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Communication Barriers: A Study of Eastern Mediterranean University Students’ and Teachers’ of Online Program and Courses

Year 2005, Volume: 6 Issue: 4, 138 - 160, 01.12.2005


This research study defines communication barriers in online program and courses by determining the perceptions of students and teachers at Eastern Mediterranean University. It aims to get the answers of question which is what sorts of problems students and teachers face while being involved in online courses and online program. Distance Education, in other words, online programs and online courses is the new challenge that universities face in the knowledge age in order to adapt to contemporary changes. Therefore; most of the universities try to improve their educational systems in relation to the demands of students by presenting alternatives depending on participants’ interests and needs. Eastern Mediterranean University has started to implement distance education program and online courses to meet the demands of its students with the support of developing technologies and trends. Communication is an essential concept in online context to define the effectiveness and quality of these systems in regards of having qualified communication among participants that provides mutual understanding in educational context for efficient outcomes. For having effective online system, defining the communication barriers is an important process. Therefore; multiple qualitative and quantitative research approaches under mixed approach are used to be aware of communication barriers in online context and make participants to revamp the system by eliminating the weaknesses of the existing system and adapting to new trends that teachers and students have experienced.


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  • Anderson, T. D., & Garrison, D. R. (1998). Learning in a networked world: New roles and responsibilities. In C.
  • C. Gibson (Ed.), Distance learner in higher education: Institutional responses for quality outcomes (pp. 97-112). Madison: Atwood Publishing. Angeli, C., Valanides, N., & Bonk, C. J. (2003). Communication in a web-based conferencing system: The quality of computer-mediated interactions. British Journal of
  • Educational Technology, 34(1), 31-43. Applefield, J. M., Huber, R., Moallem, M. (2001). Constructivism in theory and practice: toward a better understanding. The Journal of High School, 84(2), 35-53.
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Associate Prof. Dr. Aytekin ISMAN

Year 2005, Volume: 6 Issue: 4, 138 - 160, 01.12.2005



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  • College Student Journal, 32(1), 33-42. Albrechtsen, K., Mariger, H., & Parker, C. (2001). Distance education and the impact of technology in Europe. Journal of Educational Technology Research and Development, (3), 107-15.
  • Anderson, T. D., & Garrison, D. R. (1998). Learning in a networked world: New roles and responsibilities. In C.
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  • Educational Technology, 34(1), 31-43. Applefield, J. M., Huber, R., Moallem, M. (2001). Constructivism in theory and practice: toward a better understanding. The Journal of High School, 84(2), 35-53.
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  • Canon, M. M., Umble, K. E., Steckler, A., & Shay, S. (2001). We’re living what we’re learning: Student perspectives in distance learning degree and certificate programs in public health. Journal of Public Health Management, Practice, 7(1), 49-59.
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  • Dutton, J., Dutton, M., & Perry, J. (2002). How do online student differ from lecture students? [Electronic version]. Journal of Asynchronous Learning Network, 6(1), 1-20.
  • Eisinger, J. (2000). Education evolution. Journal of Association Management, 52(13), 52
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  • Electronic version]. Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks, 4(2), 7-41. Gallini, J. K., & Barron, D. (2002). Participants’ perceptions of web-infused environments:
  • A survey of teaching beliefs, learning approaches and communication. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 34(2), 139-156. Galusha, J. M. (1997). Barriers to learning in distance education. The infrastruction network. Retrieved February, 21, 2003,
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  • Gibson, C. C. (1998). Distance learners in higher education. Madison: Atwood Publishing.
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  • Electronic version]. Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks, 5(1), 35-57. Hansen, B., Shinkle, A., & Dupin, P. (1999). Feedback in distance education: Broadening electronic communication pathways. Journal of Extension, 37(1). Retrieved March, 14, from
  • Hara, N., & Kling, R. (2000). Students’ distress with a web-based distance education courses: An ethnographic study of participants’ experiences. Information, Communication & Society, 3(4), 557-579.
  • Harry, K., John, M., & Keeagan, D. (1993). Distance education: New perspectives. London: Routledge.
  • Holmberg, B. (1995). Theory and practice of distance education. London: Routledge.
  • Horwath, J., & Shardlow, S. H. (2000). Empowering learners through open (distance) programmes: An evaluation of a practice teaching programme. Social Work Education, (2), 111-123.
  • Howell, D. (2001). Elements of effective e-learning. College Teaching, 49(3), 87.
  • Hyland, F. (2001). Providing effective support: Investigating feedback to distance language learners. The Open Learning, 16(3), 233-247.
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  • Jick, T. D. (1983). Mixing qualitative and quantitative methods: Triangulation in action. In
  • Maanen, J. V. (Ed.), Qualitative methodology (pp. 135-147). California: Sage. Johannesen, T., & Eide, E. M. (2000). The role of the student in the age of technology: Will the role change with use of information and communication technology in education? Retrieved October, 26, 2003.
  • Jonassen, D. H., Peck, K. L., & Wilson, B. G.(1998). Learning with technology: A constructivist perspective. Columbus: Prentice Hall.
  • Kader, S. A., & Yawkey, T. D. (2002). Problems and recommendations: Enhancing communication with culturally and linguistically diverse students. Reading Improvement, (1), 43-51.
  • Kenzie, B., Mims, N., Bennett, E., & Waugh, M. (2000). Needs, concerns and practices of online instructors. Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration, 3(3). Retrieved
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  • Kinross, L. (2000). Technology breaks down barriers. The Exceptional Parent, 30(6), 60.
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  • Kong: CMC Magazine. Retrieved 10, October, 2000, from
  • Lake, D. (1999). Reducing isolation for distance students: An online initiative.
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  • Lawless, N., & Allan O’Dwyer, J. (2000). Face to face or distance training: Two different approaches to motivate SMEs to learn. Education + Training, 42(4/5), 308-316.
  • Leach, K., & Walker, S. (2000). Internet-based distance education: Barriers, models, and new research. Retrieved March 8, 2004.
  • Lee, C.Y. (2000). Student motivation in the online learning environment. Journal of
  • Education Media & Library Sciences, 37(4), 367-375. Manuel, K. (2001). Teaching an online information literacy course. Reference Services Review, 29(3), 219-228.
  • Mathison, S. (March,1988). Why triangulate? Educational Researcher, 13-17.
  • Meyer, K. (2002). Quality in distance education. San Francisco: Wiley Periodicals.
  • Meyer, K. A. (2003). Face to face versus threaded discussions: The role of time and higher-order thinking. [Electronic version]. Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks, (3), 55-65.
  • Minoli, D. (1996). Distance learning technology and application. Boston: Artech House.
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  • Moore, G. M., Thompson, M. M., Quigley, B. A., Clark, G. C., & Golf, G. G. (1990). The effects of distance learning: A summary of literature. NewYork: The Pennsylvania State University.
  • Moore, M. G., & Kearsley, G. (1996). Distance education: A system view. Belmont: A
  • Division of International Thomson Publishing. Muirhead, W. D. (2000). Online education in schools. International Journal of Educational Management, 14(7), 315-324.
  • Noakes, N. (n.d.). Developing online facilitators: Beginning cascades. Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Retrieved December, 12, 2003, from http://www.ugc/
  • Notar, C. E., Wilson, J. D., Restauri, S. L., & Friery, K. A. (2002). Going the distance: Active learning. Journal Education, Project Innovation, 122(4), 649(6).
  • Nunan, T., George, R., & McCausland, H. (2000). Rethinking the ways in which teaching and learning are supported: The flexible learning center at the University of South
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There are 124 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Aytekin Isman This is me

Fahriye Altınay This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2005
Submission Date February 27, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2005 Volume: 6 Issue: 4


APA Isman, A., & Altınay, F. (2005). Communication Barriers: A Study of Eastern Mediterranean University Students’ and Teachers’ of Online Program and Courses. Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education, 6(4), 138-160.