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The Epistemological Beliefs of Distance Education Students

Year 2009, Volume: 10 Issue: 3, 217 - 246, 01.09.2009


The researchers have mostly emphasized the epistemological beliefs which were considered as significant in learning process along with the desire to reveal the nature of learning. Epistemological belief is defined as the “individuals’ subjective beliefs about what information means and how knowing and learning occur”. It is a fact that the teachers’ epistemological beliefs have important effect on the students’ learning process. Teachers are the models for the students with both their patterns of behavior and learning approaches. The aim of this study was to determine the epistemological beliefs of the students attending to pre-school education and English language teaching departments in distance education, besides it was attempted to investigate these beliefs in terms of certain variables, namely, gender, department and grade that the students attend, and their academic achievement level, lastly the education level of their parents. The study was conducted through a descriptive method and 697 pre-service teachers composed the sampling of the study. To collect data, “Epistemological Belief Scale”, which was developed by Schommer (1990) and adapted to Turkish by Deryakulu and Büyüköztürk (2002), was used. As a result, it was obtained that the epistemological beliefs of the students in distance education developed at low level. Additionally, it was found that the epistemological beliefs of the pre-service teachers differed in terms of gender, department, grade, academic achievement, education level of parents.


  • Baxter-Magolda, M. B. (1992). Knowing and Reasoning in College: Gender-Related Patterns in Students‘ Intellectual Development. San Francisco: Jossey Bass.
  • Belenky, M.F., Clinchy, B. M., Goldberger, N.R. & Tarule, J. M. (1986) Women‘s Ways of Knowing: The Development Of Self Voice And Mind (New York, Basic Books).
  • Braten, I. & Stromso, H. I. (2004) ―Epistemological beliefs and implicit theories of intelligence as predictors of achievement goals‖,Contemporary Educational Psychology. 29(4), 371–388.
  • Brownlee, J. (2001). ―Epistemological beliefs in pre-service teacher education students‖. Higher Education Research and Development, 20 (3), 281-291.
  • Brownlee, J. Purdie, N. & Boulton- Lewis, G. (2001). ―Changing epistemological beliefs in pre-service teacher education students‖. Teaching in Higher Education. 6(2), 247- 268.
  • Cano, F. (2005). ―Epistemological beliefs and approaches to learning: their change through secondary school and their influence on academic performance‖, British Journal of Educational Psychology, 75, 203–221.
  • Chai, C. S., Khine , M. S. & Teo, T. (2006). ―Epistemological beliefs on teaching and learning: a survey among pre- service teachers in Singapore‖. Educational Media International. 13(4), 285- 298.
  • Chan, K. W. & Elliott, R. G. (2002) ―Exploratory study of Hong Kong teacher education students‘ epistemological beliefs: cultural perspectives and implications on beliefs research‖, Contemporary Educational Psychology, 27(3), 392-414.
  • Cheng, M. M. H., Chan, K-W., Tang, S. Y. F. & Cheng, A. Y. N. (2008). ―Pre-service teacher education students‘ epistemological beliefs and their conceptions of teaching‖. Teaching and Teacher Education. 1–9. (Article in press).
  • Deryakulu, D. & Buyukozturk, S. (2002) ―Epistemolojik inanç olceginin gecerlik ve guvenirlik calısması,‖[Study of validation and reliability epistemological beliefs scale] Egitim Arastırmaları, 8, 111-125.
  • Deryakulu, D. & Buyukozturk, S. (2005). ―Epistemolojik inanc olceginin faktor yapısının yeniden incelenmesi: cinsiyet ve ogrenim gorulen program turune gore epistemolojik inançların karsılastırılması,‖ [The research again of epistemological beliefs scales faktor structure: to compare gender and department that students attend according to epistemological beliefs] Egitim Arastırmaları, 18, 57-70.
  • Deryakulu, D. (2002) ―Denetim odagı ve epistemolojik inancların ogretim materyalini kavramayı denetleme türü ve düzeyi ile iliskisi,‖ [The relationship level with inspection kind comprehension the teaching materials epistemological beliefs and inspection focus] Hacettepe Universitesi Egitim Fakultesi Dergisi, 22, 55–61.
  • Deryakulu, D. (2004). ―Epistemolojik İnanclar‖, [Epistemological beliefs] (Editor: Y. Kuzgun ve D. Deryakulu), Egitimde Bireysel Farklılıklar. Ankara: Nobel Yayın Dagıtım, 259 -287.
  • Dweck, C. S. & Leggett, E. L. (1988) ―A social-cognitive approach to motivation and personality‖, Psychological Review, 95, 256-273.
  • Erdem, M., Yılmaz, A. & Akkoyunlu, B. (2008). ―Ogretmen adaylarının bilgi okuryazarlık ozyeterlik inacları ve epistemolojik inancları uzerine bir calısma‖ [A study on epistemological beliefs and information literacy self-efficacy beliefs the teacher candidate‘s] 8th International Educational Technology Conference 6–9 May 2008. Eskisehir: Anadolu University. Nobel Yayın Dagıtım, 699- 703.
  • Hofer, B. K. (2000) ―Dimensionality and disciplinary differences in personal epistemology,‖ Contemporary Educational Psychology, 25, 378-405.
  • Karasar, N. (1998). Bilimsel Arastırma Yontemleri.[Scientific Resarch Methods] Ankara: Nobel Yayınları.
  • Kember, D. (2001) ―Beliefs about Knowledge and the Process of Teaching and Learning as a Factor in Adjusting to Study in Higher Education‖, Studies in Higher Education. 26, 2, 2001: 205–221.
  • Lawrance, C.L. (1992)
  • understandings and epistemological frameworks, paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Educational ResearchAssociation, April, San Francisco, CA,
  • Lyons, N. (1990) ―Dilemmas of knowing: ethical and epistemological dimensions of teacher‘s work and development,‖ Harvard Educational Review, 60(2), 159–180.
  • Oguz, A. (2007). ―Sınıf ogretmenligi ögrencilerinin epistemolojik inancları‖. [The epistemological beliefs of the students classroom teacher] VI. Ulusal Sınıf Ogretmenligi Egitimi Sempozyumu, 27–29 Nisan 2007. Eskisehir: Anadolu Universitesi. Nobel Yayın Dagıtım, 320–324.
  • Ongen, D. (2003) ―Epistemolojik inanclar ile problem cozme stratejileri arasındaki iliskiler: egitim fakülteleri ögrencileri üzerinde bir calısma,‖ [The relationship of epistemological beliefs with strategies of problem solving:a study on students of educational faculty] Egitim Arastırmaları, 13, 155–162.
  • Pajares, M.F. (1992) ―Teacher‘s beliefs and educational research: cleaning up a messy construct‖, Review of Educational Research, 62(3), 307–332.
  • Rakıcıoğlu, A. (2005) ―The relationship between epistemological beliefs and teacher efficancy beliefs of English language teaching trainees,‖ Yayınlanmamıs Yuksek Lisans Tezi. Abant İzzet Baysal Universitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitusu, Bolu. Ravindran, B., Greene, B. A. & DeBacker (2005), T. K. ―Predicting preservice teachers‘ cognitive engagement with goals and epistemological beliefs,‖ The Journal of Educational Research, 98(4), 222-232.
  • Renne, C.G. (1992) Elementary school teachers views of knowledge pertaining to mathematics, paperpresented at the Annual Meeting of the American Research Association, April, San Francisco, CA.
  • Richardson, V., Anders, P., Tidwell, D. & Lloyd, C. (1991). ―The relationship between teachers‘ beliefs and practices in reading comprehension instruction‖, American EducationalResearch Journal, 28(3), 559–586.
  • Ryan, M.P. (1984). ―Conceptions of prose coherence: ındividual differences in epistemological standards,‖ Journal of Educational Psychology, 76, 1226-1238.
  • Qian, G. & Alvermann, D. E. (2000) ―Relationship between epistemological beliefs and conceptual change learning‖, Reading and Writing Quarterly, 16, 59-74.
  • Schommer, M. (1990) ―Effects of beliefs about the nature of knowledge comprehension,‖Journal of Educational Psychology, 82, 498-504.
  • Schommer, M. (1993a). ―Comparisons of beliefs about the nature of knowledge and learning among postsecondary students‖, Research in Higher Education, 34, 355–370.
  • Schommer, M.(1993b) ―Epistemological development and academic performance among secondary students,‖ Journal of Educational Psychology, 85, 1–6.
  • Schommer-Aikins, M., Brookhart, S., Hutter, R. & Mau, W. C. (2000) ―Understanding middle students‘ beliefs about knowledge and learning using a multidimensional paradigm,‖ The Journal of Educational Research, 94(4), 120-127. Schommer, M., Crouse, A., & Rhodes, N. (1992). ―Epistemological beliefs and mathematical text comprehension: Believing it is simple does not make it so‖, Journal of Educational Psychology, 84, 435–443.
  • Schommer-Aikins, M., Duell, O. K. & Hutter, R. (2005) ―Epistemological beliefs, mathematical problem-solving beliefs, and academic performance of middle school students,‖ The Elementary School Journal. 105(3), 289–304.
  • Shaver, J.P. (1992) Epistemology and the education of social science teachers, paper presented at the International Conference on Subject-Specia. Teaching Methods and Teacher Education, Santiago de Compostela, July, Spain.
  • Sinatra, G. M. & Kardash, C. A. M. (2004). ―Teacher candidates‘ epistemological beliefs, dispositions, and views on teaching as persuasion,‖ Contemporary Educational Psychology, 29, 483-489.
  • Strobel, J., Cernusca, D. & Jonassen, D. H. (2004) ―Different majors-different epistemological beliefs?‖ Academic Exchange Quarterly, 12, 208–211.
  • Vural, R. A. & Gomleksiz, M. (2007). ―Epistemolojik inanclar ve demokrasi ilkeleri: sınıf ogretmenligi ogrencileri uzerine bir calısma‖. [Epistemological beliefs and princeples of democracy; a study on students of the classroom teacher] VI. Ulusal Sınıf Ogretmenligi Egitimi Sempozyumu, 27–29 Nisan 2007. Eskisehir: Anadolu Universitesi. Nobel Yayın Dagıtım, 303–309.
  • Wilson, S.M. (1990). ―The secret garden of teacher education‖, Phi Delta Kappan, 72, 204–209.
Year 2009, Volume: 10 Issue: 3, 217 - 246, 01.09.2009



  • Baxter-Magolda, M. B. (1992). Knowing and Reasoning in College: Gender-Related Patterns in Students‘ Intellectual Development. San Francisco: Jossey Bass.
  • Belenky, M.F., Clinchy, B. M., Goldberger, N.R. & Tarule, J. M. (1986) Women‘s Ways of Knowing: The Development Of Self Voice And Mind (New York, Basic Books).
  • Braten, I. & Stromso, H. I. (2004) ―Epistemological beliefs and implicit theories of intelligence as predictors of achievement goals‖,Contemporary Educational Psychology. 29(4), 371–388.
  • Brownlee, J. (2001). ―Epistemological beliefs in pre-service teacher education students‖. Higher Education Research and Development, 20 (3), 281-291.
  • Brownlee, J. Purdie, N. & Boulton- Lewis, G. (2001). ―Changing epistemological beliefs in pre-service teacher education students‖. Teaching in Higher Education. 6(2), 247- 268.
  • Cano, F. (2005). ―Epistemological beliefs and approaches to learning: their change through secondary school and their influence on academic performance‖, British Journal of Educational Psychology, 75, 203–221.
  • Chai, C. S., Khine , M. S. & Teo, T. (2006). ―Epistemological beliefs on teaching and learning: a survey among pre- service teachers in Singapore‖. Educational Media International. 13(4), 285- 298.
  • Chan, K. W. & Elliott, R. G. (2002) ―Exploratory study of Hong Kong teacher education students‘ epistemological beliefs: cultural perspectives and implications on beliefs research‖, Contemporary Educational Psychology, 27(3), 392-414.
  • Cheng, M. M. H., Chan, K-W., Tang, S. Y. F. & Cheng, A. Y. N. (2008). ―Pre-service teacher education students‘ epistemological beliefs and their conceptions of teaching‖. Teaching and Teacher Education. 1–9. (Article in press).
  • Deryakulu, D. & Buyukozturk, S. (2002) ―Epistemolojik inanç olceginin gecerlik ve guvenirlik calısması,‖[Study of validation and reliability epistemological beliefs scale] Egitim Arastırmaları, 8, 111-125.
  • Deryakulu, D. & Buyukozturk, S. (2005). ―Epistemolojik inanc olceginin faktor yapısının yeniden incelenmesi: cinsiyet ve ogrenim gorulen program turune gore epistemolojik inançların karsılastırılması,‖ [The research again of epistemological beliefs scales faktor structure: to compare gender and department that students attend according to epistemological beliefs] Egitim Arastırmaları, 18, 57-70.
  • Deryakulu, D. (2002) ―Denetim odagı ve epistemolojik inancların ogretim materyalini kavramayı denetleme türü ve düzeyi ile iliskisi,‖ [The relationship level with inspection kind comprehension the teaching materials epistemological beliefs and inspection focus] Hacettepe Universitesi Egitim Fakultesi Dergisi, 22, 55–61.
  • Deryakulu, D. (2004). ―Epistemolojik İnanclar‖, [Epistemological beliefs] (Editor: Y. Kuzgun ve D. Deryakulu), Egitimde Bireysel Farklılıklar. Ankara: Nobel Yayın Dagıtım, 259 -287.
  • Dweck, C. S. & Leggett, E. L. (1988) ―A social-cognitive approach to motivation and personality‖, Psychological Review, 95, 256-273.
  • Erdem, M., Yılmaz, A. & Akkoyunlu, B. (2008). ―Ogretmen adaylarının bilgi okuryazarlık ozyeterlik inacları ve epistemolojik inancları uzerine bir calısma‖ [A study on epistemological beliefs and information literacy self-efficacy beliefs the teacher candidate‘s] 8th International Educational Technology Conference 6–9 May 2008. Eskisehir: Anadolu University. Nobel Yayın Dagıtım, 699- 703.
  • Hofer, B. K. (2000) ―Dimensionality and disciplinary differences in personal epistemology,‖ Contemporary Educational Psychology, 25, 378-405.
  • Karasar, N. (1998). Bilimsel Arastırma Yontemleri.[Scientific Resarch Methods] Ankara: Nobel Yayınları.
  • Kember, D. (2001) ―Beliefs about Knowledge and the Process of Teaching and Learning as a Factor in Adjusting to Study in Higher Education‖, Studies in Higher Education. 26, 2, 2001: 205–221.
  • Lawrance, C.L. (1992)
  • understandings and epistemological frameworks, paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Educational ResearchAssociation, April, San Francisco, CA,
  • Lyons, N. (1990) ―Dilemmas of knowing: ethical and epistemological dimensions of teacher‘s work and development,‖ Harvard Educational Review, 60(2), 159–180.
  • Oguz, A. (2007). ―Sınıf ogretmenligi ögrencilerinin epistemolojik inancları‖. [The epistemological beliefs of the students classroom teacher] VI. Ulusal Sınıf Ogretmenligi Egitimi Sempozyumu, 27–29 Nisan 2007. Eskisehir: Anadolu Universitesi. Nobel Yayın Dagıtım, 320–324.
  • Ongen, D. (2003) ―Epistemolojik inanclar ile problem cozme stratejileri arasındaki iliskiler: egitim fakülteleri ögrencileri üzerinde bir calısma,‖ [The relationship of epistemological beliefs with strategies of problem solving:a study on students of educational faculty] Egitim Arastırmaları, 13, 155–162.
  • Pajares, M.F. (1992) ―Teacher‘s beliefs and educational research: cleaning up a messy construct‖, Review of Educational Research, 62(3), 307–332.
  • Rakıcıoğlu, A. (2005) ―The relationship between epistemological beliefs and teacher efficancy beliefs of English language teaching trainees,‖ Yayınlanmamıs Yuksek Lisans Tezi. Abant İzzet Baysal Universitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitusu, Bolu. Ravindran, B., Greene, B. A. & DeBacker (2005), T. K. ―Predicting preservice teachers‘ cognitive engagement with goals and epistemological beliefs,‖ The Journal of Educational Research, 98(4), 222-232.
  • Renne, C.G. (1992) Elementary school teachers views of knowledge pertaining to mathematics, paperpresented at the Annual Meeting of the American Research Association, April, San Francisco, CA.
  • Richardson, V., Anders, P., Tidwell, D. & Lloyd, C. (1991). ―The relationship between teachers‘ beliefs and practices in reading comprehension instruction‖, American EducationalResearch Journal, 28(3), 559–586.
  • Ryan, M.P. (1984). ―Conceptions of prose coherence: ındividual differences in epistemological standards,‖ Journal of Educational Psychology, 76, 1226-1238.
  • Qian, G. & Alvermann, D. E. (2000) ―Relationship between epistemological beliefs and conceptual change learning‖, Reading and Writing Quarterly, 16, 59-74.
  • Schommer, M. (1990) ―Effects of beliefs about the nature of knowledge comprehension,‖Journal of Educational Psychology, 82, 498-504.
  • Schommer, M. (1993a). ―Comparisons of beliefs about the nature of knowledge and learning among postsecondary students‖, Research in Higher Education, 34, 355–370.
  • Schommer, M.(1993b) ―Epistemological development and academic performance among secondary students,‖ Journal of Educational Psychology, 85, 1–6.
  • Schommer-Aikins, M., Brookhart, S., Hutter, R. & Mau, W. C. (2000) ―Understanding middle students‘ beliefs about knowledge and learning using a multidimensional paradigm,‖ The Journal of Educational Research, 94(4), 120-127. Schommer, M., Crouse, A., & Rhodes, N. (1992). ―Epistemological beliefs and mathematical text comprehension: Believing it is simple does not make it so‖, Journal of Educational Psychology, 84, 435–443.
  • Schommer-Aikins, M., Duell, O. K. & Hutter, R. (2005) ―Epistemological beliefs, mathematical problem-solving beliefs, and academic performance of middle school students,‖ The Elementary School Journal. 105(3), 289–304.
  • Shaver, J.P. (1992) Epistemology and the education of social science teachers, paper presented at the International Conference on Subject-Specia. Teaching Methods and Teacher Education, Santiago de Compostela, July, Spain.
  • Sinatra, G. M. & Kardash, C. A. M. (2004). ―Teacher candidates‘ epistemological beliefs, dispositions, and views on teaching as persuasion,‖ Contemporary Educational Psychology, 29, 483-489.
  • Strobel, J., Cernusca, D. & Jonassen, D. H. (2004) ―Different majors-different epistemological beliefs?‖ Academic Exchange Quarterly, 12, 208–211.
  • Vural, R. A. & Gomleksiz, M. (2007). ―Epistemolojik inanclar ve demokrasi ilkeleri: sınıf ogretmenligi ogrencileri uzerine bir calısma‖. [Epistemological beliefs and princeples of democracy; a study on students of the classroom teacher] VI. Ulusal Sınıf Ogretmenligi Egitimi Sempozyumu, 27–29 Nisan 2007. Eskisehir: Anadolu Universitesi. Nobel Yayın Dagıtım, 303–309.
  • Wilson, S.M. (1990). ―The secret garden of teacher education‖, Phi Delta Kappan, 72, 204–209.
There are 39 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Meral Guven This is me

Publication Date September 1, 2009
Submission Date February 27, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2009 Volume: 10 Issue: 3


APA Guven, M. (2009). The Epistemological Beliefs of Distance Education Students. Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education, 10(3), 217-246.