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Dış Politikada Ulusal Güvenliğin Tahakkümü: İsrail’in Doğu Akdeniz Politikasında Militarizm

Year 2021, , 119 - 155, 30.06.2021


Son on yıl boyunca İsrail, Türkiye’nin desteğini kaybetmek pahasına, Doğu Akdeniz’de politik güzergâhını değiştirerek Yunanistan ve Güney Kıbrıs Rum Yönetimi’yle müttefik oldu. Söz konusu ittifak, genel olarak, 2009-11 yıllarında bölgede keşfedilen gaz rezervleriyle açıklandı. Fakat troyka, politik olarak kullanışlı ve masum açıklamaların aksine, gerçek bir askeri ittifakın parçaları oldular. Buna göre, enerji diplomasisi, ilişkilerinin özünü örtebilmek için kullanıldı. Bu çalışma öncelikle dış politika-ulusal güvenlik ilişkilerini kavramsal bir anlayışla analiz ediyor. Sonrasında, bu çalışmanın, İsrail dışişlerindeki ulusal güvenlik tahakkümüne dair temel argümanını test edebilmek için İsrail dış politikasının seçme vakaları masada olacak. Son olarak, Ocak 2020’de imzalanan Doğu Akdeniz Boru Hattı anlaşmasına kadar geçen süredeki askeri gelişmeleri ortaya koyarak, troykanın askeri ittifakını açığa çıkaracak. Çalışmanın izlediği bu metodoloji, kuşkusuz bahsi geçen askeri ittifakın gerçek yüzünü ve sivil bir girişim olmadığını gösterecek.


  • Abadi, Jacob. Israel’s Quest for Recognition and Acceptance in Asia: Garrison State Diplomacy. London: Frank Cass, 2004
  • Ağdemir, Murat. “Relations Between Israel and the South Cyprus Greek Administration: A New Alignment in the Eastern Mediterranean?.” Perceptions, Vol. XXI, No. 2, (Summer 2016): 103-26.
  • Baldwin, David A.. “Security Studies and the End of the Cold War.” World Politics 48, no. 1 (Ekim 1995): 117-41.
  • Bengio, Ofra. The Turkish-Israeli Relationship: Changing Ties of Middle Eastern Outsiders. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004
  • Brenner, Lenni. The Iron Wall: Zionist Revisionism from Jabotinsky to Shamir. London: Zed Books, 1984
  • Buzan, Barry, Ole Weaver and Jaap De Wilde. Security: A New Framework for Analysis. Colorado: Lynne Rienner, 1998.
  • Cox, Michael, Timothy J. Lynch and Nicholas Bouchet, eds. US Foreign Policy and Democracy Promotion: From Theodore Roosevelt to Barack Obama. New York: Routledge, 2013.
  • Ersoy, Tuğçe. “Emerging Alliances, Deteriorating Relations: Turkey, Israel and Greece in the Eastern Mediterranean.” içinde Contemporary Israeli-Turkish Relations in Comparative Perspective, eds. Ayşegül Sever and Orna Almog, 101-39. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019
  • Inbar, Efraim. “Jerusalem’s Decreasing Isolation: Israel in the World.” Middle East Quarterly, (İlkbahar 2013): 27-38.
  • Kimmerling, Baruch. “Patterns of Militarism in Israel.” European Journal of Sociology 34, no. 2 (1993): 196-223
  • Leffler, Melvyn P.. Safeguarding Democratic Capitalism: U.S. Foreign Policy and National Security 1920-2015. New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 2017
  • Morin, Jean Frederic, and Jonathan Paquin. Foreign Policy Analysis: A Toolbox. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018.
  • Navon, Emmanuel. “From Kippur to Oslo: Israel’s Foreign Policy, 1973-1993.” Israel Affairs 10, no. 3 (2004): 1-40.
  • Neack, Laura. Studying Foreign Policy Comparatively: Cases and Analysis. Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield, 2019
  • Nye, Joseph S.. “Soft Power.” Foreign Policy, no. 80 (Sonbahar 1990): 153-71.
  • Papaioakeim, Marinos. “The Rise of the Cyprus’ Defence Diplomacy in its Neighbourhood.” The Cyprus Review 30, no. 1 (İlkbahar 2018): 95-112.
  • Samaan, Jean-Loop. The East Mediterranean Triangle at Crossroads. U.S.: Strategic Studies Institute and U.S. Army War College Press, 2016
  • Schiff, Rebecca L.. “Civil-Military Relations Reconsidered: Israel as an “Uncivil” State.” Security Studies 1, no. 4 (1992): 636-58.
  • Shindler, Colin. The Rise of the Israeli Right: From Odessa to Hebron. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2015
  • Shlaim, Avi and Avner Yaniv. “Domestic Politics and Foreign Policy in Israel,” International Affairs 56, no. 2 (İlkbahar 1980): 242-62.
  • Shlaim, Avi. “The Oslo Accord.” Journal of Palestine Studies 23, no. 3 (İlkbahar 1994): 24-40.
  • Simpson, Dwight J.. “Israel: A Garrison State.” Current History 58, no. 341 (Ocak 1970): 1-6.
  • Sprinzak, Ehud. “Netanyahu’s Safety Belt.” Foreign Affairs 77, no. 4 (Temmuz-Ağustos 1998): 18-28
  • Stavris, George. “The New Energy Triangle of Cyprus-Greece-Israel: Casting a Net for Turkey?.” Turkish Policy Quarterly 11, no. 2 (Yaz 2012): 87-102.
  • Taraki, Lisa. “The Islamic Resistance Movement in the Palestinian Uprising.” Middle East Report, no. 156 (Ocak-Şubat 1989): 30-2.
  • Tayfur, M. Fatih. “Dış Politika.” içinde Devlet ve Ötesi: Uluslararası İlişkilerde Temel Kavramlar, derleyen Atila Eralp, 73-107. İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları, 2007
  • Tziampiris, Aristotle. The Emergence of Israeli-Greek Cooperation. London: Springer, 2015
  • Tziarras, Zenonas. “Israel-Cyprus-Greece: A ‘Comfortable’ Quasi-Alliance.” Mediterranean Politics 21, no. 3 (2016): 407-27.
  • Wolfers, Arnold. “’National Security’ as an Ambiguous Symbol.” Political Science Quarterly 67, no. 4, (Aralık 1952): 481-502.
  • “A Mild Stroke Sends Sharon to the Hospital”, The New York Times, 19 Aralık 2005, , Son erişim: 29 Ekim 2020.
  • “Air Force Lauds Iniohos Exercise”, Kathimerini, 13 Nisan 2019, , Son erişim: 22 Ekim 2020.
  • “AJC, HALC Mark Fifth Anniversary of Congressional Greece-Israel Alliance”, Kathimerini, 10 Mayıs 2018, , Son erişim: 18 Ekim 2020.
  • “Armed Forces of Cyprus and Israel Conduct the Exercise ‘Onesilos-Gedeon’”, Parikiaki, 20 Mart 2017, , Son erişim: 22 Ekim 2020.
  • “Assasination in Israel: The Overview; Rabin Slain After Peace Rally in Tel Avib; Israeli Gunman Held; Says He Acted Alone”, The New York Times, 05 Kasım 1995, , Son erişim: 29 Ekim 2020.
  • “Benim için Davos Bitti”, Hürriyet, 30 Ocak 2009, , Son erişim: 29 Ekim 2020.
  • “Blue Flag 2019: 40 Jets, 800 Personnel Attend IAF’s Most Advanced Drill”, The Jerusalem Post, 14 Kasım 2019, , Son erişim: 26 Ekim 2020.
  • “Cyprus and Israel Complete Onisilos-Gideon Exercise”, Gold News, 22 Ekim 2014, , Son erişim: 28 Ekim 2020.
  • “Cyprus and Israel Sign Deal Demarcating Sea Borders”, Haaretz, 17 Aralık 2010, , Son erişim: 28 Ekim 2020.
  • “Dayan Pushed PM Meir to Consider Using Nuclear Weapons in 1973 War”, The Times of Israel, 03 Ekim 2013, , Son erişim: 29 Ekim 2020.
  • “EastMed and EuroAsia Interconnector are Flagship Projects”, The Prime Minister’s Office of Greece, 08 Mayıs 2018, , Son erişim: 25 Ekim 2020.
  • “First Meeting of Cyprus, Greece and Israel Defense Ministers”, Parikiaki, 07 Ekim 2017, , Son erişim: 25 Ekim 2020.
  • “Greece, Israel, Cyprus Sign EastMed Gas Pipeline Deal”, Reuters, 02 Ocak 2020, , Son erişim: 26 Ekim 2020.
  • “HALC, AJC Join Forces in Effort to Bolster Cyprus Security, Halt Sale of F-35 Jets to Turkey”, Kathimerini, 07 Mayıs 2018, , Son erişim: 17 Ekim 2020.
  • “Israel Concludes Multinational Blue Flag Drill”, Defence News, 29 Ekim 2015, , Son erişim: 22 Ekim 2020.
  • “Israel Preps for Massive Air Drill with US, Greece, Italy”, The Times of Israel, 06 Kasım 2013,, Son erişim: 22 Ekim 2020.
  • “Israel Trained Against Russian-made Air Defense System in Greece: Sources”, Reuters, 04 Aralık 2015, , Son erişim: 26 Ekim 2020.
  • “Israel Woos Greece After Rift With Turkey”, BBC, 16 Ekim 2010, , Son erişim: 17 Ekim 2020.
  • “Israel, Cyprus Sign Defence Agreements – Reports”, Globes, 10 Ocak 2012, , Son erişim: 22 Ekim 2020.
  • “Israel, Greece Construct New Radar System on Crete, Report Says”, Haaretz, 19 Mart 2019, , Son erişim: 26 Ekim 2020.
  • “Israel-Greece-Cyprus Trilateral Summit Declaration”, Onisilos, 08 Aralık 2016, , Son erişim: 23 Ekim 2020.
  • “Israeli Commandos Head to Cyprus for Largest Land-Based Drill”, The Jerusalem Post, 10 Haziran 2017, , Son erişim: 22 Ekim 2020.
  • “Israeli Defense Industries in Talks with Greek Army”, The Jerusalem Post, 12 Aralık 2010, , Son erişim: 18 Ekim 2020.
  • “Israeli Military Offsets Turkey’s Loss with Greece, Romania”, Asbarez, 29 Eylül 2010, , Son erişim: 26 Ekim 2020.
  • “Netanyahu Says Israel’s Annexation Plan of Occupied West Bank Suspended ‘for Time Being’”, Daily Sabah, 17 Ağustos 2020, , Son erişim: 29 Ekim 2020.
  • “Netanyahu’s Big Fat Greek Wedding”, Haaretz, 01 Temmuz 2011, , Son erişim: 18 Ekim 2020.
  • “Trilateral Defense Summit Stresses Israel, Cyprus and Greece’s Will to Enhance Security in Region”, Parikiaki, 23 Haziran 2018,, Son erişim: 25 Ekim 2020.
  • “U.S. Says Israeli Exercise Seemed Directed at Iran”, The New York Times, 20 Haziran 2008, , Son erişim: 18 Ekim 2020.
  • Al Rantawi, Oraib. “The UAE Lie of ‘Stopping’ Israel’s West Bank Annexation.” Yedioth Ahronot, 12 Eylül 2020. , Son erişim: 29 Ekim 2020.
  • Belfer Center Special Report. Deterring Terror: How Israel Confronts the Next Generation of Threats, USA: Belfer Center, Ağustos 2016.
  • Bilirakis, Gus M., and Ted Deutch. “Hellenic-Israeli Partnership Strengthens Democracy.” The Washington Times, 13 Şubat 2013. , Son erişim: 17 Ekim 2020.
  • European Union Official Website. “Foreign and Security Policy.” Son erişim: 17 Ekim 2020.
  • Hellenic Air Force. “Iniochos 2017 Exercise.” Son erişim: 26 Ekim 2020.
  • Hellenic Republic Greece in Israel. “Israel-Cyprus-Greece 5th Trilateral Summit Declaration.” Son erişim: 26 Ekim 2020.
  • Hellenic Republic Ministry of Foreign Affairs. “Israel-Greece Prime Minister’s Summit Declaration.” Son erişim: 22 Ekim 2020.
  • Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs. “Joint Declaration of Greece-Cyprus-Israel Trilateral Summit.” , Son erişim: 17 Ekim 2020.
  • Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs. “PM Netanyahu, Cypriot President Anastasiades and Greek PM Tsipras Hold Trilateral Summit.” Son erişim: 23 Ekim 2020.
  • Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs. “Trilateral Meeting Between Israel, Greece and Cyprus.” Son erişim: 17 Ekim 2020.
  • Levin, Geoffrey. “Ariel Sharon’s Legacy of Separation.” The Atlantic, 11 Ocak 2014. , Son erişim: 29 Ekim 2020.
  • Mekel, Arye. “Birth of A Geopolitical Bloc: The Israel-Greece-Cyprus Axis.” Haaretz, 31 Ocak 2016. , Son erişim: 26 Ekim 2020.
  • The Knesset Official Website. Son erişim: 17 Ekim 2020.
  • Tzogopoulos, George N.. “The Future of Greek-Israeli Relations.” BESA Center Perspective Paper, No: 788, 08 Nisan 2018. , Son erişim: 22 Ekim 2020.
  • U.S. Department of State. “Joint Declaration Between Cyprus, Greece, Israel and United States After the Sixth Trilateral Summit.” Son erişim: 22 Ekim 2020.
  • United States Senate Committee on Foreign Relations. “Congress Passes Menendez-Rubio Bill Reshaping U.S. Policy in Eastern Mediterranean.” Son erişim: 26 Ekim 2020.,U.S.%20arms%20embargo%20on%20Cyprus.&text=%E2%80%9CThis%20legislation%20marks%20the%20dawn,engagement%20in%20the%20Eastern%20Mediterranean.
Year 2021, , 119 - 155, 30.06.2021



  • Abadi, Jacob. Israel’s Quest for Recognition and Acceptance in Asia: Garrison State Diplomacy. London: Frank Cass, 2004
  • Ağdemir, Murat. “Relations Between Israel and the South Cyprus Greek Administration: A New Alignment in the Eastern Mediterranean?.” Perceptions, Vol. XXI, No. 2, (Summer 2016): 103-26.
  • Baldwin, David A.. “Security Studies and the End of the Cold War.” World Politics 48, no. 1 (Ekim 1995): 117-41.
  • Bengio, Ofra. The Turkish-Israeli Relationship: Changing Ties of Middle Eastern Outsiders. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004
  • Brenner, Lenni. The Iron Wall: Zionist Revisionism from Jabotinsky to Shamir. London: Zed Books, 1984
  • Buzan, Barry, Ole Weaver and Jaap De Wilde. Security: A New Framework for Analysis. Colorado: Lynne Rienner, 1998.
  • Cox, Michael, Timothy J. Lynch and Nicholas Bouchet, eds. US Foreign Policy and Democracy Promotion: From Theodore Roosevelt to Barack Obama. New York: Routledge, 2013.
  • Ersoy, Tuğçe. “Emerging Alliances, Deteriorating Relations: Turkey, Israel and Greece in the Eastern Mediterranean.” içinde Contemporary Israeli-Turkish Relations in Comparative Perspective, eds. Ayşegül Sever and Orna Almog, 101-39. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019
  • Inbar, Efraim. “Jerusalem’s Decreasing Isolation: Israel in the World.” Middle East Quarterly, (İlkbahar 2013): 27-38.
  • Kimmerling, Baruch. “Patterns of Militarism in Israel.” European Journal of Sociology 34, no. 2 (1993): 196-223
  • Leffler, Melvyn P.. Safeguarding Democratic Capitalism: U.S. Foreign Policy and National Security 1920-2015. New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 2017
  • Morin, Jean Frederic, and Jonathan Paquin. Foreign Policy Analysis: A Toolbox. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018.
  • Navon, Emmanuel. “From Kippur to Oslo: Israel’s Foreign Policy, 1973-1993.” Israel Affairs 10, no. 3 (2004): 1-40.
  • Neack, Laura. Studying Foreign Policy Comparatively: Cases and Analysis. Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield, 2019
  • Nye, Joseph S.. “Soft Power.” Foreign Policy, no. 80 (Sonbahar 1990): 153-71.
  • Papaioakeim, Marinos. “The Rise of the Cyprus’ Defence Diplomacy in its Neighbourhood.” The Cyprus Review 30, no. 1 (İlkbahar 2018): 95-112.
  • Samaan, Jean-Loop. The East Mediterranean Triangle at Crossroads. U.S.: Strategic Studies Institute and U.S. Army War College Press, 2016
  • Schiff, Rebecca L.. “Civil-Military Relations Reconsidered: Israel as an “Uncivil” State.” Security Studies 1, no. 4 (1992): 636-58.
  • Shindler, Colin. The Rise of the Israeli Right: From Odessa to Hebron. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2015
  • Shlaim, Avi and Avner Yaniv. “Domestic Politics and Foreign Policy in Israel,” International Affairs 56, no. 2 (İlkbahar 1980): 242-62.
  • Shlaim, Avi. “The Oslo Accord.” Journal of Palestine Studies 23, no. 3 (İlkbahar 1994): 24-40.
  • Simpson, Dwight J.. “Israel: A Garrison State.” Current History 58, no. 341 (Ocak 1970): 1-6.
  • Sprinzak, Ehud. “Netanyahu’s Safety Belt.” Foreign Affairs 77, no. 4 (Temmuz-Ağustos 1998): 18-28
  • Stavris, George. “The New Energy Triangle of Cyprus-Greece-Israel: Casting a Net for Turkey?.” Turkish Policy Quarterly 11, no. 2 (Yaz 2012): 87-102.
  • Taraki, Lisa. “The Islamic Resistance Movement in the Palestinian Uprising.” Middle East Report, no. 156 (Ocak-Şubat 1989): 30-2.
  • Tayfur, M. Fatih. “Dış Politika.” içinde Devlet ve Ötesi: Uluslararası İlişkilerde Temel Kavramlar, derleyen Atila Eralp, 73-107. İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları, 2007
  • Tziampiris, Aristotle. The Emergence of Israeli-Greek Cooperation. London: Springer, 2015
  • Tziarras, Zenonas. “Israel-Cyprus-Greece: A ‘Comfortable’ Quasi-Alliance.” Mediterranean Politics 21, no. 3 (2016): 407-27.
  • Wolfers, Arnold. “’National Security’ as an Ambiguous Symbol.” Political Science Quarterly 67, no. 4, (Aralık 1952): 481-502.
  • “A Mild Stroke Sends Sharon to the Hospital”, The New York Times, 19 Aralık 2005, , Son erişim: 29 Ekim 2020.
  • “Air Force Lauds Iniohos Exercise”, Kathimerini, 13 Nisan 2019, , Son erişim: 22 Ekim 2020.
  • “AJC, HALC Mark Fifth Anniversary of Congressional Greece-Israel Alliance”, Kathimerini, 10 Mayıs 2018, , Son erişim: 18 Ekim 2020.
  • “Armed Forces of Cyprus and Israel Conduct the Exercise ‘Onesilos-Gedeon’”, Parikiaki, 20 Mart 2017, , Son erişim: 22 Ekim 2020.
  • “Assasination in Israel: The Overview; Rabin Slain After Peace Rally in Tel Avib; Israeli Gunman Held; Says He Acted Alone”, The New York Times, 05 Kasım 1995, , Son erişim: 29 Ekim 2020.
  • “Benim için Davos Bitti”, Hürriyet, 30 Ocak 2009, , Son erişim: 29 Ekim 2020.
  • “Blue Flag 2019: 40 Jets, 800 Personnel Attend IAF’s Most Advanced Drill”, The Jerusalem Post, 14 Kasım 2019, , Son erişim: 26 Ekim 2020.
  • “Cyprus and Israel Complete Onisilos-Gideon Exercise”, Gold News, 22 Ekim 2014, , Son erişim: 28 Ekim 2020.
  • “Cyprus and Israel Sign Deal Demarcating Sea Borders”, Haaretz, 17 Aralık 2010, , Son erişim: 28 Ekim 2020.
  • “Dayan Pushed PM Meir to Consider Using Nuclear Weapons in 1973 War”, The Times of Israel, 03 Ekim 2013, , Son erişim: 29 Ekim 2020.
  • “EastMed and EuroAsia Interconnector are Flagship Projects”, The Prime Minister’s Office of Greece, 08 Mayıs 2018, , Son erişim: 25 Ekim 2020.
  • “First Meeting of Cyprus, Greece and Israel Defense Ministers”, Parikiaki, 07 Ekim 2017, , Son erişim: 25 Ekim 2020.
  • “Greece, Israel, Cyprus Sign EastMed Gas Pipeline Deal”, Reuters, 02 Ocak 2020, , Son erişim: 26 Ekim 2020.
  • “HALC, AJC Join Forces in Effort to Bolster Cyprus Security, Halt Sale of F-35 Jets to Turkey”, Kathimerini, 07 Mayıs 2018, , Son erişim: 17 Ekim 2020.
  • “Israel Concludes Multinational Blue Flag Drill”, Defence News, 29 Ekim 2015, , Son erişim: 22 Ekim 2020.
  • “Israel Preps for Massive Air Drill with US, Greece, Italy”, The Times of Israel, 06 Kasım 2013,, Son erişim: 22 Ekim 2020.
  • “Israel Trained Against Russian-made Air Defense System in Greece: Sources”, Reuters, 04 Aralık 2015, , Son erişim: 26 Ekim 2020.
  • “Israel Woos Greece After Rift With Turkey”, BBC, 16 Ekim 2010, , Son erişim: 17 Ekim 2020.
  • “Israel, Cyprus Sign Defence Agreements – Reports”, Globes, 10 Ocak 2012, , Son erişim: 22 Ekim 2020.
  • “Israel, Greece Construct New Radar System on Crete, Report Says”, Haaretz, 19 Mart 2019, , Son erişim: 26 Ekim 2020.
  • “Israel-Greece-Cyprus Trilateral Summit Declaration”, Onisilos, 08 Aralık 2016, , Son erişim: 23 Ekim 2020.
  • “Israeli Commandos Head to Cyprus for Largest Land-Based Drill”, The Jerusalem Post, 10 Haziran 2017, , Son erişim: 22 Ekim 2020.
  • “Israeli Defense Industries in Talks with Greek Army”, The Jerusalem Post, 12 Aralık 2010, , Son erişim: 18 Ekim 2020.
  • “Israeli Military Offsets Turkey’s Loss with Greece, Romania”, Asbarez, 29 Eylül 2010, , Son erişim: 26 Ekim 2020.
  • “Netanyahu Says Israel’s Annexation Plan of Occupied West Bank Suspended ‘for Time Being’”, Daily Sabah, 17 Ağustos 2020, , Son erişim: 29 Ekim 2020.
  • “Netanyahu’s Big Fat Greek Wedding”, Haaretz, 01 Temmuz 2011, , Son erişim: 18 Ekim 2020.
  • “Trilateral Defense Summit Stresses Israel, Cyprus and Greece’s Will to Enhance Security in Region”, Parikiaki, 23 Haziran 2018,, Son erişim: 25 Ekim 2020.
  • “U.S. Says Israeli Exercise Seemed Directed at Iran”, The New York Times, 20 Haziran 2008, , Son erişim: 18 Ekim 2020.
  • Al Rantawi, Oraib. “The UAE Lie of ‘Stopping’ Israel’s West Bank Annexation.” Yedioth Ahronot, 12 Eylül 2020. , Son erişim: 29 Ekim 2020.
  • Belfer Center Special Report. Deterring Terror: How Israel Confronts the Next Generation of Threats, USA: Belfer Center, Ağustos 2016.
  • Bilirakis, Gus M., and Ted Deutch. “Hellenic-Israeli Partnership Strengthens Democracy.” The Washington Times, 13 Şubat 2013. , Son erişim: 17 Ekim 2020.
  • European Union Official Website. “Foreign and Security Policy.” Son erişim: 17 Ekim 2020.
  • Hellenic Air Force. “Iniochos 2017 Exercise.” Son erişim: 26 Ekim 2020.
  • Hellenic Republic Greece in Israel. “Israel-Cyprus-Greece 5th Trilateral Summit Declaration.” Son erişim: 26 Ekim 2020.
  • Hellenic Republic Ministry of Foreign Affairs. “Israel-Greece Prime Minister’s Summit Declaration.” Son erişim: 22 Ekim 2020.
  • Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs. “Joint Declaration of Greece-Cyprus-Israel Trilateral Summit.” , Son erişim: 17 Ekim 2020.
  • Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs. “PM Netanyahu, Cypriot President Anastasiades and Greek PM Tsipras Hold Trilateral Summit.” Son erişim: 23 Ekim 2020.
  • Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs. “Trilateral Meeting Between Israel, Greece and Cyprus.” Son erişim: 17 Ekim 2020.
  • Levin, Geoffrey. “Ariel Sharon’s Legacy of Separation.” The Atlantic, 11 Ocak 2014. , Son erişim: 29 Ekim 2020.
  • Mekel, Arye. “Birth of A Geopolitical Bloc: The Israel-Greece-Cyprus Axis.” Haaretz, 31 Ocak 2016. , Son erişim: 26 Ekim 2020.
  • The Knesset Official Website. Son erişim: 17 Ekim 2020.
  • Tzogopoulos, George N.. “The Future of Greek-Israeli Relations.” BESA Center Perspective Paper, No: 788, 08 Nisan 2018. , Son erişim: 22 Ekim 2020.
  • U.S. Department of State. “Joint Declaration Between Cyprus, Greece, Israel and United States After the Sixth Trilateral Summit.” Son erişim: 22 Ekim 2020.
  • United States Senate Committee on Foreign Relations. “Congress Passes Menendez-Rubio Bill Reshaping U.S. Policy in Eastern Mediterranean.” Son erişim: 26 Ekim 2020.,U.S.%20arms%20embargo%20on%20Cyprus.&text=%E2%80%9CThis%20legislation%20marks%20the%20dawn,engagement%20in%20the%20Eastern%20Mediterranean.
There are 73 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Makaleler

Ceyhun Çiçekçi 0000-0002-5036-537X

Publication Date June 30, 2021
Acceptance Date January 26, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Çiçekçi, C. (2021). Dış Politikada Ulusal Güvenliğin Tahakkümü: İsrail’in Doğu Akdeniz Politikasında Militarizm. Türkiye Ortadoğu Çalışmaları Dergisi, 8(1), 119-155.

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