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Factors Affecting Diagnostic and Therapeutic Process in Cancer Patients

Year 2005, Volume: 12 Issue: 2, 83 - 87, 01.04.2005


Aim: In this report, we aimed to investigate the time from the onset of complaints till the admission to a doctor, the time from the onset of complaints till the establishment of a diagnosis and the time from the onset of complaints till the establishment of proper therapy for patients diagnosed with cancer, as well as the their opinion on this time frame. Materials and Method: From October 1st, 2003 till December 31st, 2003, 256 patients were asked to compelete a questionarre regarding the time from the onset of complaints till the admission to a doctor, the time from the onset of complaints till the establishment of a diagnosis and the time from the onset of complaints till the establishment of proper therapy. Results: The median time from the onset of complaints till the admission to a doctor was 0.5 months. The median time from the onset of complaints till the establishment of a diagnosis was 3 months. This time frame was regarded as a delay in diagnosis by 126 patients. There was a positive correlation between this time frame and the delay regard. The median time from the onset of complaints till the establishment of proper therapy was 0.5 months. This time frame was regarded as a delay in treatment by 15 patients. There was no correlation between this time frame and the delay regard. Conclusion: When patients are grouped accoring to their educational status and economic status, despite the finding of no difference between the groups as for the delay in diagnosis regard, there is a significant difference between the groups as for the delay in treatment regard, with emphasis on low educational status and low economic status. Key words: Cancer, Diagnosis, Treatment, Delay, Sociodemographic factors


  • Porta M, Fernandez E, Alguacil J. Semiology, proteomics, and the early detection of symptomatic cancer. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 2003; 56: 815-9.
  • Coates AS. Breast cancer: Delays, dilemmas, and delusions. Lancet 1999; 353: 1112-3.
  • Bradley CJ, Given CW, Roberts C. Race, socioeconomic status, and breast cancer treatment and survival. Journal of the National Cancer Institute 2002; 94: 490-6.
  • Gwyn K, Bondy ML, Cohen DS, Lund MJ, Liff JM, Flagg EW, Brinton LA, Eley JW, Coates RJ. Racial differences in diagnosis, treatment, and clinical delays in a population-based study of patients with newly diagnosed breast carcinoma. Cancer 2004; 100: 1595-604.
  • Vernon SW, Tilley BC, Neale AV, Steinfeldt L. Ethnicity, survival, and delay in seeking treatment for symptoms of breast cancer. Cancer 1985; 55: 1563-71.
  • Dennis CR, Gardner B, Lim B. Analysis of survival and recurrence vs. patient and doctor delay in treatment of breast cancer. Cancer 1975; 35: 714-20.
  • Andrews BT, Bates T. Delay in the diagnosis of breast cancer: Medico-legal implications. Breast 2000; 9: 223-37.
  • Caplan LS, Helzlsouer KJ, Shapiro S, Freedman LS, Coates RJ, Edwards BK. System delay in breast cancer in whites and blacks. American Journal of Epidemiology 1995; 142: 804-12.
  • Mao Y, Hu J, Ugnat AM, Semenciw R, Fincham S. Socioeconomic status and lung cancer risk in Canada. International Journal of Epidemiology 2001; 30: 809-17.
  • Pita-Fernandez S, Montero-Martinez C, Pertega-Diaz S, Verea-Hernando H. Relationship between delayed diagnosis and the degree of invasion and survival in lung cancer. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 2003; 56: 820-5.
  • Porta M, Gallen M, Malats N, Planas J. Influence of "diagnostic delay" upon cancer survival: An analysis of five tumour sites. Journal of Epidemiology Community Health 1991; 45: 225-30.
  • Lipworth L, Abelin T, Connelly RR. Socio-economic factors in the prognosis of cancer patients. Journal of Chronic Diseases 1970; 23: 105-15.
  • Tromp DM, Brouha XD, De Leeuw JR, Hordijk GJ, Winnubst JA. Psychological factors and patient delay in patients with head and neck cancer. European Journal of Cancer 2004; 40: 1509-16.
  • Tominaga K, Andow J, Koyama Y, Numao S, Kurokawa E, Ojima M, Nagai M. Family environment, hobbies and habits as psychosocial predictors of survival for surgically treated patients with breast cancer. Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology 1998; 28: 36-41.
  • Kvikstad A, Vatten LJ, Tretli S. Widowhood and divorce in relation to overall survival among middle-aged Norwegian women with cancer. British Journal of Cancer 1995; 71: 1343-7.
  • Risberg T, Sorbye SW, Norum J, Wist EA. Diagnostic delay causes more psychological distress in female than in male cancer patients. Anticancer Research 1996; 16: 995-9.
  • Tjemsland L, Soreide JA. Operable breast cancer patients with diagnostic delay- oncological and emotional characteristics. European Journal of Surgical Oncology 2004; 30: 721-7.

Kanser Hastalarında Tanı ve Tedavi Sürecini Etkileyen Değişkenler

Year 2005, Volume: 12 Issue: 2, 83 - 87, 01.04.2005


Amaç: Bu çalışmada, kanser tanısı almış hastaların hastalığa bağlı yakınmalarının ortaya çıkmasından sonra hekime başvurmalarına, tanının konulmasına ve tedavinin düzenlenmesine kadar geçen süreyi belirleyen etkenlerin ve bu sürenin hastalar tarafından algılanma şeklinin ortaya konulması amaçlanmıştır. Gereç ve Yöntem: 1 Ekim 2003 ile 31 Aralık 2003 arasında 256 hastadan hastalığa bağlı yakınmalarının ortaya çıkmasından sonra hekime başvurmalarına, tanının konulmasına ve tedavinin düzenlenmesine kadar geçen sürenin ortaya konulması amacı ile hazırlanan bir anket formunu doldurmaları istendi. Bulgular: Hastalardan 139'u erkek ve 117'si kadındı ve yaşları 18 ile 83 (ortanca, 53 yaş) arasında değişmekteydi. Hastalardan 233'ü okur-yazardı ve bunlardan 78'i lise ya da üniversite mezunuydu. Hastaların 174'ü şehir merkezlerinde ikamet etmekteydi ve 156'sı düzenli iş sahibiydi. Yakınmaların ortaya çıkmasından sonra hekime başvurmalarına kadar geçen ortanca süre 0.5 aydı. Yakınmaların ortaya çıkmasından sonra tanı konulmasına kadar geçen ortanca süre 3 aydı. Bu süre 126 hasta tarafından tanıda gecikme olarak algılanmaktaydı. Bu süre ile tanıda gecikme algılaması arasında doğrusal bir ilişki saptandı. Tanı konulmasından sonra tedavinin düzenlenmesine kadar geçen ortanca süre 0.5 aydı. Bu süre 15 hasta tarafından tedavide gecikme olarak algılanmaktaydı. Bu süre ile tedavide gecikme algılaması arasında bir ilişki saptanmadı. Sonuç: Hastalar eğitim düzeylerine ve ekonomik düzeylerine göre gruplara ayrıldıklarında, tanıda gecikme açısından gruplar arasında farklılık saptanmamakla birlikte, düşük eğitim düzeyinin ve düşük ekonomik düzeyin tedavide gecikme açısından anlamlı bir farklılık oluşturduğu gözlenmektedir. Anahtar kelimeler: Kanser, Tanı, Tedavi, Gecikme, Sosyodemografik özellikler


  • Porta M, Fernandez E, Alguacil J. Semiology, proteomics, and the early detection of symptomatic cancer. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 2003; 56: 815-9.
  • Coates AS. Breast cancer: Delays, dilemmas, and delusions. Lancet 1999; 353: 1112-3.
  • Bradley CJ, Given CW, Roberts C. Race, socioeconomic status, and breast cancer treatment and survival. Journal of the National Cancer Institute 2002; 94: 490-6.
  • Gwyn K, Bondy ML, Cohen DS, Lund MJ, Liff JM, Flagg EW, Brinton LA, Eley JW, Coates RJ. Racial differences in diagnosis, treatment, and clinical delays in a population-based study of patients with newly diagnosed breast carcinoma. Cancer 2004; 100: 1595-604.
  • Vernon SW, Tilley BC, Neale AV, Steinfeldt L. Ethnicity, survival, and delay in seeking treatment for symptoms of breast cancer. Cancer 1985; 55: 1563-71.
  • Dennis CR, Gardner B, Lim B. Analysis of survival and recurrence vs. patient and doctor delay in treatment of breast cancer. Cancer 1975; 35: 714-20.
  • Andrews BT, Bates T. Delay in the diagnosis of breast cancer: Medico-legal implications. Breast 2000; 9: 223-37.
  • Caplan LS, Helzlsouer KJ, Shapiro S, Freedman LS, Coates RJ, Edwards BK. System delay in breast cancer in whites and blacks. American Journal of Epidemiology 1995; 142: 804-12.
  • Mao Y, Hu J, Ugnat AM, Semenciw R, Fincham S. Socioeconomic status and lung cancer risk in Canada. International Journal of Epidemiology 2001; 30: 809-17.
  • Pita-Fernandez S, Montero-Martinez C, Pertega-Diaz S, Verea-Hernando H. Relationship between delayed diagnosis and the degree of invasion and survival in lung cancer. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 2003; 56: 820-5.
  • Porta M, Gallen M, Malats N, Planas J. Influence of "diagnostic delay" upon cancer survival: An analysis of five tumour sites. Journal of Epidemiology Community Health 1991; 45: 225-30.
  • Lipworth L, Abelin T, Connelly RR. Socio-economic factors in the prognosis of cancer patients. Journal of Chronic Diseases 1970; 23: 105-15.
  • Tromp DM, Brouha XD, De Leeuw JR, Hordijk GJ, Winnubst JA. Psychological factors and patient delay in patients with head and neck cancer. European Journal of Cancer 2004; 40: 1509-16.
  • Tominaga K, Andow J, Koyama Y, Numao S, Kurokawa E, Ojima M, Nagai M. Family environment, hobbies and habits as psychosocial predictors of survival for surgically treated patients with breast cancer. Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology 1998; 28: 36-41.
  • Kvikstad A, Vatten LJ, Tretli S. Widowhood and divorce in relation to overall survival among middle-aged Norwegian women with cancer. British Journal of Cancer 1995; 71: 1343-7.
  • Risberg T, Sorbye SW, Norum J, Wist EA. Diagnostic delay causes more psychological distress in female than in male cancer patients. Anticancer Research 1996; 16: 995-9.
  • Tjemsland L, Soreide JA. Operable breast cancer patients with diagnostic delay- oncological and emotional characteristics. European Journal of Surgical Oncology 2004; 30: 721-7.
There are 17 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Ayşen Sevgi Öztürk This is me

Eda Yirmibeşoğlu This is me

Haldun Şükrü Erkal This is me

İbrahim Egehan This is me

Publication Date April 1, 2005
Published in Issue Year 2005 Volume: 12 Issue: 2


APA Öztürk, A. S., Yirmibeşoğlu, E., Erkal, H. Ş., Egehan, İ. (2005). Kanser Hastalarında Tanı ve Tedavi Sürecini Etkileyen Değişkenler. Journal of Turgut Ozal Medical Center, 12(2), 83-87.
AMA Öztürk AS, Yirmibeşoğlu E, Erkal HŞ, Egehan İ. Kanser Hastalarında Tanı ve Tedavi Sürecini Etkileyen Değişkenler. J Turgut Ozal Med Cent. April 2005;12(2):83-87.
Chicago Öztürk, Ayşen Sevgi, Eda Yirmibeşoğlu, Haldun Şükrü Erkal, and İbrahim Egehan. “Kanser Hastalarında Tanı Ve Tedavi Sürecini Etkileyen Değişkenler”. Journal of Turgut Ozal Medical Center 12, no. 2 (April 2005): 83-87.
EndNote Öztürk AS, Yirmibeşoğlu E, Erkal HŞ, Egehan İ (April 1, 2005) Kanser Hastalarında Tanı ve Tedavi Sürecini Etkileyen Değişkenler. Journal of Turgut Ozal Medical Center 12 2 83–87.
IEEE A. S. Öztürk, E. Yirmibeşoğlu, H. Ş. Erkal, and İ. Egehan, “Kanser Hastalarında Tanı ve Tedavi Sürecini Etkileyen Değişkenler”, J Turgut Ozal Med Cent, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 83–87, 2005.
ISNAD Öztürk, Ayşen Sevgi et al. “Kanser Hastalarında Tanı Ve Tedavi Sürecini Etkileyen Değişkenler”. Journal of Turgut Ozal Medical Center 12/2 (April 2005), 83-87.
JAMA Öztürk AS, Yirmibeşoğlu E, Erkal HŞ, Egehan İ. Kanser Hastalarında Tanı ve Tedavi Sürecini Etkileyen Değişkenler. J Turgut Ozal Med Cent. 2005;12:83–87.
MLA Öztürk, Ayşen Sevgi et al. “Kanser Hastalarında Tanı Ve Tedavi Sürecini Etkileyen Değişkenler”. Journal of Turgut Ozal Medical Center, vol. 12, no. 2, 2005, pp. 83-87.
Vancouver Öztürk AS, Yirmibeşoğlu E, Erkal HŞ, Egehan İ. Kanser Hastalarında Tanı ve Tedavi Sürecini Etkileyen Değişkenler. J Turgut Ozal Med Cent. 2005;12(2):83-7.