Year 2016,
Volume: 5 Issue: 2, 146 - 159, 31.12.2016
Ercan Sarıdoğan
Burak Güriş
Ayhan Uçak
- Acaravci, A.,Ozturk,I., On The Relationship Between Energy Consumption, Co2 Emissions And Economic Growth In Europe. Energy35, 2010, 5412– 5420.
- Acemoglu Daron and Robinson James A. "The Political Economy of the Kuznets Curve" Review of Development Economics, 6(2), 183–203, 2002
- Aldy, J.E., an Environmental Kuznets Curve Analysis of U.S. State-Level Carbon Dioxide Emissions. The Journal of Environment development14, 2005, 48–72.
- Apergis Nicholas, Ozturk Ilhan "Testing Environmental Kuznets Curve hypothesis in Asian countries", Ecological Indicators 52, 2015, 16–22
- Bai, J., Perron, P., Estimating and Testing Linear Models with Multiple Structural Changes, Econometrica 66, 1998, 47–78.
- Carson, R.T., Jeon,Y., Mccubbin, D.R., The Relationship between Air Pollu- tion Emissions and Income: Us Data. Environment and Development Economics 2, 1997, 433–450.
- Cole, M.A., Trade, The Pollution Haven Hypothesis and the Environmental Kuznets Curve: Examining the Linkages .Ecological Economics 48, 2004, 71–81.
- Coondoo, D., Dinda, S., Carbondioxide Emissions and Income: A Temporal Analysis of Cross-Country Distributional Patterns. Ecological Economics 65, 2008, 375–385.
- Dijkgraaf, E., Vollebergh, H.R.J., A Note on Testing For Environmental Kuznets Curves with Panel Data. Available from: 〈http:/〉. 2001
- Dinda Soumyananda, "Environmental Kuznets Curve Hypothesis: A Survey" Ecological Economics 49, 2004, 431– 455
- Dutt, K., Governance, Institutions and the Environment-Income Relations- hip: A Cross-Country study. Environment, Development and Sustainability11, 2009, 705–723.
- Friedl, B., Getzner, M., Determinants of Co2 Emissions in a Small Open Economy. Ecological Economics 45, 2003, 133–148.
- Galeotti, M., Lanza, A., Richer and Cleaner? A Study on Carbon dioxide Emissions in Developing Countries. Energy Policy 27, 1999, 565–573.
- Gregory A. W., Hansen B.E. Residual-based Tests for Cointegration in Models with Regime Shifts, Journal of Econometrics, 70, 1996, 99-126.
- Hatemi-J, A., Tests for Cointegration with Two Unknown Regime Shifts with an Application to Financial Market Integration, Empirical Economics 35, 2008, 497–505.
- Jalil, A.,Mahmud, S.F., Environment Kuznets Curve For Co2 Emissions: A Cointegration Analysis For China. Energypolicy37, 2009, 5167–5172.
- Kaika Dimitra, Zervas Efthimios, The Environmental KuznetsCurve (EKC) theory—Part A: Concept, causes and the CO2 emissions case, Energy Policy, 62, 2013, 1392–1402
- Kapetanios, G., Unit Root Testing Against the Alternative Hypothesis of up to m Structural Breaks, Journal of Time Series Analysis, Vol:26, No:1, 2005, 123-133.
- Kuznets, Simon, “Economic Growth and Income Inequality,” American Economic Review 65, 1955, 1–28.
- Lee, C-C., Chiu, Y-B., Sun, C-H.,.Does One Size Fit All? Are Examination Of The Environmental Kuznets Curve Using The Dynamic Panel Data App- roach? Review of Agricultural Economics 31(4), 2009, 751–778.
- Lee, J. and Strazicich, M.C., “Minimum LM Unit Root Test with One Structural Break”, Working Paper, Department of Economics, Appalachain State University, 2004.
- Lee, J. and Strazicich, M.C., Minimum LM Unit Root Test with Two Structural Breaks, Review of Economics and Statistics, 63, 2003, 1082-1089.
- Lindmark, M., Anekc-Pattern in Historical Perspective: Carbon dioxide Emissions, Technology, Fuel Prices and Growth in Sweden 1870– 1997.Ecological Economics 42, 2002, 333–347.
- Lumsdaine, R. L. and Papell, D. H., Multiple Trend Breaks and the Unit Root Hypothesis, Review of Economics and Statistics 79, 1997, 212–217.
- Maki, D., Tests For Cointegration Allowing For an Unknown Number of Breaks. Economic Modelling. 29(5), 2012, 2011-2015.
- Moomaw, W.R., Unruh, G.C., Are Environmental Kuznets Curves Misleading Us? The Case of Co2 Emissions. Environment and Development Economics 2, 1997, 451–463.
- Narayan, P-K., Narayan, S., Carbondioxide Emissions and Economic Growth: Panel Data Evidence from Developing Countries. Energypolicy 38, 2010, 661–666.
- Nelson, C. R. and Plosser, C. I., Trends and Random Walks in Macro- economic Time Series: Some Evidence and Implications, Journal of Monetary Economics 10, 1982, 139–162.
- Panayotou, T., Peterson, A., Sachs, J., August. Is The Environmental Kuz- nets Curve Driven By Structural Change? What Extended Time Series May Imply For Developing Countries? CAERII Discussion Paper No.80. 2000
- Perron, P., Further evidence on breaking trend functions in macroeconomic variables, Journal of Econometrics, Vol. 80, 1997, 355-385.
- Perron, P., The Great Crash the Oil Price Shock and the unit root hypothesis, Econometrica 57, 1989, 1361–401.
- Roberts, J.T., Grimes, R., Carbon intensity and Economic Development 1962–91: A Brief Exploration of the Environmental Kuznets Curve. World Development 25(2), 1997, 191–198.
- Schmalensee, R.,Stoker, T.M.,Judson, R.A., World Carbon dioxide Emissions: 1950–2050. The Review of Economics and Statistics 80, 1998, 15–27.
- Stock, J.H. and Watson, M., A Simple Estimator of Cointegrating Vectors in Higher Order Integrated Systems, Econometrica, 61, 1993, 783-820.
- Zivot, A. and Andrews, D. W. K., Further evidence on the Great Crash the Oil Price Shock and the unit root hypothesis, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics 10, 1992, 251–70.
Year 2016,
Volume: 5 Issue: 2, 146 - 159, 31.12.2016
Ercan Sarıdoğan
Burak Güriş
Ayhan Uçak
Japanese economy achieved a rapid economic development process for the period of 1950-1980 with environmental problems. By the by mid 1970s, Japan introduced important environmental regulatory reforms and environ- mental clean-up reforms. However, Japan faced challenged both environ- mental problems and economic stagnation since 1990s. In this study, Environmental Kuznets curve is analysed for Japanese economy for the period 1960 to 2010 using annual data by using cointegration test with structural breaks by developed Maki (2012). Environmental Kuz- nets curve means there is an inverted-U relationship between environmental degradation and income per capita. In the study it is found that the N-shaped Kuznets curve confirmed for Japanese economy for the period.
- Acaravci, A.,Ozturk,I., On The Relationship Between Energy Consumption, Co2 Emissions And Economic Growth In Europe. Energy35, 2010, 5412– 5420.
- Acemoglu Daron and Robinson James A. "The Political Economy of the Kuznets Curve" Review of Development Economics, 6(2), 183–203, 2002
- Aldy, J.E., an Environmental Kuznets Curve Analysis of U.S. State-Level Carbon Dioxide Emissions. The Journal of Environment development14, 2005, 48–72.
- Apergis Nicholas, Ozturk Ilhan "Testing Environmental Kuznets Curve hypothesis in Asian countries", Ecological Indicators 52, 2015, 16–22
- Bai, J., Perron, P., Estimating and Testing Linear Models with Multiple Structural Changes, Econometrica 66, 1998, 47–78.
- Carson, R.T., Jeon,Y., Mccubbin, D.R., The Relationship between Air Pollu- tion Emissions and Income: Us Data. Environment and Development Economics 2, 1997, 433–450.
- Cole, M.A., Trade, The Pollution Haven Hypothesis and the Environmental Kuznets Curve: Examining the Linkages .Ecological Economics 48, 2004, 71–81.
- Coondoo, D., Dinda, S., Carbondioxide Emissions and Income: A Temporal Analysis of Cross-Country Distributional Patterns. Ecological Economics 65, 2008, 375–385.
- Dijkgraaf, E., Vollebergh, H.R.J., A Note on Testing For Environmental Kuznets Curves with Panel Data. Available from: 〈http:/〉. 2001
- Dinda Soumyananda, "Environmental Kuznets Curve Hypothesis: A Survey" Ecological Economics 49, 2004, 431– 455
- Dutt, K., Governance, Institutions and the Environment-Income Relations- hip: A Cross-Country study. Environment, Development and Sustainability11, 2009, 705–723.
- Friedl, B., Getzner, M., Determinants of Co2 Emissions in a Small Open Economy. Ecological Economics 45, 2003, 133–148.
- Galeotti, M., Lanza, A., Richer and Cleaner? A Study on Carbon dioxide Emissions in Developing Countries. Energy Policy 27, 1999, 565–573.
- Gregory A. W., Hansen B.E. Residual-based Tests for Cointegration in Models with Regime Shifts, Journal of Econometrics, 70, 1996, 99-126.
- Hatemi-J, A., Tests for Cointegration with Two Unknown Regime Shifts with an Application to Financial Market Integration, Empirical Economics 35, 2008, 497–505.
- Jalil, A.,Mahmud, S.F., Environment Kuznets Curve For Co2 Emissions: A Cointegration Analysis For China. Energypolicy37, 2009, 5167–5172.
- Kaika Dimitra, Zervas Efthimios, The Environmental KuznetsCurve (EKC) theory—Part A: Concept, causes and the CO2 emissions case, Energy Policy, 62, 2013, 1392–1402
- Kapetanios, G., Unit Root Testing Against the Alternative Hypothesis of up to m Structural Breaks, Journal of Time Series Analysis, Vol:26, No:1, 2005, 123-133.
- Kuznets, Simon, “Economic Growth and Income Inequality,” American Economic Review 65, 1955, 1–28.
- Lee, C-C., Chiu, Y-B., Sun, C-H.,.Does One Size Fit All? Are Examination Of The Environmental Kuznets Curve Using The Dynamic Panel Data App- roach? Review of Agricultural Economics 31(4), 2009, 751–778.
- Lee, J. and Strazicich, M.C., “Minimum LM Unit Root Test with One Structural Break”, Working Paper, Department of Economics, Appalachain State University, 2004.
- Lee, J. and Strazicich, M.C., Minimum LM Unit Root Test with Two Structural Breaks, Review of Economics and Statistics, 63, 2003, 1082-1089.
- Lindmark, M., Anekc-Pattern in Historical Perspective: Carbon dioxide Emissions, Technology, Fuel Prices and Growth in Sweden 1870– 1997.Ecological Economics 42, 2002, 333–347.
- Lumsdaine, R. L. and Papell, D. H., Multiple Trend Breaks and the Unit Root Hypothesis, Review of Economics and Statistics 79, 1997, 212–217.
- Maki, D., Tests For Cointegration Allowing For an Unknown Number of Breaks. Economic Modelling. 29(5), 2012, 2011-2015.
- Moomaw, W.R., Unruh, G.C., Are Environmental Kuznets Curves Misleading Us? The Case of Co2 Emissions. Environment and Development Economics 2, 1997, 451–463.
- Narayan, P-K., Narayan, S., Carbondioxide Emissions and Economic Growth: Panel Data Evidence from Developing Countries. Energypolicy 38, 2010, 661–666.
- Nelson, C. R. and Plosser, C. I., Trends and Random Walks in Macro- economic Time Series: Some Evidence and Implications, Journal of Monetary Economics 10, 1982, 139–162.
- Panayotou, T., Peterson, A., Sachs, J., August. Is The Environmental Kuz- nets Curve Driven By Structural Change? What Extended Time Series May Imply For Developing Countries? CAERII Discussion Paper No.80. 2000
- Perron, P., Further evidence on breaking trend functions in macroeconomic variables, Journal of Econometrics, Vol. 80, 1997, 355-385.
- Perron, P., The Great Crash the Oil Price Shock and the unit root hypothesis, Econometrica 57, 1989, 1361–401.
- Roberts, J.T., Grimes, R., Carbon intensity and Economic Development 1962–91: A Brief Exploration of the Environmental Kuznets Curve. World Development 25(2), 1997, 191–198.
- Schmalensee, R.,Stoker, T.M.,Judson, R.A., World Carbon dioxide Emissions: 1950–2050. The Review of Economics and Statistics 80, 1998, 15–27.
- Stock, J.H. and Watson, M., A Simple Estimator of Cointegrating Vectors in Higher Order Integrated Systems, Econometrica, 61, 1993, 783-820.
- Zivot, A. and Andrews, D. W. K., Further evidence on the Great Crash the Oil Price Shock and the unit root hypothesis, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics 10, 1992, 251–70.