Conference Paper
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The Effects of the Syrian Crisis on German Politics

Year 2017, , 50 - 65, 30.11.2017


Although migration has been an issue throughout human
history, migration in the modern world was and is handled and discussed in a
different way. It affects social structures causing bitter disputes within
politics since – in an era dominated by nation-states based on a single
identity- migration is considered a threat challenging local identities. It
also bears challenges for politics especially for societies protected with high
walls. Even countries like the USA, which normally adopt open migration policies,
manage migration policies with strict criteria today. However, it is obvious
that migration will continue due to various political and economic reasons and
that this will be mainly to wealthy regions such as Europe; therefore,
countries affected by the fact need to develop policies in order to cope with
the problem. Particularly the recent Syrian crisis and migration led to
discussions in politics, economics and social life both in the region and in
Europe which can even be seen in the agenda of the EU.  One of the countries directly affected by the
crisis is without doubt Turkey, and it even led to reopening negotiations to
access the EU; thus it brought Turkey and EU together despite disagreements. At
the same time, there are heavy disputes within the EU related to the migration
crisis; here, the position of Germany is significant since it both takes a
leading role in shaping EU policies and advocates that the migration crisis
needs to be solved within EU politics. Yet, Germany also dealt with the problem
in its domestic policies with the Merkel government –though selective- in
favour of an open migration policy. Mixed with the generous welfare system of
Germany, the country certainly attracts migrants from all over the world
–whether they are economic migrants or others. Concepts like “solidarity,
responsibility, Willkommenskultur” can be seen and heard in daily life when
discussed how to handle the matter. This paper aims to analyse how Germany
positions itself within the negotiations in the EU concerning the migration
crisis and how it handles migration in its domestic policies. In this context,
priority will be given to the attitudes and publications of institutions
supporting the position of the Merkel government, and subjects on which the matter
is merely discussed.


  • -Astheimer, Sven (21.09.2016), Es dauert lange und kostet viel Geld,, retrieved 23.09.2016. -Bajekal, Naina (2015), The Welcome, Germans open their doors to refugees, Time. 10/19/2015, Vol. 186 Issue 15, p86-91. -Barbara Lison (2016) Germany's new culture of welcome—Our Libraries are an Essential part of it, Journal of Library Administration, 56:2, 180-187, DOI: 10.1080/01930826.2015.1124702 -Brenke, Karl (2015), Flüchtlinge sind sehr ungleich auf die EU-Länder verteilt - auch bezogen auf die Wirtschaftskraft und Einwohnerzahl, DIW-Wochenbericht, ISSN 1860-8787, Vol. 82, Iss. 39, pp. 867-881 -Brücker, Herbert (2015), Zur Integration von Flüchtlingen, IABStellungnahme, No. 5/2015 -Brühl, Volker (2016), Die Kosten der Fluchtlingskrise in Deutschland -- eine Investition in die Zukunft?, Wirtschaftsdienst. July 2016, Vol. 96 Issue 7, p479-485. --Cendrowicz, Leo. Wright, Oliver, (06.042016), EU unveils plans to overhaul asylum system in an attempt to address chaotic influx of refugees,, retrieved 07.04.2016 -Cooper, Rand Richards (2016), Germany, Eurabia & the end of Europe: the rise of the identitarian right, Commonweal. May 6, 2016, Vol. 143 Issue 8, p10-12. -Dernbach, Andrea (2015) Germany suspends Dublin Agreement for Syrian refugees,, retrieved 15.03.2016 -Dohmen, Dieter (2015), Ein Refugee Impact Fund zur Finanzierung von Bildung und Qualifizierung für Flüchtlinge, FiBS-Forum, No. 57 -Douthat, Ross (09.01.2016), Germany on the Brink, The New York Times, 9 January 2016, http://mobi­the­brink.html?smid=tw­ nytimes&smtyp=cur&_r=1&referer=, retrieved 09.09.2016. -Eisnecker, Philipp. Giesecke, Johannes. Kroh, Martin. Liebau, Elisabeth. Marcus, Jan. Salikutluk, Zerrin. Schacht, Diana. Spieß, Katharina. Westermaier, Franz (2016), Integrating refugees: insights from the past, DIW Economic Bulletin. 2016, Vol. 6 Issue 34/35, p387-390. -Eisnecker, Philipp; Schacht, Diana (2016), Half of the refugees in Germany found their first job through social contacts. DIW Economic Bulletin. 2016, Vol. 6 Issue 34/35, p414-421. 8p -Falcoff, Mark (2016), Germany's open door, New Criterion. Jan 2016, Vol. 34 Issue 5, p48-51. -Feichtinger, Hans, Refugees in Germany, First Things: A Monthly Journal of Religion and Public Life. Feb 2016, Issue 260, p20-22. -Fischer, Justina A.V.(2015), And Angela Merkel is right: the refugees as opportunity for renewing German society,, retrieved 12.02.2013 -Flüchtlinge sind besser ausgebildet als erwartet, (14.11.2016),, 16.11.2016. - Frankenberger, Klaus-Dieter (08.08.2016), Das Flüchtlingsabkommen liegt in unserem Interesse,, retrieved 09.08.2016. -Fratzscher, Marcel. Junker, Simon (2015), Integrating refugees: A long-term, worthwhile investment, DIW Economic Bulletin. Nov2015, Vol. 5 Issue 45/46, p612-616. -Geis, Wido; Orth, Anja Katrin (2015), Flüchtlinge: Herausforderung und Chance für Deutschland, IW policy paper, No. 26/2015. -Gerhards, Jürgen. Hans, Silke. Schupp, Jürgen (2016), German public opinion on admitting refugees, DIW Economic Bulletin. 5/25/2016, Issue 21, p243-249. -Groden, Claire (2015), Germany Needs Mıgrants. Do We?, Fortune. 10/1/2015, Vol. 172 Issue 5, p12-14. -Gutschker, Thomas (24.09.2016), EU-Parlamentspräsident Schulz für flexible Flüchtlingsverteilung,, retrieved 04.10.2016. -Hinte, Holger. Rinne, Ulf. Zimmermann, Klaus F. (2015), Flüchtlinge in Deutschland: Realismus statt Illusionen, IZA Standpunkte, No. 83. -Holmes, Seth M.. Castaneda, Heide (2016), Representing the “European refugee crisis” in Germany and beyond: Deservingness and difference, life and death, AMERICAN ETHNOLOGIST, Vol. 43, No. 1, pp. 12–24. -Khan, Adnan R. (2015), Germany is full, Maclean's. Oct 12, 2015, Vol. 128 Issue 40, p30-32. -Liebau, Elisabeth. Marcus, Jan. Salikutluk, Zerrin. Schacht, Diana. Spieß, Katharina. Westermaier, Franz (2016), Integrating refugees: insights from the past, DIW Economic Bulletin. 2016, Vol. 6 Issue 34/35, p387-390. -Liebau, Elisabeth. Salikutluk, Zerrin (2016), Many refugees have work experience but a smaller share possess formal vocational qualifications, DIW Economic Bulletin. 2016, Vol. 6 Issue 34/35, p392-399. -Liebau, Elisabeth. Schacht, Diana (2016), Language acquisition: refugees nearly achieve proficiency level of other migrants, DIW Economic Bulletin. 2016, Vol. 6 Issue 34/35, p400-406. -Mark v.d., Fabian (11.10.2016), Die Syrischen Helden von Leipzig,, retrieved 11.10.2016 -Ostrand, Nicole (2015), The Syrian refugee crisis: a comparison of responses by Germany, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the United States, Journal on Migration and Human Security. Sept, 2015, Vol. 3 Issue 3, p255-289. -Rinne, Ulf. Zimmermann, Klaus F. (2015), Zutritt zur Festung Europa? Anforderungen an eine moderne Asyl- und Flüchtlingspolitik, Analysen und Berichte Migration, Wirtschaftsdienst, February 2015, Volume 95, Issue 2, pp 114-120. -Rüther, Tobias (2016), Rhetorik Ohne Obergrenze,, 25.09.2016, retrieved 30.09.2016 -Salikutluk, Zerrin. Giesecke, Johannes. Kroh, Martin (2016), Refugees entered the labor market later than other migrants, DIW Economic Bulletin. 2016, Vol. 6 Issue 34/35, p407-413. -Schaffer, Albert (16.09.2016), Wenn aus einer Obergrenze ein Kontingent wird,, 17.09.2016. -Scholz, Kay-Alexander (20.10.2015), Flüchtlinge: Kontingente statt Chaos,, retireved 26.01.2016 -Shuster, Simon (2016), Fear and Loathing, Time; 2/1/2016, Vol. 187 Issue 3, p40-45. -Staatsausgaben für Flüchtlinge stützen Wachstum (12.02.2016),, retrieved:12.2.2106. -Stefan, Andra Sybil (2016), Considerations regarding the social and economıc impact of migration, Case Study: Germany Revista Academiei Fortelor Terestre. 2016, Vol. 21 Issue 1, p50-57. -Steinmeier, Frank-Walter (2016), Germany’s New Global Role, Foreign Affairs. Jul/Aug2016, Vol. 95 Issue 4, p106-113. -Sydow, Christoph. Wittrock, Philipp (29.01.2016)Warum die Maghreb­Länder jetzt als sicher gelten,, retrieved 14.03.2016. -Vetter, Philipp (02.05.2016), Die Wahrheit über die Bildung syrischer Flüchtlinge,, retrieved 01.11.2016.

Suriye Krizinin Alman Siyaseti Üzerindeki Etkileri

Year 2017, , 50 - 65, 30.11.2017


Göç, insanlık tarihi boyunca önemli bir mesele
olagelmişse de modern dönemde çok daha farklı biçimde ele alınmakta ve
tartışılmaktadır. Toplumsal yapıları etkilemekte ve bu bağlamda siyaset içinde
sert tartışmalara neden olmaktadır, zira tek bir kimliğe dayalı ulus
devletlerin hâkim olduğu bir dönemde göç, yerel kimliklere meydan okuyan bir
tehdit olarak algılanmaktadır. Bu gelişme, özellikle yüksek duvarlarla korunan
ülkelerdeki siyaset için de sonuçlar doğurmaktadır. Açık göç politikaları
yürüten ABD gibi ülkeler dahi günümüzde katı göç politikaları uygulamaktadır.
Ancak çeşitli siyasi ve ekonomik nedenlerle göçün devam edeceği açıktır ve bu
göçler büyük ölçüde Avrupa gibi daha müreffeh bölgelere yönelik olacaktır;
dolayısıyla, bu durumdan etkilenen ülkeler mevcut sorunlarla başa çıkmak için
siyaset üretmek zorundadırlar. Özellikle yaşanan Suriye krizi ve göçü hem
bölgede hem de Avrupa’da siyasette, ekonomide ve toplumsal hayatta tartışmalara
neden olmuştur; ki bu da AB’nin gündemine de yansımaktadır. Krizden doğrudan
etkilenen ülkelerden birisi şüphesiz Türkiye’dir ve bu durum AB müzakerelerinin
yenden görüşülmesine neden olmuş ve bütün anlaşmazlıklara rağmen AB ile
Türkiye’yi bir araya getirmiştir. Aynı zamanda, göç krizi ile ilgi tartışmalar
AB içinde de yoğunlaşmış ve Almanya’nın bu bağlamdaki konumu önem kazanmıştır
çünkü bir yandan AB içinde öncü bir rol oynarken öte yandan göç krizinin AB
siyaseti bağlamı içinde çözülmesi gerektiğini savunmuştur. Ayrıca Almanya, bu
meseleyi kendi içi işlerinde de ele almış ve Merkel hükümeti seçici de olsa
açık bir göç politikasını desteklemiştir. Refah devleti olması nedeniyle
dünyanın çeşitli yerlerinden göçmen çeken bir ülke olduğu açıktır. Bu konu
tartışıldığında “Dayanışma, sorumluluk ve Willkommenskultur” gibi kavramlar
günlük yaşamda duyulmakta ve görülmektedir. Bu makale, göç krizinde Almanya’nın
kendini nasıl konumlandırdığını ve iç politikalarında göçü ne şekilde ele
aldığını incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Bu bağlamda Merkel hükümetini destekleyen
kurumlar ve yayınlara ve de konunun hangi çerçeve etrafında tartışıldığına
öncelik verilecektir.


  • -Astheimer, Sven (21.09.2016), Es dauert lange und kostet viel Geld,, retrieved 23.09.2016. -Bajekal, Naina (2015), The Welcome, Germans open their doors to refugees, Time. 10/19/2015, Vol. 186 Issue 15, p86-91. -Barbara Lison (2016) Germany's new culture of welcome—Our Libraries are an Essential part of it, Journal of Library Administration, 56:2, 180-187, DOI: 10.1080/01930826.2015.1124702 -Brenke, Karl (2015), Flüchtlinge sind sehr ungleich auf die EU-Länder verteilt - auch bezogen auf die Wirtschaftskraft und Einwohnerzahl, DIW-Wochenbericht, ISSN 1860-8787, Vol. 82, Iss. 39, pp. 867-881 -Brücker, Herbert (2015), Zur Integration von Flüchtlingen, IABStellungnahme, No. 5/2015 -Brühl, Volker (2016), Die Kosten der Fluchtlingskrise in Deutschland -- eine Investition in die Zukunft?, Wirtschaftsdienst. July 2016, Vol. 96 Issue 7, p479-485. --Cendrowicz, Leo. Wright, Oliver, (06.042016), EU unveils plans to overhaul asylum system in an attempt to address chaotic influx of refugees,, retrieved 07.04.2016 -Cooper, Rand Richards (2016), Germany, Eurabia & the end of Europe: the rise of the identitarian right, Commonweal. May 6, 2016, Vol. 143 Issue 8, p10-12. -Dernbach, Andrea (2015) Germany suspends Dublin Agreement for Syrian refugees,, retrieved 15.03.2016 -Dohmen, Dieter (2015), Ein Refugee Impact Fund zur Finanzierung von Bildung und Qualifizierung für Flüchtlinge, FiBS-Forum, No. 57 -Douthat, Ross (09.01.2016), Germany on the Brink, The New York Times, 9 January 2016, http://mobi­the­brink.html?smid=tw­ nytimes&smtyp=cur&_r=1&referer=, retrieved 09.09.2016. -Eisnecker, Philipp. Giesecke, Johannes. Kroh, Martin. Liebau, Elisabeth. Marcus, Jan. Salikutluk, Zerrin. Schacht, Diana. Spieß, Katharina. Westermaier, Franz (2016), Integrating refugees: insights from the past, DIW Economic Bulletin. 2016, Vol. 6 Issue 34/35, p387-390. -Eisnecker, Philipp; Schacht, Diana (2016), Half of the refugees in Germany found their first job through social contacts. DIW Economic Bulletin. 2016, Vol. 6 Issue 34/35, p414-421. 8p -Falcoff, Mark (2016), Germany's open door, New Criterion. Jan 2016, Vol. 34 Issue 5, p48-51. -Feichtinger, Hans, Refugees in Germany, First Things: A Monthly Journal of Religion and Public Life. Feb 2016, Issue 260, p20-22. -Fischer, Justina A.V.(2015), And Angela Merkel is right: the refugees as opportunity for renewing German society,, retrieved 12.02.2013 -Flüchtlinge sind besser ausgebildet als erwartet, (14.11.2016),, 16.11.2016. - Frankenberger, Klaus-Dieter (08.08.2016), Das Flüchtlingsabkommen liegt in unserem Interesse,, retrieved 09.08.2016. -Fratzscher, Marcel. Junker, Simon (2015), Integrating refugees: A long-term, worthwhile investment, DIW Economic Bulletin. Nov2015, Vol. 5 Issue 45/46, p612-616. -Geis, Wido; Orth, Anja Katrin (2015), Flüchtlinge: Herausforderung und Chance für Deutschland, IW policy paper, No. 26/2015. -Gerhards, Jürgen. Hans, Silke. Schupp, Jürgen (2016), German public opinion on admitting refugees, DIW Economic Bulletin. 5/25/2016, Issue 21, p243-249. -Groden, Claire (2015), Germany Needs Mıgrants. Do We?, Fortune. 10/1/2015, Vol. 172 Issue 5, p12-14. -Gutschker, Thomas (24.09.2016), EU-Parlamentspräsident Schulz für flexible Flüchtlingsverteilung,, retrieved 04.10.2016. -Hinte, Holger. Rinne, Ulf. Zimmermann, Klaus F. (2015), Flüchtlinge in Deutschland: Realismus statt Illusionen, IZA Standpunkte, No. 83. -Holmes, Seth M.. Castaneda, Heide (2016), Representing the “European refugee crisis” in Germany and beyond: Deservingness and difference, life and death, AMERICAN ETHNOLOGIST, Vol. 43, No. 1, pp. 12–24. -Khan, Adnan R. (2015), Germany is full, Maclean's. Oct 12, 2015, Vol. 128 Issue 40, p30-32. -Liebau, Elisabeth. Marcus, Jan. Salikutluk, Zerrin. Schacht, Diana. Spieß, Katharina. Westermaier, Franz (2016), Integrating refugees: insights from the past, DIW Economic Bulletin. 2016, Vol. 6 Issue 34/35, p387-390. -Liebau, Elisabeth. Salikutluk, Zerrin (2016), Many refugees have work experience but a smaller share possess formal vocational qualifications, DIW Economic Bulletin. 2016, Vol. 6 Issue 34/35, p392-399. -Liebau, Elisabeth. Schacht, Diana (2016), Language acquisition: refugees nearly achieve proficiency level of other migrants, DIW Economic Bulletin. 2016, Vol. 6 Issue 34/35, p400-406. -Mark v.d., Fabian (11.10.2016), Die Syrischen Helden von Leipzig,, retrieved 11.10.2016 -Ostrand, Nicole (2015), The Syrian refugee crisis: a comparison of responses by Germany, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the United States, Journal on Migration and Human Security. Sept, 2015, Vol. 3 Issue 3, p255-289. -Rinne, Ulf. Zimmermann, Klaus F. (2015), Zutritt zur Festung Europa? Anforderungen an eine moderne Asyl- und Flüchtlingspolitik, Analysen und Berichte Migration, Wirtschaftsdienst, February 2015, Volume 95, Issue 2, pp 114-120. -Rüther, Tobias (2016), Rhetorik Ohne Obergrenze,, 25.09.2016, retrieved 30.09.2016 -Salikutluk, Zerrin. Giesecke, Johannes. Kroh, Martin (2016), Refugees entered the labor market later than other migrants, DIW Economic Bulletin. 2016, Vol. 6 Issue 34/35, p407-413. -Schaffer, Albert (16.09.2016), Wenn aus einer Obergrenze ein Kontingent wird,, 17.09.2016. -Scholz, Kay-Alexander (20.10.2015), Flüchtlinge: Kontingente statt Chaos,, retireved 26.01.2016 -Shuster, Simon (2016), Fear and Loathing, Time; 2/1/2016, Vol. 187 Issue 3, p40-45. -Staatsausgaben für Flüchtlinge stützen Wachstum (12.02.2016),, retrieved:12.2.2106. -Stefan, Andra Sybil (2016), Considerations regarding the social and economıc impact of migration, Case Study: Germany Revista Academiei Fortelor Terestre. 2016, Vol. 21 Issue 1, p50-57. -Steinmeier, Frank-Walter (2016), Germany’s New Global Role, Foreign Affairs. Jul/Aug2016, Vol. 95 Issue 4, p106-113. -Sydow, Christoph. Wittrock, Philipp (29.01.2016)Warum die Maghreb­Länder jetzt als sicher gelten,, retrieved 14.03.2016. -Vetter, Philipp (02.05.2016), Die Wahrheit über die Bildung syrischer Flüchtlinge,, retrieved 01.11.2016.
There are 1 citations in total.


Journal Section Makaleler

Şeyma Akın

Publication Date November 30, 2017
Acceptance Date July 19, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017


APA Akın, Ş. (2017). Suriye Krizinin Alman Siyaseti Üzerindeki Etkileri. Türkiye Ortadoğu Çalışmaları Dergisi50-65.

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