Research Article
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Year 2022, Volume: 24 Issue: 1, 273 - 304, 06.06.2022


: Soli-Pompeiopolis, once a glorious harbor city of Roman Empire, have not been settled after its destruction due to an earthquake in 525 AD until the modern times of the city of Mersin. During the time of their visits to Soli-Pompeiopolis, the 19th century European travelers have presented their observations on the ancient city in their notes. Most of the archaeological remains mentioned in travelers’ notes are not present currently in the site. The main question arises as what has happened to the ancient city within the last two centuries so that archaeological remains had disappeared. The aim of this article is to explore settlement history of Soli-Pompeiopolis ancient site and its vicinity in order to determine factors resulted in loss of archaeological remains. The article intends to conduct historical analysis to detect settlement history and comparative analysis to understand the severity and reason of the damage given to the site.  


  • Adıyeke, Nuri, “Osmanlı Döneminde İçel’in Merkez Kaymaları, Etki Alanı Değişimleri ve Mersin Kentinin Doğuşu”, The Proceedings of Mersin, the Mediterranean, and Modernity Colloquium, 18-20 April 2002, Mersin University, Mersin, 2002, p.81-85.
  • Alishan, P. Léonce M., Sissouan, ou L'Arméno-Cilicie: description géographique et historique, avec cartes et illustrations / traduit du texte arménien, S. Lazare, Venice, 1899.
  • Barker, William Burckhardt, Lares and Penates or Cilicia and its Governors, Ingram, Cooke, and Co., London, 1985.
  • Başağaç, Özge, Soli-Pompeiopolis through Illustrated Documents: Traveller Books, Coins and Maps, Unpublished report, Soli-Pompeiopolis Archaeological Site Excavation Office, Mersin, 2002.
  • Beaufort, Emily Anne, Egyptian Sepulchres and Syrian Shrines Including Some Stay in the Lebanon, at Palmyra, and in Western Turkey, vol. II, Second Edition, Longman, Green, Longman and Roberts, London, 1862.
  • Beaufort, Francis, Karamania or a Brief Description of the South Coast of Asia Minor, Second Edition, R. Hunter, London, 1818.
  • Bell, Gertrude, “Dairy Notes dated on 26.04.1905”, The Gertrude Bell Project Online,, (26.06.2021).
  • Bell, Gertrude, “Photo Album C”, The Gertrude Bell Project Online,, (26.06.2021).
  • Borgia, Emanuela, “Archaeology in Cilicia in the Ancient Travellers’ Notes”, OLBA VII – Special Edition, (ed. Serra Durugönül and Murat Durukan), Mersin University Publications of the Research Center of Cilician Archaeology, Mersin, 2003, p. 41-78.
  • Brandon, Christopher, Robert L. Hohlfelder, John Peter Oleson and Nicholas Rauh, “Geology, Materials, and the Design of the Roman Harbour of Soli‐Pompeiopolis, Turkey: The Romacons field campaign of August 2009”, International Journal of Nautical Archaeology, 39(2), 2010, p.390–399.
  • Brummett, Palmira, “Reviewed Work(s): Ottoman Yearbooks (Salname and Nevsal) by Hasan Duman”, MELA Notes, 32, 1984, p.17-20.
  • Byrne, Jason (Rapporteur), “Working Group II – Strategies of Housing and Urban Renewal: From Gecekondu to Coastal Condos”, The Proceedings of the 31st Annual IUFA Conference: The Problems of Urban Growth: Preserving while Developing, 9-15 June 2001, Mersin University Press, Mersin, 2002, p.108-112.
  • Cockerell, Charles Robert, Travels in Southern Europe and the Levant, 1810-1817: The Journal of C.R. Cockerell, (ed. Samuel Pepys Cockerell), Longmans, Green, and Co., London, 1903.
  • Çoruh, Selin, “The Latin Catholic Church Settlement in Mersin During the Late Ottoman Period”, (Master Thesis, Middle East Technical University, 2019).
  • Cuinet, Vital, La Turquie d'Asie, Géographie Administrative: statistique, descriptive et raisonnée de chaque province de l'Asie Mineure, Tome Deuxieme, Ernest Leroux, Paris, 1891.
  • Davis, Edwin John, Life in Asiatic Turkey, Edward Stanford, London, 1879.
  • Durukan, Murat, “Antik Dönemde Mersin Coğrafyasının Jeostratejik ve Politik Önemi”, The Proceedings of Tarih İçinde Mersin: Kollokyum II, Selim Ofset, Mersin, 2005, p.6-12.
  • Eraydın, Ayda, “A Gateway Region that Looks for New Opportunities in Economic Development: The Assets and Problems of the Region and the City of Mersin”, The Proceedings of the 31st Annual IUFA Conference: The Problems of Urban Growth: Preserving while Developing, 9-15 June 2001, Mersin University Press, Mersin, 2002, p.12-23.
  • Ergün, Mustafa, “Soli-Pompeiopolis Sikkeleri”, (Master Thesis, Selçuk University, 2004).
  • Erten, Emel, “19th Century Travellers and Soli-Pompeiopolis”, The Proceedings of Mersin, the Mediterranean, and Modernity Colloquium, 18-20 April 2002, Mersin University, Mersin, 2002, p.117-123.
  • Gough, Mary, Travel into Yesterday, Doubleday, New York, 1954.
  • Greenhalgh, Michael, “Spolia in Fortifications: Turkey, Syria and North Africa”, Ideologie e Pratiche del Reimpiego nell'Alto Medioevo, 46(1), 1998, p.785-935.
  • Kara, Melike, “Cumhuriyetin İlk Yıllarında Mersin Limanı’nın Gelişimi”, The Proceedings of Tarih İçinde Merin: Kollokyum II, 22-24 Eylül 2005, Selim Ofset, Mersin, 2005, p.130-135.
  • Karaçay, İlhan, “Mersinliler’e 50 Yıl Hizmet Vermiş Olan Pompeipolis-Karaçay Tesislerinin Hazin Hikâyesi”,, (29.06.2021).
  • Kelly, Marie Nöele, Turkish Delights, Country Life Limited, London, 1951.
  • Kiepert, Henrico, Atlas Antiquus, Berlin, 1903, David Rumsey Map Collection,, (26.06.2021).
  • Laborde, Léon de, Voyage de l’Asie Mineure, Firmin-Didot, Paris, 1838.
  • Langlois, Victor, Voyage dans la Cilicie et dans les Montagnes du Taurus 1852 – 1853, Imp. W. Remquet, Paris, 1861.
  • Oğuz, İbrahim, Tarsus Şer’iyye Sicillerine Göre Mersin Kentinin Kuruluş Öyküsü, Mersin Sanayi ve Ticaret Odası, Mersin, 2006.
  • Özbayoğlu, Erendiz, “Soli (Cilicia) ve “Soloecismus””, OLBA II / I – Special Edition: Proceedings of International Cilician Archaeology Symposium, (ed. Serra Durugönül and Murat Durukan), Mersin University Publications of the Research Center of Cilician Archaeology, Mersin, 2003, p.208-219.
  • Palumbo, Gaetano, “Threats and Challenges to the Archaeological Heritage in Mediterranean”, Management Planning for Archaeological Sites, (ed. Jeanne Marie Teutonice and Gaetano Palumbo), Getty Institute, Los Angeles, 2002, p.3-12.
  • Pellé, Clément and Léon Galibert, Voyage en Syrie et dans l'Asie mineure, vol. 3, Fisher, Paris, 1845.
  • Sarıkaya Levent, Yasemin, “Conservation of Archaeological Sites in Urban Areas in Turkey: Soli-Pompeiopolis as a Case Study”, (PhD dissertation, Middle East Technical University, 2008).
  • Sarıkaya Levent, Yasemin, “Historical Evaluation of the Turkish Legislative System Considering the Integration of Archaeological Sites into the Planning Process”, Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites, 21, 2019, p.256-279.
  • Strabo, The Geography, (English translation by H. L. Jones), Harvard University Press, 1917 thru 1932,, (26.06.2021).
  • Texier, Charles, Asie Mineure: Description Géographique, Historique et Archéologique des Provinces et des Villes de la Chersonnèse d'Asie, Imprimeurs de l’Institut de France, Paris, 1863.
  • Toksöz, Meltem, “An Eastern Mediterranean Port-Town in the Nineteenth Century”, The Proceedings of Mersin, the Mediterranean, and Modernity Colloquium, 18-20 April 2002, Mersin University, Mersin, 2002, p.15-20.
  • Toledano, Ehud R, “Where have all the Egyptian Fallahin Gone to?”, The Proceedings of Mersin, the Mediterranean, and Modernity Colloquium, 18-20 April 2002, Mersin University, Mersin, 2002, p.21-28.
  • Trémaux, Pierre, Exploration Archéologique en Asie Mineure, Librairie de L. Hachette, Paris, 1863,, (26.06.2021).
  • Türel, Ali, “Housing and Housing Industry in Mersin”, The Proceedings of the 31st Annual IUFA Conference: The Problems of Urban Growth: Preserving while Developing, 9-15 June 2001, Mersin University Press, Mersin, 2002, p.1-11.
  • Ünal, Ahmet and Serdar K. Girginer, Kilikya – Çukurova: İlk Çağlardan Osmanlı Dönemi’ne Kadar Kilikya’da Tarihi Coğrafya, Tarih ve Arkeoloji, Homer Kitapevi ve Yayıncılık, İstanbul, 2007.
  • Vann, Robert Lindley, Survey of Ancient Harbors in Turkey: The 1993 Season Breakwaters of the Harbor at Pompeiopolis, Unpublished survey report, Mersin Museum, Mersin, 1993.
  • Yağcı, Remzi, “The Importance of Soli in the Archaeology of Cilicia in the Second Millennium B.C.”, La Cilicie: espaces et pouvoirs locaux (IIe millénaire av. J.-C. – IVe siècle ap. J.-C.), Actes de la Table Ronde d’Istanbul, 2-5 Novembre 1999, Institut Français d'Études Anatoliennes-Georges Dumézil, Istanbul, 2001, p.159-165.
  • Yılmaz, Hadiye, “The First Yearbook of the Republican Era: Millî Nevsal [The National Yearbook]”, International Journal of Turcologia, 11(22), 2016, p.35-54.
  • Yılmaz, Özgür, “Osmanlı Şehir Tarihleri Açısından Yabancı Seyahatnamelerin Kaynak Değeri”, Tarih İncelemeleri Dergisi, XXVIII/2, 2013, p.587-614.
  • Zsigmond, Fejes, “Album, Konstantinápoly és Kisázsia tanulmányút”, Hungarian National Digital Archive,, (26.06.2021).
  • “#Mersin - #Mezitli - #Soli #Pompeipolis 1970ler”, Pinterest, pin by Ömer Atman,, (29.06.2021).
  • “Atatürk Ankarada Çoşkun Sevinç Tezahürleriyle Karşılandılar”, Ulus Gazette on May 26, 1938,, (29.06.2021).
  • “Atatürk dün Mersini şereflendirdiler”, Akşam Gazette on May 21, 1938,, (29.06.2021).
  • “Cenub Toprakların Eski ve Büyük Bir Şehri: Pompeipolis”, Posta Gazette on 23 May 1938,, (29.06.2021).
  • “Cilicia”, Encyclopædia Britannica, 11th edition, vol. 6., (ed. Huge Chisholm), Cambridge University Press, 1911,, (26.06.2021).
  • “Colonnaded Street, early 1950s”, WowTurkey Forum, post by Ömer Atman,, (29.06.2021).
  • “Fotograflarla Yurt Köşelerimiz İçel”, Ulus Gazette on August 2, 1947,, (29.06.2021)..
  • “İçel’in Tarihçesi”, Vatan Gazette, Mersin Supplement on January 9, 1952,, (29.06.2021).
  • “İsmini Yetiştirdiği Yeşil Mersinden Alan Şehir Mersin”, Yeni İstanbul Gazette on July 20, 1950,, (29.06.2021).
  • “Mersin Portakalcılığı. Her Sene Bahçelere 50 bin Portakal Fidanı Dikiliyor”, Ulus Gazette on April 4, 1938,, (29.06.2021).
  • “Nuns and pupils of the St Joseph Catholic School of Mersin at the Soli (Pompeiopolis) Greco-Roman ruins by sea coast, about 10 km to the west of the city”, Levantine Heritage,, (29.06.2021).
  • “Personal photos taken around historic city walls”, SALT Research Archive, rights holder Söylemezoğlu Family,, (29.06.2021).
  • “Pompeipolis”, YouTube, video by Ruşen Karaçay,, (29.06.2021).
  • “Rural house at the end (northern part) of the Colonnaded Street, 1952”, WowTurkey Forum, post by Ömer Atman,, (29.06.2021).
  • “Soli Pompeipolis Antik Limanı - Mersin”, Youtube, video by Erhan Ufuk Özaydın,, (29.06.2021).
  • “Summer time in Soli-Pompeiopolis during 1970s”, WowTurkey Forum, post by Ömer Atman,, (29.06.2021).


Year 2022, Volume: 24 Issue: 1, 273 - 304, 06.06.2022


Bir zamanlar Roma İmparatorluğu'nun görkemli bir liman kenti olan Soli-Pompeiopolis, MS 525 yılında büyük bir deprem sorası yıkılmış ve modern Mersin kendinin kurulmasına kadar geçen sürede bir daha yerleşilmemiştir. 19. Yüzyılda Avrupalı gezginler Soli-Pompeiopolis'i ziyaretleri sırasında antik kentle ilgili gözlemlerini derledikleri gezi günlüklerinde sunmuşlardır. Gezginlerin notlarında bahsedilen arkeolojik kalıntıların çoğu şu anda mevcut değildir. Çalışmanın temel sorusu, antik kentte son iki yüzyılda ne olduğu ve sonucunda arkeolojik kalıntıların neden ortadan kalktığıdır. Makalenin amacı, arkeolojik kalıntıların yok olmasına neden olan faktörleri belirlemek ve Soli-Pompeiopolis antik kenti ile çevresinin yerleşim tarihini araştırmaktır. Yerleşim tarihini tespit etmek için tarihsel analiz ve arkeolojik eserlere verilen hasarın ciddiyetini ve nedenini anlamak için karşılaştırmalı analiz yapmayı amaçlamaktadır.


  • Adıyeke, Nuri, “Osmanlı Döneminde İçel’in Merkez Kaymaları, Etki Alanı Değişimleri ve Mersin Kentinin Doğuşu”, The Proceedings of Mersin, the Mediterranean, and Modernity Colloquium, 18-20 April 2002, Mersin University, Mersin, 2002, p.81-85.
  • Alishan, P. Léonce M., Sissouan, ou L'Arméno-Cilicie: description géographique et historique, avec cartes et illustrations / traduit du texte arménien, S. Lazare, Venice, 1899.
  • Barker, William Burckhardt, Lares and Penates or Cilicia and its Governors, Ingram, Cooke, and Co., London, 1985.
  • Başağaç, Özge, Soli-Pompeiopolis through Illustrated Documents: Traveller Books, Coins and Maps, Unpublished report, Soli-Pompeiopolis Archaeological Site Excavation Office, Mersin, 2002.
  • Beaufort, Emily Anne, Egyptian Sepulchres and Syrian Shrines Including Some Stay in the Lebanon, at Palmyra, and in Western Turkey, vol. II, Second Edition, Longman, Green, Longman and Roberts, London, 1862.
  • Beaufort, Francis, Karamania or a Brief Description of the South Coast of Asia Minor, Second Edition, R. Hunter, London, 1818.
  • Bell, Gertrude, “Dairy Notes dated on 26.04.1905”, The Gertrude Bell Project Online,, (26.06.2021).
  • Bell, Gertrude, “Photo Album C”, The Gertrude Bell Project Online,, (26.06.2021).
  • Borgia, Emanuela, “Archaeology in Cilicia in the Ancient Travellers’ Notes”, OLBA VII – Special Edition, (ed. Serra Durugönül and Murat Durukan), Mersin University Publications of the Research Center of Cilician Archaeology, Mersin, 2003, p. 41-78.
  • Brandon, Christopher, Robert L. Hohlfelder, John Peter Oleson and Nicholas Rauh, “Geology, Materials, and the Design of the Roman Harbour of Soli‐Pompeiopolis, Turkey: The Romacons field campaign of August 2009”, International Journal of Nautical Archaeology, 39(2), 2010, p.390–399.
  • Brummett, Palmira, “Reviewed Work(s): Ottoman Yearbooks (Salname and Nevsal) by Hasan Duman”, MELA Notes, 32, 1984, p.17-20.
  • Byrne, Jason (Rapporteur), “Working Group II – Strategies of Housing and Urban Renewal: From Gecekondu to Coastal Condos”, The Proceedings of the 31st Annual IUFA Conference: The Problems of Urban Growth: Preserving while Developing, 9-15 June 2001, Mersin University Press, Mersin, 2002, p.108-112.
  • Cockerell, Charles Robert, Travels in Southern Europe and the Levant, 1810-1817: The Journal of C.R. Cockerell, (ed. Samuel Pepys Cockerell), Longmans, Green, and Co., London, 1903.
  • Çoruh, Selin, “The Latin Catholic Church Settlement in Mersin During the Late Ottoman Period”, (Master Thesis, Middle East Technical University, 2019).
  • Cuinet, Vital, La Turquie d'Asie, Géographie Administrative: statistique, descriptive et raisonnée de chaque province de l'Asie Mineure, Tome Deuxieme, Ernest Leroux, Paris, 1891.
  • Davis, Edwin John, Life in Asiatic Turkey, Edward Stanford, London, 1879.
  • Durukan, Murat, “Antik Dönemde Mersin Coğrafyasının Jeostratejik ve Politik Önemi”, The Proceedings of Tarih İçinde Mersin: Kollokyum II, Selim Ofset, Mersin, 2005, p.6-12.
  • Eraydın, Ayda, “A Gateway Region that Looks for New Opportunities in Economic Development: The Assets and Problems of the Region and the City of Mersin”, The Proceedings of the 31st Annual IUFA Conference: The Problems of Urban Growth: Preserving while Developing, 9-15 June 2001, Mersin University Press, Mersin, 2002, p.12-23.
  • Ergün, Mustafa, “Soli-Pompeiopolis Sikkeleri”, (Master Thesis, Selçuk University, 2004).
  • Erten, Emel, “19th Century Travellers and Soli-Pompeiopolis”, The Proceedings of Mersin, the Mediterranean, and Modernity Colloquium, 18-20 April 2002, Mersin University, Mersin, 2002, p.117-123.
  • Gough, Mary, Travel into Yesterday, Doubleday, New York, 1954.
  • Greenhalgh, Michael, “Spolia in Fortifications: Turkey, Syria and North Africa”, Ideologie e Pratiche del Reimpiego nell'Alto Medioevo, 46(1), 1998, p.785-935.
  • Kara, Melike, “Cumhuriyetin İlk Yıllarında Mersin Limanı’nın Gelişimi”, The Proceedings of Tarih İçinde Merin: Kollokyum II, 22-24 Eylül 2005, Selim Ofset, Mersin, 2005, p.130-135.
  • Karaçay, İlhan, “Mersinliler’e 50 Yıl Hizmet Vermiş Olan Pompeipolis-Karaçay Tesislerinin Hazin Hikâyesi”,, (29.06.2021).
  • Kelly, Marie Nöele, Turkish Delights, Country Life Limited, London, 1951.
  • Kiepert, Henrico, Atlas Antiquus, Berlin, 1903, David Rumsey Map Collection,, (26.06.2021).
  • Laborde, Léon de, Voyage de l’Asie Mineure, Firmin-Didot, Paris, 1838.
  • Langlois, Victor, Voyage dans la Cilicie et dans les Montagnes du Taurus 1852 – 1853, Imp. W. Remquet, Paris, 1861.
  • Oğuz, İbrahim, Tarsus Şer’iyye Sicillerine Göre Mersin Kentinin Kuruluş Öyküsü, Mersin Sanayi ve Ticaret Odası, Mersin, 2006.
  • Özbayoğlu, Erendiz, “Soli (Cilicia) ve “Soloecismus””, OLBA II / I – Special Edition: Proceedings of International Cilician Archaeology Symposium, (ed. Serra Durugönül and Murat Durukan), Mersin University Publications of the Research Center of Cilician Archaeology, Mersin, 2003, p.208-219.
  • Palumbo, Gaetano, “Threats and Challenges to the Archaeological Heritage in Mediterranean”, Management Planning for Archaeological Sites, (ed. Jeanne Marie Teutonice and Gaetano Palumbo), Getty Institute, Los Angeles, 2002, p.3-12.
  • Pellé, Clément and Léon Galibert, Voyage en Syrie et dans l'Asie mineure, vol. 3, Fisher, Paris, 1845.
  • Sarıkaya Levent, Yasemin, “Conservation of Archaeological Sites in Urban Areas in Turkey: Soli-Pompeiopolis as a Case Study”, (PhD dissertation, Middle East Technical University, 2008).
  • Sarıkaya Levent, Yasemin, “Historical Evaluation of the Turkish Legislative System Considering the Integration of Archaeological Sites into the Planning Process”, Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites, 21, 2019, p.256-279.
  • Strabo, The Geography, (English translation by H. L. Jones), Harvard University Press, 1917 thru 1932,, (26.06.2021).
  • Texier, Charles, Asie Mineure: Description Géographique, Historique et Archéologique des Provinces et des Villes de la Chersonnèse d'Asie, Imprimeurs de l’Institut de France, Paris, 1863.
  • Toksöz, Meltem, “An Eastern Mediterranean Port-Town in the Nineteenth Century”, The Proceedings of Mersin, the Mediterranean, and Modernity Colloquium, 18-20 April 2002, Mersin University, Mersin, 2002, p.15-20.
  • Toledano, Ehud R, “Where have all the Egyptian Fallahin Gone to?”, The Proceedings of Mersin, the Mediterranean, and Modernity Colloquium, 18-20 April 2002, Mersin University, Mersin, 2002, p.21-28.
  • Trémaux, Pierre, Exploration Archéologique en Asie Mineure, Librairie de L. Hachette, Paris, 1863,, (26.06.2021).
  • Türel, Ali, “Housing and Housing Industry in Mersin”, The Proceedings of the 31st Annual IUFA Conference: The Problems of Urban Growth: Preserving while Developing, 9-15 June 2001, Mersin University Press, Mersin, 2002, p.1-11.
  • Ünal, Ahmet and Serdar K. Girginer, Kilikya – Çukurova: İlk Çağlardan Osmanlı Dönemi’ne Kadar Kilikya’da Tarihi Coğrafya, Tarih ve Arkeoloji, Homer Kitapevi ve Yayıncılık, İstanbul, 2007.
  • Vann, Robert Lindley, Survey of Ancient Harbors in Turkey: The 1993 Season Breakwaters of the Harbor at Pompeiopolis, Unpublished survey report, Mersin Museum, Mersin, 1993.
  • Yağcı, Remzi, “The Importance of Soli in the Archaeology of Cilicia in the Second Millennium B.C.”, La Cilicie: espaces et pouvoirs locaux (IIe millénaire av. J.-C. – IVe siècle ap. J.-C.), Actes de la Table Ronde d’Istanbul, 2-5 Novembre 1999, Institut Français d'Études Anatoliennes-Georges Dumézil, Istanbul, 2001, p.159-165.
  • Yılmaz, Hadiye, “The First Yearbook of the Republican Era: Millî Nevsal [The National Yearbook]”, International Journal of Turcologia, 11(22), 2016, p.35-54.
  • Yılmaz, Özgür, “Osmanlı Şehir Tarihleri Açısından Yabancı Seyahatnamelerin Kaynak Değeri”, Tarih İncelemeleri Dergisi, XXVIII/2, 2013, p.587-614.
  • Zsigmond, Fejes, “Album, Konstantinápoly és Kisázsia tanulmányút”, Hungarian National Digital Archive,, (26.06.2021).
  • “#Mersin - #Mezitli - #Soli #Pompeipolis 1970ler”, Pinterest, pin by Ömer Atman,, (29.06.2021).
  • “Atatürk Ankarada Çoşkun Sevinç Tezahürleriyle Karşılandılar”, Ulus Gazette on May 26, 1938,, (29.06.2021).
  • “Atatürk dün Mersini şereflendirdiler”, Akşam Gazette on May 21, 1938,, (29.06.2021).
  • “Cenub Toprakların Eski ve Büyük Bir Şehri: Pompeipolis”, Posta Gazette on 23 May 1938,, (29.06.2021).
  • “Cilicia”, Encyclopædia Britannica, 11th edition, vol. 6., (ed. Huge Chisholm), Cambridge University Press, 1911,, (26.06.2021).
  • “Colonnaded Street, early 1950s”, WowTurkey Forum, post by Ömer Atman,, (29.06.2021).
  • “Fotograflarla Yurt Köşelerimiz İçel”, Ulus Gazette on August 2, 1947,, (29.06.2021)..
  • “İçel’in Tarihçesi”, Vatan Gazette, Mersin Supplement on January 9, 1952,, (29.06.2021).
  • “İsmini Yetiştirdiği Yeşil Mersinden Alan Şehir Mersin”, Yeni İstanbul Gazette on July 20, 1950,, (29.06.2021).
  • “Mersin Portakalcılığı. Her Sene Bahçelere 50 bin Portakal Fidanı Dikiliyor”, Ulus Gazette on April 4, 1938,, (29.06.2021).
  • “Nuns and pupils of the St Joseph Catholic School of Mersin at the Soli (Pompeiopolis) Greco-Roman ruins by sea coast, about 10 km to the west of the city”, Levantine Heritage,, (29.06.2021).
  • “Personal photos taken around historic city walls”, SALT Research Archive, rights holder Söylemezoğlu Family,, (29.06.2021).
  • “Pompeipolis”, YouTube, video by Ruşen Karaçay,, (29.06.2021).
  • “Rural house at the end (northern part) of the Colonnaded Street, 1952”, WowTurkey Forum, post by Ömer Atman,, (29.06.2021).
  • “Soli Pompeipolis Antik Limanı - Mersin”, Youtube, video by Erhan Ufuk Özaydın,, (29.06.2021).
  • “Summer time in Soli-Pompeiopolis during 1970s”, WowTurkey Forum, post by Ömer Atman,, (29.06.2021).
There are 62 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Yasemin Sarıkaya Levent 0000-0002-9152-0620

Publication Date June 6, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 24 Issue: 1


APA Sarıkaya Levent, Y. (2022). WHAT HAPPENED IN SOLI-POMPEIOPOLIS WITHIN THE LAST TWO CENTURIES?. Trakya Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 24(1), 273-304.
AMA Sarıkaya Levent Y. WHAT HAPPENED IN SOLI-POMPEIOPOLIS WITHIN THE LAST TWO CENTURIES?. Trakya Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. June 2022;24(1):273-304. doi:10.26468/trakyasobed.1038518
Chicago Sarıkaya Levent, Yasemin. “WHAT HAPPENED IN SOLI-POMPEIOPOLIS WITHIN THE LAST TWO CENTURIES?”. Trakya Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 24, no. 1 (June 2022): 273-304.
EndNote Sarıkaya Levent Y (June 1, 2022) WHAT HAPPENED IN SOLI-POMPEIOPOLIS WITHIN THE LAST TWO CENTURIES?. Trakya Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 24 1 273–304.
IEEE Y. Sarıkaya Levent, “WHAT HAPPENED IN SOLI-POMPEIOPOLIS WITHIN THE LAST TWO CENTURIES?”, Trakya Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 273–304, 2022, doi: 10.26468/trakyasobed.1038518.
ISNAD Sarıkaya Levent, Yasemin. “WHAT HAPPENED IN SOLI-POMPEIOPOLIS WITHIN THE LAST TWO CENTURIES?”. Trakya Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 24/1 (June 2022), 273-304.
JAMA Sarıkaya Levent Y. WHAT HAPPENED IN SOLI-POMPEIOPOLIS WITHIN THE LAST TWO CENTURIES?. Trakya Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. 2022;24:273–304.
MLA Sarıkaya Levent, Yasemin. “WHAT HAPPENED IN SOLI-POMPEIOPOLIS WITHIN THE LAST TWO CENTURIES?”. Trakya Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, vol. 24, no. 1, 2022, pp. 273-04, doi:10.26468/trakyasobed.1038518.
Vancouver Sarıkaya Levent Y. WHAT HAPPENED IN SOLI-POMPEIOPOLIS WITHIN THE LAST TWO CENTURIES?. Trakya Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. 2022;24(1):273-304.

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