Research Article
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Contextualising Türkiye’s Fluctuating Policies in the Middle East in the 2002-2023 Period: A Constructivist Approach

Year 2024, , 133 - 160, 08.12.2024


This study attempts to explain Turkey's policy towards the Middle East in the last two decades by placing it in periodic contexts. Acknowledging that since 2002 there had been various changes in Türkiye’s Middle East policy, the study aims to contribute to the relevant literature with an approach that examines Ankara’s policy towards the region based on how it perceived the material world outside through the lenses that constitute its foreign policy identity. The study argues that although Türkiye’s foreign policy towards the Middle East undergone tactical changes in the last two decades, it remained consistent with the traditional foreign policy identity. Arguing that continuity and ideational persistence can be comprehensively explained through a social constructionist theoretical framework, the study aims to explain and analyze how Türkiye adopted its policies towards the Middle East using a constructionist lens. In this context, the study seeks to answer the question of “which factors shaped Türkiye’s Middle East policy in the 2002-2023 period and how?”. Therefore, tracing the key factors behind Ankara's changing Middle East policies informs the theoretical and empirical dimensions of this study. Finally, while the social constructionist approach guides this analysis as a theoretical framework, the process tracing method is used to understand the ideational and material aspects of Türkiye’s Middle East policies.


  • Acun, C. & Keskin, B. f(2017, Mayıs).The PKK’s Branch in Northern Syria PYD-YPG”, SETA.
  • Adler, E. (1997). Seizing the Middle Ground: Constructivism in World Politics. European Journal of International Relations, 3(3), 319-363.
  • Akdoğan, İ. & Polat, F. (2022). From Low Engagement to High Engagement: Explaining Turkey’s Changing Engagement in the Middle East during the JDP Period. Gazi Akademik Bakış Dergisi (GABD), 15(30), 241-264
  • Aktürk, Ş. (2016, December 7). Why did the PKK declare Revolutionary People’s War in July 2015?. POMEPS Studies, Contemporary Turkish Politics, 59-63.
  • Aktürk, Ş. (2017). Turkey’s Role in the Arab Spring and the Syrian Conflict. Turkish Policy Quarterly, 15(4), 87-96.
  • Amirahmadi, H. & Afrasiabi, K. K. (2011, Nisan 29). The west’s silence over Bahrain smacks of double standards. The Guardian.
  • Alden, C. & Aran, A. (2012). Foreign Policy Analysis: New Approaches. New York: Routledge, 92-93.
  • Alessandri, E. (2010). The New Turkish Foreign Policy and the Future of Turkey-EU Relations. DOCUMENTI IAI, 10(3), Istituto Affari Internazionali.
  • Aliyev, J. (2020, Haziran 17). Turkey launches Operation Claw-Tiger in northern Iraq. Anadolu Ajansı.
  • Al-Rasheed, M. (2011). Sectarianism as Counter-Revolution: Saudi Responses to the Arab Spring. Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism, 11(3), 513-526.
  • Altunışık, M. & Martin, L. G. (2011). Making Sense of Turkish Foreign Policy in the Middle East under AKP. Turkish Studies, 12(4), 569-587.
  • Altunışık, M. & Martin, L. G. (2023). Turkey and the Middle East and North Africa under the AKP: A Three Level Analysis of Foreign Policy Change. Uluslararası İlişkiler, 20(78), 79-96.
  • Altunışık, M. (2016). Turkey as an ‘Emerging Donor’ and the Arab Uprisings. Federica Bicchi, Benoit Challand & Steven Heydermann (ed) , The Struggle for Influence in the Middle East: The Arab Uprisings and Foreign Assistance. Routledge, UK.
  • Altunışık, M. (2020). The New Turn in Turkey’s Foreign Policy in the Middle East: Regional and Domestic Insecurities. Silvia Colombo & Andrea Dessi (Ed.), Fostering a New Security Architecture in the Middle East (ss. 91-113), Rome: Edizioni Nuova Cultura.
  • Altunışık, M. (2020, Şubat 18). Turkey’s Eastern Mediterranean Quagmire. in MEI Policy Analysis.
  • Aran, A. & Kutlay, M. (2024). Turkey’s Quest for Strategic Autonomy in an Era of Multipolarity. IPC POLICY BRIEF, 1-18.
  • Aras, B. (2009). Turkey’s Rise in the Greater Middle East: Peace-building in the Periphery. Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, 11(1), 29-41.
  • Ataman, M. (2019, Aralık 5). Turkey’s relations with the West: A quest for autonomy. Daily Sabah.
  • Atlıoğlu, Y. (2005). İslam Konferansı Örgütü (İKÖ) ve Türkiye. TASAM.
  • Aydın-Düzgit, S. (2014, Temmuz 24). The Seesaw Friendship Between Turkey’s AKP and Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood. The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 24.
  • Bershidsky, L. (2016, Aralık 14). Russia and Turkey Pushed the West Out of Syria. Bloomberg.
  • Cengiz, S. (2015, Mart 29). How to read Turkey’s stance on the Yemen crisis. Al Arabia.
  • Criss, N. B. (2010). Parameters of Turkish Foreign Policy under the AKP Governments. UNISCI Discussion Papers.
  • Cooper, A. F. Momani, B., Farooq, A. (2014). The United States and Bahrain: Interpreting the Differentiated U.S. Responses to the Arab Spring. Digest of Middle East Studies, 23(2), 360-384.
  • Çandar, C. (2011, Şubat 1). Türkiye, Mısır’ın neresinde?. Radikal,
  • Dalay, G. & Keyman, E. F. (2021, Temmuz 26). Has Turkey’s Quest for “Strategic Autonomy” Run its Course?. GMF.
  • Dalay, G. (2017, Şubat 27). What is driving Turkish foreign policy today?, Aljazeera Center for Studies.
  • Davutoğlu, A. (2008). Turkey’s Foreign Policy Vision: An Assessment of 2007. Insight Turkey, 10(1), 77-96.
  • Duran, B. (2020, Şubat 11). The Sole Axis of Turkey’s Foreign Policy. SETA,
  • Goldman, Y. (2012, Mart 15). Saudi Arabia, Italy and Holland close embassies in Syria. Times of Israel.
  • Gözen, R. (2011). Türkiye ve Arap Baharı: Değişimi Açıklamak ve Anlamak. Adam Akademi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 1(2), 1-25.
  • Hamit, D. (2020, Haziran 15). Turkey launches Operation Claw-Eagle. Anadolu Agency.
  • Head, J. (2011, Mart 25). Libya: Turkey’s troubles with NATO and no-fly zone. BBC.
  • Hearst, D. (2013, Ağustos 20). Why Saudi Arabia is Taking a Risk by backing the Egyptian Coup? The Guardian.
  • Holmes, A. A. (2014, Mart 29). The military intervention that the world forgot. Al Jazeera America.
  • Jeffrey, J. (2010). Source:
  • İnat, K. (2014). Türk Dış Politikasının Kapasitesinin Dönüşümü: AK Parti Dönemi. Türkiye Ortadoğu Çalışmaları Dergisi, 1(1), 1-24.
  • Kardaş, Ş. (2010). Turkey: Redrawing the Middle East Map or Building Sandcastles?. Middle East Policy, 17(1), 115-136.
  • Kardaş, Ş. (2011, Temmuz 20). Turkey Recalibres Its Policy on Libya. Jamestown Foundation.
  • Kardaş, Ş. (2011). Türk Dış Politikasında Eksen Kayması Mı?. Akademik Ortadoğu, 5(2), 19-42.
  • Kardaş, Ş. (2012). From Zero Problems to Leading the Change: Making Sense of Transformation in Turkey’s Regional Policy. Turkey Policy Brief Series - Tepav.
  • Keohane, R. & Nye, J. (1977). Power and Interdependence: World Politics in Transition, Boston, Little Brown.
  • Keyman, F., (2009). Turkish Foreign Policy in the Era of Global Turmoil. SETA Policy Brief. 1-16.
  • Kirişçi, K. (2009). The Transformation of Turkish Foreign Policy: The Rise of the Trading State. New Perspectives on Turkey, 29-5.
  • Krieg, A. (2016). Externalizing the Burden of War: the Obama Doctrine and US Foreign Policy in the Middle East. International Affairs, 92(1), 97-113.
  • Larrabee, S. (2007). Turkey rediscovers the Middle East. Foreign Affairs, 86(4), 103-104.
  • Moravcsik, A. (1997). Taking Preferences Seriously: A Liberal Theory of International Politics. International Organization, 51(4), 513-553.
  • Nounou, D. M. (2012). Turkey: A Rising Regional Power in a Changing Middle East. B.A. Dessertation, The British University in Egypt Faculty of Business Administration, Economics and Political Science.
  • Oğuzlu, T. (2020). Turkish Foreign Policy in a Changing World Order. All Azimuth, 9(1), 127-139.
  • Öniş, Z. (2010).Multiple Faces of the “New” Turkish Foreign Policy: Underlying Dynamics and a Critique. GLODEM Working Paper Series, Istanbul: Center for Globalization and Democratic Governance.
  • Öniş, Z. (2012). Turkey and the Arab Spring: Between Ethics and Self-Interest. Insight Turkey, 14(3), 45-63.
  • Özel, S. (2012). “Arap Baharı” ile Ortadoğu’da değişen Dış Politika Dengeleri. Perspectives -Ortadoğu ve Türkiye, Heinrich Böll Stiftung Derneği- Türkiye Temsilciliği, 58-61.
  • Özhan, T., Davutoğlu, A. & Abdessalem, R. (2012). Arab Spring, Tunisia and Turkey. SETA Policy Debate.
  • Öztürk, A. (2009). The Domestic Context of Turkey’s Changing Foreign Policy toward the Middle East and the Caspian Region. Discussion Paper, Bonn: German Development Institute.
  • Raufoglu, A. (2011, Mart 4), Turkey Opts for Caution Regarding Bahrain. Eurasiareview.
  • Riedel, B. (2013, Temmuz 7). Saudi Arabia Cheers the Coup in Egypt. Brookings.
  • Rousseau, R. (2015). Turkeys National Security Concept A Major Factor Hindering Membership of the European Union. Khazar Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 18(4), 55-64.
  • Ruggie, J. G. (1998). What Makes the World Hang Together? Neo-Utilitarianism and the Social Constructivist Challenge. International Organization, 52(4), 855-885.
  • Sever, A. (2020). Regional Power Role and Intervention: The Turkish Case Over Syria in the 2000s. Contemporary Review of the Middle East, 7(2), 143-164.
  • Shadid, A. (2011, Eylül 19). Turkey Predicts Alliance with Egypt as Regional Anchors. The New York Times. world/middleeast/turkey-predicts-partnership-with-egypt-as-regional-anchors.html.
  • Stein, A. & Foley, M. (2016, Ocak 26). The YPG-PKK Connection. Atlantic Council.
  • Sümer, F. (2013). Turkey’s Changing Foreign Policy and the Arab Spring. The Innovation Journal: The Public Sector Innovation Journal, 18(1), 1-28.
  • Tür, Ö. (2011). Economic Relations with the Middle East under the AKP- Trade Business Community and Reintegration with Neighboring Zones. Turkish Studies, 12(4), 589-602.
  • Uzgel, İ. (2006). Dış Politikada AKP: Stratejik Konumdan Stratejik Modele. Mülkiye, 30(252), 69-84.
  • Watson, I. (2012, Ağustos 11). Syrian crisis: Clinton talks contingency plans with Turkey. CNN.
  • Yakış, Y. (2013). Turkey after the Arab Spring: Policy Dilemmas. The Middle East Policy Council, 21(1).
  • Yackley, A. J. (2011, Mart 14). Turkey opposes any NATO operation in Libya. Reuters.
  • Yesiltaş, M. & Telci, İ. N. (2013). Turkish Foreign Policy under Regional Transformations. Al Jazeera Center For Studies.
  • Yeşiltaş, M. (2009). Soft Balancing in Turkish Foreign Policy: The Case of the 2003 Iraq War. Perception: Journal of International Affairs, Spring-Summer, 25-51.
  • Yeşiltaş, M. (2020). SETA Security Radar: Turkey’s Geopolitical Landscape 2020. SETA.
  • 6 Arabian states close their embassies in Syria. The Voice of Vietnam, (2021, Mart 16).
  • A Tale of Two Countries: Bahrain and Libya. RT, (2012, Şubat 14).
  • Başbakan Erdoğan: Kaddafi’yi aradım ve dedim ki. Hürriyet, (2011, Mart 20).
  • Davutoğlu’nun Şam ziyaretinin yankıları. DW, (2011, Ağustos 10).
  • Did Erdogan tell Mubarak to go? Just a little bit (2011, Şubat).,
  • Egypt expels Turkish ambassador, Turkey retaliates. (2013, Kasım 23) Reuters.
  • Erdogan’s lament. (2011, Nisan 7). The Economist,
  • Guide to the Syrian rebels. (2013, Aralık 13). BBC.
  • Syria Conflict: Kurds Declare a Federal System. (2016, Mart 17). BBC.
  • Syrian rebels armed with first T-62 tanks. (2012, Ağustos 14) Debka File.
  • Turkey backs Saudi military operations in Yemen. (2015, Mart 26). Anadolu Ajansı.
  • Turkey shuts embassy in Damascus: diplomat. (2012, Mart 26). Hürriyet Daily News.
  • Turkey’s PM Erdogan urges Col Muammar Gaddafi to quit. (2011, Mayıs 3) BBC.
  • Turkish consul general in Aleppo returns to Ankara. (2012, Temmuz 23). Anadolu Ajansı.
  • Türkiye, BMGK geçici üyesi oldu. (2008, Ekim 17). Cumhuriyet.
  • US closes embassy in Syria. (2012, Şubat 6). Al Jazeera, February.

Türkiye’nin 2002-2023 Arası Dönemde Ortadoğu’da Değişen Politikalarının Bağlamsallaştırılması: İnşacı Bir Yaklaşım

Year 2024, , 133 - 160, 08.12.2024


Bu çalışma, Türkiye'nin son yirmi yılda Ortadoğu’ya yönelik izlediği politikayı dönemsel bağlamlara oturtarak açıklamaya çalışmaktadır. 2002 yılından 2023 yılına kadarki dönemde Türkiye'nin Ortadoğu politikasında çeşitli değişiklikler olduğunu kabul eden bu çalışma, Ankara’nın bölgeye yönelik politikasını, dış politika kimliğini oluşturan mercekler aracılığıyla dışarıdaki maddi dünyayı nasıl algıladığı temelinde inceleyen bir yaklaşımla ilgili literatüre katkıda bulunmayı amaçlamaktadır. Çalışma, Türkiye’nin Ortadoğu’ya yönelik dış politikasının son yirmi yılda taktiksel değişikliklere uğramasına rağmen, geleneksel dış politika kimliğiyle tutarlı kaldığını savunmaktadır. Ayrıca, süreklilik ve düşünsel kalıcılığın sosyal inşacı bir kuramsal çerçeve ile kapsamlı bir şekilde açıklanabileceğini savunan bu çalışma, Türkiye’nin bölgeye yönelik politikalarını nasıl benimsediğini inşacı bir mercek kullanarak açıklamayı ve analiz etmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Bu bağlamda çalışma, "2002-2023 döneminde Türkiye'nin Ortadoğu politikalarını hangi faktörler nasıl şekillendirdi?" sorusuna cevap aramaktadır. Ankara'nın değişen Ortadoğu politikalarının ardındaki temel faktörlerin izini sürmek, bu çalışmanın teorik ve ampirik boyutlarını ortaya koymaktadır. Bu çerçevede, sosyal inşacı yaklaşım teorik bir çerçeve olarak bu analize rehberlik ederken, süreç izleme yöntemi Türkiye'nin bölge politikalarının düşünsel ve materyal yönlerini anlamak için kullanılmaktadır.


  • Acun, C. & Keskin, B. f(2017, Mayıs).The PKK’s Branch in Northern Syria PYD-YPG”, SETA.
  • Adler, E. (1997). Seizing the Middle Ground: Constructivism in World Politics. European Journal of International Relations, 3(3), 319-363.
  • Akdoğan, İ. & Polat, F. (2022). From Low Engagement to High Engagement: Explaining Turkey’s Changing Engagement in the Middle East during the JDP Period. Gazi Akademik Bakış Dergisi (GABD), 15(30), 241-264
  • Aktürk, Ş. (2016, December 7). Why did the PKK declare Revolutionary People’s War in July 2015?. POMEPS Studies, Contemporary Turkish Politics, 59-63.
  • Aktürk, Ş. (2017). Turkey’s Role in the Arab Spring and the Syrian Conflict. Turkish Policy Quarterly, 15(4), 87-96.
  • Amirahmadi, H. & Afrasiabi, K. K. (2011, Nisan 29). The west’s silence over Bahrain smacks of double standards. The Guardian.
  • Alden, C. & Aran, A. (2012). Foreign Policy Analysis: New Approaches. New York: Routledge, 92-93.
  • Alessandri, E. (2010). The New Turkish Foreign Policy and the Future of Turkey-EU Relations. DOCUMENTI IAI, 10(3), Istituto Affari Internazionali.
  • Aliyev, J. (2020, Haziran 17). Turkey launches Operation Claw-Tiger in northern Iraq. Anadolu Ajansı.
  • Al-Rasheed, M. (2011). Sectarianism as Counter-Revolution: Saudi Responses to the Arab Spring. Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism, 11(3), 513-526.
  • Altunışık, M. & Martin, L. G. (2011). Making Sense of Turkish Foreign Policy in the Middle East under AKP. Turkish Studies, 12(4), 569-587.
  • Altunışık, M. & Martin, L. G. (2023). Turkey and the Middle East and North Africa under the AKP: A Three Level Analysis of Foreign Policy Change. Uluslararası İlişkiler, 20(78), 79-96.
  • Altunışık, M. (2016). Turkey as an ‘Emerging Donor’ and the Arab Uprisings. Federica Bicchi, Benoit Challand & Steven Heydermann (ed) , The Struggle for Influence in the Middle East: The Arab Uprisings and Foreign Assistance. Routledge, UK.
  • Altunışık, M. (2020). The New Turn in Turkey’s Foreign Policy in the Middle East: Regional and Domestic Insecurities. Silvia Colombo & Andrea Dessi (Ed.), Fostering a New Security Architecture in the Middle East (ss. 91-113), Rome: Edizioni Nuova Cultura.
  • Altunışık, M. (2020, Şubat 18). Turkey’s Eastern Mediterranean Quagmire. in MEI Policy Analysis.
  • Aran, A. & Kutlay, M. (2024). Turkey’s Quest for Strategic Autonomy in an Era of Multipolarity. IPC POLICY BRIEF, 1-18.
  • Aras, B. (2009). Turkey’s Rise in the Greater Middle East: Peace-building in the Periphery. Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, 11(1), 29-41.
  • Ataman, M. (2019, Aralık 5). Turkey’s relations with the West: A quest for autonomy. Daily Sabah.
  • Atlıoğlu, Y. (2005). İslam Konferansı Örgütü (İKÖ) ve Türkiye. TASAM.
  • Aydın-Düzgit, S. (2014, Temmuz 24). The Seesaw Friendship Between Turkey’s AKP and Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood. The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 24.
  • Bershidsky, L. (2016, Aralık 14). Russia and Turkey Pushed the West Out of Syria. Bloomberg.
  • Cengiz, S. (2015, Mart 29). How to read Turkey’s stance on the Yemen crisis. Al Arabia.
  • Criss, N. B. (2010). Parameters of Turkish Foreign Policy under the AKP Governments. UNISCI Discussion Papers.
  • Cooper, A. F. Momani, B., Farooq, A. (2014). The United States and Bahrain: Interpreting the Differentiated U.S. Responses to the Arab Spring. Digest of Middle East Studies, 23(2), 360-384.
  • Çandar, C. (2011, Şubat 1). Türkiye, Mısır’ın neresinde?. Radikal,
  • Dalay, G. & Keyman, E. F. (2021, Temmuz 26). Has Turkey’s Quest for “Strategic Autonomy” Run its Course?. GMF.
  • Dalay, G. (2017, Şubat 27). What is driving Turkish foreign policy today?, Aljazeera Center for Studies.
  • Davutoğlu, A. (2008). Turkey’s Foreign Policy Vision: An Assessment of 2007. Insight Turkey, 10(1), 77-96.
  • Duran, B. (2020, Şubat 11). The Sole Axis of Turkey’s Foreign Policy. SETA,
  • Goldman, Y. (2012, Mart 15). Saudi Arabia, Italy and Holland close embassies in Syria. Times of Israel.
  • Gözen, R. (2011). Türkiye ve Arap Baharı: Değişimi Açıklamak ve Anlamak. Adam Akademi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 1(2), 1-25.
  • Hamit, D. (2020, Haziran 15). Turkey launches Operation Claw-Eagle. Anadolu Agency.
  • Head, J. (2011, Mart 25). Libya: Turkey’s troubles with NATO and no-fly zone. BBC.
  • Hearst, D. (2013, Ağustos 20). Why Saudi Arabia is Taking a Risk by backing the Egyptian Coup? The Guardian.
  • Holmes, A. A. (2014, Mart 29). The military intervention that the world forgot. Al Jazeera America.
  • Jeffrey, J. (2010). Source:
  • İnat, K. (2014). Türk Dış Politikasının Kapasitesinin Dönüşümü: AK Parti Dönemi. Türkiye Ortadoğu Çalışmaları Dergisi, 1(1), 1-24.
  • Kardaş, Ş. (2010). Turkey: Redrawing the Middle East Map or Building Sandcastles?. Middle East Policy, 17(1), 115-136.
  • Kardaş, Ş. (2011, Temmuz 20). Turkey Recalibres Its Policy on Libya. Jamestown Foundation.
  • Kardaş, Ş. (2011). Türk Dış Politikasında Eksen Kayması Mı?. Akademik Ortadoğu, 5(2), 19-42.
  • Kardaş, Ş. (2012). From Zero Problems to Leading the Change: Making Sense of Transformation in Turkey’s Regional Policy. Turkey Policy Brief Series - Tepav.
  • Keohane, R. & Nye, J. (1977). Power and Interdependence: World Politics in Transition, Boston, Little Brown.
  • Keyman, F., (2009). Turkish Foreign Policy in the Era of Global Turmoil. SETA Policy Brief. 1-16.
  • Kirişçi, K. (2009). The Transformation of Turkish Foreign Policy: The Rise of the Trading State. New Perspectives on Turkey, 29-5.
  • Krieg, A. (2016). Externalizing the Burden of War: the Obama Doctrine and US Foreign Policy in the Middle East. International Affairs, 92(1), 97-113.
  • Larrabee, S. (2007). Turkey rediscovers the Middle East. Foreign Affairs, 86(4), 103-104.
  • Moravcsik, A. (1997). Taking Preferences Seriously: A Liberal Theory of International Politics. International Organization, 51(4), 513-553.
  • Nounou, D. M. (2012). Turkey: A Rising Regional Power in a Changing Middle East. B.A. Dessertation, The British University in Egypt Faculty of Business Administration, Economics and Political Science.
  • Oğuzlu, T. (2020). Turkish Foreign Policy in a Changing World Order. All Azimuth, 9(1), 127-139.
  • Öniş, Z. (2010).Multiple Faces of the “New” Turkish Foreign Policy: Underlying Dynamics and a Critique. GLODEM Working Paper Series, Istanbul: Center for Globalization and Democratic Governance.
  • Öniş, Z. (2012). Turkey and the Arab Spring: Between Ethics and Self-Interest. Insight Turkey, 14(3), 45-63.
  • Özel, S. (2012). “Arap Baharı” ile Ortadoğu’da değişen Dış Politika Dengeleri. Perspectives -Ortadoğu ve Türkiye, Heinrich Böll Stiftung Derneği- Türkiye Temsilciliği, 58-61.
  • Özhan, T., Davutoğlu, A. & Abdessalem, R. (2012). Arab Spring, Tunisia and Turkey. SETA Policy Debate.
  • Öztürk, A. (2009). The Domestic Context of Turkey’s Changing Foreign Policy toward the Middle East and the Caspian Region. Discussion Paper, Bonn: German Development Institute.
  • Raufoglu, A. (2011, Mart 4), Turkey Opts for Caution Regarding Bahrain. Eurasiareview.
  • Riedel, B. (2013, Temmuz 7). Saudi Arabia Cheers the Coup in Egypt. Brookings.
  • Rousseau, R. (2015). Turkeys National Security Concept A Major Factor Hindering Membership of the European Union. Khazar Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 18(4), 55-64.
  • Ruggie, J. G. (1998). What Makes the World Hang Together? Neo-Utilitarianism and the Social Constructivist Challenge. International Organization, 52(4), 855-885.
  • Sever, A. (2020). Regional Power Role and Intervention: The Turkish Case Over Syria in the 2000s. Contemporary Review of the Middle East, 7(2), 143-164.
  • Shadid, A. (2011, Eylül 19). Turkey Predicts Alliance with Egypt as Regional Anchors. The New York Times. world/middleeast/turkey-predicts-partnership-with-egypt-as-regional-anchors.html.
  • Stein, A. & Foley, M. (2016, Ocak 26). The YPG-PKK Connection. Atlantic Council.
  • Sümer, F. (2013). Turkey’s Changing Foreign Policy and the Arab Spring. The Innovation Journal: The Public Sector Innovation Journal, 18(1), 1-28.
  • Tür, Ö. (2011). Economic Relations with the Middle East under the AKP- Trade Business Community and Reintegration with Neighboring Zones. Turkish Studies, 12(4), 589-602.
  • Uzgel, İ. (2006). Dış Politikada AKP: Stratejik Konumdan Stratejik Modele. Mülkiye, 30(252), 69-84.
  • Watson, I. (2012, Ağustos 11). Syrian crisis: Clinton talks contingency plans with Turkey. CNN.
  • Yakış, Y. (2013). Turkey after the Arab Spring: Policy Dilemmas. The Middle East Policy Council, 21(1).
  • Yackley, A. J. (2011, Mart 14). Turkey opposes any NATO operation in Libya. Reuters.
  • Yesiltaş, M. & Telci, İ. N. (2013). Turkish Foreign Policy under Regional Transformations. Al Jazeera Center For Studies.
  • Yeşiltaş, M. (2009). Soft Balancing in Turkish Foreign Policy: The Case of the 2003 Iraq War. Perception: Journal of International Affairs, Spring-Summer, 25-51.
  • Yeşiltaş, M. (2020). SETA Security Radar: Turkey’s Geopolitical Landscape 2020. SETA.
  • 6 Arabian states close their embassies in Syria. The Voice of Vietnam, (2021, Mart 16).
  • A Tale of Two Countries: Bahrain and Libya. RT, (2012, Şubat 14).
  • Başbakan Erdoğan: Kaddafi’yi aradım ve dedim ki. Hürriyet, (2011, Mart 20).
  • Davutoğlu’nun Şam ziyaretinin yankıları. DW, (2011, Ağustos 10).
  • Did Erdogan tell Mubarak to go? Just a little bit (2011, Şubat).,
  • Egypt expels Turkish ambassador, Turkey retaliates. (2013, Kasım 23) Reuters.
  • Erdogan’s lament. (2011, Nisan 7). The Economist,
  • Guide to the Syrian rebels. (2013, Aralık 13). BBC.
  • Syria Conflict: Kurds Declare a Federal System. (2016, Mart 17). BBC.
  • Syrian rebels armed with first T-62 tanks. (2012, Ağustos 14) Debka File.
  • Turkey backs Saudi military operations in Yemen. (2015, Mart 26). Anadolu Ajansı.
  • Turkey shuts embassy in Damascus: diplomat. (2012, Mart 26). Hürriyet Daily News.
  • Turkey’s PM Erdogan urges Col Muammar Gaddafi to quit. (2011, Mayıs 3) BBC.
  • Turkish consul general in Aleppo returns to Ankara. (2012, Temmuz 23). Anadolu Ajansı.
  • Türkiye, BMGK geçici üyesi oldu. (2008, Ekim 17). Cumhuriyet.
  • US closes embassy in Syria. (2012, Şubat 6). Al Jazeera, February.
There are 86 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Regional Studies, International Relations (Other)
Journal Section Makaleler

Ahmet Üçağaç 0000-0002-1731-2946

Early Pub Date November 8, 2024
Publication Date December 8, 2024
Submission Date April 23, 2024
Acceptance Date November 8, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Üçağaç, A. (2024). Türkiye’nin 2002-2023 Arası Dönemde Ortadoğu’da Değişen Politikalarının Bağlamsallaştırılması: İnşacı Bir Yaklaşım. Türkiye Ortadoğu Çalışmaları Dergisi, 11(2), 133-160.

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