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Biyokömür ve Fosfor Uygulamalarının Mısır ve Çeltik Bitkilerinin Gelişimi ve Mineral Element Konsantrasyonlarına Etkileri

Year 2019, Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 46 - 54, 27.03.2019


Bu çalışmanın amacı, bazı atıkların piroliz tekniğiyle tarımsal kullanım potansiyelinin artırılması ve
bu materyallerin toprağa uygulanarak P kullanım etkinliği ile bitki gelişimine etkilerinin araştırılmasıdır.
Bu amaçla, mısır ve çeltik bitkilerine 10 g kg-1 tavuk gübresi biyokömürü (TGBK) ve zeytin pirinası
biyokömürü (ZPBK) ile 0, 25, 50 ve 100 mg kg-1 dozlarında P uygulanmıştır. Bitkilerde kuru ağırlık ve
nispi klorofil ile N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe ve Zn konsantrasyonları belirlenmiştir. Bitki kuru ağırlığı mısırda
TGBK ve tüm P uygulamalarıyla kontrole göre artış göstermiş, çeltikte ise yalnızca 50 ve 100 mg P
kg-1 uygulamaları kuru ağırlığı artırmıştır (p<0.01). Nispi klorofil kapsamı artan P dozlarıyla azalmıştır.
Bitkide kalkacak Toplam P özellikle TGBK uygulamasıyla her iki bitkide de önemli düzeyde artmıştır. Mısır
bitkisinde 50 ve 100 mg P kg-1 uygulaması bitki K, Ca ve Mg içeriğini azaltmış, çeltikte ise ZPBK bitki Mg
içeriğini azaltmıştır. Mısır bitkisinde toplam Fe ve Zn içeriği P uygulamalarıyla önemli düzeyde azalmış,
ayrıca biyokömür uygulamaları da Fe içeriğini azaltmıştır. Çeltik bitkisinde Fe içeriği 50 ve 100 mg P kg-1
uygulamalarıyla azalmış, Zn içeriği ise TGBK uygulamasıyla artış göstermiştir. Sonuç olarak 50 ve 100
mg kg-1 P dozları ile birlikte uygulanan TGBK’nın en başarılı uygulamalar olduğu görülmüştür.


  • Aller D, Bakshi S, Laird DA (2017). Modified method for proximate analysis of biochars. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 124: 335-342. Anonymous (1951). Soil Sorvey Stuff, Soil Sorvey Manual. Agricultural Research Administration, United States Department of Agriculture Handbook, USA, 18: 340-377. Asai H, Samson BK, Stephan HM, Songyikhangsuthord K, Hommaa K, Kiyono Y, Inoue Y, Shiraiwa T, Horie T (2009). Biochar amendment techniques for upland rice production in Northern Laos. Field Crops Research, 111: 81-84. Atkinson CJ, Fitzgerald JD, Hipps NA (2010). Potential mechanisms for achieving agricultural benefits from biochar application to temperate soils: a review. Plant and Soil, 337: 1-18. Bhatnagar A, Kaczala F, Hogland W, Marques M, Paraskeva CA, Papadakis VG, Sillanpää M (2014). Valorization of solid waste products from olive oil industry as potential adsorbents for water pollution control-a review, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 21: 268-298. Bouyoucos GJ (1951). A realibration of hydrometer for making mechanical analysis of soil. Agronomy Journal, 43: 434-438. Brantley KE, Savin MC, Brye KR, Longer DE (2016). Nutrient availability and corn growth in a poultry litterbiocharamended loam soil in a greenhouse experiment. Soil Use and Management, 32: 279-288. Bremner JM (1965). Total nitrogen. In: Black, C.A. (eds), Methods of Soil Analysis. American Society of Agronomy, Wisconsin, pp. 1149-1178. Chowdhury RB, Moore GA, Weatherley AJ, Arora M (2017). Key sustainability challenges for the global phosphorus resource, their implications for global food security, and options for mitigation. Journal of Cleaner Production, 140: 945-963. DeLuca TH, MacKenzie MD, Gundale MJ (2009) Biochar effects on soil nutrient transformations. In: Lehmann J, Joseph S (eds), Biochar for Environmental Management. Science and Technology, London, pp. 251-270. FAO (2015). Statistical database. Available: http://www. Fascella G, Mammano MM, D’Angiolillo F, Rouphael Y (2018). Effects of conifer wood biochar as a substrate component on ornamental performance, photosynthetic activity, and mineral composition of potted Rosa rugosa. The Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, 93(5): 519-528. Gul S, Whalen JK, Thomas BW, Sachdeva V, Deng H (2015). Physico-chemical properties and microbial responses in biochar-amended soils: mechanisms and future directions. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 206: 46-59. Gunes A, Inal A, Alpaslan M, Cakmak I (2006). Genotypic variation in phosphorus efficiency between wheat cultivars grown under greenhouse and field conditions. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 52, 470-478. Gunes A, Inal A, Taskin MB, Sahin O, Kaya EC, Atakol A (2014). Effect of phosphorus-enriched biochar and poultry manure on growth and mineral composition of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. cv.) grown in alkaline soil. Soil Use Management: 30, 182-188. Gunes A, Inal A, Sahin O, Taskin MB, Atakol O, Yılmaz N (2015). Variations in mineral element concentrations of poultry manure biochar obtained at different pyrolysis temperatures, and their effects on crop growth and mineral nutrition. Soil Use and Management, 31: 429-437. Hilber I, Wyss GS, Mäder P, Bucheli TD, Meier I, Vogt L, Schulin R (2009). Influence of activated charcoal amendment to contaminated soil on dieldrin and nutrient uptake by cucumbers. Environmental Pollution, 157: 224-2230. Hmid A, Al Chami Z, Sillen W, De Vocht A, Vangronsveld J (2015). Olive mill waste biochar: a promising soil amendment for metal immobilization in contaminated soils. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 22: 1444- 1456. Inal A, Gunes A, Sahin O, Taskin MB, Kaya EC (2015). Impacts of biochar and processed poultry manure, applied to a calcareous soil, on the growth of bean and maize. Soil Use and Management, 31: 106-113. Isaac RA, Kerber JD (1971). Atomic Absorption and Flamephotometry: Techniques and Uses in Soil, Plant and Water Analysis. In: Walsh LM (eds), Instrumental Methods for Analysis of Soils and Plant Tissue, Soil Science Society of America, Madison, pp. 34-37. Jackson ML (1958). Soil Chemical Analysis. Prentice Hall, New Jersey, p. 498. Laird DA, Fleming P, Davis DD, Horton R, Wang B, Karlen DL (2010). Impact of biochar amendments on the quality of a typical Midwestern agricultural soil. Geoderma, 158: 443- 449. Lu H, Zhang YY, Huang X, Wang S, Qiu R (2012). Relative distribution of Pb2+ sorption mechanisms by sludge-derived biochar. Water Research, 46: 854-862. Nelson NO, Agudelo SC, Yuan W, Gan J. (2011). Nitrogen and phosphorus availability in biochar-amended soils. Soil Science, 176(5): 218-226. Olsen SR, Cole CV, Watanabe FS, Dean NC (1954). Estimation of available phosphorus in soil by extraction with sodium bicorbonate. United States Department of Agriculture Circular, 939, 1-18. Parfitt RL (1978). Anion adsorption by soils and soil materials. Advanced in Agronomy, 30: 1-50. Pratt PF (1965). Chemical and microbiological properties, In: Black, C.A. (eds), Methods of Soil Analysis. American Society of Agronomy, Madison, pp. 771-1572. Rees F, Simonnot MO, Morel JL (2014). Short-term effects of biochar on soil heavy metal mobility are controlled by intraparticle diffusion and soil pH increase. European Journal of Soil Science, 65: 149-161. Richards LA (1954). Diagnosis and improvement of saline and alkaline soils. In: United States Department of Agriculture Handbook, USA, p. 1070. Sadaka S, Sharara MA, Ashworth A, Keyser P, Allen F, Wright A (2014). Characterization of biochar from switchgrass carbonization. Energies, 7: 548-567. Sahin O, Taskin MB, Kaya EC, Atakol O, Emir E, Inal A, Gunes A (2017). Effect of acid modification of biochar on nutrient availability and maize growth in a calcareous soil. Soil Use and Management, 33: 447-456. Steiner C, Glaser B, Teixeira WG, Lehmann J, Blum WEH, Zech W (2008). Nitrogen retention and plant uptake on a highly weathered central Amazonian Ferraisol amended with compost and charcoal. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 171: 893-899. TUİK (2016). Zeytin üretimi. Meyveler, İçecek ve Baharat Bitkileri İstatistiksel Tablolar: TUİK (2017). Türlerine göre kümes hayvan sayıları. Hayvansal Üretim İstatistikleri: Wang T, Arbestan MC, Hedley M, Bishop P (2012). Predicting phosphorus bioavailability from high-ash biochars. Plant and Soil, 357, 173-187. Zhou D, Liu D, Gao F, Li M, Luo X (2017). Effects of biochar-derived sewage sludge on heavy metal adsorption and immobilization in soils. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14(7), 681-696.
Year 2019, Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 46 - 54, 27.03.2019



  • Aller D, Bakshi S, Laird DA (2017). Modified method for proximate analysis of biochars. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 124: 335-342. Anonymous (1951). Soil Sorvey Stuff, Soil Sorvey Manual. Agricultural Research Administration, United States Department of Agriculture Handbook, USA, 18: 340-377. Asai H, Samson BK, Stephan HM, Songyikhangsuthord K, Hommaa K, Kiyono Y, Inoue Y, Shiraiwa T, Horie T (2009). Biochar amendment techniques for upland rice production in Northern Laos. Field Crops Research, 111: 81-84. Atkinson CJ, Fitzgerald JD, Hipps NA (2010). Potential mechanisms for achieving agricultural benefits from biochar application to temperate soils: a review. Plant and Soil, 337: 1-18. Bhatnagar A, Kaczala F, Hogland W, Marques M, Paraskeva CA, Papadakis VG, Sillanpää M (2014). Valorization of solid waste products from olive oil industry as potential adsorbents for water pollution control-a review, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 21: 268-298. Bouyoucos GJ (1951). A realibration of hydrometer for making mechanical analysis of soil. Agronomy Journal, 43: 434-438. Brantley KE, Savin MC, Brye KR, Longer DE (2016). Nutrient availability and corn growth in a poultry litterbiocharamended loam soil in a greenhouse experiment. Soil Use and Management, 32: 279-288. Bremner JM (1965). Total nitrogen. In: Black, C.A. (eds), Methods of Soil Analysis. American Society of Agronomy, Wisconsin, pp. 1149-1178. Chowdhury RB, Moore GA, Weatherley AJ, Arora M (2017). Key sustainability challenges for the global phosphorus resource, their implications for global food security, and options for mitigation. Journal of Cleaner Production, 140: 945-963. DeLuca TH, MacKenzie MD, Gundale MJ (2009) Biochar effects on soil nutrient transformations. In: Lehmann J, Joseph S (eds), Biochar for Environmental Management. Science and Technology, London, pp. 251-270. FAO (2015). Statistical database. Available: http://www. Fascella G, Mammano MM, D’Angiolillo F, Rouphael Y (2018). Effects of conifer wood biochar as a substrate component on ornamental performance, photosynthetic activity, and mineral composition of potted Rosa rugosa. The Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, 93(5): 519-528. Gul S, Whalen JK, Thomas BW, Sachdeva V, Deng H (2015). Physico-chemical properties and microbial responses in biochar-amended soils: mechanisms and future directions. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 206: 46-59. Gunes A, Inal A, Alpaslan M, Cakmak I (2006). Genotypic variation in phosphorus efficiency between wheat cultivars grown under greenhouse and field conditions. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 52, 470-478. Gunes A, Inal A, Taskin MB, Sahin O, Kaya EC, Atakol A (2014). Effect of phosphorus-enriched biochar and poultry manure on growth and mineral composition of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. cv.) grown in alkaline soil. Soil Use Management: 30, 182-188. Gunes A, Inal A, Sahin O, Taskin MB, Atakol O, Yılmaz N (2015). Variations in mineral element concentrations of poultry manure biochar obtained at different pyrolysis temperatures, and their effects on crop growth and mineral nutrition. Soil Use and Management, 31: 429-437. Hilber I, Wyss GS, Mäder P, Bucheli TD, Meier I, Vogt L, Schulin R (2009). Influence of activated charcoal amendment to contaminated soil on dieldrin and nutrient uptake by cucumbers. Environmental Pollution, 157: 224-2230. Hmid A, Al Chami Z, Sillen W, De Vocht A, Vangronsveld J (2015). Olive mill waste biochar: a promising soil amendment for metal immobilization in contaminated soils. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 22: 1444- 1456. Inal A, Gunes A, Sahin O, Taskin MB, Kaya EC (2015). Impacts of biochar and processed poultry manure, applied to a calcareous soil, on the growth of bean and maize. Soil Use and Management, 31: 106-113. Isaac RA, Kerber JD (1971). Atomic Absorption and Flamephotometry: Techniques and Uses in Soil, Plant and Water Analysis. In: Walsh LM (eds), Instrumental Methods for Analysis of Soils and Plant Tissue, Soil Science Society of America, Madison, pp. 34-37. Jackson ML (1958). Soil Chemical Analysis. Prentice Hall, New Jersey, p. 498. Laird DA, Fleming P, Davis DD, Horton R, Wang B, Karlen DL (2010). Impact of biochar amendments on the quality of a typical Midwestern agricultural soil. Geoderma, 158: 443- 449. Lu H, Zhang YY, Huang X, Wang S, Qiu R (2012). Relative distribution of Pb2+ sorption mechanisms by sludge-derived biochar. Water Research, 46: 854-862. Nelson NO, Agudelo SC, Yuan W, Gan J. (2011). Nitrogen and phosphorus availability in biochar-amended soils. Soil Science, 176(5): 218-226. Olsen SR, Cole CV, Watanabe FS, Dean NC (1954). Estimation of available phosphorus in soil by extraction with sodium bicorbonate. United States Department of Agriculture Circular, 939, 1-18. Parfitt RL (1978). Anion adsorption by soils and soil materials. Advanced in Agronomy, 30: 1-50. Pratt PF (1965). Chemical and microbiological properties, In: Black, C.A. (eds), Methods of Soil Analysis. American Society of Agronomy, Madison, pp. 771-1572. Rees F, Simonnot MO, Morel JL (2014). Short-term effects of biochar on soil heavy metal mobility are controlled by intraparticle diffusion and soil pH increase. European Journal of Soil Science, 65: 149-161. Richards LA (1954). Diagnosis and improvement of saline and alkaline soils. In: United States Department of Agriculture Handbook, USA, p. 1070. Sadaka S, Sharara MA, Ashworth A, Keyser P, Allen F, Wright A (2014). Characterization of biochar from switchgrass carbonization. Energies, 7: 548-567. Sahin O, Taskin MB, Kaya EC, Atakol O, Emir E, Inal A, Gunes A (2017). Effect of acid modification of biochar on nutrient availability and maize growth in a calcareous soil. Soil Use and Management, 33: 447-456. Steiner C, Glaser B, Teixeira WG, Lehmann J, Blum WEH, Zech W (2008). Nitrogen retention and plant uptake on a highly weathered central Amazonian Ferraisol amended with compost and charcoal. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 171: 893-899. TUİK (2016). Zeytin üretimi. Meyveler, İçecek ve Baharat Bitkileri İstatistiksel Tablolar: TUİK (2017). Türlerine göre kümes hayvan sayıları. Hayvansal Üretim İstatistikleri: Wang T, Arbestan MC, Hedley M, Bishop P (2012). Predicting phosphorus bioavailability from high-ash biochars. Plant and Soil, 357, 173-187. Zhou D, Liu D, Gao F, Li M, Luo X (2017). Effects of biochar-derived sewage sludge on heavy metal adsorption and immobilization in soils. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14(7), 681-696.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Emre Can Kaya

Hanife Akça

Mehmet Burak Taşkın

Moustapha Maman Mounırou This is me

Tuğba Kaya This is me

Publication Date March 27, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 8 Issue: 1


APA Kaya, E. C., Akça, H., Taşkın, M. B., Mounırou, M. M., et al. (2019). Biyokömür ve Fosfor Uygulamalarının Mısır ve Çeltik Bitkilerinin Gelişimi ve Mineral Element Konsantrasyonlarına Etkileri. Toprak Su Dergisi, 8(1), 46-54.
AMA Kaya EC, Akça H, Taşkın MB, Mounırou MM, Kaya T. Biyokömür ve Fosfor Uygulamalarının Mısır ve Çeltik Bitkilerinin Gelişimi ve Mineral Element Konsantrasyonlarına Etkileri. SWJ. March 2019;8(1):46-54. doi:10.21657/topraksu.544679
Chicago Kaya, Emre Can, Hanife Akça, Mehmet Burak Taşkın, Moustapha Maman Mounırou, and Tuğba Kaya. “Biyokömür Ve Fosfor Uygulamalarının Mısır Ve Çeltik Bitkilerinin Gelişimi Ve Mineral Element Konsantrasyonlarına Etkileri”. Toprak Su Dergisi 8, no. 1 (March 2019): 46-54.
EndNote Kaya EC, Akça H, Taşkın MB, Mounırou MM, Kaya T (March 1, 2019) Biyokömür ve Fosfor Uygulamalarının Mısır ve Çeltik Bitkilerinin Gelişimi ve Mineral Element Konsantrasyonlarına Etkileri. Toprak Su Dergisi 8 1 46–54.
IEEE E. C. Kaya, H. Akça, M. B. Taşkın, M. M. Mounırou, and T. Kaya, “Biyokömür ve Fosfor Uygulamalarının Mısır ve Çeltik Bitkilerinin Gelişimi ve Mineral Element Konsantrasyonlarına Etkileri”, SWJ, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 46–54, 2019, doi: 10.21657/topraksu.544679.
ISNAD Kaya, Emre Can et al. “Biyokömür Ve Fosfor Uygulamalarının Mısır Ve Çeltik Bitkilerinin Gelişimi Ve Mineral Element Konsantrasyonlarına Etkileri”. Toprak Su Dergisi 8/1 (March 2019), 46-54.
JAMA Kaya EC, Akça H, Taşkın MB, Mounırou MM, Kaya T. Biyokömür ve Fosfor Uygulamalarının Mısır ve Çeltik Bitkilerinin Gelişimi ve Mineral Element Konsantrasyonlarına Etkileri. SWJ. 2019;8:46–54.
MLA Kaya, Emre Can et al. “Biyokömür Ve Fosfor Uygulamalarının Mısır Ve Çeltik Bitkilerinin Gelişimi Ve Mineral Element Konsantrasyonlarına Etkileri”. Toprak Su Dergisi, vol. 8, no. 1, 2019, pp. 46-54, doi:10.21657/topraksu.544679.
Vancouver Kaya EC, Akça H, Taşkın MB, Mounırou MM, Kaya T. Biyokömür ve Fosfor Uygulamalarının Mısır ve Çeltik Bitkilerinin Gelişimi ve Mineral Element Konsantrasyonlarına Etkileri. SWJ. 2019;8(1):46-54.
Kapak Tasarım : Hüseyin Oğuzhan BEŞEN
Grafik Tasarım : Filiz ERYILMAZ
Basım Yeri : Gıda Tarım ve Hayvancılık Bakanlığı - Eğitim Yayım ve Yayınlar Dairesi Başkanlığı
İvedik Caddesi Bankacılar Sokak No : 10 Yenimahalle, Ankara Türkiye