The fastest change and transition in the human history is neoliberal capitalism’s 30 year global free market politics project which affects every part of the world with 1978 Washington Consensus. According to John Gray who is a well known academician and an intellectual of the new right-wing, neoliberalism is an apocalyptic secular religion which is based on pagan and Christian values and its ultimate goal is post-apocalyptic heaven in the real world. The best marketing expert of this heaven is, Hollywood based American cinema industry in crisis as well as in regular times
İnsanlık tarihinde yaşanan en hızlı değişim ve dönüşüm, 1978 Washington Mutabakatı ile yeryüzünün her köşesini etkileyen neoliberal kapitalizmin 30 yıllık küresel serbest piyasa siyaseti projesidir. Yeni sağın ünlü akademisyen ve düşünürü John Gray’e göre neoliberalizm, pagan ve Hıristiyan değerlere dayalı, apokaliptik bir seküler din olup, nihai hedefi post-apokaliptik bir yeryüzü cennetidir. Bu cennetin en etkili pazarlamacısı ise, hem krizlerde hem de normal zamanlarda Hollywood merkezli Amerikan sinema endüstrisi
Other ID | JA73KH77YV |
Journal Section | Article |
Authors | |
Publication Date | June 1, 2013 |
Published in Issue | Year 2013 Volume: 15 Issue: 2 |
Trakya University Journal of Social Sciences is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0.