Research Article
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Teknopark Web Sitelerinde Sık Sorulan Soruların İncelenmesi ve Yönetilmesi

Year 2023, Volume: 37 Issue: 3, 206 - 214, 15.07.2023


Ülkelerin ekonomik kalkınmalarında stratejik öneme sahip olan teknoparklar, üniversitelerin, sanayi şirketlerinin ve araştırma kurumlarının aynı ekosistem içerisinde araştırma, geliştirme ve yenilik faaliyetlerinde bulunmak üzere iş birliği yapabildikleri kuruluşlardır. Üyelerini ve girişimcilerini bilgilendirmek ve onlarla etkileşim kurmak için teknoparkların kendi bilgi sistemleri ve web portalları vardır. Teknopark web sitesi “Sık Sorulan Sorular (SSS)” menüsü başta teknoloji transferi, kolaylıklar ve teknoparkların sunduğu hizmetler olmak üzere özellikle bu ekosistemde yer almak isteyen girişimcilere bilgileri sunmaktadır. Bu araştırmanın amacı, daha iyi bir SSS menüsü için girişimcilerin merak ettiği SSS menülerindeki soruları incelemek ve sınıflandırmaktır. Bu nitel araştırmada teknopark web sitelerinin SSS menülerini analiz etmek için içerik analizi yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Soruları sınıflandırmak için tanımlayıcı istatistikler ve tematik kodlar kullanılmıştır. SSS listelerindeki sorular teknoparktan teknoparka değişse de çalışmanın bulguları SSS menüler- inde vergi, başvuru süreci, başvuran ve ofislere ilişkin soruların en çok kullanılan temalar olduğunu ortaya koymuştur. Bu çalışma, SSS menülerindeki soruları yönetmek için frekans ve semantik temelli yaklaşımlar olmak üzere iki yaklaşım sunmaktadır. Teknopark yönetimleri, bu çalışmanın bulgularını kendi girişimci ekosistemleri için tamamlayıcı bir değer ve tasarım ve içerik açısından daha iyi bir SSS menüsü için bir rehber olarak kullanabilirler.


  • Albahari, A., Barge-Gil, A., Pérez-Canto, S., & Modrego, A. (2018). The influ- ence of science and technology park characteristics on firms' innova- tion results. Papers in Regional Science, 97(2), 253–279. [CrossRef]
  • Albahari, A., Catalano, G., & Landoni, P. (2013). Evaluation of national sci- ence park systems: A theoretical framework and its application to the Italian and Spanish systems. Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, 25(5), 599–614. [CrossRef]
  • Aydoğan, H. (2021). Dialogic communication during Covid-19 pandemic: An analysis on technoparks’ social media usage in Turkey. Connec- tist, 60(60), 1–26. [CrossRef]
  • Baporikar, N. (2015). Distinctiveness of techno-entrepreneurship. Interna- tional Journal of Strategic Information Technology and Applications, 6(1), 15–25. [CrossRef]
  • Çakırel, Y., & Pınar, R. İ. (2021). Bilgi kültürü, bilgi paylaşimi ve örgütsel yenilikçilik etkileşimi [Knowledge culture, knowledge sharing and organizational innovativeness interaction]. Yönetim ve Ekonomi Araştırmaları Dergisi, 19(1), 248–266.
  • Corbin, J. M., & Strauss, A. (1990). Grounded theory research: Procedures, canons, and evaluative criteria. Qualitative Sociology, 13(1), 3–21. [CrossRef]
  • Demir, H., & Bekleyen, A. (2021). Mimari ölçütler bakımından bir teknokent binasının değerlendirilmesi: İkizler Yazılımevi, ODTÜ-Teknokent [Evaluation of a technocity building in terms of architectural criteria: Twins Software House, METU-Technocity]. Türk Doğa ve Fen Dergisi, 10(2), 64–74.
  • Durak, İ., Arslan, H. M., & Özdemir, Y. (2021). Application of AHP–TOPSIS methods in Technopark selection of technology companies: Turkish case. Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, 1–15.
  • Durão, D., Sarmento, M., Varela, V., & Maltez, L. (2005). Virtual and real- estate science and technology parks: A case study of Taguspark. Technovation, 25(3), 237–244. [CrossRef]
  • Gezici, F., Müderrisoğlu, B., Salihoğlu, G., & Başarır, G. (2021). What is the role of techno-parks on regional innovation in Turkey? Gazi University Journal of Science Part B, 9(1), 43–59.
  • Han, S., & Lee, M. K. (2022). FAQ chatbot and inclusive learning in massive open online courses. Computers and Education, 179, 104395. [CrossRef]
  • Henriques, I. C., Sobreiro, V. A., & Kimura, H. (2018). Science and technol- ogy park: Future challenges. Technology in Society, 53, 144–160. [CrossRef]
  • Hommen, L., Doloreux, D., & Larsson, E. (2006). Emergence and growth of Mjärdevi Science Park in Linköping, Sweden. European Planning Studies, 14(10), 1331–1361. [CrossRef]
  • Jijkoun, V., & de Rijke, M. (2005). Retrieving answers from frequently asked questions pages on the web. In Proceedings of the 14th ACM Inter- national Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (pp. 76–83). [CrossRef]
  • Lee, K., Jo, J., Kim, J., & Kang, Y. (2019). Can chatbots help reduce the workload of administrative officers?-İmplementing and deploying FAQ chatbot service in a university. In International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 348–354). Cham: Springer.
  • Liang, Z., Zhao-xiong, C., & He-yan, H. (2006). Design and implementation of FAQ automatic return system based on similarity computation. Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences, 11(1), 138–142. [CrossRef]
  • Link, A. N., & Yeong Yang, U. (2018). On the growth of Korean technoparks. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 14(2),405–410. [CrossRef]
  • Majdouline, I., El Baz, J. E., & Jebli, F. (2022). Revisiting technological entre- preneurship research: An updated bibliometric analysis of the state of art. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 179, 121589. [CrossRef] Mass, Y., Carmeli, B., Roitman, H., & Konopnicki, D. (2020). Unsupervised FAQ retrieval with question generation and BERT. In Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Lin- guistics (pp. 807–812). [CrossRef]
  • Merriam, S. B. (2015). Nitel araştırma desen ve uygulama İçin bir rehber (S. Turan, Çev). Nobel.
  • Middle East Technical University (METU) (2022). Technocity. Teknocities in the world by numbers. rakamlarla-dunyadaki-teknokentler.
  • Morris, M. H. (1998). Entrepreneurial intensity: Sustainable advantages for individuals, organizations, and societies. Greenwood Publishing Group.
  • Ruokolainen, J., & Igel, B. (2022). The elusiveness of business networks— Why do science park firm tenants not collaborate with neighbours? Industrial Marketing Management, 101, 113–124. [CrossRef]
  • Steininger, D. M. (2019). Linking information systems and entrepreneur- ship: A review and agenda for IT-associated and digital entrepre- neurship research. Information Systems Journal, 29(2), 363–407. [CrossRef]
  • Turkish Republic Industry and Technology Ministry (2022). Statistics of technology development regions. kler/istatistiki-bilgiler/mi0203011501.
  • Yang, M., Sulaiman, R., Yin, Y., Mallamaci, V., & Alrabaiah, H. (2022). The effect of business intelligence, organizational learning and innova- tion on the financial performance of innovative companies located in Science
  • Park. Information Processing and Management, 59(2). [CrossRef]

Examining and Managing Frequently Asked Questions on Technopark Websites

Year 2023, Volume: 37 Issue: 3, 206 - 214, 15.07.2023


Technoparks that have strategical importance on the economic development of the countries are the organizations that universities, industrial companies, and research institutions can col- laborate to do research, development, and innovation activities within the same ecosystem. Technoparks have their own information systems and web portals to inform and interact with their members and entrepreneurs. Technopark website “Frequently Asked Questions” menu presents information mainly on technology transfer, facilities, and services provided by technoparks, par- ticularly to the entrepreneurs who want to take place in this ecosystem. The aim of this research is to examine and classify the questions in the frequently asked questions menu wondered by the entrepreneurs for a better frequently asked questions menu. The content analysis method was used to analyze the frequently asked questions menu of technopark websites in this qualitative research. Descriptive statistics and thematic codes were used to classify the questions. Although the questions in the lists of the frequently asked questions menu change from technopark to technopark, the findings of the study revealed that questions related to tax, application process, applicants, and offices are the mostly used themes in the frequently asked questions menu. This study offers two approaches which are frequency- and semantic-based approaches to manage the questions in frequently asked questions menu. Technopark managements can use the find- ings of this study as a complementary asset for their entrepreneur ecosystem and as a guide for a better frequently asked questions menu in terms of design and content.


  • Albahari, A., Barge-Gil, A., Pérez-Canto, S., & Modrego, A. (2018). The influ- ence of science and technology park characteristics on firms' innova- tion results. Papers in Regional Science, 97(2), 253–279. [CrossRef]
  • Albahari, A., Catalano, G., & Landoni, P. (2013). Evaluation of national sci- ence park systems: A theoretical framework and its application to the Italian and Spanish systems. Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, 25(5), 599–614. [CrossRef]
  • Aydoğan, H. (2021). Dialogic communication during Covid-19 pandemic: An analysis on technoparks’ social media usage in Turkey. Connec- tist, 60(60), 1–26. [CrossRef]
  • Baporikar, N. (2015). Distinctiveness of techno-entrepreneurship. Interna- tional Journal of Strategic Information Technology and Applications, 6(1), 15–25. [CrossRef]
  • Çakırel, Y., & Pınar, R. İ. (2021). Bilgi kültürü, bilgi paylaşimi ve örgütsel yenilikçilik etkileşimi [Knowledge culture, knowledge sharing and organizational innovativeness interaction]. Yönetim ve Ekonomi Araştırmaları Dergisi, 19(1), 248–266.
  • Corbin, J. M., & Strauss, A. (1990). Grounded theory research: Procedures, canons, and evaluative criteria. Qualitative Sociology, 13(1), 3–21. [CrossRef]
  • Demir, H., & Bekleyen, A. (2021). Mimari ölçütler bakımından bir teknokent binasının değerlendirilmesi: İkizler Yazılımevi, ODTÜ-Teknokent [Evaluation of a technocity building in terms of architectural criteria: Twins Software House, METU-Technocity]. Türk Doğa ve Fen Dergisi, 10(2), 64–74.
  • Durak, İ., Arslan, H. M., & Özdemir, Y. (2021). Application of AHP–TOPSIS methods in Technopark selection of technology companies: Turkish case. Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, 1–15.
  • Durão, D., Sarmento, M., Varela, V., & Maltez, L. (2005). Virtual and real- estate science and technology parks: A case study of Taguspark. Technovation, 25(3), 237–244. [CrossRef]
  • Gezici, F., Müderrisoğlu, B., Salihoğlu, G., & Başarır, G. (2021). What is the role of techno-parks on regional innovation in Turkey? Gazi University Journal of Science Part B, 9(1), 43–59.
  • Han, S., & Lee, M. K. (2022). FAQ chatbot and inclusive learning in massive open online courses. Computers and Education, 179, 104395. [CrossRef]
  • Henriques, I. C., Sobreiro, V. A., & Kimura, H. (2018). Science and technol- ogy park: Future challenges. Technology in Society, 53, 144–160. [CrossRef]
  • Hommen, L., Doloreux, D., & Larsson, E. (2006). Emergence and growth of Mjärdevi Science Park in Linköping, Sweden. European Planning Studies, 14(10), 1331–1361. [CrossRef]
  • Jijkoun, V., & de Rijke, M. (2005). Retrieving answers from frequently asked questions pages on the web. In Proceedings of the 14th ACM Inter- national Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (pp. 76–83). [CrossRef]
  • Lee, K., Jo, J., Kim, J., & Kang, Y. (2019). Can chatbots help reduce the workload of administrative officers?-İmplementing and deploying FAQ chatbot service in a university. In International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 348–354). Cham: Springer.
  • Liang, Z., Zhao-xiong, C., & He-yan, H. (2006). Design and implementation of FAQ automatic return system based on similarity computation. Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences, 11(1), 138–142. [CrossRef]
  • Link, A. N., & Yeong Yang, U. (2018). On the growth of Korean technoparks. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 14(2),405–410. [CrossRef]
  • Majdouline, I., El Baz, J. E., & Jebli, F. (2022). Revisiting technological entre- preneurship research: An updated bibliometric analysis of the state of art. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 179, 121589. [CrossRef] Mass, Y., Carmeli, B., Roitman, H., & Konopnicki, D. (2020). Unsupervised FAQ retrieval with question generation and BERT. In Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Lin- guistics (pp. 807–812). [CrossRef]
  • Merriam, S. B. (2015). Nitel araştırma desen ve uygulama İçin bir rehber (S. Turan, Çev). Nobel.
  • Middle East Technical University (METU) (2022). Technocity. Teknocities in the world by numbers. rakamlarla-dunyadaki-teknokentler.
  • Morris, M. H. (1998). Entrepreneurial intensity: Sustainable advantages for individuals, organizations, and societies. Greenwood Publishing Group.
  • Ruokolainen, J., & Igel, B. (2022). The elusiveness of business networks— Why do science park firm tenants not collaborate with neighbours? Industrial Marketing Management, 101, 113–124. [CrossRef]
  • Steininger, D. M. (2019). Linking information systems and entrepreneur- ship: A review and agenda for IT-associated and digital entrepre- neurship research. Information Systems Journal, 29(2), 363–407. [CrossRef]
  • Turkish Republic Industry and Technology Ministry (2022). Statistics of technology development regions. kler/istatistiki-bilgiler/mi0203011501.
  • Yang, M., Sulaiman, R., Yin, Y., Mallamaci, V., & Alrabaiah, H. (2022). The effect of business intelligence, organizational learning and innova- tion on the financial performance of innovative companies located in Science
  • Park. Information Processing and Management, 59(2). [CrossRef]
There are 26 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Labor Economics
Journal Section Research Articles

Ferkan Kaplanseren This is me 0000-0002-7905-3636

Publication Date July 15, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 37 Issue: 3


APA Kaplanseren, F. (2023). Examining and Managing Frequently Asked Questions on Technopark Websites. Trends in Business and Economics, 37(3), 206-214.

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