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Evaluation of Quality of Some Well Waters Used in Agricultural Irrigation in terms of Plant Nutrition

Year 2021, Volume: 10 Issue: 2, 94 - 103, 23.09.2021


In this study, where the suitability of groundwater for irrigation in terms of soil and plants was evaluated, samples were taken from 11 drilling wells used for irrigation in some regions of Kahramanmaraş province. Chemical parameter values such as pH, EC, RSC, SAR, TDS, TH, Na%, PI, SSP, MR, KR, PS were determined in the assessment of irrigation water quality. According to irrigation water quality criteria, all samples except for two samples were in the medium salt/low sodium water (C2S1) class in terms of EC values. TH values were determined as soft water in all well waters. It was determined that the well waters were not suitable for irrigation in terms of plants and soils, including 3 in terms of Na%, SSP, MRI and KR values, 2 for Boron, SAR and RSC values, and one each for pH and PI values. As a result, these wells, which are evaluated problematic for soil and plants in terms of special ionic, salinity and alkalinity, should be used by taking the necessary precautions or should not be used for irrigation.


We would like to thank them for giving us the opportunity to do this study with the groundwater samples we take from their wells in line with our farmers' demands.


  • Aghazadeh N, Mogaddam AA (2011). Investigation of hydrochemical characteristics of groundwater in the Harzandat aquifer, Northwest of Iran. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 176(1-4): 183–195,
  • Ağca N (2014). Spatial variability of groundwater quality and its suitability for drinking and irrigation in the Amik Plain (South Turkey). Environmental Earth Science 72: 4115-4130, doi: 10.1007/s12665-014-3305-7.
  • Al-Omran AM, Aly AA, Al-Wabel MI, Al-Shayaa MS, Sallam AS, Nadeem M E (2017). Geostatistical methods in evaluating spatial variability of groundwater quality in Al-Kharj Region, Saudi Arabia. Applied Water Science 7(7): 4013-4023, doi: 10.1007/s13201-017-0552-2.
  • Anonymous 2020. Ankara Üniversitesi Açık Ders Malzemeleri., (10.03.2020).
  • APHA (1989). Standard methods for the examination of water, sewage, and waste water, 17th Ed. American Public Health Association, New York, p. 1550.
  • Arslan H, Güler M, Cemek B, Demir Y (2007). Bafra Ovası yeraltı suyu kalitesinin sulama açısından değerlendirilmesi. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 4(2): 219-226.
  • Arumugam K, Elangovan K (2009). Hydrochemical characteristics and groundwater quality assessment in Tirupur Region, Coimbatore District, Tamil Nadu, India. Environmental Geology 58: 1509-1520,
  • Ayers RS, Westcot DW (1989). Water quality for agriculture (irrigation and drainage paper). Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Rome.
  • Ayyıldız M (1983). Sulama suyu kalitesi ve tuzluluk problemleri. A.Ü. Ziraat Fak. Yayınları, Yayın No: 879, Kitap No: 244, Ankara.
  • Berhe BA, Çelik M, Dokuz UE (2015). Kütahya Ovası’ndaki yüzey ve yeraltı sularının sulama suyu kalitesi açısından incelenmesi, Türkiye. MTA Dergisi 150: 147-163.
  • Boysan F, Şengörür B (2009). Su sertliğinin insan sağlığı için önemi. Sakarya Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi 13(1): 7-10.
  • Catrol D (1962). Rain water as a chemical agent of geological process: A view USGS. Water Supply, 1533: 18-20.
  • Collins R, Jenkins A (1996). The impact of agricultural land use on stream chemistry in the middle hills of the Himalayas, Nepal. Journal of Hydrology 185: 71-86,
  • Doneen LD (1962). The influence of crop and soil on percolating water. Proceedings of the Biennial Conference on Groundwater Recharge, 156-163.
  • Doneen LD (1964). Notes on water quality in agriculture. Published as a water science and engineering, paper 4001 Department of Water Science and Engineering University of California, Davis.
  • Eaton FM (1950). Significance of carbonates in irrigation waters. Soil Science 69: 123-133.
  • Ekmekçi E, Apan M, Kara T (2005). Tuzluluğun bitki gelişimine etkisi. Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 20(3):118-125.
  • Freeze RA, Cherry JA (1979). Groundwater. Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 604 p. Grismer ME (1990). Leaching fraction, soil salinity and drainage efficiency. California Agriculture, 44(6): 24-26.
  • Ishaku JM, Ahmed AS, Abubakar MA (2012). Assessment of groundwater quality using water quality index and GIS in Jada, Northeastern Nigeria. International Research Journal of Geology and Mining (IRJGM) 2(3): 54-61.
  • Jalali M, Merrikhpour H (2008). Effects of poor quality irrigation waters on the nutrient leaching and groundwater quality from sandy soil. Environmental Geology, 53: 1289-1298.
  • Joshi DM, Kumar A, Agrawal N (2009). Assessment of the irrigation water quality of River Ganga in Haridwar District India. Journal of Chemistry 2(2): 285-292.
  • Karataş A, Sungur Ş. Yılmaz V (2016). Physico-chemical features of mineral waters found in Hatay ophiolites and their relationships with fault characteristics. Turkish Studies 11: 665-684.
  • Kaykıoğlu G, Ekmekyapar F (2005). Ergene havzasında endüstriyel işlem suyu olarak kullanılan yeraltı sularının özellikleri üzerine bir araştırma. Trakya Ünversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 6(1): 85-91.
  • Kelley WP (1963). Use of saline irrigation water. Soil Science 95(6): 385-391.
  • Laz B, Babur E, Akpınar DM, Avgın SS (2018). Kahramanmaraş-Elmalar yeşil kuşak Ek-3 plantasyon sahasında görülen biyotik ve abiyotik zararlıların tespiti. KSÜ Tarım ve Doğa Dergisi, 21(6):926-935.
  • Nag SK, Ghosh P (2013). Variation in groundwater levels and water quality in Chhatna Block, Bankura district, West Bengal-AGIS approach. Journal of Geological Society of India, 81: 261-280.
  • Piper AM (1944). Graphic procedure in the geochemical interpretation of water analyses. Transactions American Geophysical Union, 25(6): 914-928.
  • Raghunath HM (1987). Groundwater (2nd ed.), Wiley Eastern Ltd, New Delhi, p. 563.
  • Richards LA (1954). Diagnosis and improvement of saline and alkali soils. Agricultural Handbook 60, USDA & IBH Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi, India, pp. 98- 99.
  • Sağlam MT, Adiloğlu A (1997). Su kalitesi (genişletilmiş 2. baskı). Trakya Üniv. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi, Yayın no: 230, Ders Kitabı No: 27, Tekirdağ.
  • Saleh A, Al-Ruwaih F, Shehata M (1999). Hydrogeochemical processes operating within the main aquifers of Kuwait. Journal of Arid Environments 42: 3, 195-209.
  • Sawyer GN, McMcartly DL (1967). Chemistry of sanitary engineers. (2nd ed.), McGraw Hill, New York, p. 518.
  • Szabolcs I, Darab C (1964). The influence of irrigation water of high sodium carbonate content of soils. In: Szabolics I (ed) Proceedings of 8th International Congress Soil Science Sodics Soils ISSS, Trans., II, 802-812.
  • Subrahmani T, Elango L, Damodarswamy SR (2005). Groundwater quality and its suitability for drinking and agricultural use in Chithar River Basin, Tamil Nadu, India. Environmental Geology 47: 1099-1110, doi:10.1007/s00254-005-1243-0.
  • Şimsek C, Gündüz O (2007). IWQ index: A GIS-integrated technique to assess irrigation water quality. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 128: 277-300, doi: 10.1007/s10661-006-9312-8.
  • Şimşek G, Çanlı M, Karadavut U, Yazıcı ME, Soğancı K (2017). Sulama yapılan alanların bazı su parametreleri açısından ayırma (discriminant) analizi kullanılarak incelenmesi. Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi 4(3): 339–346.
  • Todd DK (1960). Salt-water intrusion of coastal aquifers in the United States. International Association Scientific Hydrology, Gentbrugge Belgium, 52: 452-461.
  • Todd DK (1980). Groundwater Hydrology (2nd ed.). John Wiley and Sons, 535p.
  • Todd DK, Mays LW (2005). Groundwater hydrology (3rd ed.), Wiley, Hoboken, p. 656.
  • Tuncay H (1986). Suların kalite sınıfları ve analiz yöntemleri. E.Ü. Ziraat Fak. Ders Notları, Bornova, İzmir.
  • Tüzüner A (1990). Toprak ve su analiz laboratuvarları el kitabı. Tarım Orman ve Köy İşleri Bakanlığı. Köy Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü, Ankara.
  • Varol F, Bellitürk K, Sağlam MT (2005). Tekirdağ ili sulama sularının özellikleri. Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi 11, 4, DOI: 10.1501/Tarimbil_0000000554.
  • Venugopal T, Giridharan L, Jayaprakash M, Periakali P (2009). Environmental impact assessment and seasonal variation study of the groundwater in the Vicinity of River Adyar, Chennai, India. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 149: 81-97.
  • Vincy MV, Brilliant R, Pradeepkumar AP (2015). Hydrochemical characterization and quality assessment of groundwater for drinking and irrigation purposes: A case study of Meenachil River Basin, Western Ghats, Kerala, India. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 187: 4217, doi: 10.1007/s10661-014-4217-4.
  • Wanda EMM, Gulula LC, Phiri A (2013). Hydrochemical assessment of groundwater used for irrigation in Rumphi and Karonga districts, Northern Malawi. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 66:51-59, doi: 10.1016/j.pce.2013.09.001.
  • Wilcox LV (1955). Classification and use of irrigation waters. USDA Circular No: 969, p. 19.
  • WHO (2003). Total dissolved solids in drinking‐water. World Health Organization Guidelines for drinking-water quality, Geneva.
  • Zhou Z, Zhang G, Yan M, Wang J (2012). Spatial variability of the shallow groundwater level and its chemistry characteristics in the Low Plain Around the Bohai Sea, North China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 184: 3697-3710.

Tarımsal Sulamada Kullanılan Bazı Kuyu Sularının Kalitelerinin Bitki Besleme Açısından Değerlendirilmesi

Year 2021, Volume: 10 Issue: 2, 94 - 103, 23.09.2021


Yeraltı sularının toprak ve bitkiler açısından sulama için uygunluğunun değerlendirildiği bu çalışmada, Kahramanmaraş ilinin bazı yörelerinde sulama amacıyla kullanılan 11 adet sondaj kuyusundan örnekler alınmıştır. Sulama suyu kalitesinin değerlendirilmesinde pH, EC, RSC, SAR, TDS, TH, Na%, PI, SSP, MR, KR, PS gibi kimyasal parametre değerleri belirlenmiştir. Kalite kriterlerine göre, iki örnek dışında tüm örnekler EC değerleri bakımından orta tuzlu/az sodyumlu su (C2S1) sınıfında yer almışlardır. TH değerleri, bütün kuyu sularında yumuşak su olarak saptanmıştır. %Na, SSP, MR ve KR değerleri bakımından 3, Bor, SAR ve RSC değerleri için 2, pH ve PI değerleri bakımından ise birer adet olmak üzere kuyu sularının bitki ve toprak açısından sulamaya uygun olmadığı tespit edilmiştir. Sonuç olarak, özel iyonik, tuzluluk ve alkalilik açısından toprak ve bitkiler için problemli olarak değerlendirilen bu kuyular gerekli önlemler alınarak kullanılmalı ya da sulama amaçlı kullanılmamalıdır.


  • Aghazadeh N, Mogaddam AA (2011). Investigation of hydrochemical characteristics of groundwater in the Harzandat aquifer, Northwest of Iran. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 176(1-4): 183–195,
  • Ağca N (2014). Spatial variability of groundwater quality and its suitability for drinking and irrigation in the Amik Plain (South Turkey). Environmental Earth Science 72: 4115-4130, doi: 10.1007/s12665-014-3305-7.
  • Al-Omran AM, Aly AA, Al-Wabel MI, Al-Shayaa MS, Sallam AS, Nadeem M E (2017). Geostatistical methods in evaluating spatial variability of groundwater quality in Al-Kharj Region, Saudi Arabia. Applied Water Science 7(7): 4013-4023, doi: 10.1007/s13201-017-0552-2.
  • Anonymous 2020. Ankara Üniversitesi Açık Ders Malzemeleri., (10.03.2020).
  • APHA (1989). Standard methods for the examination of water, sewage, and waste water, 17th Ed. American Public Health Association, New York, p. 1550.
  • Arslan H, Güler M, Cemek B, Demir Y (2007). Bafra Ovası yeraltı suyu kalitesinin sulama açısından değerlendirilmesi. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 4(2): 219-226.
  • Arumugam K, Elangovan K (2009). Hydrochemical characteristics and groundwater quality assessment in Tirupur Region, Coimbatore District, Tamil Nadu, India. Environmental Geology 58: 1509-1520,
  • Ayers RS, Westcot DW (1989). Water quality for agriculture (irrigation and drainage paper). Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Rome.
  • Ayyıldız M (1983). Sulama suyu kalitesi ve tuzluluk problemleri. A.Ü. Ziraat Fak. Yayınları, Yayın No: 879, Kitap No: 244, Ankara.
  • Berhe BA, Çelik M, Dokuz UE (2015). Kütahya Ovası’ndaki yüzey ve yeraltı sularının sulama suyu kalitesi açısından incelenmesi, Türkiye. MTA Dergisi 150: 147-163.
  • Boysan F, Şengörür B (2009). Su sertliğinin insan sağlığı için önemi. Sakarya Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi 13(1): 7-10.
  • Catrol D (1962). Rain water as a chemical agent of geological process: A view USGS. Water Supply, 1533: 18-20.
  • Collins R, Jenkins A (1996). The impact of agricultural land use on stream chemistry in the middle hills of the Himalayas, Nepal. Journal of Hydrology 185: 71-86,
  • Doneen LD (1962). The influence of crop and soil on percolating water. Proceedings of the Biennial Conference on Groundwater Recharge, 156-163.
  • Doneen LD (1964). Notes on water quality in agriculture. Published as a water science and engineering, paper 4001 Department of Water Science and Engineering University of California, Davis.
  • Eaton FM (1950). Significance of carbonates in irrigation waters. Soil Science 69: 123-133.
  • Ekmekçi E, Apan M, Kara T (2005). Tuzluluğun bitki gelişimine etkisi. Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 20(3):118-125.
  • Freeze RA, Cherry JA (1979). Groundwater. Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 604 p. Grismer ME (1990). Leaching fraction, soil salinity and drainage efficiency. California Agriculture, 44(6): 24-26.
  • Ishaku JM, Ahmed AS, Abubakar MA (2012). Assessment of groundwater quality using water quality index and GIS in Jada, Northeastern Nigeria. International Research Journal of Geology and Mining (IRJGM) 2(3): 54-61.
  • Jalali M, Merrikhpour H (2008). Effects of poor quality irrigation waters on the nutrient leaching and groundwater quality from sandy soil. Environmental Geology, 53: 1289-1298.
  • Joshi DM, Kumar A, Agrawal N (2009). Assessment of the irrigation water quality of River Ganga in Haridwar District India. Journal of Chemistry 2(2): 285-292.
  • Karataş A, Sungur Ş. Yılmaz V (2016). Physico-chemical features of mineral waters found in Hatay ophiolites and their relationships with fault characteristics. Turkish Studies 11: 665-684.
  • Kaykıoğlu G, Ekmekyapar F (2005). Ergene havzasında endüstriyel işlem suyu olarak kullanılan yeraltı sularının özellikleri üzerine bir araştırma. Trakya Ünversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 6(1): 85-91.
  • Kelley WP (1963). Use of saline irrigation water. Soil Science 95(6): 385-391.
  • Laz B, Babur E, Akpınar DM, Avgın SS (2018). Kahramanmaraş-Elmalar yeşil kuşak Ek-3 plantasyon sahasında görülen biyotik ve abiyotik zararlıların tespiti. KSÜ Tarım ve Doğa Dergisi, 21(6):926-935.
  • Nag SK, Ghosh P (2013). Variation in groundwater levels and water quality in Chhatna Block, Bankura district, West Bengal-AGIS approach. Journal of Geological Society of India, 81: 261-280.
  • Piper AM (1944). Graphic procedure in the geochemical interpretation of water analyses. Transactions American Geophysical Union, 25(6): 914-928.
  • Raghunath HM (1987). Groundwater (2nd ed.), Wiley Eastern Ltd, New Delhi, p. 563.
  • Richards LA (1954). Diagnosis and improvement of saline and alkali soils. Agricultural Handbook 60, USDA & IBH Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi, India, pp. 98- 99.
  • Sağlam MT, Adiloğlu A (1997). Su kalitesi (genişletilmiş 2. baskı). Trakya Üniv. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi, Yayın no: 230, Ders Kitabı No: 27, Tekirdağ.
  • Saleh A, Al-Ruwaih F, Shehata M (1999). Hydrogeochemical processes operating within the main aquifers of Kuwait. Journal of Arid Environments 42: 3, 195-209.
  • Sawyer GN, McMcartly DL (1967). Chemistry of sanitary engineers. (2nd ed.), McGraw Hill, New York, p. 518.
  • Szabolcs I, Darab C (1964). The influence of irrigation water of high sodium carbonate content of soils. In: Szabolics I (ed) Proceedings of 8th International Congress Soil Science Sodics Soils ISSS, Trans., II, 802-812.
  • Subrahmani T, Elango L, Damodarswamy SR (2005). Groundwater quality and its suitability for drinking and agricultural use in Chithar River Basin, Tamil Nadu, India. Environmental Geology 47: 1099-1110, doi:10.1007/s00254-005-1243-0.
  • Şimsek C, Gündüz O (2007). IWQ index: A GIS-integrated technique to assess irrigation water quality. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 128: 277-300, doi: 10.1007/s10661-006-9312-8.
  • Şimşek G, Çanlı M, Karadavut U, Yazıcı ME, Soğancı K (2017). Sulama yapılan alanların bazı su parametreleri açısından ayırma (discriminant) analizi kullanılarak incelenmesi. Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi 4(3): 339–346.
  • Todd DK (1960). Salt-water intrusion of coastal aquifers in the United States. International Association Scientific Hydrology, Gentbrugge Belgium, 52: 452-461.
  • Todd DK (1980). Groundwater Hydrology (2nd ed.). John Wiley and Sons, 535p.
  • Todd DK, Mays LW (2005). Groundwater hydrology (3rd ed.), Wiley, Hoboken, p. 656.
  • Tuncay H (1986). Suların kalite sınıfları ve analiz yöntemleri. E.Ü. Ziraat Fak. Ders Notları, Bornova, İzmir.
  • Tüzüner A (1990). Toprak ve su analiz laboratuvarları el kitabı. Tarım Orman ve Köy İşleri Bakanlığı. Köy Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü, Ankara.
  • Varol F, Bellitürk K, Sağlam MT (2005). Tekirdağ ili sulama sularının özellikleri. Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi 11, 4, DOI: 10.1501/Tarimbil_0000000554.
  • Venugopal T, Giridharan L, Jayaprakash M, Periakali P (2009). Environmental impact assessment and seasonal variation study of the groundwater in the Vicinity of River Adyar, Chennai, India. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 149: 81-97.
  • Vincy MV, Brilliant R, Pradeepkumar AP (2015). Hydrochemical characterization and quality assessment of groundwater for drinking and irrigation purposes: A case study of Meenachil River Basin, Western Ghats, Kerala, India. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 187: 4217, doi: 10.1007/s10661-014-4217-4.
  • Wanda EMM, Gulula LC, Phiri A (2013). Hydrochemical assessment of groundwater used for irrigation in Rumphi and Karonga districts, Northern Malawi. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 66:51-59, doi: 10.1016/j.pce.2013.09.001.
  • Wilcox LV (1955). Classification and use of irrigation waters. USDA Circular No: 969, p. 19.
  • WHO (2003). Total dissolved solids in drinking‐water. World Health Organization Guidelines for drinking-water quality, Geneva.
  • Zhou Z, Zhang G, Yan M, Wang J (2012). Spatial variability of the shallow groundwater level and its chemistry characteristics in the Low Plain Around the Bohai Sea, North China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 184: 3697-3710.
There are 48 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Cafer Hakan Yılmaz 0000-0003-3680-453X

Halil Aytop 0000-0003-0506-3724

Muhammet Raşit Sünbül 0000-0003-2093-9659

Publication Date September 23, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 10 Issue: 2


APA Yılmaz, C. H., Aytop, H., & Sünbül, M. R. (2021). Evaluation of Quality of Some Well Waters Used in Agricultural Irrigation in terms of Plant Nutrition. Toprak Su Dergisi, 10(2), 94-103.
AMA Yılmaz CH, Aytop H, Sünbül MR. Evaluation of Quality of Some Well Waters Used in Agricultural Irrigation in terms of Plant Nutrition. TSD. September 2021;10(2):94-103. doi:10.21657/topraksu.927731
Chicago Yılmaz, Cafer Hakan, Halil Aytop, and Muhammet Raşit Sünbül. “Evaluation of Quality of Some Well Waters Used in Agricultural Irrigation in Terms of Plant Nutrition”. Toprak Su Dergisi 10, no. 2 (September 2021): 94-103.
EndNote Yılmaz CH, Aytop H, Sünbül MR (September 1, 2021) Evaluation of Quality of Some Well Waters Used in Agricultural Irrigation in terms of Plant Nutrition. Toprak Su Dergisi 10 2 94–103.
IEEE C. H. Yılmaz, H. Aytop, and M. R. Sünbül, “Evaluation of Quality of Some Well Waters Used in Agricultural Irrigation in terms of Plant Nutrition”, TSD, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 94–103, 2021, doi: 10.21657/topraksu.927731.
ISNAD Yılmaz, Cafer Hakan et al. “Evaluation of Quality of Some Well Waters Used in Agricultural Irrigation in Terms of Plant Nutrition”. Toprak Su Dergisi 10/2 (September 2021), 94-103.
JAMA Yılmaz CH, Aytop H, Sünbül MR. Evaluation of Quality of Some Well Waters Used in Agricultural Irrigation in terms of Plant Nutrition. TSD. 2021;10:94–103.
MLA Yılmaz, Cafer Hakan et al. “Evaluation of Quality of Some Well Waters Used in Agricultural Irrigation in Terms of Plant Nutrition”. Toprak Su Dergisi, vol. 10, no. 2, 2021, pp. 94-103, doi:10.21657/topraksu.927731.
Vancouver Yılmaz CH, Aytop H, Sünbül MR. Evaluation of Quality of Some Well Waters Used in Agricultural Irrigation in terms of Plant Nutrition. TSD. 2021;10(2):94-103.
Kapak Tasarım : Hüseyin Oğuzhan BEŞEN
Grafik Tasarım : Filiz ERYILMAZ
Basım Yeri : Gıda Tarım ve Hayvancılık Bakanlığı - Eğitim Yayım ve Yayınlar Dairesi Başkanlığı
İvedik Caddesi Bankacılar Sokak No : 10 Yenimahalle, Ankara Türkiye