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Effect of Sodic Irrigation Water on Soil Salinity Changes

Year 2020, Volume: 9 Issue: 2, 102 - 115, 29.09.2020


The use of sodium-containing irrigation water causes to increase the sodium content of soils. In this study, it was aimed to monitor soil pH and EC values as a result of the application of irrigation waters containing Na+. Field trial was conducted with three replicates and five treatments. Artificial irrigation waters of 20 and 40 SAR with ECs are less than 3 dS m-1 were prepared from NaCl and NaHCO3 salts separately and applied to the parcels by drip irrigation. A total of fifteen irrigation applications were performed, and soil salinity parameters were monitored from the samples taken in every five watering. It was determined that the soil pHe did not increase significantly in both doses of NaCI applications until the end of the 2nd period, even decreased significantly in only SAR 20 applications during 2nd period and had similar results to the pre-irrigation period, and the pHe started to increase only after the third period after the winter rains. Similarly, the soil pHe of NaHCO3 applications did not change until the end of 2nd period, and by 3nd periods, there were increases for both doses, especially for SAR 40. While the pH of soil with NaHCO3 salt reached to 8.28 after the 4th period, NaCl salt increased the soil pH to 7.65 in SAR 40 irrigation water treatment. The ECe values both on the soil surface and subsurface increased in harmony with the increase in SAR for both salt types, especially with the use of water with NaCl. In addition, the salts were transported from the upper soil layer to the lower layers by winter rains between the 2nd and 3nd periods. The use of irrigation water containing NaHCO3 salt had no significant effect on soil EC values. The average the initial soil ECe of 0.60 dS m-1 reached to 5.53 dS m-1 in the SAR 40 of NaCI application at 0-10 cm soil depth at the end of the 4th period. As a result, the soil pHe has not changed significantly due to the buffering capacity of the soils, with the use of irrigation waters with different SAR values for a medium period of time. ECe values on the soil surface increased especially in NaCI applications due to the increase of SAR values of the waters, except for the 3nd periods.


  • Abu-Alrub I, Marcum KB, Kabir N, Aran A, Hammadi MA (2018). Productivity and nutritional value of four forage grass cultivars compared to Rhodes grass irrigated with saline water. Australian Journal of Crop Science, 12 (02): 203-209.
  • Akalan İ (1977). Toprak Oluşu, Yapısı ve Özellikleri. A.Ü. Zir. Fak. Yayınları, No: 662. Ankara.
  • Al-Busaidi AS, Cookson P (2003). Salinity-pH relationships in calcareous soils. Agricultural and Marine Science, 8: 41-46.
  • Alsadon A, Sadder M, Wahb-Allah M (2013). Responsive gene screening and exploration of genotypes responses to salinity tolerance in tomato. Australian Journal of Crop Science, 7 (9): 1383- 1395.
  • Amezketa E (1999). Soil aggregate stability: a review Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, 14: 83–151.
  • Amit R, Yehouda E, Tamir G, Onn C, Naomi P, Avner A (2010). The role of rare rainstorms in the formation of calcic soil horizons on alluvial surfaces in extreme deserts. Quaternary Research, 74: 177-187.
  • Avcı S (2018). Farklı sulama yönetimi uygulamalarının lizimetre koşullarında drenaj suyu kalitesine, toprak tuzluluğuna ve yoncada (Medicago sativa) verime etkisi. Doktora tezi, Ankara Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Ankara.
  • Ayers RS, Westcot DW (1985). Water quality for agriculture (Vol. 29). Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
  • Bouaroudj S, Menad A, Bounamous A, Ali-Khodja H, Gherib A, Weigel DE, Chenchouni H (2019). Assessment of water quality at the largest dam in Algeria (Beni Haroun Dam) and effects of irrigation on soil characteristics of agricultural lands. Chemosphere Journal, 219: 76-88.
  • Bouyoucos GJ (1951). A recalibration of hydrometer method for making mechanical analysis of soils. Agronomy Journal, 43: 434-438.
  • Bower CA, Reitmeir RF, Fireman M (1952). Exchangeable cation analysis of saline and alkali soils. Soil Science, 73: 251- 261.
  • Costa JL, Aparicio VC (2015). Quality assessment of irrigation water under a combination of rain and irrigation. Agricultural Sciences Journal, 159: 299–306.
  • Çakır R, Gidişlioğlu A (1997). Düşük kaliteli sulama sularının vertisol toprakların bazı özelliklerine ve ayçiçeği bitkisinin vegatatif gelişmesine etkileri. VI. Tarımsal Tapılar ve Sulama Kongresi, Bursa.
  • Esechie HA ( 1994). Interaction of salinity and temperature on the germination of sorghum. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science, 172: 194-199.
  • Felhendler R, Shainberg I, Frenkel H. (1974). Dispersion and the hydraulic conductivity of soils in mixed solutions. Trans Int Congr Soil Sci.
  • Frenkel H, Goertzen JO, Rhoades JD (1978). Effects of clay type and content exchangeable sodium percentage, and electrolyte concentration on clay dispersion and soil hydraulic conductivity. Soil Science Society of America Journal, Madison, 42:32–39.
  • Gupta RK, Bhumbla DK, Abrol IP (1984). Sodium-calcium exchange equilibria in soils as affected by calcium carbonate and organic matter. Soil Science, 138(2): 109-114.
  • Hasan HI, Battikhi AM, Qrunfleh MM (2015). Impacts of Treated Wastewater Reuse on Some Soil Properties and Production of Gladiolus communis. Jordan Journal of Agricultural Sciences Journal, 11(4): 1103–1118.
  • Hassanli AM, Javan M, Saadat Y (2008). Reuse of municipal effluent with drip irrigation and evaluation the effect on soil properties in a semi-arid area. Environmental monitoring and Assessment, 144(1-3): 151-158.
  • Hazelton P, Murphy B (2016). Interpreting soil test results: What do all the numbers mean? : CSIRO publishing.
  • Kanber R, Ünlü M (2010). Tarımda Su ve Toprak Tuzluluğu. Ç.Ü. Ziraat Fakültesi Genel Yayın No: 281, Kitap Yayın No: A-87. Adana.
  • Karakoç B, Kale S (2016). Farklı Erirlikteki Tuz Cinslerine Sahip Sulama Suyu Tuz Düzeylerinin, Marul (Lactuca Sativa) Verimi Üzerine Etkileri. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 1(1): 1-7.
  • Kurunç A (2017). Sulama Suyu Kalitesi ve Tuzluluk, Tuzluluğun Bitkilere Etkisi, Akdeniz Üniversitesi Tarımsal Yapılar ve Sulama Bölümü Ders Notları.
  • Li XB, Kang YH, Wan SQ, Chen XL, Chu LL (2015). Reclamation of very heavy coastal saline soil using dripirrigation with saline water on salt-sensitive plants. Soil and Tillage Research Journal, 146: 159–173.
  • Li N, Kang Y, Li X, Wan S, Xu J (2019). Effect of the micro-sprinkler irrigation method with treated effluent on soil physical and chemical properties in sea reclamation land. Agricultural Water Management Journal, 213: 222–230.
  • Liu X, Feike T, Chen S, Shao L, Sun H, Zhang X (2016) Effects of saline irrigation on soil salt accumulation and grain yield in the winter wheat-summer maize double cropping system in the low plain of North China. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 15 (12): 2886-2898.
  • Maas EV (1986). Salt Tolerance of Plants. Applied Agricultural Research, 1: 12-26.
  • Makoi JHJR, Verplancke H (2010). Effect of gypsum placement on the physical chemical properties of a saline sandy loam soil. Australian Journal of Crop Science, 4(7):556-563.
  • Mancino CF, Pepper I.L (1992). Irrigation of turfgrass with secondary sewage effluent: Soil quality. Agronomy Journal, 84:650–654.
  • Meiri A, Plaut Z ( 1985). Crop Production and Management under Saline Conditions, Plant and Soil, 89:253-271.
  • Mostafazadeh-Fard B, Haydarpour M, Aghakhani A, Feizi M (2007). Effects of irrigation water salinity and leaching on soil chemical properties in an arid region. nternational Journal of Biology, 9(3):466-469.
  • Munsuz, N, Çaycı G, Ok SS (2001). Toprak Islahı ve Düzenleyiciler Ankara Ünv. Zir. Fak. Yayınları, No: 1518, Yardımcı Ders Kitabı: 471.
  • Nelson DW, LE Sommers (1982). Total carbon, organic carbon, and organic matter. Methods of soil analysis. Part 2. Chemical and microbiological properties: pp. 539-579.
  • Özdemir N (1998). Toprak fiziği. OMÜ Yayınları, Ders Kitabı No: 30.
  • Pessoa LGM, dos Santos Freire MBG, dos Santos RL, Freire FJ, Miranda MFA, dos Santos PR (2019). Saline water irrigation in semiarid region: I-effects on soil chemical properties. Australian Journal of Crop Science, 13(7): 1169.
  • Pondkule RG, Jadhao SM (2020). Impact of irrigation on soil properties in Purnavalleyof Vidarbha region of Maharashtra. International Journal of Chemical Studies, (1): 2110-2114.
  • Pupisky H, Shainberg I ( 1979). Salt effects on the hydraulic conductivity of a sandy soil, Soil Science Society of America Journal, 43:429–433.
  • Qian Y, Lin Y (2019). Comparison of soil chemical properties prior to and five to eleven years after recycled water irrigation. Journal of Environmental Quality, 48(6): 1758-1765.
  • Rana L, Dhankhar R, Chhikara S (2010). Soil characteristics affected by long term application of sewage wastewater. International Journal of Environmental Research,4(3): 513-518.
  • Richards LA (1954). Diagnosis and improvement of saline and alkali soıls, USD A Handbook No: 60.
  • Rhoades JD, Ingvalson RD (1969). Macroscopic swelling and hydraulic conductivity properties of four vermiculite soils. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 33: 364–369.
  • Rowell CHF, Mckay JM (1969).An acridid auditory interneurone. I. Functional connexions and responses to single sounds Journal of Experimental Biology, 51: 231-47.
  • Rusan MJM, Hinnawi S, Rousan L (2007). Long term effect of wastewater irrigation of forage crops on soil and plant quality parameters. Desalination, 215: 143–152.
  • Schipper LA, Williamson JC, Kettles HA, Speir TW (1996). Impact of land-applied tertiary-treated effluent on soil biochemicalproperties. Journal of Environmental Quality, 25:1073– 1077.
  • Shainberg I, Rhoades JD, Prather RJ (1981a). Effect of low electrolyte concentration on clay dispersion and hydraulic conductivity of a sodic soil. Soil Science Society of America Journal,45: 273–277.
  • Shainberg I, Rhoades JD, Prather RJ (1981b). Effect of mineral weathering on clay dispersion and hydraulic conductivity of sodic soils. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 45: 287-291.
  • Shainberg I, Levy GJ (1992). Physical–chemical effects of salts upon infiltration and water movement in soils. In: Wagenet, R.J. (Ed.), Interacting Processes in Soil Science. Advances in soil Sciences, Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, FL, pp. 38–93.
  • Sönmez B, Beyazgül M ( 2008). Türkiye’de Tuzlu ve Sodyumlu Toprakların Islahı ve Yönetimi, Sulama ve Tuzlanma Konferansı,12-13 Haziran 2008, Şanlıurfa.
  • Sun JX, Kang YH, Wan SQ, Hu W, Jiang SF, Zhang TB (2012). Soil salinity management with drip irrigation and its effects on soil hydraulic properties in north China coastal saline soils. Agricultural Water Management Journal, 115: 10–19.
  • Sreenivas C, Reddy CK (2008). Salinity–sodicity relationships of the Kalipatnam drainage pilot area, Godavari western delta, India. Irrigation and Drainage: The journal of the International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage, 57(5): 533-544.
  • Tan HK (1993). Soil Reaction. In Principles of Soil Chemistry, 2nd edn. Marcel Dekker: New York, 255-278.
  • Tarchouna LG, Merdy P, Raynaud M, Pfeifer HR, Lucas Y (2010). Effects of long-term irrigation with treated wastewater. Part I: Evolution of soil physico-chemical properties. Applied Geochemistry, 25(11):1703–1710.
  • Taşan S, Demir Y (2019). Toprakların tuzluluk ve sodikliğinin alansal ve zamansal değişiminin jeoistatistiksel yöntemlerle değerlendirilmesi: Bafra ovası örneği. Anadolu Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 34(3): 336-350.
  • Tunç T, Şahin U (2015). The changes in the pHysical and hydraulic properties of a loamy soil under irrigation with simpler-reclaimed wastewaters. Agricultural Water Management Journal, 158:213–224.
  • Ülgen N, Yurtsever N (1974). Türkiye Gübreler ve Gübreleme Rehberi. Toprak ve Gübre Araştırma Enstitüsü Müdürlüğü, Teknik Yayınlar No:28. Ankara.
  • Üzen N (2007). Güneydoğu Anadolu Bölgesi Koşullarında Yetiştirilen Kimi Pamuk Çeşitlerinin Farklı Seviyelerdeki Tuz Stresine Gösterdikleri Tepkilerin İncelenmesi Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Çukurova Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Adana.
  • Wang RS, Kang YH, Wan SQ, Hu W, Liu SP, Liu SH (2011). Salt distribution and the growth of cotton under different drip irrigation regimes in a saline area. Agricultural Water Management Journal, 100:58–69.
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  • Yurtseven E, Güngör Y (1990). Değişik Tuzluluk Düzeylerindeki Sulama Sularının Toprak Tuzlulaşmasına Etkisi. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry Journal, 14: 555-561.
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Sodyumlu Sulama Sularının Toprak Tuzluluk Değişimine Etkisi

Year 2020, Volume: 9 Issue: 2, 102 - 115, 29.09.2020


Sodyum içeren sulama sularının kullanımı, toprakların sodyum içeriklerinin artmasına neden olmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, Na+ içeren sulama sularının kullanımı sonucunda, topraktaki pH ve EC değerlerinin izlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Deneme tarla koşullarında, üç tekerrürlü ve beş uygulama olacak şekilde yürütülmüştür. EC değerleri <3 dS m-1 ‘den düşük olan 20 ve 40 SAR değerlerindeki sular NaCl ve NaHCO3 tuzlarından yapay olarak hazırlanmış ve damla sulama yöntemi ile uygulanmıştır. Deneme süresince on beş sulama yapılmış ve her beş yıkama sonrası alınan toprak örneklerinde belirtilen toprak tuzluluk parametrelerinin değişimi izlenmiştir. NaCI uygulamalarının her iki dozunda da toprak pHe’sının 2. dönem sonuna kadar önemli düzeyde artmadığı, hatta 2. dönem süresince sadece SAR 20 uygulamasında önemli düzeyde azaldığı ve sulama öncesi döneme benzer sonuçların olduğu, sadece kış yağışlarından sonra 3. dönemden itibaren pHe’nın artmaya başladığı belirlenmiştir. SAR 40 sulama suyu uygulamasında, NaHCO3 tuzu toprak pH'sını 4. periyodun sonunda 8.28'e yükseltirken, NaCl tuzu toprak pH'ını 7.65'e yükseltmiştir. Toprak yüzeyinde ve alt katmanlarda ECe değerlerinin özellikle NaCl’lü suyun kullanılmasıyla, her iki tuz çeşidinde de SAR daki artışa paralel olarak arttığı belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca 2. ve 3. dönem arasında kış yağışlarının etkisiyle tuzların üst toprak katmanından alt katmanlara taşındığı tespit edilmiştir. Başlangıç dönemindeki ortalama toprak ECe, değeri 0.60 dS m-1, NaCI uygulamasının SAR 40 dozunda 4.dönem sonunda 0-10 cm toprak derinliğinde 5.53 dS m-1 e ulaşmıştır. Sonuç olarak pHe’nın değişik SAR değerlerine sahip sulama sularının deneme süresince yapılan on beş sulama sonrasında toprakların tamponlama özelliğinden dolayı belirgin olarak değişmediği, sulama suyu tuzluluğuna bağlı olarak ECe’nin değişiminde sulama dönemleri arasında istatistiksel olarak farklılıkların olduğu belirlenmiştir.


  • Abu-Alrub I, Marcum KB, Kabir N, Aran A, Hammadi MA (2018). Productivity and nutritional value of four forage grass cultivars compared to Rhodes grass irrigated with saline water. Australian Journal of Crop Science, 12 (02): 203-209.
  • Akalan İ (1977). Toprak Oluşu, Yapısı ve Özellikleri. A.Ü. Zir. Fak. Yayınları, No: 662. Ankara.
  • Al-Busaidi AS, Cookson P (2003). Salinity-pH relationships in calcareous soils. Agricultural and Marine Science, 8: 41-46.
  • Alsadon A, Sadder M, Wahb-Allah M (2013). Responsive gene screening and exploration of genotypes responses to salinity tolerance in tomato. Australian Journal of Crop Science, 7 (9): 1383- 1395.
  • Amezketa E (1999). Soil aggregate stability: a review Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, 14: 83–151.
  • Amit R, Yehouda E, Tamir G, Onn C, Naomi P, Avner A (2010). The role of rare rainstorms in the formation of calcic soil horizons on alluvial surfaces in extreme deserts. Quaternary Research, 74: 177-187.
  • Avcı S (2018). Farklı sulama yönetimi uygulamalarının lizimetre koşullarında drenaj suyu kalitesine, toprak tuzluluğuna ve yoncada (Medicago sativa) verime etkisi. Doktora tezi, Ankara Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Ankara.
  • Ayers RS, Westcot DW (1985). Water quality for agriculture (Vol. 29). Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
  • Bouaroudj S, Menad A, Bounamous A, Ali-Khodja H, Gherib A, Weigel DE, Chenchouni H (2019). Assessment of water quality at the largest dam in Algeria (Beni Haroun Dam) and effects of irrigation on soil characteristics of agricultural lands. Chemosphere Journal, 219: 76-88.
  • Bouyoucos GJ (1951). A recalibration of hydrometer method for making mechanical analysis of soils. Agronomy Journal, 43: 434-438.
  • Bower CA, Reitmeir RF, Fireman M (1952). Exchangeable cation analysis of saline and alkali soils. Soil Science, 73: 251- 261.
  • Costa JL, Aparicio VC (2015). Quality assessment of irrigation water under a combination of rain and irrigation. Agricultural Sciences Journal, 159: 299–306.
  • Çakır R, Gidişlioğlu A (1997). Düşük kaliteli sulama sularının vertisol toprakların bazı özelliklerine ve ayçiçeği bitkisinin vegatatif gelişmesine etkileri. VI. Tarımsal Tapılar ve Sulama Kongresi, Bursa.
  • Esechie HA ( 1994). Interaction of salinity and temperature on the germination of sorghum. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science, 172: 194-199.
  • Felhendler R, Shainberg I, Frenkel H. (1974). Dispersion and the hydraulic conductivity of soils in mixed solutions. Trans Int Congr Soil Sci.
  • Frenkel H, Goertzen JO, Rhoades JD (1978). Effects of clay type and content exchangeable sodium percentage, and electrolyte concentration on clay dispersion and soil hydraulic conductivity. Soil Science Society of America Journal, Madison, 42:32–39.
  • Gupta RK, Bhumbla DK, Abrol IP (1984). Sodium-calcium exchange equilibria in soils as affected by calcium carbonate and organic matter. Soil Science, 138(2): 109-114.
  • Hasan HI, Battikhi AM, Qrunfleh MM (2015). Impacts of Treated Wastewater Reuse on Some Soil Properties and Production of Gladiolus communis. Jordan Journal of Agricultural Sciences Journal, 11(4): 1103–1118.
  • Hassanli AM, Javan M, Saadat Y (2008). Reuse of municipal effluent with drip irrigation and evaluation the effect on soil properties in a semi-arid area. Environmental monitoring and Assessment, 144(1-3): 151-158.
  • Hazelton P, Murphy B (2016). Interpreting soil test results: What do all the numbers mean? : CSIRO publishing.
  • Kanber R, Ünlü M (2010). Tarımda Su ve Toprak Tuzluluğu. Ç.Ü. Ziraat Fakültesi Genel Yayın No: 281, Kitap Yayın No: A-87. Adana.
  • Karakoç B, Kale S (2016). Farklı Erirlikteki Tuz Cinslerine Sahip Sulama Suyu Tuz Düzeylerinin, Marul (Lactuca Sativa) Verimi Üzerine Etkileri. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 1(1): 1-7.
  • Kurunç A (2017). Sulama Suyu Kalitesi ve Tuzluluk, Tuzluluğun Bitkilere Etkisi, Akdeniz Üniversitesi Tarımsal Yapılar ve Sulama Bölümü Ders Notları.
  • Li XB, Kang YH, Wan SQ, Chen XL, Chu LL (2015). Reclamation of very heavy coastal saline soil using dripirrigation with saline water on salt-sensitive plants. Soil and Tillage Research Journal, 146: 159–173.
  • Li N, Kang Y, Li X, Wan S, Xu J (2019). Effect of the micro-sprinkler irrigation method with treated effluent on soil physical and chemical properties in sea reclamation land. Agricultural Water Management Journal, 213: 222–230.
  • Liu X, Feike T, Chen S, Shao L, Sun H, Zhang X (2016) Effects of saline irrigation on soil salt accumulation and grain yield in the winter wheat-summer maize double cropping system in the low plain of North China. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 15 (12): 2886-2898.
  • Maas EV (1986). Salt Tolerance of Plants. Applied Agricultural Research, 1: 12-26.
  • Makoi JHJR, Verplancke H (2010). Effect of gypsum placement on the physical chemical properties of a saline sandy loam soil. Australian Journal of Crop Science, 4(7):556-563.
  • Mancino CF, Pepper I.L (1992). Irrigation of turfgrass with secondary sewage effluent: Soil quality. Agronomy Journal, 84:650–654.
  • Meiri A, Plaut Z ( 1985). Crop Production and Management under Saline Conditions, Plant and Soil, 89:253-271.
  • Mostafazadeh-Fard B, Haydarpour M, Aghakhani A, Feizi M (2007). Effects of irrigation water salinity and leaching on soil chemical properties in an arid region. nternational Journal of Biology, 9(3):466-469.
  • Munsuz, N, Çaycı G, Ok SS (2001). Toprak Islahı ve Düzenleyiciler Ankara Ünv. Zir. Fak. Yayınları, No: 1518, Yardımcı Ders Kitabı: 471.
  • Nelson DW, LE Sommers (1982). Total carbon, organic carbon, and organic matter. Methods of soil analysis. Part 2. Chemical and microbiological properties: pp. 539-579.
  • Özdemir N (1998). Toprak fiziği. OMÜ Yayınları, Ders Kitabı No: 30.
  • Pessoa LGM, dos Santos Freire MBG, dos Santos RL, Freire FJ, Miranda MFA, dos Santos PR (2019). Saline water irrigation in semiarid region: I-effects on soil chemical properties. Australian Journal of Crop Science, 13(7): 1169.
  • Pondkule RG, Jadhao SM (2020). Impact of irrigation on soil properties in Purnavalleyof Vidarbha region of Maharashtra. International Journal of Chemical Studies, (1): 2110-2114.
  • Pupisky H, Shainberg I ( 1979). Salt effects on the hydraulic conductivity of a sandy soil, Soil Science Society of America Journal, 43:429–433.
  • Qian Y, Lin Y (2019). Comparison of soil chemical properties prior to and five to eleven years after recycled water irrigation. Journal of Environmental Quality, 48(6): 1758-1765.
  • Rana L, Dhankhar R, Chhikara S (2010). Soil characteristics affected by long term application of sewage wastewater. International Journal of Environmental Research,4(3): 513-518.
  • Richards LA (1954). Diagnosis and improvement of saline and alkali soıls, USD A Handbook No: 60.
  • Rhoades JD, Ingvalson RD (1969). Macroscopic swelling and hydraulic conductivity properties of four vermiculite soils. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 33: 364–369.
  • Rowell CHF, Mckay JM (1969).An acridid auditory interneurone. I. Functional connexions and responses to single sounds Journal of Experimental Biology, 51: 231-47.
  • Rusan MJM, Hinnawi S, Rousan L (2007). Long term effect of wastewater irrigation of forage crops on soil and plant quality parameters. Desalination, 215: 143–152.
  • Schipper LA, Williamson JC, Kettles HA, Speir TW (1996). Impact of land-applied tertiary-treated effluent on soil biochemicalproperties. Journal of Environmental Quality, 25:1073– 1077.
  • Shainberg I, Rhoades JD, Prather RJ (1981a). Effect of low electrolyte concentration on clay dispersion and hydraulic conductivity of a sodic soil. Soil Science Society of America Journal,45: 273–277.
  • Shainberg I, Rhoades JD, Prather RJ (1981b). Effect of mineral weathering on clay dispersion and hydraulic conductivity of sodic soils. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 45: 287-291.
  • Shainberg I, Levy GJ (1992). Physical–chemical effects of salts upon infiltration and water movement in soils. In: Wagenet, R.J. (Ed.), Interacting Processes in Soil Science. Advances in soil Sciences, Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, FL, pp. 38–93.
  • Sönmez B, Beyazgül M ( 2008). Türkiye’de Tuzlu ve Sodyumlu Toprakların Islahı ve Yönetimi, Sulama ve Tuzlanma Konferansı,12-13 Haziran 2008, Şanlıurfa.
  • Sun JX, Kang YH, Wan SQ, Hu W, Jiang SF, Zhang TB (2012). Soil salinity management with drip irrigation and its effects on soil hydraulic properties in north China coastal saline soils. Agricultural Water Management Journal, 115: 10–19.
  • Sreenivas C, Reddy CK (2008). Salinity–sodicity relationships of the Kalipatnam drainage pilot area, Godavari western delta, India. Irrigation and Drainage: The journal of the International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage, 57(5): 533-544.
  • Tan HK (1993). Soil Reaction. In Principles of Soil Chemistry, 2nd edn. Marcel Dekker: New York, 255-278.
  • Tarchouna LG, Merdy P, Raynaud M, Pfeifer HR, Lucas Y (2010). Effects of long-term irrigation with treated wastewater. Part I: Evolution of soil physico-chemical properties. Applied Geochemistry, 25(11):1703–1710.
  • Taşan S, Demir Y (2019). Toprakların tuzluluk ve sodikliğinin alansal ve zamansal değişiminin jeoistatistiksel yöntemlerle değerlendirilmesi: Bafra ovası örneği. Anadolu Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 34(3): 336-350.
  • Tunç T, Şahin U (2015). The changes in the pHysical and hydraulic properties of a loamy soil under irrigation with simpler-reclaimed wastewaters. Agricultural Water Management Journal, 158:213–224.
  • Ülgen N, Yurtsever N (1974). Türkiye Gübreler ve Gübreleme Rehberi. Toprak ve Gübre Araştırma Enstitüsü Müdürlüğü, Teknik Yayınlar No:28. Ankara.
  • Üzen N (2007). Güneydoğu Anadolu Bölgesi Koşullarında Yetiştirilen Kimi Pamuk Çeşitlerinin Farklı Seviyelerdeki Tuz Stresine Gösterdikleri Tepkilerin İncelenmesi Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Çukurova Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Adana.
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There are 61 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Ayşe Ertaş Peker This is me

Hasan Sabri Öztürk 0000-0002-0106-6939

Publication Date September 29, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 9 Issue: 2


APA Ertaş Peker, A., & Öztürk, H. S. (2020). Sodyumlu Sulama Sularının Toprak Tuzluluk Değişimine Etkisi. Toprak Su Dergisi, 9(2), 102-115.
AMA Ertaş Peker A, Öztürk HS. Sodyumlu Sulama Sularının Toprak Tuzluluk Değişimine Etkisi. TSD. September 2020;9(2):102-115. doi:10.21657/topraksu.713951
Chicago Ertaş Peker, Ayşe, and Hasan Sabri Öztürk. “Sodyumlu Sulama Sularının Toprak Tuzluluk Değişimine Etkisi”. Toprak Su Dergisi 9, no. 2 (September 2020): 102-15.
EndNote Ertaş Peker A, Öztürk HS (September 1, 2020) Sodyumlu Sulama Sularının Toprak Tuzluluk Değişimine Etkisi. Toprak Su Dergisi 9 2 102–115.
IEEE A. Ertaş Peker and H. S. Öztürk, “Sodyumlu Sulama Sularının Toprak Tuzluluk Değişimine Etkisi”, TSD, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 102–115, 2020, doi: 10.21657/topraksu.713951.
ISNAD Ertaş Peker, Ayşe - Öztürk, Hasan Sabri. “Sodyumlu Sulama Sularının Toprak Tuzluluk Değişimine Etkisi”. Toprak Su Dergisi 9/2 (September 2020), 102-115.
JAMA Ertaş Peker A, Öztürk HS. Sodyumlu Sulama Sularının Toprak Tuzluluk Değişimine Etkisi. TSD. 2020;9:102–115.
MLA Ertaş Peker, Ayşe and Hasan Sabri Öztürk. “Sodyumlu Sulama Sularının Toprak Tuzluluk Değişimine Etkisi”. Toprak Su Dergisi, vol. 9, no. 2, 2020, pp. 102-15, doi:10.21657/topraksu.713951.
Vancouver Ertaş Peker A, Öztürk HS. Sodyumlu Sulama Sularının Toprak Tuzluluk Değişimine Etkisi. TSD. 2020;9(2):102-15.
Kapak Tasarım : Hüseyin Oğuzhan BEŞEN
Grafik Tasarım : Filiz ERYILMAZ
Basım Yeri : Gıda Tarım ve Hayvancılık Bakanlığı - Eğitim Yayım ve Yayınlar Dairesi Başkanlığı
İvedik Caddesi Bankacılar Sokak No : 10 Yenimahalle, Ankara Türkiye