Writing Rules

Formlar / Forms

Author Guideline

Authors are required to register their ORCID and write their ORCID while submitting their articles.

–Main Manuscript (primary submission document)

Submit your manuscript in WORD FORMAT – Microsoft Word (.doc / .docx ) (See Sample Article)

Do not use any word processing options/tools, such as–strike-through, hidden text, comments, merges, and so forth. Due to the academic focus of this publication, the use of personal pronoun (I, we, etc.) and present tense is strongly discouraged.

–Artwork (Tables, Figures, Appendices, & Videos)

Tables – All tables (i.e., data displayed in rows and columns) must be submitted either in HTML format or as MS Word tables embedded in the manuscript near the first reference to the corresponding table. Tables MUST be no wider than 500 pixels (5.25″). Lengthy tables are discouraged as they are difficult to read online.

Figures – Figure graphics (e.g., charts, graphs, photographs, and drawings) must be in either .GIF, .PNG, or .JPG format, attached to the electronic file. Filenames for figures must be clearly labeled as Figure 1, Figure 2, etc., at the bottom of the figure, left justified, numbered in sequence, and must be referenced within the text of the article.

ALT tags will be applied to all graphics. The default tag will be the figure caption supplied by the author. Authors should provide tag text for any graphics used as links to audio or videos.

Appendices – All supplemental text not falling under the definition of a table or figure will be considered an appendix. Appendices should be placed at the end of the manuscript, after the reference list. If possible, authors should provide a link from the reference to the appendix in the manuscript (e.g., “see Appendix A”) to the beginning of the actual appendix.