Early Ultrafiltration Therapy in a Patient with Decompansated Heart Failure and Acute Pulmonary Edema in the Setting of Diuretic Resistance
Year 2007,
Volume: 14 Issue: 2, 111 - 113, 01.04.2007
Korhan Erkanlı
Selçuk Seber
Bülent Uyar
Congestive heart failure is a major mortality cause in developed countries. In patients with decompensated heart failure who are resistant to diuretic treatment options are limited. Application of ultrafiltration therapy is a reasonable alternative in the setting of decompensated heart failure with diuretic resistance. We report a 74 years old woman with acute decompensated heart failure who did not respond to diuretic and was treated with ultrafiltration therapy with a successful outcome. Key words: Congestive heart failure, Diuretic resistance, Ultrafiltration
- Swedberg K. Diagnostic and Therapeutic Algorithms in Chronic Heart Failure. Herz 2006;31(9):877-80.
- Liang KV, Hiniker AR, Williams AW, Karon BL, Greene EL, Redfield MM.Silverstein ME, Ford CA, Lysaght MJ, Henderson LW. Use of a novel ultrafiltration device as a treatment strategy for diureticresistant, refractory heart failure: initial clinical experience in a single center. J Card Fail 2006 ;12(9):707-14.
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- Hill JA, Yancy CW, Abraham WT. Beyond diuretics: management of volume overload in acute heart failure syndromes. Am J Med 2006 Dec;119(12 Suppl 1):37- 44.
- Cipolla CM, Grazi S, Rimondini A, Susini G, Guazzi M, Della Bella P, Guazzi MD. Changes in circulating norepinephrine with hemofiltration in advanced congestive heart failure. Am J Cardiol 1990; 66: 987–94.
- Packer M, Cohn JN, Abraham WT. Consensus recommendations for the management of chronic heart failure. Am J Cardiol 1999;83:1–38
- Neuberg GW, Miller AB, O'Connor CM, Belkin RN, Carson PE, Cropp AB, Frid DJ, Nye RG, Pressler ML, Wertheimer JH, Packer M; PRAISE Investigators. Prospective Randomized Amlodipine Survival Evaluation. Diuretic resistance predicts mortality in patients with advanced heart failure. Am Heart J 2002 ;144(1):31-8.
- Knauf H, Mutschler E. Functional state of the nephron and diuretic dose-response- rationale for low-dose combination therapy. Cardiology 1994;84(suppl 2):18-26.
- Schrier RW. Water and sodium retention in edematous disorders: role of vasopressin and aldosterone. Am J Med 2006;119(7 Suppl 1):47-53.
- Costanzo MR. The role of ultrafiltration in the management of heart failure. Curr Treat Options Cardiovasc Med 2006;8(4):301-9.
- Laine GA, Allen SJ, Katz J, Gabel JC, Drake RE. Effect of systemic venous pressure elevation on lymph flow and lung edema formation. J Appl Physiol 1986;61:1634–8.
- Charman NB, Turk GM, Hey DH. Effect of increased bronchial venous pressure on lung lymph flow. J Appl Physiol 1985;59:1249–53.
- Gaynor SL, Maniar HS, Bloch JB, Steendijk P, Moon MR. Right atrial and ventricular adaptation to chronic right ventricular pressure overload. Circulation 2005;112(9 Suppl):I212-8.
- Ellison DH. Diuretic therapy and resistance in congestive heart failure.Cardiology 2001;96(3-4):132-43.
- Sayın T, Koçum T, Akyürek Ö, Kılıçkap M, Özenci M . Yüksek doz diüretik tedaviye dirençli son dönem konjestif kalp yetmezlikli olgularda intermitan venö-venöz hemofiltrasyon tedavisi sonuçlarimiz . MN-Kardiyoloji Dergisi 2001;8(1):48-50
- Corresponding Author: Dr. Korhan ERKANLI
- Mus State Hospital, MUS, TURKEY
- Telephone: 436 212 06 75 Fax : 436 212 26 85
- Email : kerkanli@yahoo.com
Kalp Yetmezliğine Bağlı Akut Akciğer Ödemine Giren Hastada Ortaya Çıkan Diüretik Rezistansının Erken Ultrafiltrasyon İle Tedavisi
Year 2007,
Volume: 14 Issue: 2, 111 - 113, 01.04.2007
Korhan Erkanlı
Selçuk Seber
Bülent Uyar
Kongestif kalp yetmezliği gelişmiş ülkelerde başta gelen ölüm sebepleri arasındadır. Diüretik rezistansı olan dekompanse kalp yetmezlikli hastalarda tedavi seçenekleri sınırlıdır. Diüretik rezistansı gelişen dekompanse kalp yetmezliği olgularında ultrafiltrasyon terapisi bir seçenek olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Olgu sunumumuzda diüretik rezistansı gelişmiş olan akut dekompanse kalp yetmezliğindeki 74 yaşındaki bayan hastanın ultrafiltrasyon ile tedavisi ve sonuçlarını sunduk. Anahtar kelimeler: Konjestif kalp yetmezliği, Diüretik rezistansı, Ultrafiltrasyon
- Swedberg K. Diagnostic and Therapeutic Algorithms in Chronic Heart Failure. Herz 2006;31(9):877-80.
- Liang KV, Hiniker AR, Williams AW, Karon BL, Greene EL, Redfield MM.Silverstein ME, Ford CA, Lysaght MJ, Henderson LW. Use of a novel ultrafiltration device as a treatment strategy for diureticresistant, refractory heart failure: initial clinical experience in a single center. J Card Fail 2006 ;12(9):707-14.
- Simpson IA, Rae AP, Simpson K , Gribben J, Boulton Jones JM, Allison ME, Hutton I. Ultrafiltration in the management of refractory congestive heart failure. Br Heart J 1986;55: 344–7.
- Hill JA, Yancy CW, Abraham WT. Beyond diuretics: management of volume overload in acute heart failure syndromes. Am J Med 2006 Dec;119(12 Suppl 1):37- 44.
- Cipolla CM, Grazi S, Rimondini A, Susini G, Guazzi M, Della Bella P, Guazzi MD. Changes in circulating norepinephrine with hemofiltration in advanced congestive heart failure. Am J Cardiol 1990; 66: 987–94.
- Packer M, Cohn JN, Abraham WT. Consensus recommendations for the management of chronic heart failure. Am J Cardiol 1999;83:1–38
- Neuberg GW, Miller AB, O'Connor CM, Belkin RN, Carson PE, Cropp AB, Frid DJ, Nye RG, Pressler ML, Wertheimer JH, Packer M; PRAISE Investigators. Prospective Randomized Amlodipine Survival Evaluation. Diuretic resistance predicts mortality in patients with advanced heart failure. Am Heart J 2002 ;144(1):31-8.
- Knauf H, Mutschler E. Functional state of the nephron and diuretic dose-response- rationale for low-dose combination therapy. Cardiology 1994;84(suppl 2):18-26.
- Schrier RW. Water and sodium retention in edematous disorders: role of vasopressin and aldosterone. Am J Med 2006;119(7 Suppl 1):47-53.
- Costanzo MR. The role of ultrafiltration in the management of heart failure. Curr Treat Options Cardiovasc Med 2006;8(4):301-9.
- Laine GA, Allen SJ, Katz J, Gabel JC, Drake RE. Effect of systemic venous pressure elevation on lymph flow and lung edema formation. J Appl Physiol 1986;61:1634–8.
- Charman NB, Turk GM, Hey DH. Effect of increased bronchial venous pressure on lung lymph flow. J Appl Physiol 1985;59:1249–53.
- Gaynor SL, Maniar HS, Bloch JB, Steendijk P, Moon MR. Right atrial and ventricular adaptation to chronic right ventricular pressure overload. Circulation 2005;112(9 Suppl):I212-8.
- Ellison DH. Diuretic therapy and resistance in congestive heart failure.Cardiology 2001;96(3-4):132-43.
- Sayın T, Koçum T, Akyürek Ö, Kılıçkap M, Özenci M . Yüksek doz diüretik tedaviye dirençli son dönem konjestif kalp yetmezlikli olgularda intermitan venö-venöz hemofiltrasyon tedavisi sonuçlarimiz . MN-Kardiyoloji Dergisi 2001;8(1):48-50
- Corresponding Author: Dr. Korhan ERKANLI
- Mus State Hospital, MUS, TURKEY
- Telephone: 436 212 06 75 Fax : 436 212 26 85
- Email : kerkanli@yahoo.com