Research Article
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Length-weight relationships, growth parameters, and condition factor of Sarda sarda from the Southern Black Sea

Year 2024, In Press Articles, 1 - 13


The small tuna known as the Atlantic bonito (Sarda sarda) is one of the most important fishery species of the Black Sea coast of Türkiye. In this study, we sought to define some population parameters of Atlantic bonito based on indirect ageing using length frequency distributions. The aim of this study is to provide data that will serve the management of bonito fishery. For analysis, the ELEFAN routine in the LFDA and FiSAT programs was utilized. During the migration period, we collected 2110 samples from purse seine and gillnet fishing in the Black Sea waters of Türkiye. The fork length varied between 13.1 and 60 cm, and the female to male ratio was 1:0.79. The length-weight relationships (LWRs) were calculated W=0.0037FL3.3784 and Fulton’s K:1.01±0.001. The growth was found to be positive allometic (Student’s t-test, p < 0.05). von Bertalanffy Growth Parameters (VBGP) were computed as L∞:71.59 cm, K:0.56 year-1, t0:-0.18 year. The seasonal oscillation in growth rate was calculated (C: 0.98) and winter point (WP): 0.54, growth performance index of Ø’: 3.46, natural mortality (M: 0.74 yr-1), fishing mortality (F: 2.81 yr-1), total mortality (Z: 3.55 yr-1) and exploitation coefficient (E: 0.79 yr-1). As a result of it was found that the exploitation rate on the S.sarda along the Black Sea

Supporting Institution


Project Number



The General Directorate of Agricultural Research and Policies (GDAR) TAGEM/HAYSÜD/2006/09/02/02) provided funding for this work


  • Ateş, C., Deval, M.C., Bök, T. (2008). Age and growth of Atlantic bonito (Sarda sarda Bloch, 1793) in the Sea of Marmara and Black Sea, Turkey. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 24: 546–550. doi: 10.1111/j.1439-0426.2008.01102.x.
  • Cayré, P., Amon Kothias, J.B., Diouf, T., Stretta, J.M. (1993). Biology of tuna. In A. Fonteneau and J. Marcille (Eds.), Fishing and Biology of the Tropical Tunas of the Eastern Central Atlantic (pp. 147-244). Food and Agriculture Organization Fisheries Technical Paper 292. Rome. FAO. 354 p.
  • Cengiz, Ö. (2013). Some biological characteristics of Atlantic bonito (Sarda sarda Bloch, 1793) from Gallipoli Peninsula and Dardanelles (northeastern Mediterranean, Turkey). Turkish Journal of Zoology, 37: 73–83. doi: 10.3906/zoo-1204-10.
  • Dağtekin, M., Genç, Y., Kasapoğlu, N., Erik, G., Misir, D.S., Ilhan, S., et al. (2022). Length-weight relationships of 28 fish species caught from demersal trawl survey in the Middle Black Sea, Turkey. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 46(1): 67-73. doi: 10.3906/zoo-2109-21.
  • Dardignac, J. (1962). La bonite du Maroc Atlantique (Sarda sarda Bloch). Revue des Travaux de l'Institut des Pêches Maritimes, 26(4): 399–406.
  • Demir, M., Demir, N. (1961). Palamut-Torik (Sarda sarda, Bloch) yumurtaları hakkında. Hidrobiyoloji Mecmuası, Seri A, Cilt VI, 1-2 (in Turkish).
  • Demir, M. (1963). Synopsis of biological data on bonito, Sarda sarda (Bloch). FAO Fisheries Report, 6: 101-129.
  • Di Natale, A., Mangano, A., Celona, A., Navarra, E., Valastro, M. (2006). Atlantic bonito (Sarda sarda) catch composition in the Tyrrhenian Sea and in the Strait of Sicily in 2004. Collective Volume of Scientific Papers ICCAT, 59: 564–570.
  • Franicevic, M., Sinovcic, G., Cikes Kec, V., Zorica, B. (2005). Biometry analysis of the Atlantic bonito, Sarda sarda (Bloch, 1793) in the Adriatic Sea. Acta Adriatica, 46(2): 213–222.
  • Froese, R. (2006). Cube law, condition factor and weight–length relationships: history, meta-analysis, and recommendations. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 22: 241–253. doi: 10.1111/j.1439-0426.2006.00805.x.
  • Froese, R., Binohlan, C. (2003). Simple methods to obtain preliminary growth estimates for fishes. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 19(6): 376-379. doi: 10.1111/j.1439-0426.2003.00490.x.
  • Fulton, T.W. (1904). The rate of growth of fishes. 22nd Annual Report of Fishery Board of Scotland, 1904(3): 141-241.
  • Gulland, J.A. (1971). The Fish Resources of the Ocean. Fishing News (Books). Farnham, 255.
  • GDAR (General Directorate of Fisheries and Aquaculture) (2024). Accessed Date: 20.09.202 2024,
  • Genç, Y., Başçınar, N.S., Dağtekin, M. (2019). Feeding habits during migration of the Atlantic bonito Sarda sarda (Bloch, 1793) to the Black Sea. Marine Biology Research, 15(2): 125–136. doi: 10.1080/17451000.2019.1596287.
  • Heincke, F. (1908). Bericht über die Untersuchungen der Biologischen Anstalt auf Helgoland zur Naturgeschichte der Nutzfische. Die Beteiligung Deutschlands an der Internationalen Meeresforschung, 1908(4/5): 67-155.
  • Kahraman, A.E., Göktürk, D., Yıldız, T., Uzer, U. (2014). Age, growth, and reproductive biology of Turkish coasts of the Black Sea and the Sea of Marmara. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 38(5): 614-621. doi: 10.3906/zoo-1311-25.
  • Kara, F. (1979). Observations on growth and relationship between length and weight of Sarda sarda (Bloch). Investigaciones Pesqueras, 43: 95–105.
  • Kirkwood, G.P., Auckland, R., Zara, S.J. (2001). LFDA. Length Frequency Distribution Analysis, Version 5. Retrieved from
  • Kutaygil, N. (1967). Preliminary age analysis of Mullus barbatus L. and Merluccius merluccius L. in the Sea of Marmara and some pelagic fish of Turkey. Proc. Tech. Proceedings Technical Papers General Fisheries Council for the Mediterranean FAO, 8: 361-383.
  • Le Cren, E.D. (1951). The length-weight relationship and seasonal cycle in gonad weight and condition in the perch (Perca fluviatilis). The Journal of Animal Ecology, 201-219. doi: 10.2307/1540.
  • Macías, D., Gómez-Vives, M. J., García, S., Ortiz de Urbina, J.M. (2005). Reproductive characteristics of Atlantic bonito (Sarda sarda) from the southwestern Spanish Mediterranean. Collective Volume of Scientific Papers ICCAT, 58(2): 470-483.
  • Nikolsky, G.W. (1957). Spezielle Fischkunde. VEB Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften, Berlin, pp. 45-51.
  • Nümann, W. (1954). Coralance et Migrations des Pelamides (Sarda sarda) dans les Eaux de la Turquie. CGPM Documents de Travail, 3, Reunion. Doc. 42 pp.
  • Nümann, W. (1955). Die Pelamiden (Sarda sarda) des Schwarzen Meeres, des Bosporus, der Marmara und der Dardanellen. Hidrobiology, 3: 75–127 (in German).
  • Oray, I.K., Karakulak, F.S., Zengin, M. (2004). Report on the Turkish bonito (Sarda sarda) fishery in 2000/2001. Collective Volume of Scientific Papers ICCAT, 56: 784–788.
  • Pauly, D. (1980). On the interrelationships between natural mortality, growth parameters and mean environmental temperature in 175 fish stocks. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 39(2): 175-192.
  • Pauly, D., Munro, J.L. (1984). Once more on growth comparison in fish and invertebrates. ICLARM Fishbyte, 2: 21.
  • Pauly, D. (1990). Length-converted catch curves and the seasonal growth of fishes. Fishbyte, 8(3): 33-38.
  • Pauly, D., Moreau, J., Abad, N. (1995). Comparison of age-structured and length-converted catch curves of brown trout (Salmo trutta) in two French rivers. Fisheries Research, 22(3-4): 197-204. doi: 10.1016/0165-7836(94)00323-O.
  • Petukhova, N.G. (2020). Preliminary assessment of the stock status of Atlantic bonito (Sarda sarda) in the northeastern part of the Atlantic Ocean. Journal of Ichthyology, 60(5): 732-741. doi: 10.1134/S0032945220050069.
  • Prodanov, K., Mikhailov, K., Daskalov, G., Maxim, C., Chaschin, A. (1997). Environmental management of fish resources in the Black Sea and their national exploitation. Studies and Reviews, Vol. 68. Rome, Italy: GFCM, FAO. doi: 10.1007/978-94-011-5758-2_14.
  • Rey, J.C., A Lot, E., Ramos, A. (1984). Synopsis biológica del bonito, Sarda sarda (Bloch), del Mediterráneo y Atlántico Este. Collective Volume of Scientific Papers ICCAT, XX: 469–502 (in Spanish).
  • Ricker, W.E. (1975). Computation and interpretation of biological statistics of fish populations. Bulletin of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada, 191, 1–382.
  • Rodriguez-Roda, J. (1966). Estudio de la bacoreta, Euthynnus alleteratus (Raf.), bonito, Sarda sarda (Bloch) y melva, Auxis thazard (Lac.), capturados por las almadrabas españolas. Investigación Pesquera, 30: 247–292 (in Spanish).
  • Samsun, O., Akyol, O., Ceyhan, T., Erdem, Y. (2017). Length-weight relationships for 11 fish species from the Central Black Sea, Turkey. Ege Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 34(4): 455-458. doi: 10.12714/egejfas.2017.34.4.13.
  • Santamaria, N., Sion, L., Cacucci, M., De Metrio, G. (1998). Eta ed accrescimento di Sarda sarda (Bloch, 1973) (Pisces, Scombridae) nello Ionio settentrionale. Biologia Marina Mediterranea, 5: 721–725 (in Italian).
  • Sokal, R.R., Rohlf, F.J. (1987). Biostatistics. Francise, Co, New York.
  • Somers, I.F. (1988). On a seasonally oscillating growth function. Fishbyte, 6: 8–11.
  • STECF (2014). Joint Research Centre, Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen, Sampson, D., Damalas, D., Chato Osio, G., Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) – Black Sea assessments (STECF-14-14), Publications Office, 2014. Retrieved from
  • Tanakol, R., Yazici, Z., Şener, E., Sencer, E. (1999). Fatty acid composition of 19 species of fish from the Black Sea and the Marmara Sea. Lipids, 34(3): 291-297. doi: 10.1007/s11745-999-0366-8.
  • Turan, C., Gürlek, M., Ergüden, D., Yağlıoğlu, D., Reyhaniye, A., Özbalcılar, B., Erdoğan, Z., et al. (2015). Population genetic analysis of Atlantic bonito Sarda sarda (Bloch, 1793) using sequence analysis of mtDNA D-loop region. Fisheries and Ecology in Aquatic Systems, 24(10): 3148–3154.
  • TURKSTAT (2022). Retrieved from
  • Türgan, G. (1958). The age determination of bonitos and pelamids. Balık ve Balıkçılık, 6(3): 18–20.
  • URL-1. World Register of Marine Species (WORMS) (2023). Accessed date: 15.10.2023,
  • URL-2. (2024). Accessed date: 10.10.2023,
  • URL-3. R Core Team (2022). Accessed date: 12.10.2023. R: A language and environment for statistical computing. R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria.
  • URL-4. (2024). Accessed date: 21.08.2024,
  • Valeiras, X., Macias, D., Gomez, M.J., Lema, L., A Lot, E., Ortiz de Urbina, J.M., De la Serna, J.M. (2008). Age and growth of Atlantic bonito (Sarda sarda) in western Mediterranean Sea. Collective Volume of Scientific Papers ICCAT, 62(5): 1649–1658.
  • Yankova, M. (2015). Contribution to the knowledge of Atlantic bonito (Sarda sarda Bloch, 1793) from Bulgarian Black Sea coast. International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies, 2(4): 213-217.
  • Zaboukas, N., Megalofonou, P. (2007). Age estimation of the Atlantic bonito in the eastern Mediterranean Sea using dorsal spines and validation of the method. Scientia Marina, 71(4): 691–698. doi: 10.3989/scimar.2007.71n4691
  • Zaboukas, N., Miliou, H., Megalofonou, P., Moraitou-Aposolopoulou, M. (2006). Biochemical composition of the Atlantic bonito Sarda sarda from the Aegean Sea (eastern Mediterranean Sea) in different stages of sexual maturity. Journal of Fish Biology, 69: 347–362. doi: 10.1111/j.1095-8649.2006.01090.x.
  • Zar, J.H. (1996). Biostatistical Analysis. 3rd ed., London: Prentice-Hall.
  • Zengin, M., Karakulak, F.S., Oray, I.K. (2005). Investigations on bonitos (Sarda sarda Bloch, 1793) on the southern Black Sea coast of Turkey. Collective Volume of Scientific Papers ICCAT, 58: 510–516.
  • Zorica, B., Sınovcıć, G. (2008). Biometry, length-length and length-weight relationships of juveniles and adults of Atlantic bonito, Sarda sarda, in the eastern Middle Adriatic Sea. Acta Adriatica, 49(1): 65-72.
  • Zusser, S.G. (1954). Biology and fishery for bonito in the Black Sea. Transactions of VNIRO, 28: 160-174

Güney Karadeniz'de yayılış gösteren Sarda sarda'nın boy-ağırlık ilişkileri, büyüme parametreleri ve kondisyon faktörü

Year 2024, In Press Articles, 1 - 13


Atlantik palamudu olarak bilinen küçük orkinoslardan Sarda sarda, Türkiye'nin Karadeniz kıyılarının en önemli balıkçılık türlerinden biridir. Bu çalışmada, boy frekans dağılımları kullanılarak boya dayalı olarak palamut balığının bazı popülasyon parametrelerini tanımlamaya çalışıldı. Bu çalışmanın amacı palamut balıkçılığının yönetimine hizmet edecek sonuçlar sağlamaktır. Çalışmada verilerin analizi için LFDA ve FiSAT programlarındaki ELEFAN rutini kullanıldı. Palamut balığının Türkiye'nin Karadeniz sularında göçü boyunca gırgır ve uzatma ağlarıyla avlanan 2110 örnek toplanıldı. Örneklenen bireylerin çatal boyu 13,1 ile 60 cm arasında değişmekte olup, dişi/erkek oranı 1:0,79'dur. Boy-ağırlık ilişkileri (LWRs) W=0,0037FL3.3784 ve Fulton's K:1,01±0,001 olarak hesaplanmıştır. Çalışma sonucunda büyümenin pozitif allometik olduğu bulunmuştur (Student's t-test, p < 0,05). von Bertalanffy Büyüme Parametreleri (VBGP) L∞:71,59 cm, K:0,56 yıl-1, t0:-0,18 yıl olarak hesaplanmıştır. Büyüme oranındaki mevsimsel salınım (C: 0,98) ve kış noktası (WP): 0,54, Ø' büyüme performansı indeksi 3,46 olarak hesaplanmıştır. Doğal ölüm (M: 0.74 yr-1), balıkçılık ölüm (F: 2,81 yr-1), toplam ölüm (Z: 3,55 yr-1) ve sömürü katsayısı (E: 0,79 yr-1) olarak hesaplanmıştır. Çalışma sonucunda Karadeniz boyunca S.sarda'da işletme oranının yüksek olduğu tespit edilmiştir.

Project Number



  • Ateş, C., Deval, M.C., Bök, T. (2008). Age and growth of Atlantic bonito (Sarda sarda Bloch, 1793) in the Sea of Marmara and Black Sea, Turkey. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 24: 546–550. doi: 10.1111/j.1439-0426.2008.01102.x.
  • Cayré, P., Amon Kothias, J.B., Diouf, T., Stretta, J.M. (1993). Biology of tuna. In A. Fonteneau and J. Marcille (Eds.), Fishing and Biology of the Tropical Tunas of the Eastern Central Atlantic (pp. 147-244). Food and Agriculture Organization Fisheries Technical Paper 292. Rome. FAO. 354 p.
  • Cengiz, Ö. (2013). Some biological characteristics of Atlantic bonito (Sarda sarda Bloch, 1793) from Gallipoli Peninsula and Dardanelles (northeastern Mediterranean, Turkey). Turkish Journal of Zoology, 37: 73–83. doi: 10.3906/zoo-1204-10.
  • Dağtekin, M., Genç, Y., Kasapoğlu, N., Erik, G., Misir, D.S., Ilhan, S., et al. (2022). Length-weight relationships of 28 fish species caught from demersal trawl survey in the Middle Black Sea, Turkey. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 46(1): 67-73. doi: 10.3906/zoo-2109-21.
  • Dardignac, J. (1962). La bonite du Maroc Atlantique (Sarda sarda Bloch). Revue des Travaux de l'Institut des Pêches Maritimes, 26(4): 399–406.
  • Demir, M., Demir, N. (1961). Palamut-Torik (Sarda sarda, Bloch) yumurtaları hakkında. Hidrobiyoloji Mecmuası, Seri A, Cilt VI, 1-2 (in Turkish).
  • Demir, M. (1963). Synopsis of biological data on bonito, Sarda sarda (Bloch). FAO Fisheries Report, 6: 101-129.
  • Di Natale, A., Mangano, A., Celona, A., Navarra, E., Valastro, M. (2006). Atlantic bonito (Sarda sarda) catch composition in the Tyrrhenian Sea and in the Strait of Sicily in 2004. Collective Volume of Scientific Papers ICCAT, 59: 564–570.
  • Franicevic, M., Sinovcic, G., Cikes Kec, V., Zorica, B. (2005). Biometry analysis of the Atlantic bonito, Sarda sarda (Bloch, 1793) in the Adriatic Sea. Acta Adriatica, 46(2): 213–222.
  • Froese, R. (2006). Cube law, condition factor and weight–length relationships: history, meta-analysis, and recommendations. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 22: 241–253. doi: 10.1111/j.1439-0426.2006.00805.x.
  • Froese, R., Binohlan, C. (2003). Simple methods to obtain preliminary growth estimates for fishes. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 19(6): 376-379. doi: 10.1111/j.1439-0426.2003.00490.x.
  • Fulton, T.W. (1904). The rate of growth of fishes. 22nd Annual Report of Fishery Board of Scotland, 1904(3): 141-241.
  • Gulland, J.A. (1971). The Fish Resources of the Ocean. Fishing News (Books). Farnham, 255.
  • GDAR (General Directorate of Fisheries and Aquaculture) (2024). Accessed Date: 20.09.202 2024,
  • Genç, Y., Başçınar, N.S., Dağtekin, M. (2019). Feeding habits during migration of the Atlantic bonito Sarda sarda (Bloch, 1793) to the Black Sea. Marine Biology Research, 15(2): 125–136. doi: 10.1080/17451000.2019.1596287.
  • Heincke, F. (1908). Bericht über die Untersuchungen der Biologischen Anstalt auf Helgoland zur Naturgeschichte der Nutzfische. Die Beteiligung Deutschlands an der Internationalen Meeresforschung, 1908(4/5): 67-155.
  • Kahraman, A.E., Göktürk, D., Yıldız, T., Uzer, U. (2014). Age, growth, and reproductive biology of Turkish coasts of the Black Sea and the Sea of Marmara. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 38(5): 614-621. doi: 10.3906/zoo-1311-25.
  • Kara, F. (1979). Observations on growth and relationship between length and weight of Sarda sarda (Bloch). Investigaciones Pesqueras, 43: 95–105.
  • Kirkwood, G.P., Auckland, R., Zara, S.J. (2001). LFDA. Length Frequency Distribution Analysis, Version 5. Retrieved from
  • Kutaygil, N. (1967). Preliminary age analysis of Mullus barbatus L. and Merluccius merluccius L. in the Sea of Marmara and some pelagic fish of Turkey. Proc. Tech. Proceedings Technical Papers General Fisheries Council for the Mediterranean FAO, 8: 361-383.
  • Le Cren, E.D. (1951). The length-weight relationship and seasonal cycle in gonad weight and condition in the perch (Perca fluviatilis). The Journal of Animal Ecology, 201-219. doi: 10.2307/1540.
  • Macías, D., Gómez-Vives, M. J., García, S., Ortiz de Urbina, J.M. (2005). Reproductive characteristics of Atlantic bonito (Sarda sarda) from the southwestern Spanish Mediterranean. Collective Volume of Scientific Papers ICCAT, 58(2): 470-483.
  • Nikolsky, G.W. (1957). Spezielle Fischkunde. VEB Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften, Berlin, pp. 45-51.
  • Nümann, W. (1954). Coralance et Migrations des Pelamides (Sarda sarda) dans les Eaux de la Turquie. CGPM Documents de Travail, 3, Reunion. Doc. 42 pp.
  • Nümann, W. (1955). Die Pelamiden (Sarda sarda) des Schwarzen Meeres, des Bosporus, der Marmara und der Dardanellen. Hidrobiology, 3: 75–127 (in German).
  • Oray, I.K., Karakulak, F.S., Zengin, M. (2004). Report on the Turkish bonito (Sarda sarda) fishery in 2000/2001. Collective Volume of Scientific Papers ICCAT, 56: 784–788.
  • Pauly, D. (1980). On the interrelationships between natural mortality, growth parameters and mean environmental temperature in 175 fish stocks. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 39(2): 175-192.
  • Pauly, D., Munro, J.L. (1984). Once more on growth comparison in fish and invertebrates. ICLARM Fishbyte, 2: 21.
  • Pauly, D. (1990). Length-converted catch curves and the seasonal growth of fishes. Fishbyte, 8(3): 33-38.
  • Pauly, D., Moreau, J., Abad, N. (1995). Comparison of age-structured and length-converted catch curves of brown trout (Salmo trutta) in two French rivers. Fisheries Research, 22(3-4): 197-204. doi: 10.1016/0165-7836(94)00323-O.
  • Petukhova, N.G. (2020). Preliminary assessment of the stock status of Atlantic bonito (Sarda sarda) in the northeastern part of the Atlantic Ocean. Journal of Ichthyology, 60(5): 732-741. doi: 10.1134/S0032945220050069.
  • Prodanov, K., Mikhailov, K., Daskalov, G., Maxim, C., Chaschin, A. (1997). Environmental management of fish resources in the Black Sea and their national exploitation. Studies and Reviews, Vol. 68. Rome, Italy: GFCM, FAO. doi: 10.1007/978-94-011-5758-2_14.
  • Rey, J.C., A Lot, E., Ramos, A. (1984). Synopsis biológica del bonito, Sarda sarda (Bloch), del Mediterráneo y Atlántico Este. Collective Volume of Scientific Papers ICCAT, XX: 469–502 (in Spanish).
  • Ricker, W.E. (1975). Computation and interpretation of biological statistics of fish populations. Bulletin of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada, 191, 1–382.
  • Rodriguez-Roda, J. (1966). Estudio de la bacoreta, Euthynnus alleteratus (Raf.), bonito, Sarda sarda (Bloch) y melva, Auxis thazard (Lac.), capturados por las almadrabas españolas. Investigación Pesquera, 30: 247–292 (in Spanish).
  • Samsun, O., Akyol, O., Ceyhan, T., Erdem, Y. (2017). Length-weight relationships for 11 fish species from the Central Black Sea, Turkey. Ege Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 34(4): 455-458. doi: 10.12714/egejfas.2017.34.4.13.
  • Santamaria, N., Sion, L., Cacucci, M., De Metrio, G. (1998). Eta ed accrescimento di Sarda sarda (Bloch, 1973) (Pisces, Scombridae) nello Ionio settentrionale. Biologia Marina Mediterranea, 5: 721–725 (in Italian).
  • Sokal, R.R., Rohlf, F.J. (1987). Biostatistics. Francise, Co, New York.
  • Somers, I.F. (1988). On a seasonally oscillating growth function. Fishbyte, 6: 8–11.
  • STECF (2014). Joint Research Centre, Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen, Sampson, D., Damalas, D., Chato Osio, G., Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) – Black Sea assessments (STECF-14-14), Publications Office, 2014. Retrieved from
  • Tanakol, R., Yazici, Z., Şener, E., Sencer, E. (1999). Fatty acid composition of 19 species of fish from the Black Sea and the Marmara Sea. Lipids, 34(3): 291-297. doi: 10.1007/s11745-999-0366-8.
  • Turan, C., Gürlek, M., Ergüden, D., Yağlıoğlu, D., Reyhaniye, A., Özbalcılar, B., Erdoğan, Z., et al. (2015). Population genetic analysis of Atlantic bonito Sarda sarda (Bloch, 1793) using sequence analysis of mtDNA D-loop region. Fisheries and Ecology in Aquatic Systems, 24(10): 3148–3154.
  • TURKSTAT (2022). Retrieved from
  • Türgan, G. (1958). The age determination of bonitos and pelamids. Balık ve Balıkçılık, 6(3): 18–20.
  • URL-1. World Register of Marine Species (WORMS) (2023). Accessed date: 15.10.2023,
  • URL-2. (2024). Accessed date: 10.10.2023,
  • URL-3. R Core Team (2022). Accessed date: 12.10.2023. R: A language and environment for statistical computing. R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria.
  • URL-4. (2024). Accessed date: 21.08.2024,
  • Valeiras, X., Macias, D., Gomez, M.J., Lema, L., A Lot, E., Ortiz de Urbina, J.M., De la Serna, J.M. (2008). Age and growth of Atlantic bonito (Sarda sarda) in western Mediterranean Sea. Collective Volume of Scientific Papers ICCAT, 62(5): 1649–1658.
  • Yankova, M. (2015). Contribution to the knowledge of Atlantic bonito (Sarda sarda Bloch, 1793) from Bulgarian Black Sea coast. International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies, 2(4): 213-217.
  • Zaboukas, N., Megalofonou, P. (2007). Age estimation of the Atlantic bonito in the eastern Mediterranean Sea using dorsal spines and validation of the method. Scientia Marina, 71(4): 691–698. doi: 10.3989/scimar.2007.71n4691
  • Zaboukas, N., Miliou, H., Megalofonou, P., Moraitou-Aposolopoulou, M. (2006). Biochemical composition of the Atlantic bonito Sarda sarda from the Aegean Sea (eastern Mediterranean Sea) in different stages of sexual maturity. Journal of Fish Biology, 69: 347–362. doi: 10.1111/j.1095-8649.2006.01090.x.
  • Zar, J.H. (1996). Biostatistical Analysis. 3rd ed., London: Prentice-Hall.
  • Zengin, M., Karakulak, F.S., Oray, I.K. (2005). Investigations on bonitos (Sarda sarda Bloch, 1793) on the southern Black Sea coast of Turkey. Collective Volume of Scientific Papers ICCAT, 58: 510–516.
  • Zorica, B., Sınovcıć, G. (2008). Biometry, length-length and length-weight relationships of juveniles and adults of Atlantic bonito, Sarda sarda, in the eastern Middle Adriatic Sea. Acta Adriatica, 49(1): 65-72.
  • Zusser, S.G. (1954). Biology and fishery for bonito in the Black Sea. Transactions of VNIRO, 28: 160-174
There are 56 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Post-Harvest Fisheries Technologies (Incl. Transportation), Fish Biology, Fisheries Management
Journal Section Research Article

Yaşar Genç 0000-0002-2353-3868

Murat Dağtekin 0000-0003-0084-4433

Nimet Selda Başçınar 0000-0002-6218-7291

Elvan Tercan 0000-0002-0048-6595

Project Number TAGEM/HAYSÜD/2006/09/02/02
Early Pub Date September 30, 2024
Publication Date
Submission Date August 6, 2024
Acceptance Date September 22, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 In Press Articles


APA Genç, Y., Dağtekin, M., Başçınar, N. S., Tercan, E. (2024). Length-weight relationships, growth parameters, and condition factor of Sarda sarda from the Southern Black Sea. Turkish Journal of Maritime and Marine Sciences1-13.

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