ISSN: 1300-1744
Founded: 1994
Publisher: Inonu University
Cover Image
The archive of this journal is hosted at DergiPark from 1994 to 2016, therefore;
  • It hasn't published a new issue since 2016 on DergiPark.
  • It doesn't accept new submissions via DergiPark.

2015 - Volume: 22 Issue: 4


1. Intoxication Cases in an Intensive Care Unit


2. Myocardial Infarction Classification with Support Vector Machine Models


3. İskemik İnmede Risk Faktörleri ve Etkileri


4. An Evaluation of Percutaneous Injuries of Healthcare Personnel: An Eigth-Year Data Analysis


5. One-Year Experience of Urological Laparoscopic Surgery with 99 Cases in a State Hospital


7. Clinical Results of Minor Upper Extremity Replantation and Revascularisation Patients in Comparison to the Literature: A Clinical Study


8. Emergency Department Physicians’ Knowledge of Synthetic Cannabinoids


10. The Relationship Between Computed Tomography Density Values and Platelet Number and Function in Acute Intracerebral Hematomas


11. Vanishing Lung Syndrome: A Rare Entity


12. Unilateral Torakal Sendroma Bilateral Deformite Eşlik Edebilir Mi?


13. Acute Urinary Retention Cuased by Biperiden in a Female Patient: A Case Report

Research Article

14. Herediter Hemorajik Telenjiektazi Olgusunda Sistemik Bevacizumab Tedavisine Dramatik Yanıt


15. Acute Lower Extremity Embolism Resulting in Rheumatic Mitral Stenosis: A Case Report


16. Postoperatif Dönemde Beslenme


17. Knee Osteoarthritis After ACL Injury: Does Early Reconstruction Prevent Posttraumatic Osteoarthritis?


18. Metastatic Thyroid Carcinoma


19. General Anesthesia Management of a Pediatric Patient with Dandy-Walker Syndrome