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Grouping of Soil Properties using Multivariate Statistical Methods

Year 2013, Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 7 - 14, 02.05.2013


This study was carried out in Ayaş Research and Training Farm soils of Agricultural Faculty of Ankara University, to group related soil physico-chemical properties using multivariate statistical methods of factor and cluster analyses. In this contex, the selected 14 soil physico-chemical properties were evaluated. Kaiser-Mayer-Olkin (KMO) value of the factor analysis was 0.70 and Barlett Spherity test significance value was 0.00. Thus, data set was found to be suitable for factor analysis. Three factors were occurred with Eigen values greater than one. These three factors described 71.22 % of total variation in the data. Results of the exploratory Factor Analysis and Hierarchical Cluster Analysis on the survey data were highly similar.


  • Allison L E, Moodie C D (1965). Carbonate. In: C.A. Black et al. (Eds.), Methods of Soil Analysis–Part II, American Society of Agronomy, No: 9, Publisher Madison, Wisconsin, p. 1379–1400.
  • Anaplı Ö (1994). Iğdır Ovası tuzlu-sodyumlu topraklarında bazı fiziksel ve kimyasal özelliklerin agregasyon üzerine etkileri. Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Faültesi Dergisi 25(3): 436–444.
  • Atatanır L, Yüksel M (2003). Ankara üniversitesi ziraat fakültesi ayaş araştırma ve uygulama çiftliği topraklarının detaylı toprak etüd ve haritalaması. Gaziosmanpaşa Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 20(1): 157–164.
  • Bishop T F A, McBratney B A (2001). A comparision of prediction methods for the creation of field–extent soil property maps. Geoderma 103: 149–160.
  • Blake G R Hartge K H (1986). Bulk Density and Particle Density. In: A. Klute (Ed.), Methods of Soil Analysis-Part I, American Society of Agronomy, No: 9, Publisher Madison, Wisconsin, p. 363–381.
  • Bouyoucous G J (1951). A Recalibration of hydrometer method for making mechanical analysis of soils. Agronomy Journal 43(9): 434–438.
  • Brejda J J, Moorman T B, Smith J L, Karlen D L, Allan D L, Dao T H (2000). Distribution and variability of surface soil properties at a regional scale. Soil Science Society American of Journal, 64: 974–982.
  • Daniels R B, Hammer R D (1992). Soil Geomorphology. John Wiley and Sons Inc., Toronto.
  • Doğan İ (2002). Kümeleme Analizi ile Seleksiyon. Türk Journal Vet. Anim. 26: 47–53.
  • Edmonds W J, Lentner M (1987). Soil series differentiae selected by discriminate analysis based on ranks. Soil Science Society American of Journal 51: 716–721.
  • Edmonds W J, Rector D D, Wilson N O, Arnold T L (1988). Evaluation of relationship between oak site ındices and properties of selected dystrochrepts. Soil Science Society American of Journal 52: 204–209.
  • Erşahin S, Karaman M R (2000). Toprak Değişkenliğinin Yere Özgü Amenajman ve Toprak Verimliliği Çalışmaları için Değerlendirilmesinde Faktör Analizinin Kullanılması. Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 6(2): 76–81.
  • Hair J F, Anderson R E, Tatham R L, Black W C (1998). Multivariate Data Analysis. Prentice Hall, New Jersey.
  • Hendershot W H, Lalande H, Duquette M (1993). Soil reaction and exchangeable acidity. In: M R Carter (Ed.), Soil Sampling and Methods of Analysis, Canadian Society of Soil Science.
  • Jabro J D, Stevens W B, Evans R G (2006). Spatial relationships among soil physical properties in a grass–alfalfa hay field. Soil Scence 171(9):719–727.
  • Jackson M L (1958). Soil Chemical Analysis. Prentice Hall Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N.J.
  • Johnson R A, Wichern D W (1992). Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis. Prentice-Hall Inc, New Jersey, p. 396–397.
  • Kemper W D (1965). Aggregate stability. In: C A Black (Ed. In Chief), Methods of Soil Analysis–Part I, American Society of Agronomy, No. 9, Inc., Madison, Wisconsin, p. 511–519.
  • Kleinbaum D G, Kupper L L, Muller K E (1988). Variable Reduction and Factor Analysis: In: M Payne (Ed.), Applied Regression Analysis and Other Multivariate Methods, 2th ed., p. 595-641.
  • Klute A (1986). Water Retention: Laboratory methods. In: A Klute (Ed.), Methods of Soil Analysis-Part I, ASA and SSSA Agronomy Monograph no: 9, Madison, Wisconsin, p. 635–662.
  • Klute A, Dirksen C (1986). Hydraulic Conductivity and Diffusivity: Laboratory Methods. In: A. Klute (Ed.), Methods of Soil Analysis–Part I, American Society of Agronomy, No: 9, Publisher Madison, Wisconsin, p. 687–732.
  • Malgwi W B, Abu S T (2011). Variation in Some Physical Properties of Soils Formed on a Hilly Terrain under Different Land use Types in Nigerian Savanna. International Journal of Soil Science 6(3): 150-163.
  • Marzaioli R, D’Ascoli R, De Pascale R A, Rutigliano F A (2010). Soil quality in a Mediterranean area of Southern Italy as related to different land use types. Applied Soil Ecology 44: 205–212.
  • Mulla D J, McBratney A B (2000). Soil Spatial Variability. A–321–A–351. In: M E Summer (Ed. in chief), Handbook of Soil Science, CRS Press.
  • Parkin T B, Meisinger J J, Chester S T, Starr J L, Robinson J A (1988). Evaluating of statistical methods for lognormally distributed variables. Soil Science Society American of Journal 52: 323–329.
  • Parkin T B, Robinson J A (1992). Analysis of lognormal data. Advances Soil Science 20: 193–235.
  • Parkin T B, Robinson J A (1994). Statistical Treatment of Microbial Data. In: R.W. Weaver et al. (Eds:), Methods of Soil Analysis–Part II, Soil Science Society American of Journal Book Series, No: 5, Madison, WI.
  • Rhoades J D (1986). Soluble Salts. (Ed. A Klute, Methods of Soil Analysis-Part II) ASA and SSSA Agronomy Monograph no: 9, Madison, Wisconsin, p. 167–179.
  • Sharma S (1996). Applied Multivariate Techniques. John Wiley and Sons Inc., New York.
  • Shaw P J A (2003). Multivariate Statistics for the Environmental Sciences. Hodder Arnold, New York.
  • Soil Survey Staff (1999). Soil Taxonomy. A Basic of Soil Classification for Making and Interpreting Soil Survey. U.S.D.A Handbook No: 436, Washington D.C.
  • Starr J L, Parkin T B, Meisinger J J (1992). Sample size consideration in the determination of soil nitrate. Soil Science Society American of Journal, 56: 1824–1830.
  • Starr J L, Parkin T B, Meisinger J J (1995). Influence of sample size on chemical and physical soil measurement. Soil Science Society American of Journal, 56: 1824–1830.
  • Taşkın C (1974). Ayaş (Ankara) civarındaki tuğla–kiremit, toz kireç ve alçı taşı (jips) zuhurlarında endüstriyel hammadde imkanları bakımından yapılan araştırma raporu. Maden Tetkik Arama Enstitüsü Genel Müdürlüğü, Ankara.
  • Tatlidil H (2002). Uygulamalı Çok Değişkenli İstatistiksel Analiz. Akademi Matbaası, Ankara
  • Uçar N (2010). Kümeleme (Cluster) Analizi ( Editör Ş Kalaycı, SPSS Uygulamalı Çok Değişkenli İstatistik Teknikleri ), Asil Yayın Dağıtım Ltd. Şti., Ankara.
  • Ünlükaptan Y (2008). Çok Değişkenli İstatistiksel Yöntemlerin Peyzaj Ekolojisi Araştırmalarında Kullanımı. Doktora Tezi, Çukurova Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Adana.
  • Webster R (2001). Statistics to support soil research and their presentation. European Journal of Soil Sciences 52: 331–340.
  • Wilding L P, Bouma J, Goss D W (1994). Impact of Spatial Variability on Interpretative Modelling. In: R B Bryant and R W Arnold (Eds.), Quantitative Modelling of Soil Forming Processes, SSSA Special Publication Number 39, SSSA Inc, Madison, Wisconsin, p. 65–75.
  • Yılmaz M (1993). Ayaş ve yakın çevresinin fiziki coğrafyası. Lisans tezi, Ankara Üniversitesi Dil Tarih ve Coğrafya Fakültesi Fiziki Coğrafya Anabilim Dalı, Ankara.

Çok Değişkenli İstatistiksel Yöntemler ile Toprak Özelliklerinin Gruplandırılması

Year 2013, Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 7 - 14, 02.05.2013


Bu çalışma, toprak fiziko-kimyasal özelliklerinin faktör ve kümeleme analizi gibi çok değişkenli istatistik yöntemleriyle değerlendirilmesi amacıyla Ankara Üniversitesi Ayaş Uygulama ve Araştırma Çiftliği topraklarında yürütülmüştür. Bu kapsamda, seçilen 14 adet toprak fiziko-kimyasal özelliği incelenmiştir. Faktör analizinin Kaiser-Mayer-Olkin (KMO) katsayısı 0,70 ve Bartlett küresellik testi önemlilik değeri 0,00 bulunmuştur. Dolayısıyla veri seti faktör analizi için uygun bulunmuştur. Faktör analizi uygulamasında özdeğerleri 1'den büyük olan 3 faktör belirlenmiştir. Toplam değişimin % 71,22'si bu faktörler tarafından açıklanmaktadır. Araştırma sonucunda döndürülmüş faktör analiziyle elde edilen yapı ile aşamalı kümeleme analiziyle elde edilen yapının büyük oldukça benzer olduğu görülmüştür.

Anahtar Kelimeler: Fiziksel özelllikler, kimyasal özellikler, faktör analizi, kümeleme analizi.


  • Allison L E, Moodie C D (1965). Carbonate. In: C.A. Black et al. (Eds.), Methods of Soil Analysis–Part II, American Society of Agronomy, No: 9, Publisher Madison, Wisconsin, p. 1379–1400.
  • Anaplı Ö (1994). Iğdır Ovası tuzlu-sodyumlu topraklarında bazı fiziksel ve kimyasal özelliklerin agregasyon üzerine etkileri. Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Faültesi Dergisi 25(3): 436–444.
  • Atatanır L, Yüksel M (2003). Ankara üniversitesi ziraat fakültesi ayaş araştırma ve uygulama çiftliği topraklarının detaylı toprak etüd ve haritalaması. Gaziosmanpaşa Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 20(1): 157–164.
  • Bishop T F A, McBratney B A (2001). A comparision of prediction methods for the creation of field–extent soil property maps. Geoderma 103: 149–160.
  • Blake G R Hartge K H (1986). Bulk Density and Particle Density. In: A. Klute (Ed.), Methods of Soil Analysis-Part I, American Society of Agronomy, No: 9, Publisher Madison, Wisconsin, p. 363–381.
  • Bouyoucous G J (1951). A Recalibration of hydrometer method for making mechanical analysis of soils. Agronomy Journal 43(9): 434–438.
  • Brejda J J, Moorman T B, Smith J L, Karlen D L, Allan D L, Dao T H (2000). Distribution and variability of surface soil properties at a regional scale. Soil Science Society American of Journal, 64: 974–982.
  • Daniels R B, Hammer R D (1992). Soil Geomorphology. John Wiley and Sons Inc., Toronto.
  • Doğan İ (2002). Kümeleme Analizi ile Seleksiyon. Türk Journal Vet. Anim. 26: 47–53.
  • Edmonds W J, Lentner M (1987). Soil series differentiae selected by discriminate analysis based on ranks. Soil Science Society American of Journal 51: 716–721.
  • Edmonds W J, Rector D D, Wilson N O, Arnold T L (1988). Evaluation of relationship between oak site ındices and properties of selected dystrochrepts. Soil Science Society American of Journal 52: 204–209.
  • Erşahin S, Karaman M R (2000). Toprak Değişkenliğinin Yere Özgü Amenajman ve Toprak Verimliliği Çalışmaları için Değerlendirilmesinde Faktör Analizinin Kullanılması. Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 6(2): 76–81.
  • Hair J F, Anderson R E, Tatham R L, Black W C (1998). Multivariate Data Analysis. Prentice Hall, New Jersey.
  • Hendershot W H, Lalande H, Duquette M (1993). Soil reaction and exchangeable acidity. In: M R Carter (Ed.), Soil Sampling and Methods of Analysis, Canadian Society of Soil Science.
  • Jabro J D, Stevens W B, Evans R G (2006). Spatial relationships among soil physical properties in a grass–alfalfa hay field. Soil Scence 171(9):719–727.
  • Jackson M L (1958). Soil Chemical Analysis. Prentice Hall Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N.J.
  • Johnson R A, Wichern D W (1992). Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis. Prentice-Hall Inc, New Jersey, p. 396–397.
  • Kemper W D (1965). Aggregate stability. In: C A Black (Ed. In Chief), Methods of Soil Analysis–Part I, American Society of Agronomy, No. 9, Inc., Madison, Wisconsin, p. 511–519.
  • Kleinbaum D G, Kupper L L, Muller K E (1988). Variable Reduction and Factor Analysis: In: M Payne (Ed.), Applied Regression Analysis and Other Multivariate Methods, 2th ed., p. 595-641.
  • Klute A (1986). Water Retention: Laboratory methods. In: A Klute (Ed.), Methods of Soil Analysis-Part I, ASA and SSSA Agronomy Monograph no: 9, Madison, Wisconsin, p. 635–662.
  • Klute A, Dirksen C (1986). Hydraulic Conductivity and Diffusivity: Laboratory Methods. In: A. Klute (Ed.), Methods of Soil Analysis–Part I, American Society of Agronomy, No: 9, Publisher Madison, Wisconsin, p. 687–732.
  • Malgwi W B, Abu S T (2011). Variation in Some Physical Properties of Soils Formed on a Hilly Terrain under Different Land use Types in Nigerian Savanna. International Journal of Soil Science 6(3): 150-163.
  • Marzaioli R, D’Ascoli R, De Pascale R A, Rutigliano F A (2010). Soil quality in a Mediterranean area of Southern Italy as related to different land use types. Applied Soil Ecology 44: 205–212.
  • Mulla D J, McBratney A B (2000). Soil Spatial Variability. A–321–A–351. In: M E Summer (Ed. in chief), Handbook of Soil Science, CRS Press.
  • Parkin T B, Meisinger J J, Chester S T, Starr J L, Robinson J A (1988). Evaluating of statistical methods for lognormally distributed variables. Soil Science Society American of Journal 52: 323–329.
  • Parkin T B, Robinson J A (1992). Analysis of lognormal data. Advances Soil Science 20: 193–235.
  • Parkin T B, Robinson J A (1994). Statistical Treatment of Microbial Data. In: R.W. Weaver et al. (Eds:), Methods of Soil Analysis–Part II, Soil Science Society American of Journal Book Series, No: 5, Madison, WI.
  • Rhoades J D (1986). Soluble Salts. (Ed. A Klute, Methods of Soil Analysis-Part II) ASA and SSSA Agronomy Monograph no: 9, Madison, Wisconsin, p. 167–179.
  • Sharma S (1996). Applied Multivariate Techniques. John Wiley and Sons Inc., New York.
  • Shaw P J A (2003). Multivariate Statistics for the Environmental Sciences. Hodder Arnold, New York.
  • Soil Survey Staff (1999). Soil Taxonomy. A Basic of Soil Classification for Making and Interpreting Soil Survey. U.S.D.A Handbook No: 436, Washington D.C.
  • Starr J L, Parkin T B, Meisinger J J (1992). Sample size consideration in the determination of soil nitrate. Soil Science Society American of Journal, 56: 1824–1830.
  • Starr J L, Parkin T B, Meisinger J J (1995). Influence of sample size on chemical and physical soil measurement. Soil Science Society American of Journal, 56: 1824–1830.
  • Taşkın C (1974). Ayaş (Ankara) civarındaki tuğla–kiremit, toz kireç ve alçı taşı (jips) zuhurlarında endüstriyel hammadde imkanları bakımından yapılan araştırma raporu. Maden Tetkik Arama Enstitüsü Genel Müdürlüğü, Ankara.
  • Tatlidil H (2002). Uygulamalı Çok Değişkenli İstatistiksel Analiz. Akademi Matbaası, Ankara
  • Uçar N (2010). Kümeleme (Cluster) Analizi ( Editör Ş Kalaycı, SPSS Uygulamalı Çok Değişkenli İstatistik Teknikleri ), Asil Yayın Dağıtım Ltd. Şti., Ankara.
  • Ünlükaptan Y (2008). Çok Değişkenli İstatistiksel Yöntemlerin Peyzaj Ekolojisi Araştırmalarında Kullanımı. Doktora Tezi, Çukurova Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Adana.
  • Webster R (2001). Statistics to support soil research and their presentation. European Journal of Soil Sciences 52: 331–340.
  • Wilding L P, Bouma J, Goss D W (1994). Impact of Spatial Variability on Interpretative Modelling. In: R B Bryant and R W Arnold (Eds.), Quantitative Modelling of Soil Forming Processes, SSSA Special Publication Number 39, SSSA Inc, Madison, Wisconsin, p. 65–75.
  • Yılmaz M (1993). Ayaş ve yakın çevresinin fiziki coğrafyası. Lisans tezi, Ankara Üniversitesi Dil Tarih ve Coğrafya Fakültesi Fiziki Coğrafya Anabilim Dalı, Ankara.
There are 40 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Mustafa Sağlam

Publication Date May 2, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2013 Volume: 2 Issue: 1


APA Sağlam, M. (2013). Grouping of Soil Properties using Multivariate Statistical Methods. Toprak Su Dergisi, 2(1), 7-14.
AMA Sağlam M. Grouping of Soil Properties using Multivariate Statistical Methods. TSD. May 2013;2(1):7-14.
Chicago Sağlam, Mustafa. “Grouping of Soil Properties Using Multivariate Statistical Methods”. Toprak Su Dergisi 2, no. 1 (May 2013): 7-14.
EndNote Sağlam M (May 1, 2013) Grouping of Soil Properties using Multivariate Statistical Methods. Toprak Su Dergisi 2 1 7–14.
IEEE M. Sağlam, “Grouping of Soil Properties using Multivariate Statistical Methods”, TSD, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 7–14, 2013.
ISNAD Sağlam, Mustafa. “Grouping of Soil Properties Using Multivariate Statistical Methods”. Toprak Su Dergisi 2/1 (May 2013), 7-14.
JAMA Sağlam M. Grouping of Soil Properties using Multivariate Statistical Methods. TSD. 2013;2:7–14.
MLA Sağlam, Mustafa. “Grouping of Soil Properties Using Multivariate Statistical Methods”. Toprak Su Dergisi, vol. 2, no. 1, 2013, pp. 7-14.
Vancouver Sağlam M. Grouping of Soil Properties using Multivariate Statistical Methods. TSD. 2013;2(1):7-14.
Kapak Tasarım : Hüseyin Oğuzhan BEŞEN
Grafik Tasarım : Filiz ERYILMAZ
Basım Yeri : Gıda Tarım ve Hayvancılık Bakanlığı - Eğitim Yayım ve Yayınlar Dairesi Başkanlığı
İvedik Caddesi Bankacılar Sokak No : 10 Yenimahalle, Ankara Türkiye