Poor Governance and Civil War in Syria
Year 2018,
, 49 - 71, 30.06.2018
Mahdi Karimi
Seyed Masoud Mousavi Shafaee
Civil war is a complex event affected by numerous factors. Recent
research is intended to concentrate on poor governance as a cause of civil war.
Despite the various way in which civil war can be addressed, the article shows
that governance provide a strong framework to study civil war. Civil war in
Syria which was started in 2011 provide an
important and rich area of investigation into the study of civil war. The
findings support the theoretical argument that poor governance paved the way to
civil war in Syria. Governance indicators
would be more meaningful when are investigated considering the factors like
ethic and religious diversity, and the nature of regional and international
- • Albornoz, F., & Hauk, E. 2014. Civil war and U.S. foreign influence. Journal of Development Economics, 110, 64-78. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jdeveco.2014.05.002
• Armed Conflict Report. 2014. Retrieved from ploughshares.ca/wp-content/.../2014-ARMED-CONFLICT-REPORT.pdf
• Berdal, M. R., & Malone, D. 2000. Greed & grievance: Economic agendas in civil wars: Lynne Rienner Publishers.
• Blattman, C., & Miguel, E. 2010. Civil war. Journal of Economic Literature, 3-57.
• Buhaug, H., Gates, S., & Lujala, P. 2009. Geography, rebel capability, and the duration of civil conflict. Journal of Conflict Resolution, 53(4), 544-569.
• Carpenter, T. G. 2013. Tangled web: The syrian civil war and its implications. Mediterranean Quarterly, 24(1), 1-11.
• Collier, P. 2003. Breaking the conflict trap: Civil war and development policy: World Bank Publications.
• Collier, P. 2005. Understanding Civil War: Africa (Vol. 1): World Bank Publications.
• Connor, W. 1994. Ethnonationalism: Wiley Online Library.
• Cortright, D. 2008. Peace: A history of movements and ideas: Cambridge University Press.
• Djankov, S., & Reynal-Querol, M. 2010. Poverty and civil war: Revisiting the evidence. The Review of Economics and Statistics, 92(4), 1035-1041.
• Evans, I., Lane, J., Turner, M., & Pealer, J. 2013. A Conceptual Model of Peace building and Democracy Building: Integrating the Fields. The Conflict Resolution and Change Management in Transitioning Democracies Practicum Group, School of International Service, American University.
• Fearon, J. D. 2004. Why do some civil wars last so much longer than others? Journal of Peace Research, 41(3), 275-301.
• Fearon, J. D. 2006. Ethnic mobilisation and ethnic violence. The Oxford Handbook of Political Economy, 852-868.
• Fearon, J. D., & Laitin, D. D. 2011. Sons of the soil, migrants, and civil war. World Development, 39(2), 199-211.
• Freedom House. 2016. Freedom in the World Comparative and Historical Data, Individual country ratings and status, FIW 1973-2015. Retrieved from https://freedomhouse.org/report-types/freedom-world
• Gellner, E., & Breuilly, J. 2008. Nations and nationalism: Cornell University Press.
• Graham, J., Amos, B., & Plumptre, T. 2003. Principles for good governance in the 21st century. Policy brief, 15, 1-6.
• Haavelmo, T. 1954. A study in the theory of economic evolution. No. 330.1/H11s
• Harbom, L., Högbladh, S., & Wallensteen, P. 2006. Armed conflict and peace agreements. Journal of Peace Research, 43(5), 617-631.
• Heywood, A. 2011. Global politics: Palgrave Macmillan.
• Horowitz, D. L. 1985. Ethnic groups in conflict: Univ of California Press.
• IDEA. 2011. Voter turnout data for Syrian Arab Republic. Avaiable online at http://www.idea.int/vt/countryview.cfm?id=210
• IEP. 2014a. Global Terrrosim Index Report. Avaiable online at economicsandpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/.../Terrorism-Index-Report.pdf
• IEP. 2014b. Pillars of Peace. The Institute for Economics and Peace.
• ISS. 2010. Indices of Social Development, Inclusion of Minorities. Retrieved from http://www.indsocdev.org/data-access.html
• Kardos, M. 2012. The reflection of good governance in sustainable development strategies. Procedia-Social and Behavioural Sciences, 58, 1166-1173.
• Kinsella, D., & ROUSSEAU, D. 2009. Democracy and Conflict Resolution. Handbook on Conflict Resolution, 475-492.
• Klem, M., & Frerks, G. 2008. How local governments contribute to peace-building. Musch et al.(2006) City Diplomacy. The Role of Local Governments in Conflict Prevention, Peace-building, Post-Conflict Reconstruction. The Hague: VNG International, 47-74.
• Kocher, M. A., Pepinsky, T. B., & Kalyvas, S. N. 2011. Aerial bombing and counterinsurgency in the Vietnam War. American Journal of Political Science, 55(2), 201-218.
• Mani, R. 1998. Conflict resolution, justice and the law: Rebuilding the rule of law in the aftermath of complex political emergencies. International Peacekeeping, 5(3), 1-25.
• Neumayer, E. 2005. The pattern of aid giving: the impact of good governance on development assistance: Routledge.
• Powell, R. 2006. War as a commitment problem. International organisation, 60(01), 169-203.
• Rose, R. 2000. International encyclopedia of elections: Cq Pr.
• Rubin, B. 2007. The truth about Syria: Macmillan.
• Sambanis, N. 2005. Using case studies to refine and expand the theory of civil war. Understanding civil war, 1, 303-334.
• Sheng, Y. K. 2008. What is good governance. United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific. Date unknown.
• Smith, R. 2008. The utility of force: the art of war in the modern world: Vintage Books USA.
• Transparency International. 2014. Corruption Perceptions Index 2014. Avaiable online at http://files.transparency.org/content/download/1856/12434/file/2014_CPIBrochure_EN.pdf
• UNDP. 2015. Inequality-adjusted Human Development Index. Avaiable online at: www.Hdr.undp.org/en/composite/IHDI#b
• world Audit Civil Liberties. 2015. Civil Liberties Retrieved from http://www.worldaudit.org/civillibs.htm
• World Bank. 2014a. Worldwide Governance Indicators. Avaiable online at http://databank.worldbank.org/data/reports.aspx?Report_Name=WGI-Table&Id=ceea4d8b
• World Bank. 2014b. Worldwide Governance Indicators (WGI), Country Data Report for Syrian Arab Republic, 1996-2014. Avaiable online at http://info.worldbank.org/governance/wgi/index.aspx?fileName=c209.pdf
Poor Governance and Civil War in Syria
Year 2018,
, 49 - 71, 30.06.2018
Mahdi Karimi
Seyed Masoud Mousavi Shafaee
Civil war is a complex event affected by numerous factors. Recent
research is intended to concentrate on poor governance as a cause of civil war.
Despite the various way in which civil war can be addressed, the article shows
that governance provide a strong framework to study civil war. Civil war in
Syria which was started in 2011 provide an
important and rich area of investigation into the study of civil war. The
findings support the theoretical argument that poor governance paved the way to
civil war in Syria. Governance indicators
would be more meaningful when are investigated considering the factors like
ethic and religious diversity, and the nature of regional and international
- • Albornoz, F., & Hauk, E. 2014. Civil war and U.S. foreign influence. Journal of Development Economics, 110, 64-78. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jdeveco.2014.05.002
• Armed Conflict Report. 2014. Retrieved from ploughshares.ca/wp-content/.../2014-ARMED-CONFLICT-REPORT.pdf
• Berdal, M. R., & Malone, D. 2000. Greed & grievance: Economic agendas in civil wars: Lynne Rienner Publishers.
• Blattman, C., & Miguel, E. 2010. Civil war. Journal of Economic Literature, 3-57.
• Buhaug, H., Gates, S., & Lujala, P. 2009. Geography, rebel capability, and the duration of civil conflict. Journal of Conflict Resolution, 53(4), 544-569.
• Carpenter, T. G. 2013. Tangled web: The syrian civil war and its implications. Mediterranean Quarterly, 24(1), 1-11.
• Collier, P. 2003. Breaking the conflict trap: Civil war and development policy: World Bank Publications.
• Collier, P. 2005. Understanding Civil War: Africa (Vol. 1): World Bank Publications.
• Connor, W. 1994. Ethnonationalism: Wiley Online Library.
• Cortright, D. 2008. Peace: A history of movements and ideas: Cambridge University Press.
• Djankov, S., & Reynal-Querol, M. 2010. Poverty and civil war: Revisiting the evidence. The Review of Economics and Statistics, 92(4), 1035-1041.
• Evans, I., Lane, J., Turner, M., & Pealer, J. 2013. A Conceptual Model of Peace building and Democracy Building: Integrating the Fields. The Conflict Resolution and Change Management in Transitioning Democracies Practicum Group, School of International Service, American University.
• Fearon, J. D. 2004. Why do some civil wars last so much longer than others? Journal of Peace Research, 41(3), 275-301.
• Fearon, J. D. 2006. Ethnic mobilisation and ethnic violence. The Oxford Handbook of Political Economy, 852-868.
• Fearon, J. D., & Laitin, D. D. 2011. Sons of the soil, migrants, and civil war. World Development, 39(2), 199-211.
• Freedom House. 2016. Freedom in the World Comparative and Historical Data, Individual country ratings and status, FIW 1973-2015. Retrieved from https://freedomhouse.org/report-types/freedom-world
• Gellner, E., & Breuilly, J. 2008. Nations and nationalism: Cornell University Press.
• Graham, J., Amos, B., & Plumptre, T. 2003. Principles for good governance in the 21st century. Policy brief, 15, 1-6.
• Haavelmo, T. 1954. A study in the theory of economic evolution. No. 330.1/H11s
• Harbom, L., Högbladh, S., & Wallensteen, P. 2006. Armed conflict and peace agreements. Journal of Peace Research, 43(5), 617-631.
• Heywood, A. 2011. Global politics: Palgrave Macmillan.
• Horowitz, D. L. 1985. Ethnic groups in conflict: Univ of California Press.
• IDEA. 2011. Voter turnout data for Syrian Arab Republic. Avaiable online at http://www.idea.int/vt/countryview.cfm?id=210
• IEP. 2014a. Global Terrrosim Index Report. Avaiable online at economicsandpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/.../Terrorism-Index-Report.pdf
• IEP. 2014b. Pillars of Peace. The Institute for Economics and Peace.
• ISS. 2010. Indices of Social Development, Inclusion of Minorities. Retrieved from http://www.indsocdev.org/data-access.html
• Kardos, M. 2012. The reflection of good governance in sustainable development strategies. Procedia-Social and Behavioural Sciences, 58, 1166-1173.
• Kinsella, D., & ROUSSEAU, D. 2009. Democracy and Conflict Resolution. Handbook on Conflict Resolution, 475-492.
• Klem, M., & Frerks, G. 2008. How local governments contribute to peace-building. Musch et al.(2006) City Diplomacy. The Role of Local Governments in Conflict Prevention, Peace-building, Post-Conflict Reconstruction. The Hague: VNG International, 47-74.
• Kocher, M. A., Pepinsky, T. B., & Kalyvas, S. N. 2011. Aerial bombing and counterinsurgency in the Vietnam War. American Journal of Political Science, 55(2), 201-218.
• Mani, R. 1998. Conflict resolution, justice and the law: Rebuilding the rule of law in the aftermath of complex political emergencies. International Peacekeeping, 5(3), 1-25.
• Neumayer, E. 2005. The pattern of aid giving: the impact of good governance on development assistance: Routledge.
• Powell, R. 2006. War as a commitment problem. International organisation, 60(01), 169-203.
• Rose, R. 2000. International encyclopedia of elections: Cq Pr.
• Rubin, B. 2007. The truth about Syria: Macmillan.
• Sambanis, N. 2005. Using case studies to refine and expand the theory of civil war. Understanding civil war, 1, 303-334.
• Sheng, Y. K. 2008. What is good governance. United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific. Date unknown.
• Smith, R. 2008. The utility of force: the art of war in the modern world: Vintage Books USA.
• Transparency International. 2014. Corruption Perceptions Index 2014. Avaiable online at http://files.transparency.org/content/download/1856/12434/file/2014_CPIBrochure_EN.pdf
• UNDP. 2015. Inequality-adjusted Human Development Index. Avaiable online at: www.Hdr.undp.org/en/composite/IHDI#b
• world Audit Civil Liberties. 2015. Civil Liberties Retrieved from http://www.worldaudit.org/civillibs.htm
• World Bank. 2014a. Worldwide Governance Indicators. Avaiable online at http://databank.worldbank.org/data/reports.aspx?Report_Name=WGI-Table&Id=ceea4d8b
• World Bank. 2014b. Worldwide Governance Indicators (WGI), Country Data Report for Syrian Arab Republic, 1996-2014. Avaiable online at http://info.worldbank.org/governance/wgi/index.aspx?fileName=c209.pdf