Research Article
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Year 2023, , 85 - 106, 29.09.2023


Kurumsal yönetim uygulamalarına dünya genelinde ilginin artması ile birlikte literatürde bu konudaki araştırmaların da arttığı görülmektedir. Kurumsal yönetime dair uygulamaların kültür ve hukuk sistemi gibi nedenlerle ülkelere göre farklılık gösterdiği bilinmektedir. Bu araştırmanın amacı 2012-2022 yılları arası son on yıl içinde Web of Science veri tabanında gerçekleştirilen kurumsal yönetim uygulamalarına yönelik sistematik bir literatür taramasını ülke özelinde ele alarak çalışmaların sonuçlarını sentezlemektir. Araştırma neticesinde, kurumsal yönetime dair ülke özelinde ele alınan makaleler dahil edilme kriteri olarak diğer kriterlere eklenmiştir. Analizlerde ülkeler özelindeki kurumsal yönetim uygulamalarına dair makalelerin en sık yayınlandığı derginin “South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences” olduğu; makalelerin yayınlanma sıklıklarının yıllara göre dalgalanmalar göstermekle birlikte, en sık yapılan yılların 2015 ve 2019 yılları olduğu; makalelerin genel olarak iki ya da daha fazla yazarlı olarak yürütüldüğü; araştırmalara en çok konu olan ülkelerin Birleşik Krallık, Güney Afrika ve Çin olduğu; ülke grubu olarak bakıldığında ise en sık konu olan ülke gruplarının Afrika ve Anglo-Sakson Ülkeler olduğu; en çok işlenen konuların sürdürülebilirlik, kurumsal yönetim ilkeleri ile hissedar ve paydaş ilişkileri olduğu görülmüştür. İncelenen makalelerde, birincil veriye ulaşmadaki zorlukların yanında güvenirlik ve geçerliliği arttırmak gibi sebeplerle de nitel ve karma yöntemlerin nicel yönteme göre daha fazla kullanıldığı görülmüştür. Gerçekleştirilen sistematik literatür taraması ile ön plana çıkan konular ve makale sonuçlarının ülke uygulamaları konusunda okuyuculara fikir vererek literatüre katkı sağlayacağı ve bundan sonraki çalışmalara da ışık tutacağı; ülkemiz özelinde bakıldığında ise WOS veri tabanındaki SSCI’deki çalışmaların azlığının dikkat çektiği ve literatürde ülkemiz özelinde, bu konuda nitelikli çalışmalara ihtiyaç olduğu düşünülmektedir.


  • Adegbite, E. (2015). Good corporate governance in Nigeria: Antecedents, propositions and peculiarities. International business review, 24(2), 319-330.
  • Adegbite, E., Amaeshi, K., & Amao, O. (2012). The politics of shareholder activism in Nigeria. Journal of Business Ethics, 105(3), 389-402.
  • Adegbite, E., Amaeshi, K., & Nakajima, C. (2013). Multiple influences on corporate governance practice in Nigeria: Agents, strategies and implications. International Business Review, 22(3), 524-538.
  • Alamgir, F., & Banerjee, S. B. (2019). Contested compliance regimes in global production networks: Insights from the Bangladesh garment industry. Human Relations, 72(2), 272-297.
  • Al-Bassam, W. M., Ntim, C. G., Opong, K. K., & Downs, Y. (2018). Corporate boards and ownership structure as antecedents of corporate governance disclosure in Saudi Arabian publicly listed corporations. Business & Society, 57(2), 335-377.
  • Arun, T. G., Almahrog, Y. E., & Aribi, Z. A. (2015). Female directors and earnings management: Evidence from UK companies. International Review of Financial Analysis, 39, 137-146.
  • Başkan, T. D. ve Çopur Vardar, G. (2018). Sigorta Sektöründe Kurumsal Yönetim Uygulanmasının Firma Performansına Etkisi. Muhasebe ve Vergi Uygulamaları Dergisi, Özel Sayı, Ankara, 582-607.
  • Beekes, W., Brown, P., & Zhang, Q. (2015). Corporate governance and the informativeness of disclosures in Australia: a re‐examination. Accounting & Finance, 55(4), 931-963.
  • Bottenberg, K., Tuschke, A., & Flickinger, M. (2017). Corporate governance between shareholder and stakeholder orientation: Lessons from Germany. Journal of Management Inquiry, 26(2), 165-180.
Year 2023, , 85 - 106, 29.09.2023



  • Adegbite, E. (2015). Good corporate governance in Nigeria: Antecedents, propositions and peculiarities. International business review, 24(2), 319-330.
  • Adegbite, E., Amaeshi, K., & Amao, O. (2012). The politics of shareholder activism in Nigeria. Journal of Business Ethics, 105(3), 389-402.
  • Adegbite, E., Amaeshi, K., & Nakajima, C. (2013). Multiple influences on corporate governance practice in Nigeria: Agents, strategies and implications. International Business Review, 22(3), 524-538.
  • Alamgir, F., & Banerjee, S. B. (2019). Contested compliance regimes in global production networks: Insights from the Bangladesh garment industry. Human Relations, 72(2), 272-297.
  • Al-Bassam, W. M., Ntim, C. G., Opong, K. K., & Downs, Y. (2018). Corporate boards and ownership structure as antecedents of corporate governance disclosure in Saudi Arabian publicly listed corporations. Business & Society, 57(2), 335-377.
  • Arun, T. G., Almahrog, Y. E., & Aribi, Z. A. (2015). Female directors and earnings management: Evidence from UK companies. International Review of Financial Analysis, 39, 137-146.
  • Başkan, T. D. ve Çopur Vardar, G. (2018). Sigorta Sektöründe Kurumsal Yönetim Uygulanmasının Firma Performansına Etkisi. Muhasebe ve Vergi Uygulamaları Dergisi, Özel Sayı, Ankara, 582-607.
  • Beekes, W., Brown, P., & Zhang, Q. (2015). Corporate governance and the informativeness of disclosures in Australia: a re‐examination. Accounting & Finance, 55(4), 931-963.
  • Bottenberg, K., Tuschke, A., & Flickinger, M. (2017). Corporate governance between shareholder and stakeholder orientation: Lessons from Germany. Journal of Management Inquiry, 26(2), 165-180.


Year 2023, , 85 - 106, 29.09.2023


One of the concepts introduced by the changing world in the 2000s has been the concept of corporate governance. Financial scandals such as Enron, Parmalat and WorldCom experienced around the world were effective in this situation. Corporate governance is based on four basic principles. These principles are listed as accountability, responsibility, public disclosure and transparency and fairness. These principles, set forth by the OECD, have been adopted and put into practice by large enterprises around the world in a short time. Although corporate governance practices are applied worldwide, there are differences in practices according to countries. The purpose of this research is to examine the corporate governance practices put forward based on countries with a systematic literature review, to see the studies on the current practices and to guide the next studies to be made in this field. The limitations of the research are as follows: 1-) Articles in the journals included in the SSCI index in the Web of Science database; 2-) Articles written in English and Turkish in the research; 3-) Articles between 2012-2022 (until March); 4-) Open access articles in the Business category and 5-) Articles examining corporate governance practices on a country basis are discussed. In this context, as a first step, a search was made in the Web of Science database as "corporate government practices", which was the research subject, and 7542 search results were obtained. In the second stage, 241 articles were accessed because of filtering according to the first four constraints listed above. Finally, 53 articles were reached by filtering the practices expressed in the fifth constraint on a country basis. As a result of the examinations, it was seen that the number of studies fluctuated according to the years, and the years with the most intense articles were 2015 and 2019. The articles that are the subject of the research are about 22 different countries, and the countries with the highest number of topics are the United Kingdom, South Africa, and China; it was seen that the countries with the least subject are USA, Canada, Switzerland, Turkey, Taiwan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Ghana, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Mexico, Indonesia, and Malaysia. It was observed that the articles discussed were generally written with more than one author. When the subjects covered in the researches and associated with corporate governance practices are analyzed according to country groups, while studies specific to Anglo-Saxon countries mainly focus on sustainability, corporate social responsibility practices, financial risks, shareholder and stakeholder relations, legal and political norms and property structure; In studies specific to Continental European countries, it is seen that the subjects of shareholder and stakeholder relations, sustainability, internal audit and KY Principles are included. In studies specific to Far East countries, it is seen that social responsibility, sustainability reporting, legal and political norms, shareholder and stakeholder relations, ownership structure and risk issues are examined. In studies specific to Middle Eastern countries, it is seen that corporate governance principles, financial performance, CSR practices, sustainability, property structures, legal and political norms and auditing issues are discussed. Studies specific to African countries include corporate governance principles, sustainability, corporate social responsibility, auditor independence, shareholder and stakeholder relations, risks, and financial performance. In the studies specific to the Balkan countries, it has been seen that the subjects of auditing, corporate governance principles and financial performance are discussed. In studies specific to Latin American countries, sustainability and ownership structure issues are discussed; In South/Southeast Asian countries, it is seen that social responsibility, financial performance and sustainability issues are covered. Qualitative and mixed methods are mostly used in the articles examined on country-specific corporate governance practices; It has been observed that quantitative methods are used less than other methods. It is thought that addressing the issues of sustainability, corporate social responsibility, shareholder/stakeholder relations and financial performance of different countries in future studies will contribute to the literature. When we look at our country, it is noteworthy that there are few studies that can be published in SSCI indexed journals in the Web of Science database on corporate governance practices. In this respect, it is seen that there is a gap in the literature regarding qualified research on corporate governance practices in our country. It is thought that qualified studies on this subject will contribute to this field. Considering that the importance of corporate governance is being understood more and more each day, this study is important.


  • Adegbite, E. (2015). Good corporate governance in Nigeria: Antecedents, propositions and peculiarities. International business review, 24(2), 319-330.
  • Adegbite, E., Amaeshi, K., & Amao, O. (2012). The politics of shareholder activism in Nigeria. Journal of Business Ethics, 105(3), 389-402.
  • Adegbite, E., Amaeshi, K., & Nakajima, C. (2013). Multiple influences on corporate governance practice in Nigeria: Agents, strategies and implications. International Business Review, 22(3), 524-538.
  • Alamgir, F., & Banerjee, S. B. (2019). Contested compliance regimes in global production networks: Insights from the Bangladesh garment industry. Human Relations, 72(2), 272-297.
  • Al-Bassam, W. M., Ntim, C. G., Opong, K. K., & Downs, Y. (2018). Corporate boards and ownership structure as antecedents of corporate governance disclosure in Saudi Arabian publicly listed corporations. Business & Society, 57(2), 335-377.
  • Arun, T. G., Almahrog, Y. E., & Aribi, Z. A. (2015). Female directors and earnings management: Evidence from UK companies. International Review of Financial Analysis, 39, 137-146.
  • Başkan, T. D. ve Çopur Vardar, G. (2018). Sigorta Sektöründe Kurumsal Yönetim Uygulanmasının Firma Performansına Etkisi. Muhasebe ve Vergi Uygulamaları Dergisi, Özel Sayı, Ankara, 582-607.
  • Beekes, W., Brown, P., & Zhang, Q. (2015). Corporate governance and the informativeness of disclosures in Australia: a re‐examination. Accounting & Finance, 55(4), 931-963.
  • Bottenberg, K., Tuschke, A., & Flickinger, M. (2017). Corporate governance between shareholder and stakeholder orientation: Lessons from Germany. Journal of Management Inquiry, 26(2), 165-180.
There are 9 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Özgür Tezel 0000-0003-2572-4980

Gülsevim Yumuk Günay 0000-0001-6184-0714

Early Pub Date September 29, 2023
Publication Date September 29, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Tezel, Ö., & Yumuk Günay, G. (2023). KURUMSAL YÖNETİM UYGULAMALARI: ÜLKELER ÖZELİNDE BİR SİSTEMATİK LİTERATÜR TARAMASI. Trakya Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 25(Özel Sayı), 85-106.
AMA Tezel Ö, Yumuk Günay G. KURUMSAL YÖNETİM UYGULAMALARI: ÜLKELER ÖZELİNDE BİR SİSTEMATİK LİTERATÜR TARAMASI. Trakya Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. September 2023;25(Özel Sayı):85-106. doi:10.26468/trakyasobed.1220049
Chicago Tezel, Özgür, and Gülsevim Yumuk Günay. “KURUMSAL YÖNETİM UYGULAMALARI: ÜLKELER ÖZELİNDE BİR SİSTEMATİK LİTERATÜR TARAMASI”. Trakya Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 25, no. Özel Sayı (September 2023): 85-106.
EndNote Tezel Ö, Yumuk Günay G (September 1, 2023) KURUMSAL YÖNETİM UYGULAMALARI: ÜLKELER ÖZELİNDE BİR SİSTEMATİK LİTERATÜR TARAMASI. Trakya Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 25 Özel Sayı 85–106.
IEEE Ö. Tezel and G. Yumuk Günay, “KURUMSAL YÖNETİM UYGULAMALARI: ÜLKELER ÖZELİNDE BİR SİSTEMATİK LİTERATÜR TARAMASI”, Trakya Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, vol. 25, no. Özel Sayı, pp. 85–106, 2023, doi: 10.26468/trakyasobed.1220049.
ISNAD Tezel, Özgür - Yumuk Günay, Gülsevim. “KURUMSAL YÖNETİM UYGULAMALARI: ÜLKELER ÖZELİNDE BİR SİSTEMATİK LİTERATÜR TARAMASI”. Trakya Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 25/Özel Sayı (September 2023), 85-106.
JAMA Tezel Ö, Yumuk Günay G. KURUMSAL YÖNETİM UYGULAMALARI: ÜLKELER ÖZELİNDE BİR SİSTEMATİK LİTERATÜR TARAMASI. Trakya Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. 2023;25:85–106.
MLA Tezel, Özgür and Gülsevim Yumuk Günay. “KURUMSAL YÖNETİM UYGULAMALARI: ÜLKELER ÖZELİNDE BİR SİSTEMATİK LİTERATÜR TARAMASI”. Trakya Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, vol. 25, no. Özel Sayı, 2023, pp. 85-106, doi:10.26468/trakyasobed.1220049.
Vancouver Tezel Ö, Yumuk Günay G. KURUMSAL YÖNETİM UYGULAMALARI: ÜLKELER ÖZELİNDE BİR SİSTEMATİK LİTERATÜR TARAMASI. Trakya Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. 2023;25(Özel Sayı):85-106.

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