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Students’ Preferences And Opinions On Design 
Of A Mobile Marketing Education Application

Year 2014, , - , 01.03.2014


The purpose of this study was to define and better understand business school students’ opinions and preferences on the design of a mobile marketing education application. To accomplish this purpose an explanatory mixed methods study design was used and the data was collected sequentially. First, a questionnaire was conducted with 168 business school students from Anadolu University to define their learning styles. The learning orientation questionnaire produced five factors: visual, auditory, dependent, collaborative, and reading & writing learning styles. In the second phase of the study, semi-structured in depth interviews were conducted with nine graduate students at Anadolu University to better understand their preferences and explore their opinions on the mobile application. After the coding process three themes emerged: learning styles, content, and tools. Added to these themes, eight motives for the use of a mobile marketing education application were also identified.


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  • Clarke III, I, & Flaherty, T.B. (2002). MLearning: Using wireless technology to enhance marketing education. Marketing Education Review, 12(3), 67-76.
  • Cochrane, T. (2013). A Summary and critique of m-learning research and practice. In Z.L.
  • Berge & L. Muilenburg (Eds.) Handbook of mobile learning, (pp. 24-34). Newyork, USA: Routledge. Coffield, F., Moseley, D., Hall, E. & Ecclestone, K. (2004). Learning styles and pedagogy in post-16 learning. A systematic and critical review, learning and skills research center (Great
  • Britain) (LSRC). Retrieved 8 October 2013, from
  • Cook, J. (2009). Phases of mobile Learning. Paper presented at joint European summer school on technology enhanced learning (May 30-June 6). Retrieved 7 July 2013, from:
  • Creswell, J. W. (2008). Educational research: Planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative and qualitative research. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education International.
  • Crompton, H. (2013). An historical overview of mLearning: Toward learner-centered education. In Z. L. Berge & L. Muilenburg (Eds.) Handbook of mobile learning, (pp. 3-14).
  • Newyork, USA: Routledge. Cury, L. (1983). Learning style in continuing education. Halifax, Canada: Dalhousie University.
  • Frogber, D., Goth, C. & Schwabe, G. (2009). Mobile learning projects – A critical analysis of the state of the art. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 25(4), 307-331.
  • Hunt, L., Eagle, L. and Kitchen, P.J. (2004). ‘Balancing marketing education and information technology: Matching needs or needing a better match?’, Journal of Marketing Education, vol.26, no.1, April, pp. 75-88.
  • Grasha-Riechmann Student Learning Style Scales. Retrieved 19 July 2013, from
  • Hunt, L., Eagle, L. & Kitchen, P. J. (2004). Balancing marketing education and information technology: Matching needs or needing a better match?. Journal of Marketing Education, 26(1), 75-88
  • Information and Communication Technology Authority (ICTA)(2013). Türkiye Elektronik
  • Haberleşme Sektörü 3 Aylık Pazar Verileri Raporu, 2013 Yılı 2. Çeyrek Nisan-Mayıs-Haziran’,
  • [Turkey Electronic Communication Sector 3-Month Marketing Data Report, Year 2013
  • Second Quarter April-May-June]. Retrieved 15 August 2013, from
  • Jeffrey, LM. (2009). Learning orientations: Diversity in higher education. Learning And Individual Differences, 19(2), 195-208.
  • Jones, E. R. and Martinez, M. (2001). “Learning orientations in university web-based courses”. Retrieved 1 July 2013, from pb=true&_&ERICExtSearch_SearchValue_0=ED466597&ERICExtSearch_SearchType_0=no &accno=ED466597
  • Johnson, L., Adams, S., and Cummins, M. (2012).
The NMC Horizon Report: 2012 Higher
  • Education Edition. Austin, Texas: The New Media Consortium. Retrieved from 1 July 2013,
  • Johnson, L., Smith, R., Willis, H., Levine, A., & Haywood, K., (2011). The 2011 Horizon
  • Report. Austin, Texas: The New Media Consortium. Retrieved 10 Ocak 2013 from
  • Karadeniz, S. (2008). Learning styles in teaching of information technologies. In
  • D.Deryakulu (Ed), Socio-psychologic variables in teaching in information technologies (pp 175-206). Ankara: Maya Akademi Khaddage, F & Latteman, C. (2013). The Future of mobile Apps for teaching and learning. In
  • Z. L. Berge & L. Muilenburg (Eds.) Handbook of mobile learning, (pp. 119-128). Newyork, USA: Routledge. Kinshuk, Lin, T. (2004). Application of learning styles adaptivity in mobile learning environments. Third Pan Commonwealth Forum on Open Learning, Dunedin, New Zealand, Retrieved 7 July 2013
  • Knowles, M. S. (1990). The Adult Learner: a neglected species (4th edition). Houston: Gulf Publishing.
  • Lowe, B. & Laffey, D. (2011). Is Twitter for the birds?: Using Twitter to enhance student learning in a marketing course, Journal of Marketing Education, 33(2), 183-192.
  • Martinez, M. (2004). “Learning orientation research overview”. Retrieved 1 July, 2013, from
  • Q’Malley, C., Vavoula, G., Glew, J. P., Taylor, J., & Sharples, M. (2005). Guidelines for learning/teaching/tutoring in a mobile environment. Retrieved 15 July, 2009, from
  • Ozdamar-Keskin, N & Metcalf, D. (2011). The current perspectives, theories and practices of mobile learning. TOJET: The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 10(2), 202- 20
  • Ozdamar Keskin, N., Telli Yamomato, G., Traxler, J., Royle, K. & Ugur Demiray and D. A (2012). Multiplatform m-learning system for more qualified courses, In S. Gulsecen, Z. Ayvaz
  • Reis, C. Selcukcan Erol (Eds), Proceedings of Future e-Learning 2012- IV. International
  • Future Learning Conference (pp. 520-532), Istanbul University, Turkey. Pashler, H., McDaniel, M., Rohrer, D., & Bjork, R. (2009). Learning styles: Concepts and evidence. Psychological Science in the Public Interest, 9, 105-119.
  • Sadler-Smith, E. & Riding, R. (1999). Cognitive style and instructional preferences.
  • Instructional Science, 27, 355-371. Santandreu, R.J. & Shurden, M.C. (2012). Tablets in business education: Student experiences and expectations, Proceedings of ASBBS Annual Conference: Las Vegas, 19 (1), 774-780.
  • Shariffudin, R.S., Julia-Guan, C.H., Dayang, T., Mislan, N & Lee, M.F. ( 2012). Mobile learning environments for diverse learners in higher education. International Journal of Future
  • Computer and Communication, 1(1), 32-35. Simsek, A. (2004). Learning Styles. In Y. Kuzgun, D.Deryakulu (Eds), Individual Differences in Education (pp 95-136). Ankara: Nobel Publishing
  • VARK A Guide to Learning Styles, Retrieved 10 July 2013, from http://www.vark-
  • Yau, J. Y-K. & Joy, M. S. (2006). Application of learning styles for effective mobile learning.
  • In: Mobile Learning 2006, 16-21 Jul 2006, Dublin, Eire. Retrieved 10 July 2013, from
Year 2014, , - , 01.03.2014



  • Acar, O. (2013, May 20). ‘Türkiye’de Akıllı Telefon Kullanımı İstatistikleri ve Mobil
  • Bankacılığa Etkisi’, [“Usage of Smart Phones Statistics in Turkey and the Effect of Mobile Banking”].
  • Retrieved 25 September 2013.
  • Clarke III, I, & Flaherty, T.B. (2002). MLearning: Using wireless technology to enhance marketing education. Marketing Education Review, 12(3), 67-76.
  • Cochrane, T. (2013). A Summary and critique of m-learning research and practice. In Z.L.
  • Berge & L. Muilenburg (Eds.) Handbook of mobile learning, (pp. 24-34). Newyork, USA: Routledge. Coffield, F., Moseley, D., Hall, E. & Ecclestone, K. (2004). Learning styles and pedagogy in post-16 learning. A systematic and critical review, learning and skills research center (Great
  • Britain) (LSRC). Retrieved 8 October 2013, from
  • Cook, J. (2009). Phases of mobile Learning. Paper presented at joint European summer school on technology enhanced learning (May 30-June 6). Retrieved 7 July 2013, from:
  • Creswell, J. W. (2008). Educational research: Planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative and qualitative research. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education International.
  • Crompton, H. (2013). An historical overview of mLearning: Toward learner-centered education. In Z. L. Berge & L. Muilenburg (Eds.) Handbook of mobile learning, (pp. 3-14).
  • Newyork, USA: Routledge. Cury, L. (1983). Learning style in continuing education. Halifax, Canada: Dalhousie University.
  • Frogber, D., Goth, C. & Schwabe, G. (2009). Mobile learning projects – A critical analysis of the state of the art. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 25(4), 307-331.
  • Hunt, L., Eagle, L. and Kitchen, P.J. (2004). ‘Balancing marketing education and information technology: Matching needs or needing a better match?’, Journal of Marketing Education, vol.26, no.1, April, pp. 75-88.
  • Grasha-Riechmann Student Learning Style Scales. Retrieved 19 July 2013, from
  • Hunt, L., Eagle, L. & Kitchen, P. J. (2004). Balancing marketing education and information technology: Matching needs or needing a better match?. Journal of Marketing Education, 26(1), 75-88
  • Information and Communication Technology Authority (ICTA)(2013). Türkiye Elektronik
  • Haberleşme Sektörü 3 Aylık Pazar Verileri Raporu, 2013 Yılı 2. Çeyrek Nisan-Mayıs-Haziran’,
  • [Turkey Electronic Communication Sector 3-Month Marketing Data Report, Year 2013
  • Second Quarter April-May-June]. Retrieved 15 August 2013, from
  • Jeffrey, LM. (2009). Learning orientations: Diversity in higher education. Learning And Individual Differences, 19(2), 195-208.
  • Jones, E. R. and Martinez, M. (2001). “Learning orientations in university web-based courses”. Retrieved 1 July 2013, from pb=true&_&ERICExtSearch_SearchValue_0=ED466597&ERICExtSearch_SearchType_0=no &accno=ED466597
  • Johnson, L., Adams, S., and Cummins, M. (2012).
The NMC Horizon Report: 2012 Higher
  • Education Edition. Austin, Texas: The New Media Consortium. Retrieved from 1 July 2013,
  • Johnson, L., Smith, R., Willis, H., Levine, A., & Haywood, K., (2011). The 2011 Horizon
  • Report. Austin, Texas: The New Media Consortium. Retrieved 10 Ocak 2013 from
  • Karadeniz, S. (2008). Learning styles in teaching of information technologies. In
  • D.Deryakulu (Ed), Socio-psychologic variables in teaching in information technologies (pp 175-206). Ankara: Maya Akademi Khaddage, F & Latteman, C. (2013). The Future of mobile Apps for teaching and learning. In
  • Z. L. Berge & L. Muilenburg (Eds.) Handbook of mobile learning, (pp. 119-128). Newyork, USA: Routledge. Kinshuk, Lin, T. (2004). Application of learning styles adaptivity in mobile learning environments. Third Pan Commonwealth Forum on Open Learning, Dunedin, New Zealand, Retrieved 7 July 2013
  • Knowles, M. S. (1990). The Adult Learner: a neglected species (4th edition). Houston: Gulf Publishing.
  • Lowe, B. & Laffey, D. (2011). Is Twitter for the birds?: Using Twitter to enhance student learning in a marketing course, Journal of Marketing Education, 33(2), 183-192.
  • Martinez, M. (2004). “Learning orientation research overview”. Retrieved 1 July, 2013, from
  • Q’Malley, C., Vavoula, G., Glew, J. P., Taylor, J., & Sharples, M. (2005). Guidelines for learning/teaching/tutoring in a mobile environment. Retrieved 15 July, 2009, from
  • Ozdamar-Keskin, N & Metcalf, D. (2011). The current perspectives, theories and practices of mobile learning. TOJET: The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 10(2), 202- 20
  • Ozdamar Keskin, N., Telli Yamomato, G., Traxler, J., Royle, K. & Ugur Demiray and D. A (2012). Multiplatform m-learning system for more qualified courses, In S. Gulsecen, Z. Ayvaz
  • Reis, C. Selcukcan Erol (Eds), Proceedings of Future e-Learning 2012- IV. International
  • Future Learning Conference (pp. 520-532), Istanbul University, Turkey. Pashler, H., McDaniel, M., Rohrer, D., & Bjork, R. (2009). Learning styles: Concepts and evidence. Psychological Science in the Public Interest, 9, 105-119.
  • Sadler-Smith, E. & Riding, R. (1999). Cognitive style and instructional preferences.
  • Instructional Science, 27, 355-371. Santandreu, R.J. & Shurden, M.C. (2012). Tablets in business education: Student experiences and expectations, Proceedings of ASBBS Annual Conference: Las Vegas, 19 (1), 774-780.
  • Shariffudin, R.S., Julia-Guan, C.H., Dayang, T., Mislan, N & Lee, M.F. ( 2012). Mobile learning environments for diverse learners in higher education. International Journal of Future
  • Computer and Communication, 1(1), 32-35. Simsek, A. (2004). Learning Styles. In Y. Kuzgun, D.Deryakulu (Eds), Individual Differences in Education (pp 95-136). Ankara: Nobel Publishing
  • VARK A Guide to Learning Styles, Retrieved 10 July 2013, from http://www.vark-
  • Yau, J. Y-K. & Joy, M. S. (2006). Application of learning styles for effective mobile learning.
  • In: Mobile Learning 2006, 16-21 Jul 2006, Dublin, Eire. Retrieved 10 July 2013, from
There are 43 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

F. Zeynep Ozata This is me

Nilgun OZDAMAR Keskın This is me

Publication Date March 1, 2014
Submission Date February 27, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2014


APA Ozata, F. Z., & Keskın, N. O. (2014). Students’ Preferences And Opinions On Design 
Of A Mobile Marketing Education Application. Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education, 15(1).