Research Article
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Year 2018, , 62 - 74, 01.01.2018



  • Balincourt, L. (2013). Concentration et adolescence : cherchez l’erreur ? [Concentration and adolescence: look for error?]. Le blog de developpement personnel pour les jeunes. Retrieved from concentration-chez-les-adolescents-comment-les-aider/ Barthes, R. (1961). Pour une psycho-sociologie de l'alimentation contemporaine [For a psycho-sociology of the contemporary diet]. In Annales, economies, societes, civilisations. Persee-Portail des revues scientifiques en SHS, 16(5), 977-986. Beggas, M. (2005). Modelisation par un systeme multi-agents d’un hypermedia educatif adaptatif [Modeling by a multi-agent system of an adaptive educational hypermedia]. Magister Informatique, Centre universitaire d’Eloeud. Boudjenah, A., Bruyas. A & Aurin, A. (2016). Comment l’intelligence artificielle s’est-elle developpee et jusqu’où va-t-elle progresser [How has artificial intelligence developed and how far will it go]. Retrieved from Avantages_Inconvenients.B.htm#Definition_et_contexte.A Christopher, R. (2014). L’attention [The attention]. Happy neuron Pro. Retrieved from Cosnefroy, L. (2011). L’Apprentissage autoregule: entre cognition et motivation [Selfregulated learning: between cognition and motivation]. Presses universitaires de Grenoble, 133-135. Delsarte & Nathalie. (2005). Stimulez votre memoire : memoire et concentration [Stimulate your memory: memory and concentration]. Online course, 1-9. Retrieved From =com_content&task=view&id=6&Itemid=5&limit=1&limitstart=6 Dreidemy, M. (2012). Concentration methode educative 3c et reussite scolaire [Concentration educational method 3c and school success]. Beroard Suzie, 1-51. Retrieved from Suzie-BEROARD.pdf Fab, V. (n.d.). Comment maintenir votre concentration à l’entrainement ou en competitions? [How to maintain your concentration in training or competitions?]. Retrieved from Ferber, J. (1999). Multi-agent systems: an introduction to distributed artificial intelligence, Reading: Addison-Wesley, 1. Frisch-Gauthier, J. (1961). Le rire dans les relations de travail [Laughter in labor relations]. Revue francaise de sociologie, 292-303. Goethe. (1832). Comment mieux memoriser. Guide de reflexion sur les strategies d’apprentissage à l’universite [How to better memorize. A Guide to reflecting on learning strategies at the university]. Universite du Quebec en AbitibiTemiscamingue.
  • Hery, I. (2016). Concentration et attention en profondeur : duree moyenne et duree ideale [Concentration and attention in depth: average duration and ideal duration]. Retrieved from Hodouin, M. (2016). Evaluer l'intelligence avec le QI, c'est depasse. Une equipe de profs à Yale a mis au point un outil de mesure de la concentration des etudiants [Evaluating intelligence with IQ is outdated. A team of teachers at Yale has developed a tool for measuring student concentration]. Slate-credit: Retrieved from 73 Hourst, B. (1997). Au bon plaisir d’apprendre [At the pleasure of learning]. ed. Intereditions, Paris. Kamsa, I., Elouahbi, R. & El Khoukhi, F. (2017). Intelligent Agents for Dynamic Optimization of Learner Performances in an Online System. Journal of Information Technology Education: Research (JITE: Research), 16, 31-45 Retrieved from Kamsa, I., Elghibari, F., Elouahbi, R., Chehbi, S. & El Khoukhi, F. (2015). Learning time planning in a distance learning system using intelligent agents. In Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training (ITHET), 2015 International Conference on, IEEE, 1-4. Retrieved from Kamsa, I., Elouahbi, R., El Khoukhi, F., Karite, T. & Zouiten, H. (2016). Optimizing collaborative learning path by ant's optimization technique in e-learning system. In Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training (ITHET), 15th International Conference on, IEEE, 1-5. Retrieved from L’activite intellectuelle intense consomme-t-elle plus de calories ? [Does intense intellectual activity consume more calories]. (2012) Retrieved from Lamontagne, D. (2014). Deploiement, encodage : comment mesure-t-on l’attention [Deployment, encoding: how is attention measured]. Thot cursus, formation et culture numerique. Retrieved from Lecourt, E. (2005). Decouvrir la musicotherapie [Discover music therapy]. Eyrolles. Longour, M. (2014). Etudiants, musclez votre concentration pour travailler efficace [Students, muscle your concentration to work effectively]. Retrieved from Les apports de la psychologie cognitive [The contributions of cognitive psychology]. (n.d.). Retrieved from Letarte, A. & Lafond, F. (1999). La Concentration et la gestion du temps [Concentration and time management]. Centre d’orientation et de consultation psychologique de l’Universite Laval. Levasseur, C. (2012). Methodes de travail efficaces [Effective working methods]. Hec Montreal, 1-15. Retrieved from
  • Atelier.etude.efficace.pdf Mead, P. (2002). Evolution des pauses dans l’apprentissage de l’interpretation consecutive [Evolution of pauses in the learning of consecutive interpretation]. These de doctorat, Universite lumiere Lyon 2. Musial, M., Pradenf, F., & Trlot, A. (2012). Comment concevoir un enseignement? [How to design a teaching?]. De Boeck. Poissant, H., Falardeau, M. & Poellhuber, B. (1993). L'attention en classe: fonctionnement et applications [Classroom attention: operation and applications]. McGill Journal of Education/Revue des sciences de l'education de McGill, vol. 28(2). Roulois, P. (2010). Apprendre : connexions et repetitions [Learning: connections and repetitions]. Retrieved from 74 Ruph, F. (2010). Guide de reflexion sur les strategies d’apprentissage à l’universite (2e ed.) [A guide to reflecting on learning strategies at the university]. RouynNoranda, Quebec: Universite du Quebec en Abitibi-Temiscamingue. Sablonniere, B. (2016). Les Nouveaux territoires du cerveau [The new territories of the brain]. Odile Jacob. Sorel-Tracy, C. (2013).La planification d’une lecon[Planning a lesson].La presse pedago,2. Une nouvelle etude explique pourquoi l'age nuit la concentration [A new study explains why age harms concentration]. (2008). Retrieved from Verner, R. (2015). Apres la mesure de l'intelligence, bientot le quotient de concentration? [After the measurement of intelligence, soon the quotient of concentration?]. Science & Sante. Retrieved from Zenon d'Elee, G. (n.d.). Controler son attention et gerer sa concentration [Control your attention and manage your concentration]. Retrieved from

Study Smart Not Hard

Year 2018, , 62 - 74, 01.01.2018


Learners’ concentration is an essential factor for learning and acquisition. The duration of concentration varies from one individual to another. Some learners have a long duration of concentration; whereas, others have a short one. Leaving the learner in front of a screen for a random duration is a strategy that does not optimize online learning. In this perspective, we have implemented an approach based on three intelligent agents customizing and adapting the learning time according to the learner's concentration time. The first agent is called "Detector Agent" (DA).The task of this agent is to measure the learner's concentration time and to detect the factors that may influence it. The second agent is named "Scheduler Agent" (SA). Its function is to cut the time of a session in proportion to the concentration time measured by DA and to program relaxing breaks in order to regenerate the degree of concentration. And finally, the third agent is called "Rectifier Agent" (RA). The latter is responsible for rectifying the factors that negatively influence the concentration of the learners. These agents continuously communicate between each other in order to ensure an efficient treatment. The experienced results show that the approach contributes effectively in the acquisition and the performance of learners. Success rates have risen sharply and the learners express a growing satisfaction.


  • Balincourt, L. (2013). Concentration et adolescence : cherchez l’erreur ? [Concentration and adolescence: look for error?]. Le blog de developpement personnel pour les jeunes. Retrieved from concentration-chez-les-adolescents-comment-les-aider/ Barthes, R. (1961). Pour une psycho-sociologie de l'alimentation contemporaine [For a psycho-sociology of the contemporary diet]. In Annales, economies, societes, civilisations. Persee-Portail des revues scientifiques en SHS, 16(5), 977-986. Beggas, M. (2005). Modelisation par un systeme multi-agents d’un hypermedia educatif adaptatif [Modeling by a multi-agent system of an adaptive educational hypermedia]. Magister Informatique, Centre universitaire d’Eloeud. Boudjenah, A., Bruyas. A & Aurin, A. (2016). Comment l’intelligence artificielle s’est-elle developpee et jusqu’où va-t-elle progresser [How has artificial intelligence developed and how far will it go]. Retrieved from Avantages_Inconvenients.B.htm#Definition_et_contexte.A Christopher, R. (2014). L’attention [The attention]. Happy neuron Pro. Retrieved from Cosnefroy, L. (2011). L’Apprentissage autoregule: entre cognition et motivation [Selfregulated learning: between cognition and motivation]. Presses universitaires de Grenoble, 133-135. Delsarte & Nathalie. (2005). Stimulez votre memoire : memoire et concentration [Stimulate your memory: memory and concentration]. Online course, 1-9. Retrieved From =com_content&task=view&id=6&Itemid=5&limit=1&limitstart=6 Dreidemy, M. (2012). Concentration methode educative 3c et reussite scolaire [Concentration educational method 3c and school success]. Beroard Suzie, 1-51. Retrieved from Suzie-BEROARD.pdf Fab, V. (n.d.). Comment maintenir votre concentration à l’entrainement ou en competitions? [How to maintain your concentration in training or competitions?]. Retrieved from Ferber, J. (1999). Multi-agent systems: an introduction to distributed artificial intelligence, Reading: Addison-Wesley, 1. Frisch-Gauthier, J. (1961). Le rire dans les relations de travail [Laughter in labor relations]. Revue francaise de sociologie, 292-303. Goethe. (1832). Comment mieux memoriser. Guide de reflexion sur les strategies d’apprentissage à l’universite [How to better memorize. A Guide to reflecting on learning strategies at the university]. Universite du Quebec en AbitibiTemiscamingue.
  • Hery, I. (2016). Concentration et attention en profondeur : duree moyenne et duree ideale [Concentration and attention in depth: average duration and ideal duration]. Retrieved from Hodouin, M. (2016). Evaluer l'intelligence avec le QI, c'est depasse. Une equipe de profs à Yale a mis au point un outil de mesure de la concentration des etudiants [Evaluating intelligence with IQ is outdated. A team of teachers at Yale has developed a tool for measuring student concentration]. Slate-credit: Retrieved from 73 Hourst, B. (1997). Au bon plaisir d’apprendre [At the pleasure of learning]. ed. Intereditions, Paris. Kamsa, I., Elouahbi, R. & El Khoukhi, F. (2017). Intelligent Agents for Dynamic Optimization of Learner Performances in an Online System. Journal of Information Technology Education: Research (JITE: Research), 16, 31-45 Retrieved from Kamsa, I., Elghibari, F., Elouahbi, R., Chehbi, S. & El Khoukhi, F. (2015). Learning time planning in a distance learning system using intelligent agents. In Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training (ITHET), 2015 International Conference on, IEEE, 1-4. Retrieved from Kamsa, I., Elouahbi, R., El Khoukhi, F., Karite, T. & Zouiten, H. (2016). Optimizing collaborative learning path by ant's optimization technique in e-learning system. In Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training (ITHET), 15th International Conference on, IEEE, 1-5. Retrieved from L’activite intellectuelle intense consomme-t-elle plus de calories ? [Does intense intellectual activity consume more calories]. (2012) Retrieved from Lamontagne, D. (2014). Deploiement, encodage : comment mesure-t-on l’attention [Deployment, encoding: how is attention measured]. Thot cursus, formation et culture numerique. Retrieved from Lecourt, E. (2005). Decouvrir la musicotherapie [Discover music therapy]. Eyrolles. Longour, M. (2014). Etudiants, musclez votre concentration pour travailler efficace [Students, muscle your concentration to work effectively]. Retrieved from Les apports de la psychologie cognitive [The contributions of cognitive psychology]. (n.d.). Retrieved from Letarte, A. & Lafond, F. (1999). La Concentration et la gestion du temps [Concentration and time management]. Centre d’orientation et de consultation psychologique de l’Universite Laval. Levasseur, C. (2012). Methodes de travail efficaces [Effective working methods]. Hec Montreal, 1-15. Retrieved from
  • Atelier.etude.efficace.pdf Mead, P. (2002). Evolution des pauses dans l’apprentissage de l’interpretation consecutive [Evolution of pauses in the learning of consecutive interpretation]. These de doctorat, Universite lumiere Lyon 2. Musial, M., Pradenf, F., & Trlot, A. (2012). Comment concevoir un enseignement? [How to design a teaching?]. De Boeck. Poissant, H., Falardeau, M. & Poellhuber, B. (1993). L'attention en classe: fonctionnement et applications [Classroom attention: operation and applications]. McGill Journal of Education/Revue des sciences de l'education de McGill, vol. 28(2). Roulois, P. (2010). Apprendre : connexions et repetitions [Learning: connections and repetitions]. Retrieved from 74 Ruph, F. (2010). Guide de reflexion sur les strategies d’apprentissage à l’universite (2e ed.) [A guide to reflecting on learning strategies at the university]. RouynNoranda, Quebec: Universite du Quebec en Abitibi-Temiscamingue. Sablonniere, B. (2016). Les Nouveaux territoires du cerveau [The new territories of the brain]. Odile Jacob. Sorel-Tracy, C. (2013).La planification d’une lecon[Planning a lesson].La presse pedago,2. Une nouvelle etude explique pourquoi l'age nuit la concentration [A new study explains why age harms concentration]. (2008). Retrieved from Verner, R. (2015). Apres la mesure de l'intelligence, bientot le quotient de concentration? [After the measurement of intelligence, soon the quotient of concentration?]. Science & Sante. Retrieved from Zenon d'Elee, G. (n.d.). Controler son attention et gerer sa concentration [Control your attention and manage your concentration]. Retrieved from
There are 3 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

İmane Kamsa This is me

Rachid Elouahbı This is me

Fatima El Khoukhı This is me

Publication Date January 1, 2018
Submission Date February 8, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2018


APA Kamsa, İ., Elouahbı, R., & El Khoukhı, F. (2018). Study Smart Not Hard. Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education, 19(1), 62-74.