Volume: 5 Issue: 1, 6/30/24

Year: 2024

When social facts turn into social problems, they fall within the scope of social policy. In this context, the Journal of Social Policy, a blind peer-reviewed journal, aims at both publishing researches on social policy areas and making them available to scientists by examining social problems and solutions.

Turkish Journal of Social Policy is published twice a year. Articles can be published in Turkish or English languages.

This journal is an Open Access journal.

Social Policy, Social Work, Sociology, Family Studies, Economics and Public Administration are accepted to the Turkish Journal of Social Policy.

Ethical Principles and Publication Policy

Turkish Journal of Social Policy  takes into account ethical rules as the requirements of the process in the formation and delivery of science and scientific knowledge and aims to contribute to the field of scientific development. In order to ensure this sensitivity, it is important that primarily authors, referees and editors fulfil their responsibilities in line with the determined ethical principles. At this point, Turkish Journal of Social Policy strongly states that the following duties and responsibilities should be taken into account within the framework of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and its principles.

1. Ethical Responsibilities of Authors

Author(s) should make sure that the submitted work is original.
Responsibilities including the spelling and format rules of the journal should be submitted to the journal completely and regularly.
Authors who want to withdraw manuscripts submitted for publication from the journal due to delay, correction or any other reason should report this to the editor.
Conflicts of interest for the article sent to the journal should be indicated and the reason should be explained.
In the event that the author (s) notices a mistake or error in their published work, at the early view or evaluation stage, the journal editor or publisher has an obligation to cooperate with the editor in informing, correcting or withdrawing.
Changes such as adding authors, changing the order of authors and removing authors should not be made or offered in the article that is in the evaluation process.
Article authors submitted to the journal should make sure that they comply with these specified rules. All ethical rules concerning the author (s) must be followed completely.

Unethical Behaviors

a) Plagiarism: Presenting others’ ideas, methods, data, applications, writing, figures and works partially or completely as one’s own work without proper source reference.
b) Forgery: Producing data that is not supported by research; regulating or changing presented or published works through the insertion of false data; reporting or publishing such works, or holding incomplete research to be completed.
c) Distortion: Distorting research records and obtained data; pretending to use methods, devices and materials that were not actually used; evaluating data unsuitable to the research itself;, distorting data or results in order to adapt them to established theories or hypotheses; distorting or altering research results to promote or confirm the interests of the sponsoring person or foundation.
d) Repeated publishing: Submitting more than one work of research consisting of the same results in order to obtain an associate professorship, examination review, or academic promotion.
e) Slicing: Destroying the integrity of the results of research by slicing it improperly and submitting fragments as specific assessments to gain academic promotion.
f) Unfair authorship: Adding persons who have not actively contributed to the production of the article or failing to add persons who actually did contribute; altering the arrangement of authors’ names improperly and unjustifiably; subtracting the names of actively contributing writers during the publication process or subsequent printings; or adding the name of an author who did not contribute as a way of gaining prestige.

2. Responsibilities of Editors

Turkish Journal of Social Policy editors should work consciously and with self-sacrifice about the responsibility of the journal's author, referee, and technical studies for the publishing process.
It should adopt an approach that is impartial to the articles regarding the publication and is based on the conformity of scientific information to ethical principles. The journal should follow a path in accordance with ethical rules to ensure the quality and development of the publication life.

Relations with the reader

The responsible editors of the journal should prioritize the originality and quality of the information in terms of reaching the scientific information required by the reader and should take into account the requests and evaluations of the reader.

Relations with authors

Editors' duties and responsibilities towards authors are as follows:
Editors, authors and referees should try to carry out the working process in the most appropriate way for the articles submitted to the journal.
It should inform about whether the articles sent to the journal will be published or not.
Unless there are serious problems with the publication policy of the journal, every article submitted should be pre-checked by the editor.
Regarding the evaluation of the articles, the opinions of the referees should be brought to the fore. However, depending on the magnitude of the problems regarding the journal's publication rules, the editorial board is the decision-maker in terms of publication.
The editor should pay attention to the blind refereeing practice between the author and the referee.
Authors should be informed about the process.

Relations with referees

Editors' duties and responsibilities towards referees are as follows:
Referees should be appointed who has the potential to evaluate articles and have expertise in the field.
The editors' own articles submitted to the journal are evaluated by two independent referees, not from the editorial group.
He must ensure that the referees make objective and objective evaluations.
The confusion that may be experienced between the author and the referee regarding the arrangements that the referees expect from the authors should be prevented.
Due to the practice of blind refereeing, the personal information of the referees should not be reported to the author in any way.
Based on the journal's timing principle, reminders should be made to the referees for the evaluation.
Unscrupulous and unscientific evaluations should prevent.

Relations with the Editorial Board

Editorial board members should ensure that they evaluate the work impartially and independently.
The editorial board should send the works appropriate to the field of expertise of the members for evaluation.
There should be a process-based relationship with the editorial board.
The recommendations of the editorial board should be taken into account in order to ensure the publication quality of the journal.

Besides, for Editors;

It is obliged to ensure the protection of human and animal rights in the evaluated studies. It is responsible for refusing to work in cases where there is no ethical committee approval for the subjects used in the studies and permissions for experimental research.
Errors and deficiencies that may occur after the publication phase should be fully edited by the editors.
Editors must protect the intellectual property rights of all published articles.
Complaints from the author, referee, or readers towards the executive process, referee or author should be considered and evaluated.
Editors should try to complete the process independently and impartially throughout the relationship between referees and authors.

3. Ethical Responsibilities of the Referees

Since the Turkish Journal of Social Policy carries out the referee evaluation process based on the principle of blind refereeing, it is expected that the author will have access to the referee information and will not reflect his personal information in the referee's evaluation form.
Journal editors are responsible for reporting referee evaluations to the author. In this respect, there is no mutual relationship between the referee and the author.
In this process, referee comments on evaluation forms and full texts should be submitted to the author through the editor. Besides;
At least two referees are appointed for the articles submitted to the journal.
The main criterion in determining the referees is their expertise on the subject of the article.
If one of the two referees expresses a negative opinion, the article is directed to a third referee or the editor to make the final decision.
Evaluations should be impartial, objective.
Referees should not have conflicts of interest with research, authors, and/or research funders.
Articles reviewed by the referees should not be intended to be misused by the referee.
The referees' evaluations should not reflect an ideological opinion and should not contain any offensive or controversial style towards the author.
Referees should deliver the article to the journal in accordance with the timing of the journal.

4. Publisher's Ethical Responsibilities

The Board of Directors of the Journal acts with the awareness of the following ethical responsibilities:
Turkish Journal of Social Policy does not charge any fee for the publication of the articles.
In this regard, editors take responsibility for the journal objectively and are effective as decision-makers in the evaluation process without any gain.
In addition, the database of the journal should be accessible on the internet.

5. Plagiarism Detection Policy

Turkish Journal of Social Policydemands a plagiarism report from the articles to be sent to the journal.

6. Requests, Complaints and Criticisms

Requests from readers, writers and referees are open and agreed to complaints and criticisms. Please contact us at toplumsalpolitikadergi@gmail.com if you encounter any issues other than the ethical frameworks for the quality, development and progress of the journal.

Dergiye gönderilen makalelerin değerlendirmeye alınabilmesi için (çalışmanın kabul/ret şartına bağlı olmaksızın) editoryal ücret talep edilmektedir. Makale gönderim aşamasında alınan bu bedelden sonra makale değerlendirme sürecine alınır. Süreç sonunda makalenin “red” edilmesi halinde alınan ücretin 1/3'ü iade edilir. Yazar bu durumu en başta kabul etmiş sayılır. Makale değerlendirme süreci için talep edilen ücret 900 TL’dir.

Ücret ödenmesi makalenin yayına kabul edileceği anlamına gelmemektedir. Makalenin yayına kabulü veya reddi hakem raporlarına göre editörlükçe belirlenmektedir. Dergiye makale gönderen yazarlar bu şartı kabul etmiş sayılır.

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