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Şiddet Eğilimli ve Direniş Temelli Şii Aktivizmi: Hizbullah’ın Fikirsel ve Örgütsel Zemini

Year 2015, Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 59 - 88, 18.04.2016


Bu çalışma Ortadoğu bölgesinde önemli bir etkisi bulunan şiddet eğilimli devlet dışı aktör (Violent Non-State Actors) Hizbullah’ın (Hezbollah-Allahın Taraftarları/Partisi) fikirsel ve örgütsel yapısını analiz etmektedir. Bu oluşum Lübnan’da 1960’lı ve 1970’li yıllarda gelişen Şii radikalizmi sonucu yerel bir direniş hareketi olarak ortaya çıkmıştır. Sonrasında Lübnan ve Ortadoğu politikasında etkili bir aktöre dönüşen Hizbullah, İran’daki İslami yönetime ve Şii aktivizmi fikrine benzer şekilde din adamlarının önemli politik roller üstlendiği bir oluşumdur. Bu çerçevede, Ortadoğudaki ve Lübnan içerisindeki zaman-mekan koşullu sosyo-politik gelişmelerin şekillendirdiği Hizbullah’ın fikirsel ve örgütsel zeminine Kum (İran) ve Necef (Irak) gibi önemli Şii din okullarında (havza) eğitim gören Lübnanlı dini figürler katkı sağlamıştır. İsrail’i “ebedi” düşman olarak gören ve Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’nin (ABD) genel olarak uluslararası ve özel olarak Ortadoğu bölgesindeki hegemonyasına radikal şekilde karşı çıkan İslamcı (Şii) hareket, özellikle oluşumunun ilk yıllarında “canlı bomba” eylemlerini de kapsayan şiddet araçlarına başvurmuştur. Bu çerçevede, bu makale Hizbullah oluşumunun fikirsel ve örgütsel temelini hangi aktörlerin, bölgesel ve yerel olayların, tarihsel olayların ve özellikle dini figürlerin etkilediğini tartışmaktadır. Ayrıca, bu çalışma örgütsel zeminin ve önemli bir meşrulaştırma aracı olan fikirsel unsurların bu aktörün eylemleri ve söylemleri üzerindeki etkisini açıklamaya çalışmaktadır.


  • Abisaab, Rula Jurdi ve Malek Hassan Abisaab (2014), The Shiites of Le- banon: Modernism, Communism, and Hizbullah’s Islamists, New York, Syracuse University Press.
  • Abukhalil, Asad (1990), “Syria and the Shiites: Al‐Asad’s policy in Leba- non”, Third World Quarterly, Vol. 12, No. 2, ss. 1-20.
  • Abukhalil, As’ad (2006), “Ideology and Practice of Hizballah in Lebanon: Islamization of Leninist Organizational Principles,” Middle Eas- tern Studies, Vol. 27, No. 3, ss. 390-403.
  • Allahyari, Mustafa (2000), Direniş’in Dili Bilinmeyen Yönleriyle Seyyid Hasan Nasrallah, Feta Yayıncılık, İstanbul.
  • Azani, Eitan (2008), Hezbollah: the story of the party of God: from revolu- tion to institutionalization, USA, Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Azani, Eitan (2013), “The Hybrid Terrorist Organization: Hezbollah as a Case Study”, Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, Vol. 36, No. 11, ss. 889-916.
  • Baroudi, Sami Emile (2013), “Islamist Perspectives on International Re- lations: The Discourse of Sayyid Muhammed Hussein Fadlallah (1935-2010)”, Middle Eastern Studies, Vol. 49, No. 1, ss. 108- 133.
  • Chalabi, Tamara (2006), The Shi’is of Jabal ‘Amil and the New Lebanon: Community and Nation State, 1918-1943, New York, Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Deeb, Marius (1998), “Shia Movements in Lebanon: Tehir Formation, Ide- ology, Social Basis, and Links with Iran and Syria”, Thirld World Quarterly, Vol. 10, No. 2, ss. 683-698.
  • Deeb, Lara (2006), “Hezbollah: A Primer”, Middle East Report 31,No. 7.
  • Dionigi, Filippo (2014), Hezbollah, Islamist Politics, and International So- ciety, New York, Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Eisenlohr, Roschanack Shaery (2008), Shi’ite Lebanon: Transnational Re- ligion and the Making of National Identities, New York, Colum- bia University Press.
  • Eisenlohr, Roschanack Shaery (2007), “Imagining Shi’ite Iran: Transnatio- nalism and Religious Authenticity in the Müslim World”, Irandan Studies, Vol. 40, No. 1, ss. 17-35.
  • Erdağ, Ramazan (2013), “Security Studies and International Terrorism”, European Scientific Journal, Vol. 9, No. 23, pp.62-73.
  • Fadlallah, Muhammad Husain (1981), Al-Islam wa Mantiq al-Quwwa, Be- irut, Al-Mussassah al Jamftyah M-Dirassat wal-Nashr wal-Tawzi.
  • Fığlali, Ethem Ruhi, “Şiiliğin Ortaya Çıkışı ve İran’da Din-Siyaset İlişki- si”, Avrasya Dosyası Şii Jeopolitiği, Cilt. 13, Sayı. 3, 2007, ss. 191-230.
  • Flanigan, Shawn Teresa ve Mounah Abdel-Samad (2009), “Hezbollah’s Social Jihad: Nonprofits as Resistance Organizations”, Middle East Policy, Vol. 16, No. 2, ss. 122-137.
  • Ghorayeb, Amal Saad (2002), Hezbollah: Politics & Religion, London, Pluto Press.
  • Ghorayeb, Amal Saad (2003), “Factors Conducive to the Politicazition of the Lebanese Shi’a and Emergence of Hizbullah”, Journal of Is- lamic Studies, Vol. 14, No. 3, ss. 273-307.
  • Gleis, Joshua L. ve Benedetta Berti (2012), Hezbollah and Hamas: A com- parative study, Baltimore, JHU Press.
  • Halliday, Fred (2008), Ortadoğu Hakkında 100 Mit, Can Cemgil (Çev.), İstanbul, İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları.
  • Hamzeh, A. Nizar (1993), “Lebanon’s Hizbullah: from Islamic Revolution to Parliamentary Accommodation”, Third World Quarterly, Vol. 14, No. 2, ss. 321-337.
  • Harb, Mona & Reinoud Leenders (2005), “Know thy enemy: Hizbullah, ‘terrorism’ and the politics of perception”, Thirld World Quarter- ly, Vol. 26, No. 2, ss. 173-197.
  • Hazran, Yusri (2010), “The Rise of Politicized Shi‘ite Religiosity and the Territorial State in Iraq and Lebanon”, Middle East Journal, Vol. 64, No. 4, ss. 521-541.
  • Husseini, Rola El (2010), “Hezbollah and the Axis of Refusal: Hamas, Iran and Syria”, Thirld World Quarterly, Vol 31, No. 5, ss. 803-815.
  • Jaber, Hala (1997), Hezbollah: Born with a vengeance, New York, Colum- bia University Press.
  • Khomeini, Imām Ruhollah ve Hamid Algar, Islamic government: gover- nance of the jurist, Alhoda, UK, 2002.
  • Köse, Talha (Der.) (2006), “Lübnan’da İstikrar Arayışları”, SETA Lübnan Raporu, Aralık, ss. 1-61.
  • Mavini, Hamid (2011), “Ayatullah Khomeini’s Concept of Governance (wilayat al-faqih) and the Classical Shi’is Doctrine of İmame- te” Middle Eastern Studies, Vol. 47, No. 5, ss. 807-824.
  • Mulaj, Klejda (2010), “Violent Non-State Actors: Exploring Their State Relations, and Operationality”, Kledja Mulaj (Der.), Violent Non- State Actors in World Politics, Columbia University Press, ss. 1-27.
  • NaṣrAllāh, Ḥasan (2007), Voice of Hezbollah: The Statements of Sayed Hassan Nasrallah, Nicholas Noe (Edit.,), New York,Verso Bo- oks.
  • Norton, Augustus Richard (2007), Hezbollah: A Short History, United Kingdom, Princeton University Press.
  • Norton, Augustus Richard (1987), Amal and the Shia: Struggle for the Soul, Austin, University of Texas Press.
  • Qassem, Naim (2005), Hizbullah: The Story from within, Dalia Khalii (Çev), London, SAQI.
  • Rabil, Robert G. (2008), “Hezbollah: Lebanon’s Power Broker”, The Jour- nal of International Security Affairs, Vol. 15, ss. 1-20
  • Rudner, Martin (2010), “Hizbullah: An Organizational and Operational Profile”, International Journal of Intelligence and CounterIntelli- gence, Vol. 23, No. 2, ss. 226-246.
  • Saab, Rufla Jüri Abi (2009), “Lebanese Shi’ite and The Marja’iyya: Pole- mic in the Late Twentieth Century”, British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, Vol. 36, No. 2, ss. 215-239.
  • Sami, Abbas William (2008), “A Stable Structure on Shifting Sands: As- sessing he Hizbullah-Iran-Syria Relationship”, Middle East Jour- nal, Vol. 62, No. 1, ss. 33-53.
  • Saouli, Adham (2003), “Lebanon’s Hizbullah; the Quest for Survival”, World Affairs, Vol. 166, No. 2, ss. 71-80.
  • Shanahan, Rodger (2005), The Shia of Lebanon: Clans, Parties and Cleri- cs, ILondon, Touris Academic Studies.
  • Shapira, Shimon (1988), “The Origins of Hizballah”, Jerusalem Quarterly, Vol. 46, ss. 115-130.
  • Taflıoğlu, Serkan (2013), “İran İslam Cumhuriyeti’nde Egemenlik ve Meş- ruiyet Kaynağı ‘Velayet-i Faqih’”, Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Der- gisi, Cilt. 68, No. 3, ss. 95-112.
  • Wege, Carl Anthony, “Hizbollah Organization”, Studies in Conflict&Terro- rism, Vol. 17, 1994, ss. 151-164.
  • Weiss, Max (2010), In the Shadow of Sectarianism: Law, Shi’ism, and the making of Modern Lebanon, London, Harvard University Press.
  • Wiegand, Krista E. (2009), “Reformation of a Terrorist Group: Hezbollah as a Lebanese Political Party”, Studies in Conflict&Terrorism, Vol. 32, ss. 669-680.
  • Uyar, Mazlum (2007), “Şii Siyasi Düşüncesi Bağlamında İran İslam Cum- huriyeti Anayasasında Otoritenin Kaynağı”, Avrasya Dosyası Şii Jeopolitiği, Cilt. 13, Sayı. 3, ss. 232-250.
  • ………Açık Mektup Orijinal (Arapça) Metni les/2010/07/Hizbullahs-Open-Letter-Arabic.pdf, (25.05.2015)
  • ………“Open Letter”,, (25.10.2011).
Year 2015, Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 59 - 88, 18.04.2016



  • Abisaab, Rula Jurdi ve Malek Hassan Abisaab (2014), The Shiites of Le- banon: Modernism, Communism, and Hizbullah’s Islamists, New York, Syracuse University Press.
  • Abukhalil, Asad (1990), “Syria and the Shiites: Al‐Asad’s policy in Leba- non”, Third World Quarterly, Vol. 12, No. 2, ss. 1-20.
  • Abukhalil, As’ad (2006), “Ideology and Practice of Hizballah in Lebanon: Islamization of Leninist Organizational Principles,” Middle Eas- tern Studies, Vol. 27, No. 3, ss. 390-403.
  • Allahyari, Mustafa (2000), Direniş’in Dili Bilinmeyen Yönleriyle Seyyid Hasan Nasrallah, Feta Yayıncılık, İstanbul.
  • Azani, Eitan (2008), Hezbollah: the story of the party of God: from revolu- tion to institutionalization, USA, Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Azani, Eitan (2013), “The Hybrid Terrorist Organization: Hezbollah as a Case Study”, Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, Vol. 36, No. 11, ss. 889-916.
  • Baroudi, Sami Emile (2013), “Islamist Perspectives on International Re- lations: The Discourse of Sayyid Muhammed Hussein Fadlallah (1935-2010)”, Middle Eastern Studies, Vol. 49, No. 1, ss. 108- 133.
  • Chalabi, Tamara (2006), The Shi’is of Jabal ‘Amil and the New Lebanon: Community and Nation State, 1918-1943, New York, Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Deeb, Marius (1998), “Shia Movements in Lebanon: Tehir Formation, Ide- ology, Social Basis, and Links with Iran and Syria”, Thirld World Quarterly, Vol. 10, No. 2, ss. 683-698.
  • Deeb, Lara (2006), “Hezbollah: A Primer”, Middle East Report 31,No. 7.
  • Dionigi, Filippo (2014), Hezbollah, Islamist Politics, and International So- ciety, New York, Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Eisenlohr, Roschanack Shaery (2008), Shi’ite Lebanon: Transnational Re- ligion and the Making of National Identities, New York, Colum- bia University Press.
  • Eisenlohr, Roschanack Shaery (2007), “Imagining Shi’ite Iran: Transnatio- nalism and Religious Authenticity in the Müslim World”, Irandan Studies, Vol. 40, No. 1, ss. 17-35.
  • Erdağ, Ramazan (2013), “Security Studies and International Terrorism”, European Scientific Journal, Vol. 9, No. 23, pp.62-73.
  • Fadlallah, Muhammad Husain (1981), Al-Islam wa Mantiq al-Quwwa, Be- irut, Al-Mussassah al Jamftyah M-Dirassat wal-Nashr wal-Tawzi.
  • Fığlali, Ethem Ruhi, “Şiiliğin Ortaya Çıkışı ve İran’da Din-Siyaset İlişki- si”, Avrasya Dosyası Şii Jeopolitiği, Cilt. 13, Sayı. 3, 2007, ss. 191-230.
  • Flanigan, Shawn Teresa ve Mounah Abdel-Samad (2009), “Hezbollah’s Social Jihad: Nonprofits as Resistance Organizations”, Middle East Policy, Vol. 16, No. 2, ss. 122-137.
  • Ghorayeb, Amal Saad (2002), Hezbollah: Politics & Religion, London, Pluto Press.
  • Ghorayeb, Amal Saad (2003), “Factors Conducive to the Politicazition of the Lebanese Shi’a and Emergence of Hizbullah”, Journal of Is- lamic Studies, Vol. 14, No. 3, ss. 273-307.
  • Gleis, Joshua L. ve Benedetta Berti (2012), Hezbollah and Hamas: A com- parative study, Baltimore, JHU Press.
  • Halliday, Fred (2008), Ortadoğu Hakkında 100 Mit, Can Cemgil (Çev.), İstanbul, İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları.
  • Hamzeh, A. Nizar (1993), “Lebanon’s Hizbullah: from Islamic Revolution to Parliamentary Accommodation”, Third World Quarterly, Vol. 14, No. 2, ss. 321-337.
  • Harb, Mona & Reinoud Leenders (2005), “Know thy enemy: Hizbullah, ‘terrorism’ and the politics of perception”, Thirld World Quarter- ly, Vol. 26, No. 2, ss. 173-197.
  • Hazran, Yusri (2010), “The Rise of Politicized Shi‘ite Religiosity and the Territorial State in Iraq and Lebanon”, Middle East Journal, Vol. 64, No. 4, ss. 521-541.
  • Husseini, Rola El (2010), “Hezbollah and the Axis of Refusal: Hamas, Iran and Syria”, Thirld World Quarterly, Vol 31, No. 5, ss. 803-815.
  • Jaber, Hala (1997), Hezbollah: Born with a vengeance, New York, Colum- bia University Press.
  • Khomeini, Imām Ruhollah ve Hamid Algar, Islamic government: gover- nance of the jurist, Alhoda, UK, 2002.
  • Köse, Talha (Der.) (2006), “Lübnan’da İstikrar Arayışları”, SETA Lübnan Raporu, Aralık, ss. 1-61.
  • Mavini, Hamid (2011), “Ayatullah Khomeini’s Concept of Governance (wilayat al-faqih) and the Classical Shi’is Doctrine of İmame- te” Middle Eastern Studies, Vol. 47, No. 5, ss. 807-824.
  • Mulaj, Klejda (2010), “Violent Non-State Actors: Exploring Their State Relations, and Operationality”, Kledja Mulaj (Der.), Violent Non- State Actors in World Politics, Columbia University Press, ss. 1-27.
  • NaṣrAllāh, Ḥasan (2007), Voice of Hezbollah: The Statements of Sayed Hassan Nasrallah, Nicholas Noe (Edit.,), New York,Verso Bo- oks.
  • Norton, Augustus Richard (2007), Hezbollah: A Short History, United Kingdom, Princeton University Press.
  • Norton, Augustus Richard (1987), Amal and the Shia: Struggle for the Soul, Austin, University of Texas Press.
  • Qassem, Naim (2005), Hizbullah: The Story from within, Dalia Khalii (Çev), London, SAQI.
  • Rabil, Robert G. (2008), “Hezbollah: Lebanon’s Power Broker”, The Jour- nal of International Security Affairs, Vol. 15, ss. 1-20
  • Rudner, Martin (2010), “Hizbullah: An Organizational and Operational Profile”, International Journal of Intelligence and CounterIntelli- gence, Vol. 23, No. 2, ss. 226-246.
  • Saab, Rufla Jüri Abi (2009), “Lebanese Shi’ite and The Marja’iyya: Pole- mic in the Late Twentieth Century”, British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, Vol. 36, No. 2, ss. 215-239.
  • Sami, Abbas William (2008), “A Stable Structure on Shifting Sands: As- sessing he Hizbullah-Iran-Syria Relationship”, Middle East Jour- nal, Vol. 62, No. 1, ss. 33-53.
  • Saouli, Adham (2003), “Lebanon’s Hizbullah; the Quest for Survival”, World Affairs, Vol. 166, No. 2, ss. 71-80.
  • Shanahan, Rodger (2005), The Shia of Lebanon: Clans, Parties and Cleri- cs, ILondon, Touris Academic Studies.
  • Shapira, Shimon (1988), “The Origins of Hizballah”, Jerusalem Quarterly, Vol. 46, ss. 115-130.
  • Taflıoğlu, Serkan (2013), “İran İslam Cumhuriyeti’nde Egemenlik ve Meş- ruiyet Kaynağı ‘Velayet-i Faqih’”, Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Der- gisi, Cilt. 68, No. 3, ss. 95-112.
  • Wege, Carl Anthony, “Hizbollah Organization”, Studies in Conflict&Terro- rism, Vol. 17, 1994, ss. 151-164.
  • Weiss, Max (2010), In the Shadow of Sectarianism: Law, Shi’ism, and the making of Modern Lebanon, London, Harvard University Press.
  • Wiegand, Krista E. (2009), “Reformation of a Terrorist Group: Hezbollah as a Lebanese Political Party”, Studies in Conflict&Terrorism, Vol. 32, ss. 669-680.
  • Uyar, Mazlum (2007), “Şii Siyasi Düşüncesi Bağlamında İran İslam Cum- huriyeti Anayasasında Otoritenin Kaynağı”, Avrasya Dosyası Şii Jeopolitiği, Cilt. 13, Sayı. 3, ss. 232-250.
  • ………Açık Mektup Orijinal (Arapça) Metni les/2010/07/Hizbullahs-Open-Letter-Arabic.pdf, (25.05.2015)
  • ………“Open Letter”,, (25.10.2011).
There are 48 citations in total.


Journal Section Makaleler

Mustafa Yetim

Publication Date April 18, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2015 Volume: 2 Issue: 2


APA Yetim, M. (2016). Şiddet Eğilimli ve Direniş Temelli Şii Aktivizmi: Hizbullah’ın Fikirsel ve Örgütsel Zemini. Türkiye Ortadoğu Çalışmaları Dergisi, 2(2), 59-88.

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