Year 2018,
, 104 - 115, 01.10.2018
Beatrice Asante Somuah
Florence Muthoni Itegı
Samson İkinya Karıukı
- Abdu-Raheem, B. O. (2015). Parents ’ socio-economic status as predictor of secondary school
students’ academic performance in Ekiti State , Nigeria. Journal of Education and
Practice, 6(1), 123–129. Retrieved from
Adusah-Karikari, A. (2008). Experiences of women in higher education: A study of women
faculty administrators in selected public universities in Ghana. (Unpublished doctoral
thesis). Ohio University, Athens, Ohio.
Adu-Yeboah, C. (2011). Constructing higher education experiences through narratives:
Selected cases of mature underground women students in Ghana. Phd Thesis,
University of Sussex. Retrieved from
Al-Dossary, S. A. (2008). A study of the factors affecting student retention at King Saud
University, Saudi Arabia: Structural equation modelling and qualitative method.
Doctoral dissertation, University of Stirling.
American Association of University Women (2016). For women, student loan debt is an even
bigger crisis. Retrieved from
Bean, J. P. (2005). Nine themes of college student retention. In A. Seidman (Ed.), Student
college retention: Formula for student success . New York, NY: Rowman & Littlefield.
Bean, J. P., & Metzner, B. S. (1985). A conceptual model of nontraditional undergraduate
student attrition. Review of Educational Research, 55(4), 485–540.
Burrus, J., Elliott, D., Brenneman, M., Markle, R., Carney, L., Moore, G., … Roberts, R. D.
(2013). Putting and keeping students on track: Toward a comprehensive model of
college persistence and goal attainment. ETS Research Report. Retrieved from
Bynum, C. S. (2016). The relationship between state financial aid and student persistence
and success in college: An examination of Hispanic undocumented immigrant
students in Texas Community Colleges. Ph.D Dissertation, Florida State University
Carney-Crompton, S., & Tan, J. (2002). Support systems, psychological functioning, and
academic performance of nontraditional female students. Adult Education Quarterly,
52(2), 140- 154.
Creswell, J. W. (2014). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods
approaches. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.
Davidson, W. B., Hall, P. B., & Milligan, M. (2009). The college persistence questionnaire:
Development and validation of an instrument that predicts student attrition. Journal
of College Student Development, 50(4), 373–390.
Goldrick-Rab, S. (2016). Paying the price: College costs, financial aid, and the betrayal of the
American dream. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.
Goldrick-Rab, S. (2010). Challenges and opportunities for improving community college
student success. Review of Educational Research, 80(3), 437–469. Retrieved from
Hill, C. (2016). Pay gap especially harmful for black and Hispanic women struggling with
student debt. Retrieved from
Horn, A. S., & Reinert, L. (2014). Campus-based practices for promoting student success:
Financial aid. Illinois, USA: Midwestern Higher Education Compact.
Jansson, B., Bukuluki, P., Hojer, S. (2017). Higher education in Uganda: Gender, socioeconomic
status, geographical background and sponsorship in a group of social work
students at Makerere University. International Social Work.
Kitroeff, N., & Rodkin, J. (2015). The real payoff from an MBA is different for men and
women. Bloomberg Businessweek (October 20, 2015). Retrieved from
Khattak, S. G. (2013). Attitudes of parents towards contemporary female higher education in
KPK . Sky Journal of Educational Research Vol. 1(2), 9 -13.
Mamiseishvili, K., & Deggs, D. M. (2013). Factors affecting persistence and transfer of lowincome
students at public two-year institutions. Journal of College Student
Retention: Research, Theory & Practice, 15(3), 409–432. Retrieved from
McClusky, B. (2017). Investigating the relationships between education and culture for
female students in tertiary settings in the UAE. Doctoral thesis, School of Education,
Edith Cowan University. Retrieved from
Nielsen, K. (2015). ‘‘Fake it ’til you make it’’: Why community college students’ aspirations
‘‘hold steady’’. Sociology of Education, 88(4), 265–283. Retrieved from
Nordenmark, M. (2004). Multiple social roles and well-being: A longitudinal test of the role
stress theory and the role expansion theory. Acta Sociologica, 47(2), 115–126.
Nonis, S. A., & Hudson, G. I. (2006). Academic performance of college students: Influence of
time spent studying and working. Journal of Education for Business, 81(3), 151–159.
Onwuegbuzie, A. J. (2012). Introduction: Putting the mixed back into quantitative and
qualitative research in educational research and beyond: Moving towards the radical
middle. International Journal of Multiple Research Approaches, 6(3), 192–219.
Retrieved from
Paulsen, M. B., & St. John, E. P. (2002). Social class and college costs: Examining the
financial nexus between college choice and persistence. Journal of Higher Education,
73, 189–236.
Reay, D. (2003). A risky business? Mature working-class women students and access to
higher education. Gender and Education, 15(3), 301–317. Retrieved from
Renehan, S. (2015). Rising tuition in higher education: Should we be concerned? Visions for
the Liberal Arts, 1(1), Article 3. Retrieved from
Riel, B. (2011). The cultural context-United Arab Emirates. Eaton Consulting Group.
Retrieved from
Saleh, A., Yu, Q., Leslie, H. S., & Seydel, J. (2017). Gender equity, student loans and returns
on investment in American higher education. International Journal of Sociology of
Education, 6(2), 216-243.
Simpson, O. (2016). Student support services for success in open and distance learning.
Retrieved from www.researchgates.
Terriquez, V., & Gurantz, O. (2015). Financial challenges in emerging adulthood and students’
decisions to stop out of college. Emerging Adulthood, 3(3), 204–214.
Westrick, P., & Robbins, S. B. (2012). “Can do” vs. “will do”: The relative effects of ACT scores
and high school GPA on college performance and retention. Unpublished manuscript.
Financial Roles and its Effect on Persistence of Female Students in Distance Education Programs in Ghana
Year 2018,
, 104 - 115, 01.10.2018
Beatrice Asante Somuah
Florence Muthoni Itegı
Samson İkinya Karıukı
In recent times when there has been a shift in public benefit of education from the higher education to basic education, beneficiaries of higher education take responsibilities of most of their financial commitments as students. The focus of the study was to find out the extent to which financial responsibilities affect the persistence of female students accessing higher education through the distance education programs. A correlational research design was used to describe and predict the effect of financial responsibilities on persistence of 441 female students drawn from selected public universities in Ghana. Data was collected using questionnaires and analyzed with descriptives and simple linear regression. It was found that financial roles had positive effect on persistence of the female students. The study recommended that female students were exposed to the sources of funding to enable them mitigate the effect financial roles might have on their persistence and academic progression.
- Abdu-Raheem, B. O. (2015). Parents ’ socio-economic status as predictor of secondary school
students’ academic performance in Ekiti State , Nigeria. Journal of Education and
Practice, 6(1), 123–129. Retrieved from
Adusah-Karikari, A. (2008). Experiences of women in higher education: A study of women
faculty administrators in selected public universities in Ghana. (Unpublished doctoral
thesis). Ohio University, Athens, Ohio.
Adu-Yeboah, C. (2011). Constructing higher education experiences through narratives:
Selected cases of mature underground women students in Ghana. Phd Thesis,
University of Sussex. Retrieved from
Al-Dossary, S. A. (2008). A study of the factors affecting student retention at King Saud
University, Saudi Arabia: Structural equation modelling and qualitative method.
Doctoral dissertation, University of Stirling.
American Association of University Women (2016). For women, student loan debt is an even
bigger crisis. Retrieved from
Bean, J. P. (2005). Nine themes of college student retention. In A. Seidman (Ed.), Student
college retention: Formula for student success . New York, NY: Rowman & Littlefield.
Bean, J. P., & Metzner, B. S. (1985). A conceptual model of nontraditional undergraduate
student attrition. Review of Educational Research, 55(4), 485–540.
Burrus, J., Elliott, D., Brenneman, M., Markle, R., Carney, L., Moore, G., … Roberts, R. D.
(2013). Putting and keeping students on track: Toward a comprehensive model of
college persistence and goal attainment. ETS Research Report. Retrieved from
Bynum, C. S. (2016). The relationship between state financial aid and student persistence
and success in college: An examination of Hispanic undocumented immigrant
students in Texas Community Colleges. Ph.D Dissertation, Florida State University
Carney-Crompton, S., & Tan, J. (2002). Support systems, psychological functioning, and
academic performance of nontraditional female students. Adult Education Quarterly,
52(2), 140- 154.
Creswell, J. W. (2014). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods
approaches. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.
Davidson, W. B., Hall, P. B., & Milligan, M. (2009). The college persistence questionnaire:
Development and validation of an instrument that predicts student attrition. Journal
of College Student Development, 50(4), 373–390.
Goldrick-Rab, S. (2016). Paying the price: College costs, financial aid, and the betrayal of the
American dream. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.
Goldrick-Rab, S. (2010). Challenges and opportunities for improving community college
student success. Review of Educational Research, 80(3), 437–469. Retrieved from
Hill, C. (2016). Pay gap especially harmful for black and Hispanic women struggling with
student debt. Retrieved from
Horn, A. S., & Reinert, L. (2014). Campus-based practices for promoting student success:
Financial aid. Illinois, USA: Midwestern Higher Education Compact.
Jansson, B., Bukuluki, P., Hojer, S. (2017). Higher education in Uganda: Gender, socioeconomic
status, geographical background and sponsorship in a group of social work
students at Makerere University. International Social Work.
Kitroeff, N., & Rodkin, J. (2015). The real payoff from an MBA is different for men and
women. Bloomberg Businessweek (October 20, 2015). Retrieved from
Khattak, S. G. (2013). Attitudes of parents towards contemporary female higher education in
KPK . Sky Journal of Educational Research Vol. 1(2), 9 -13.
Mamiseishvili, K., & Deggs, D. M. (2013). Factors affecting persistence and transfer of lowincome
students at public two-year institutions. Journal of College Student
Retention: Research, Theory & Practice, 15(3), 409–432. Retrieved from
McClusky, B. (2017). Investigating the relationships between education and culture for
female students in tertiary settings in the UAE. Doctoral thesis, School of Education,
Edith Cowan University. Retrieved from
Nielsen, K. (2015). ‘‘Fake it ’til you make it’’: Why community college students’ aspirations
‘‘hold steady’’. Sociology of Education, 88(4), 265–283. Retrieved from
Nordenmark, M. (2004). Multiple social roles and well-being: A longitudinal test of the role
stress theory and the role expansion theory. Acta Sociologica, 47(2), 115–126.
Nonis, S. A., & Hudson, G. I. (2006). Academic performance of college students: Influence of
time spent studying and working. Journal of Education for Business, 81(3), 151–159.
Onwuegbuzie, A. J. (2012). Introduction: Putting the mixed back into quantitative and
qualitative research in educational research and beyond: Moving towards the radical
middle. International Journal of Multiple Research Approaches, 6(3), 192–219.
Retrieved from
Paulsen, M. B., & St. John, E. P. (2002). Social class and college costs: Examining the
financial nexus between college choice and persistence. Journal of Higher Education,
73, 189–236.
Reay, D. (2003). A risky business? Mature working-class women students and access to
higher education. Gender and Education, 15(3), 301–317. Retrieved from
Renehan, S. (2015). Rising tuition in higher education: Should we be concerned? Visions for
the Liberal Arts, 1(1), Article 3. Retrieved from
Riel, B. (2011). The cultural context-United Arab Emirates. Eaton Consulting Group.
Retrieved from
Saleh, A., Yu, Q., Leslie, H. S., & Seydel, J. (2017). Gender equity, student loans and returns
on investment in American higher education. International Journal of Sociology of
Education, 6(2), 216-243.
Simpson, O. (2016). Student support services for success in open and distance learning.
Retrieved from www.researchgates.
Terriquez, V., & Gurantz, O. (2015). Financial challenges in emerging adulthood and students’
decisions to stop out of college. Emerging Adulthood, 3(3), 204–214.
Westrick, P., & Robbins, S. B. (2012). “Can do” vs. “will do”: The relative effects of ACT scores
and high school GPA on college performance and retention. Unpublished manuscript.