugees in Turkey Frequently Asked Questions
  • Whitman, R. G. (2013). The Neo-Normative Turn in Theorising the EU’s International Presence. Cooperation and Conflict, 48(2), 171–193.
  • Yeltin, H. (2018). Türkiye’nin Suriye Krizine Karşı Güvenlik Arayışlarına Bir Örnek: Fırat Kalkanı Harekâtı. Econder International Academic Journal, 2(2), 200–214.
  • Zahra, R. F. (2017). Securitization and De-securitization: Turkey-Syria Relations since the Syrian Crisis. Asian Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies, 11(2), 27–39.

Türkiye ve AB’nin 2011 Suriye Krizine Benzer ve Farklı Yaklaşımları

Year 2024, , 111 - 132, 13.06.2024


Suriye krizi, AB’nin ve ABD, Rusya ve Türkiye’nin de aralarında bulunduğu birkaç ülkenin ve onların bazı vekillerinin ani tepkilerine de yol açtı. Bu çalışma, Türkiye ve AB’nin Suriye İç Savaşına verdiği tepkileri incelemekle kendisini sınırlandırmıştır. Çalışmanın sonuçlarına göre Türkiye ve AB’nin altı temel politika alanında farklılıkları ve benzerlikleri bulunmaktadır: (1) Esad’ın halkına yönelik baskıcı eylemleri Türkiye ve AB’den eleştiri almıştır. (2) Türkiye ve AB, Suriye’deki iç çatışmadan kaynaklanan IŞİD tehlikesinden zarar görmüştür. (3) Türkiye ve AB’nin insani kaygıları baştan beri çok olmuş ve Suriyeli mültecilere yardım etmek için hem Türkiye hem AB çaba göstermiştir. (4) Türkiye, Suriye’nin kuzeyinde YPG’ye karşı iki askeri operasyon gerçekleştirmiştir. AB, Türkiye’nin bu askeri harekatlarını eleştirmiştir. (5) AB ve Türkiye yabancı savaşçılar konusunda tartışma içine girmiştir. AB, Türkiye’yi sınırlarını güvence altına almadığı ve bunun sonucunda yabancı savaşçıların Türkiye’yi Suriye ile Avrupa ülkeleri arasında bir geçiş noktası olarak kullandığını öne sürerek eleştirmiştir. (6) AB’nin karşı çıkmasına rağmen Türkiye, Suriyeli mülteciler için Suriye’de bir “güvenli bölge” oluşturulması konusunda ısrar etmektedir.


  • Akkaya, A. Y. (2019). Avrupa’nın mülteci politikalarına oryantalist yaklaşımı: Suriye krizi sonrası Avrupa ve Türkiye ilişkileri. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, 74(2), 357–380.
  • Al-Hilu, K. (2021) The Turkish intervention in Northern Syria: one strategy, discrepant policies, Technical Middle East Directions (MED), 01, Wartime and Post-Conflict in Syria, European University Institute,
  • Altundeğer, N., & Yılmaz, M. E. (2016). İç Savaştan Bölgesel İstikrarsızlığa: Suriye Krizinin Türkiye’ye Faturası. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 21(1), 289–301.
  • Altunışık, M. B. (2016). The inflexibility of Turkey’s policy in Syria. IEMed. Mediterranean Yearbook,
  • Aşkar-Karakır, İ. (2017). Suriye İç Savaşının AB’ye Yansımaları: Mülteci Sorunu ve Uluslararası Terörizm. Yaprak Gülcan, Sedef Akgüngör & Yeşim Kuştepeli (eds.), Türkiye-AB İlişkilerinde Yeni Bir Konu: Mülteci Sorunu ve Türkiye-AB İşbirliği, 134-164. İktisadi Kalkınma Vakfı.
  • Asseburg, M. (2020). Reconstruction in Syria: Challenges and policy options for the EU and its member states. [SWP Research Paper 11]. Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik German Institute for International and Security Affairs
  • Ataç, C. A. (2008). EU’s Capacity of Creating Desirable Outcomes: Cyprus, Georgia, Central Asia, and Some Other Matters of Normative Leadership. Journal of Cyprus Studies, 14(35), 59-88.
  • Ataç, C. A. (2012). AB’nin Normatif Kapasite Sorunu, Akdeniz İçin Birlik ve Türkiye. Ankara Avrupa Çalışmaları Dergisi, 11(1), 1–24.
  • Ataman, M., & Özdemir, Ç. (2018). Turkey’s Syria policy: Constant objectives shifting priorities. Türkiye Ortadoğu Çalışmaları Dergisi, 5(2), 13-36.
  • Björkdahl, A., Chaban, N., Leslie, J., & Masselot, A. (2015). Introduction: To take or not to take EU norms? Adoption, adaptation, resistance, and rejection. Björkdahl, A., Chaban, N., Leslie, J., Masselot, A. (eds) Importing EU Norms. United Nations University Series on Regionalism, vol 8, 1–9. Springer, Cham.
  • Commission, E. (2015). European Commission—Fact Sheet “EU-Turkey joint action plan.” European Commission.
  • Council, E. (2011). Conclusions – 23/24 June 2011. General Secretariat of the Council.
  • Council, E. (2012). Conclusions – 1/2 March 2012. General Secretariat of the Council.
  • Del Sarto, R. A. (2016). Normative empire Europe: The European Union, its borderlands, and the ‘Arab spring.’ JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, 54(2), 215–232.
  • Del Torre, V. (2019). The EU Response to Turkey’s Invasion of Northen Syria. Euro-Gulf Information Centre.
  • Dempsey, J. (2020). Europe and NATO’s Shame Over Syria and Turkey. Carnegie Europe.
  • European Union. (2019). The Turkish military operation in northeast Syria and its consequences European Parliament resolution of 24 October 2019 on the Turkish military operation in northeast Syria and its consequences (2019/2886(RSP)) (2021/C 202/16).
  • Eurupean, C. (2024). Syria: EU Response to the Crisis.
  • Futák-Campbell, B., & Nolting, H. D. S. (2022). Turkey as normative power: Connections with the Muslim brotherhood during the Arab Spring. Uluslararası İlişkiler Dergisi, 19(74), 3–19.
  • Gürler, A. Y., & Yavuz, S. Y. (2023). Suriye Krizine Neorealist Perspektifle Türkiye Cumhuriyeti ve Rusya Federasyonu’nun Yaklaşımı: 1957 & 2011 Krizleri. Türkiye Ortadoğu Çalışmaları Dergisi, 9(2), 207–246.
  • Havlová, R. (2015). The European Union and the Crisis in Syria. Současná Evropa, 20(2), 65.
  • Kadıoğlu, İ. A. (2020). International Peace Efforts in the Syrian Civil War: The ‘Inevitable’Failure?. Türkiye Ortadoğu Çalışmaları Dergisi, 7(1), 13-44.
  • Kasapoglu, C. (2020). Turkey’s military policy in Syria: Implications for NATO.
  • Keskin, İ. F., & Yanarışık, O. (2021). Suriye göç krizi hakkında güvenlik endişeleri: Türkiye ve AB ülkeleri karşılaştırması. Güvenlik Çalışmaları Dergisi, 23(1), 54–70.
  • Kiraz, S. (2020). Türkiye’nin doğrudan müdahale Öncesi dönemde Suriye İç savaşı’na yönelik dış Politikasının analizi. Türkiye Ortadoğu Çalışmaları Dergisi, 7(2), 99-140.
  • Kızılkan, Z. B. (2019). Changing Policies of Turkey and the EU to the Syrian Conflict. Atatürk Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 33(1), 321–338.
  • Korgun, İ. (2020). Türkiye Suriye ilişkileri. Ahi Evran Akademi, 1(1), 53–66.
  • Laïdi, Z. (2008). European preferences and their reception. Zaki Laïdi (ed.) EU foreign policy in a Globalized World: Normative power and social preferences, 11–30. Routledge.
  • Levallois, A., Kasapoğlu, C., Tür, Ö., & Dalay, G. (2023). Syria: A Multifaceted and Challenging Crisis for EU Foreign and Security Policy, Joint Research Paper No. 17.
  • Manners, I. (2008). The normative power of the European Union in a Globalized World. Z. Laïdi (Ed.) EU foreign policy in a globalized world, 33–47. Routledge.
  • Manners, I. (2011). The European Union’s normative power: Critical perspectives and perspectives on the critical. Richard Whitman (Ed.) Normative Power Europe, 226–247. Springer.
  • Manners, I., & Diez, T. (2007). Reflecting on NPE. Felix Berenskoetter & M. J. Williams (eds.) Power in world politics, 173–188. Routledge.
  • Metreveli, T. (2012). The EU’s Normative Power–Its Greatest Strength or its Greatest Weakness? Atlantic Community.
  • Nas, Ç. (2019). The EU’s Approach to the Syrian Crisis: Turkey as a Partner? Uluslararası İlişkiler Dergisi, 16(62), 45–64.
  • Neuman, M., & Stanković, S. (2019). Introduction: EU Democracy Promotion in Its Near (and Further) Abroad Through the Prism of Normative Power Europe. Marek Neuman (Ed.) In Democracy Promotion and the Normative Power Europe Framework, 1–10. Springer.
  • Oktav, Ö. Z., & Çelikaksoy, A. (2015). The Syrian Refugee Challenge and Turkey’s Quest for Normative Power in the Middle East. International Journal: Canada’s Journal of Global Policy Analysis, 70(3), 408–420.
  • Özcan, M. (2017). AB-Türkiye ilişkileri ve Suriye Krizi, (Araştırma 40), İnsani ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Merkezi (İNSAMER).
  • Özer, Y., & Kaçar, F. (2018). The EU’s Stance Toward VNSAs During the Syrian Crisis: YPG and ISIS Cases. In Ö. Z. Oktav, E. Parlar Dal, & A. M. Kurşun (Eds.), Violent Non-state Actors and the Syrian Civil War, 173–192. Springer International Publishing.
  • Palani, K., Ala’Aldeen, D., & Cersosimo, S. (2018). Turkey and the European Union: Conflicting Policies and Opportunities for Cooperation. Middle East Research Institute.
  • Parlar Dal, E. (2013). Assessing Turkey’s “Normative” Power in the Middle East and North Africa Region: New Dynamics and their Limitations. Turkish Studies, 14(4), 709–734.
  • Parliament, E. (2011). P7_TA (2011)0582 Situation in Syria European Parliament resolution of 15 December 2011 on the situation in Syria. European Parliament.
  • Parliament, E. (2013). P7_TA (2013)0453 Annual report from the Council to the European Parliament on the common foreign and security policy European Parliament resolution of 24 October 2013 on the Annual Report from the Council to the European Parliament on the Common Foreign and Security Policy (2013/2081(INI)). European Parliament.
  • Parliament, E. (2017). P8_TA (2017)0306 2016 Report on Turkey European Parliament resolution of 6 July 2017 on the 2016 Commission Report on Turkey (2016/2308(INI)). European Parliament.
  • Parliament, E. (2019a). P9_TA. (2019)0049 The Turkish military operation in northeast Syria and its consequences European Parliament resolution of 24 October 2019 on the Turkish military operation in northeast Syria and its consequences (2019/2886(RSP). European Parliament.
  • Parliament, E. (2019b). Turkey’s military operation in Syria and its impact on relations with the EU. European Parliament Briefing.
  • Phillips, C. (2011). Turkey’s global strategy: Turkey and Syria. IDEAS reports - special reports, Kitchen, Nicholas (ed.) SR007. LSE IDEAS, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK.
  • Phillips, C. (2012). Turkey’s Syria problem. Public Policy Review, Institute for Public Policy Research, vol. 19(2), 137-140,
  • Pollack, M. A. (2020). Living in a material world: A critique of ‘normative power Europe.’ Available at SSRN: or
  • Republic of Türkiye Ministry of Foreign Affairs. (2018). Joint Statement following the High-Level Political Dialogue between Turkey and the EU, Ankara.
  • Republic of Türkiye Ministry of Foreign Affairs. (2022a). Suriye’nin Siyasi Görünümü.
  • Republic of Türkiye Ministry of Foreign Affairs. (2022b). Türkiye-Suriye Siyasi İlişkileri.
  • Republic of Türkiye Ministry of National Defence. (2024). Fırat Kalkanı,
  • Saatçioğlu, B. (2017). AB’nin Mülteci Krizi: Normlar-Çıkarlar Dikotomisi Üzerinden AB’yi Yeniden Değerlendirmek. Yaprak Gülcan, Sedef Akgüngör & Yeşim Kuştepeli (eds.) içinde Türkiye-AB İlişkilerinde Yeni Bir Konu: Mülteci Sorunu ve Türkiye-AB İşbirliği, 212-236. İktisadi Kalkınma Vakfı.
  • Saatçioğlu, B. (2022). The EU’s response to the Syrian refugee crisis: A battleground among many Europes. In Transforming Europe Through Crises, 131–146. Routledge.
  • Şahin, M. (2022). Normatif Güç ve Güç Kapasitesizliği Arasında AB-Suriye İlişkileri içinde Suriye Krizi: Bölgesel Dinamikler ve Küresel Yansımalar, 333–345. Türk Akademisi Siyasi Sosyal Stratejik Araştırmalar Vakfı (TASAV).
  • Şenyuva, Ö., & Üstün, Ç. (2016). A Deal to End ‘the’ Deal: Why the Refugee Agreement is a Threat to Turkey-EU Relations. GMF On Turkey Series.
  • Sjursen, H. (2003). Understanding the Common Foreign and Security Policy: Analytical Building Blocs. [ARENA Working Paper 9/03] Forthcoming in Sebastian Princen and Michelle Knodt (eds) Understanding the European Union’s External Relations, 29, 34.
  • Tocci, N. (2008). The European Union as a normative foreign policy actor. CEPS Working Document No. 281.
  • UNHCR The UN Refugee Agency (2017). Syrian Refugees in Turkey Frequently Asked Questions
  • Whitman, R. G. (2013). The Neo-Normative Turn in Theorising the EU’s International Presence. Cooperation and Conflict, 48(2), 171–193.
  • Yeltin, H. (2018). Türkiye’nin Suriye Krizine Karşı Güvenlik Arayışlarına Bir Örnek: Fırat Kalkanı Harekâtı. Econder International Academic Journal, 2(2), 200–214.
  • Zahra, R. F. (2017). Securitization and De-securitization: Turkey-Syria Relations since the Syrian Crisis. Asian Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies, 11(2), 27–39.
There are 62 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects International Relations (Other)
Journal Section Makaleler

Yusuf Avar 0000-0001-8507-9579

Early Pub Date June 7, 2024
Publication Date June 13, 2024
Submission Date January 18, 2024
Acceptance Date May 26, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Avar, Y. (2024). Türkiye’s and the EU’s Coordinated and Divergent Approaches to the 2011 Syrian Crisis. Türkiye Ortadoğu Çalışmaları Dergisi, 11(1), 111-132.

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