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Students’ Performance At Tutorial Online Of 
Social Studies Through The Use Of Learning Cycle Model

Year 2014, , 229 - 247, 01.12.2014


The purpose of the study is to describe student’s performance in tutorial online (tuton) of Social Studies through developing the 5Es - Engage Explore, Explain, Elaborate, and Evaluate- Learning Cycle Model (the 5Es-LCM). The study conducted at UT-Online portal uses the Research and Development (R&D) method. The research subjects consisted of 21 UT’s students from 16 UT’s Regional Center (UPBJJ) in Indonesia. Data collected use the documentation and validation techniques and analyzed use the descriptive-percentage techniques. Qualitatively, student’s performance is ‘low’, viewed from their activities/participations in initiation, discussion, and ask-questions forums. Qualitatively, however, the quality of their performance is 'good', viewed from processes and contents of discussion and ask-questions; timeliness in the completion and scores of assignments; and competencies achieved. Some factors cause the low of students’ performance in the tuton are the limited time for access, and technical factors.


  • Acikalin, M. (2010). Exemplary social studies teachers use of computer-supported instruction in the classroom. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology- TOJET, 9(4), 66-82.
  • Acikalin, M., & Duru, E. (2005). The use of computer technologies in the social studies classroom. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology-TOJET, 4(2), 18-26.
  • Adji, S., & Wahyuni, S. (2010). Model Pembelajaran Problem-Based Learning (PBL) pada
  • Tutorial Online. Researh report. Jakarta: LPPM-UT. Afriani. (2007). Analisis pemanfaatan tutorial online mata kuliah Writing 1. Jurnal
  • Pendidikan Terbuka dan Jarak Jauh, 8(1), 15 -23. Andriani, D. (2005). Mahasiswa S2 pada sistem pendidikan jarak jauh: Pemanfaatan internet dan bantuan belajar. Jurnal Pendidikan Terbuka dan Jarak Jauh, 6(2), 77-91.
  • Aprijani, D. A., et al. (2009). Analisis kualitas layanan sistem e-learning berbasis open source moodle dalam tutorial online di Universitas Terbuka. Research report. Jakarta: LPPM-UT.
  • Ayas, C. (2006). An examination of the relationship between the integration of technology into social studies and consructivist pedagogies. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology-TOJET, 5(1), 14-25.
  • Bammer, G. (2008). The case for a new discipline of integration and implementation sciences i2s. Integration Insights, 6, 1-5.
  • Bandalaria, M. P. (2003). Shifting to online tutorial support system: A synthesis of experience. Jurnal Pendidikan Terbuka dan Jarak Jauh, 4(1), 32–41.
  • Barr, R. D., Barth, J.L., & Shermis, S. S. (1977). Defining the Social Studies. Virginia:
  • National Council for the Social Studies. Barr, R. D., Barth, J. L., & Shermis, S. S. (1978). The Nature of the Social Studies. Palm
  • Spring CA: ETC Publications. BPS. (2012). Perkembangan Beberapa Indikator Utama Sosial-Ekonomi Indonesia.
  • Jakarta: Badan Pusat Statistik. Braun, J. A., & Risinger, C. F. (Eds). (1999). Surfing social studies: Thee intemet book.
  • Washington, D.C.: National Council for the Social Studies. Bybee, R. W. (2009, January). The bscs 5e instructional model and 21st-century skills. A
  • Commissioned Paper Prepared For A Workshop on Exploring the Intersection of Science Education and the Development of 21st-Century Skills. Bybee, R. W. et al. (2006). The BSCS 5E Instructional Model: Origins and Effectiveness.
  • Colorado Springs, CO: BSCS. Daniel, J. S. (1995). The mega-universities and the knowledge media: Implications of new technologies for large distance teaching universities. Unpublished master’s Thesis,
  • Concordia University. Darmayanti, (2002). Kemauan belajar learning volition mahasiswa pendidikan jarak jauah studi kasus di Universitas Terbuka. Jurnal Pendidikan Terbuka dan Jarak Jauh, 3(1), 51-60.
  • Darmayanti, T. (2008). Efektivitas intervensi keterampilan self-regulated learning dan keteladanan dalam meningkatkan kemampuan belajar mandiri dan prestasi belajar mahasiswa pendidikan jarak jauh. Jurnal Pendidikan Terbuka dan Jarak Jauh. 9(2), 68-82.
  • Darmayanti, T. Rachmatini, M., Karim, F., & Nurhayati, R. (2011). Studi jangka panjang tentang efektivitas intervensi psikologis dalam meningkatkan kemampuan belajar mandiri dan prestasi belajar mahasiswa pendidikan jarak jauh. Jurnal Pendidikan
  • Terbuka dan Jarak Jauh. 12(1), 1-18. Darmayanti, T., Setiani, M. Y., & Oetojo, B. (2007). E-learning pada pendidikan jarak jauh: konsep yang mengubah metode pembelajaran di perguruan tinggi di Indonesia.
  • Jurnal Pendidikan Terbuka dan Jarak Jauh, 8(2), 99-113. Daulay, P. (2009). Pemanfaatan ict center dalam peningkatan akses sumber belajar bagi mahasiswa Universitas Terbuka, Jurnal Pendidikan Terbuka dan Jarak Jauh, 10(1), 18-29.
  • Diem, R. (1983). Technology and the social studies: Issues and responsibilities. Social Education, 47(5), 308-310, 313.
  • Dillon, J., et al. (2006). The value of outdoor learning: Evidence from research in the UK and elsewhere. School Science Review, 87 (320), 107-113.
  • Doolittle, P. E., & David, H. (2003). Constructivism as a theoretical foundation for the use of technology in social studies. Theory & Research in Social Education, 31(1), 72-104.
  • Hanafi, Julaeha, S., & Noviyanti, M. (2008). The application of e-learning in tutorial process, Jurnal Pendidikan Terbuka dan Jarak Jauh, 9(1), 24-30.
  • Herman. (2013). The needs of collaboration in operating an open and distance learning institution: UT case. Jurnal Pendidikan, 14(1), 31-37.
  • Huang, K-J., Lin, T-C., Graf, S., Lin, Y-C. (2008). Embedding mobile technology to outdoor natural science learning based on the 7e-learning cycle. Proceedings of World
  • Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2008, Chesapeake, VA: AACE.
  • Kadarko, W. (2000). Kemampuan belajar mandiri dan faktor-faktor psikososial yang mempengaruhinya: Kasus Universitas Terbuka. Jurnal Pendidikan Terbuka dan Jarak Jauh, 1(1), 18-28.
  • Karplus, R. (2003). Introductory physics: A model approach. New York: Captains
  • Engineering Services. Liu, T-C., Peng, H., Wu, W-H., & Lin, M-S. (2009). The effects of mobile natural-science learning based on the 5e learning cycle: A case study. Educational Technology & Society, 12(4), 344-358.
  • Martin-Hauser, L. (2002). Defining inquiry. The Science Teacher, 69 (2), 34–37.
  • Martorella, P. (1977). Interactive Technologies on the Social Studies: Emerging Issues and Applications. Albany: State University of New York Press.
  • NCSS. (2010). National Curriculum Standards for Social Studies: A Framework for
  • Teaching, Learning, and Assessment. Silver Spring, MD: National Council for Social Studies. Pokja Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK). (2006). Laporan hasil kunjungan kerja
  • Universitas Terbuka. Jakarta: Kemendiknas. Puspitasari, K. A. (2002). Layanan bantuan bagi mahasiswa Universitas Terbuka. In T.
  • Belawati, dkk (eds). Pendidikan terbuka dan jarak jauh (pp. 315-333). Jakarta: Universitas Terbuka. Puspitasari, K. A., & Huda, N. (2000). Reviu hasil penelitian tentang tutorial di universitas terbuka. Jurnal Pendidikan Terbuka dan Jarak Jauh, 1(1), 28-35.
  • Puspitasari, K. A., & Islam, S. (2003). Kesiapan belajar mandiri mahasiswa dan calon potensial mahasiswa pada pendidikan jarak jauh di Indonesia. Jurnal Pendidikan
  • Terbuka dan Jarak Jauh. 4(1), 11-22. Rafaeli, S., Ravid, G., & Soroka, V. (2004, January 5-8). De-lurking in virtual communities: A social communication network approach to measuring the effects of social and cultural capital. Proceedings of the 37th Hawaii International Conference on
  • System Sciences, Hawaii. Soroka, V., & Rafaeli, S. (2006, May 23–26). Invisible Participants: How Cultural Capital
  • Relates to Lurking Behavior. Proceedings on the International World Wide Web Conference Committee (IW3C2), Edinburgh, Scotland. Speedy Wiki (2011). RT/RW-net. Retrieved February 12, 2014 from
  • Sugilar. (2000). Kesiapan belajar mandiri peserta pendidikan jarak jauh. Jurnal
  • Pendidikan Terbuka dan Jarak Jauh, 1(2), 1-8. Sukarsih, Y. (2005). Pemanfaatan layanan online di institusi pendidikan jarak jauh,
  • Jurnal Pendidikan Terbuka dan Jarak Jauh, 6(2), 69-76. Teo, H.H., Chan, H.C., Wei, K.K., and Zhang, Z.J. (2003). Evaluating information accessibility and community adaptively features for sustaining virtual-learning communities, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 59(5), 671-697.
  • Thiagarajan, S., Semmel, D.S., & Semmel, M. I. (1974). Instructional development for training teachers of expectional children. Minneapolis, Minnesota: Leadership Training
  • Institute/Special Education, University of Minnesota. UNDP-APDIP. (2011). Promoting ict for human development in Asia: Realizing the millennium development goals. India: Elsevier.
  • UT. (2012, September 7). Wamendikbud Resmikan 10 Gedung. Retrieved February 17, 2014 from
  • UT. (2014, February 2). Fasilitas Gratis “Teknologi Cloud” bagi Mahasiswa UT. Retrieved
  • February 17, 2014 from
  • Windschitl, M. (2003). Inquiry projects in science teacher education: What can investigative experiences reveal about teacher thinking and eventual classroom practice? Science education, 87 (1), 112-143.
  • Yoenianto, A. (2013). 18.000 sekolah terkoneksi jaringan internet. Retrieved November 7, 2013 from
Year 2014, , 229 - 247, 01.12.2014



  • Acikalin, M. (2010). Exemplary social studies teachers use of computer-supported instruction in the classroom. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology- TOJET, 9(4), 66-82.
  • Acikalin, M., & Duru, E. (2005). The use of computer technologies in the social studies classroom. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology-TOJET, 4(2), 18-26.
  • Adji, S., & Wahyuni, S. (2010). Model Pembelajaran Problem-Based Learning (PBL) pada
  • Tutorial Online. Researh report. Jakarta: LPPM-UT. Afriani. (2007). Analisis pemanfaatan tutorial online mata kuliah Writing 1. Jurnal
  • Pendidikan Terbuka dan Jarak Jauh, 8(1), 15 -23. Andriani, D. (2005). Mahasiswa S2 pada sistem pendidikan jarak jauh: Pemanfaatan internet dan bantuan belajar. Jurnal Pendidikan Terbuka dan Jarak Jauh, 6(2), 77-91.
  • Aprijani, D. A., et al. (2009). Analisis kualitas layanan sistem e-learning berbasis open source moodle dalam tutorial online di Universitas Terbuka. Research report. Jakarta: LPPM-UT.
  • Ayas, C. (2006). An examination of the relationship between the integration of technology into social studies and consructivist pedagogies. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology-TOJET, 5(1), 14-25.
  • Bammer, G. (2008). The case for a new discipline of integration and implementation sciences i2s. Integration Insights, 6, 1-5.
  • Bandalaria, M. P. (2003). Shifting to online tutorial support system: A synthesis of experience. Jurnal Pendidikan Terbuka dan Jarak Jauh, 4(1), 32–41.
  • Barr, R. D., Barth, J.L., & Shermis, S. S. (1977). Defining the Social Studies. Virginia:
  • National Council for the Social Studies. Barr, R. D., Barth, J. L., & Shermis, S. S. (1978). The Nature of the Social Studies. Palm
  • Spring CA: ETC Publications. BPS. (2012). Perkembangan Beberapa Indikator Utama Sosial-Ekonomi Indonesia.
  • Jakarta: Badan Pusat Statistik. Braun, J. A., & Risinger, C. F. (Eds). (1999). Surfing social studies: Thee intemet book.
  • Washington, D.C.: National Council for the Social Studies. Bybee, R. W. (2009, January). The bscs 5e instructional model and 21st-century skills. A
  • Commissioned Paper Prepared For A Workshop on Exploring the Intersection of Science Education and the Development of 21st-Century Skills. Bybee, R. W. et al. (2006). The BSCS 5E Instructional Model: Origins and Effectiveness.
  • Colorado Springs, CO: BSCS. Daniel, J. S. (1995). The mega-universities and the knowledge media: Implications of new technologies for large distance teaching universities. Unpublished master’s Thesis,
  • Concordia University. Darmayanti, (2002). Kemauan belajar learning volition mahasiswa pendidikan jarak jauah studi kasus di Universitas Terbuka. Jurnal Pendidikan Terbuka dan Jarak Jauh, 3(1), 51-60.
  • Darmayanti, T. (2008). Efektivitas intervensi keterampilan self-regulated learning dan keteladanan dalam meningkatkan kemampuan belajar mandiri dan prestasi belajar mahasiswa pendidikan jarak jauh. Jurnal Pendidikan Terbuka dan Jarak Jauh. 9(2), 68-82.
  • Darmayanti, T. Rachmatini, M., Karim, F., & Nurhayati, R. (2011). Studi jangka panjang tentang efektivitas intervensi psikologis dalam meningkatkan kemampuan belajar mandiri dan prestasi belajar mahasiswa pendidikan jarak jauh. Jurnal Pendidikan
  • Terbuka dan Jarak Jauh. 12(1), 1-18. Darmayanti, T., Setiani, M. Y., & Oetojo, B. (2007). E-learning pada pendidikan jarak jauh: konsep yang mengubah metode pembelajaran di perguruan tinggi di Indonesia.
  • Jurnal Pendidikan Terbuka dan Jarak Jauh, 8(2), 99-113. Daulay, P. (2009). Pemanfaatan ict center dalam peningkatan akses sumber belajar bagi mahasiswa Universitas Terbuka, Jurnal Pendidikan Terbuka dan Jarak Jauh, 10(1), 18-29.
  • Diem, R. (1983). Technology and the social studies: Issues and responsibilities. Social Education, 47(5), 308-310, 313.
  • Dillon, J., et al. (2006). The value of outdoor learning: Evidence from research in the UK and elsewhere. School Science Review, 87 (320), 107-113.
  • Doolittle, P. E., & David, H. (2003). Constructivism as a theoretical foundation for the use of technology in social studies. Theory & Research in Social Education, 31(1), 72-104.
  • Hanafi, Julaeha, S., & Noviyanti, M. (2008). The application of e-learning in tutorial process, Jurnal Pendidikan Terbuka dan Jarak Jauh, 9(1), 24-30.
  • Herman. (2013). The needs of collaboration in operating an open and distance learning institution: UT case. Jurnal Pendidikan, 14(1), 31-37.
  • Huang, K-J., Lin, T-C., Graf, S., Lin, Y-C. (2008). Embedding mobile technology to outdoor natural science learning based on the 7e-learning cycle. Proceedings of World
  • Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2008, Chesapeake, VA: AACE.
  • Kadarko, W. (2000). Kemampuan belajar mandiri dan faktor-faktor psikososial yang mempengaruhinya: Kasus Universitas Terbuka. Jurnal Pendidikan Terbuka dan Jarak Jauh, 1(1), 18-28.
  • Karplus, R. (2003). Introductory physics: A model approach. New York: Captains
  • Engineering Services. Liu, T-C., Peng, H., Wu, W-H., & Lin, M-S. (2009). The effects of mobile natural-science learning based on the 5e learning cycle: A case study. Educational Technology & Society, 12(4), 344-358.
  • Martin-Hauser, L. (2002). Defining inquiry. The Science Teacher, 69 (2), 34–37.
  • Martorella, P. (1977). Interactive Technologies on the Social Studies: Emerging Issues and Applications. Albany: State University of New York Press.
  • NCSS. (2010). National Curriculum Standards for Social Studies: A Framework for
  • Teaching, Learning, and Assessment. Silver Spring, MD: National Council for Social Studies. Pokja Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK). (2006). Laporan hasil kunjungan kerja
  • Universitas Terbuka. Jakarta: Kemendiknas. Puspitasari, K. A. (2002). Layanan bantuan bagi mahasiswa Universitas Terbuka. In T.
  • Belawati, dkk (eds). Pendidikan terbuka dan jarak jauh (pp. 315-333). Jakarta: Universitas Terbuka. Puspitasari, K. A., & Huda, N. (2000). Reviu hasil penelitian tentang tutorial di universitas terbuka. Jurnal Pendidikan Terbuka dan Jarak Jauh, 1(1), 28-35.
  • Puspitasari, K. A., & Islam, S. (2003). Kesiapan belajar mandiri mahasiswa dan calon potensial mahasiswa pada pendidikan jarak jauh di Indonesia. Jurnal Pendidikan
  • Terbuka dan Jarak Jauh. 4(1), 11-22. Rafaeli, S., Ravid, G., & Soroka, V. (2004, January 5-8). De-lurking in virtual communities: A social communication network approach to measuring the effects of social and cultural capital. Proceedings of the 37th Hawaii International Conference on
  • System Sciences, Hawaii. Soroka, V., & Rafaeli, S. (2006, May 23–26). Invisible Participants: How Cultural Capital
  • Relates to Lurking Behavior. Proceedings on the International World Wide Web Conference Committee (IW3C2), Edinburgh, Scotland. Speedy Wiki (2011). RT/RW-net. Retrieved February 12, 2014 from
  • Sugilar. (2000). Kesiapan belajar mandiri peserta pendidikan jarak jauh. Jurnal
  • Pendidikan Terbuka dan Jarak Jauh, 1(2), 1-8. Sukarsih, Y. (2005). Pemanfaatan layanan online di institusi pendidikan jarak jauh,
  • Jurnal Pendidikan Terbuka dan Jarak Jauh, 6(2), 69-76. Teo, H.H., Chan, H.C., Wei, K.K., and Zhang, Z.J. (2003). Evaluating information accessibility and community adaptively features for sustaining virtual-learning communities, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 59(5), 671-697.
  • Thiagarajan, S., Semmel, D.S., & Semmel, M. I. (1974). Instructional development for training teachers of expectional children. Minneapolis, Minnesota: Leadership Training
  • Institute/Special Education, University of Minnesota. UNDP-APDIP. (2011). Promoting ict for human development in Asia: Realizing the millennium development goals. India: Elsevier.
  • UT. (2012, September 7). Wamendikbud Resmikan 10 Gedung. Retrieved February 17, 2014 from
  • UT. (2014, February 2). Fasilitas Gratis “Teknologi Cloud” bagi Mahasiswa UT. Retrieved
  • February 17, 2014 from
  • Windschitl, M. (2003). Inquiry projects in science teacher education: What can investigative experiences reveal about teacher thinking and eventual classroom practice? Science education, 87 (1), 112-143.
  • Yoenianto, A. (2013). 18.000 sekolah terkoneksi jaringan internet. Retrieved November 7, 2013 from
There are 51 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Mohammad İmam Farısı This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2014
Submission Date February 27, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2014


APA Farısı, M. İ. (2014). Students’ Performance At Tutorial Online Of 
Social Studies Through The Use Of Learning Cycle Model. Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education, 15(4), 229-247.