A4 paper size should be used for the submissions with left, right, bottom margins of 2 cm and a top margin of 3 cm. The text should be both left and right justified and the vertical spacing should be 1 lines with no blank lines between paragraphs. Times New Roman fonts should be used in the whole document with a font size of 12 points.
Title of the Article
Title should be short, explanatory and the first letter of title should be written in capital letters the rest should be written in lowercase letters (12 points) with center alignment. If the language of the article is Turkish, Turkish title and the abstract should be written first and then followed by the English title and the abstract.
Initial(s) of the author(s)’s first name(s) should be written with capital letters and the rest should be written in lowercase letters, surname(s) should be written in capital letters. Author(s)’s name(s) should be written with center aligned text (12 points). Superscripted numbers (1, 2 ...) should be used following the author(s)'s name(s) to indicate the address(es). The responsible author should be indicated by an additional superscripted star symbol (*) following his/her name. Full address(es) of the author(s) should be written just below the author(s)’s name(s) in lowercase letters (10 points, center aligned), the responsible author's e-mail address should be footnoted (10 points). Author(s)’s name(s) should not include any academic titles. Turkish and English abstracts should be between 150 and 250 words.
Abstract and Keywords
Turkish and English abstracts should be between 150 and 250 words.
Keywords: Sample keyword 1, Sample keyword 2, Sample keyword 3, Sample keyword 4, … (Between 4 and 6 keywords should be given below the abstract. First letter of keywords must be written with capital and the others must be written in lowercase (12 points). Repetition of the title should be avoided in the keywords).
Section Titles
The main section titles in the text should be written in Times New Roman format, 12 point font, bold, with the title in all capital letters, aligned left, and numbered starting from the Introduction section. Subsection titles should be written in 12-point Times New Roman format, with only the first letters of the title words capitalized. There should be a space of 6 nk between the headers of the sub-sections. Decimal numbers should be separated by a dot, and there should be no comma in the thousands separator. For example, 45.2, 2036.4, 1598456.8 etc.
Citation in Text:
References to be cited in the text should be indicated as "(Author, Year) or Author, (Year)". In references with two author and more authors from two, it should be used as (Author 1 and Author 2, Year) and (Author 1 et al., Year), respectively. For examples, (Pehlivan and Altın, 2019), Aydın and Bodur, (2016), (Ahmet et al., 2020), Cihat et al., (2015). When listing references, they should be done in alphabetical order.
The article should be composed of Abstract, Introduction, Material and Methods, Results, Discussions and Conclusions main sections followed by References part (and additional Recommendations and Acknowledgements sections if necessary).
Representations such as photographs, pictures, drawings and graphics other than the table should be given as "Figures". Figures must be clear and suitable for offset printing technique. The minimum resolution of figures must be 300 dpi. The location of each table and figure in the text should be stated. All tables and figures should be numbered sequentially throughout the study (Table 1., Figure 1.). Figure and Table headers should be written in 12-points. The text in the table should be written as 10 points. Graphs and figures should be drawn taking into account page dimensions. Examples of the layout of figures and tables are as follows. Sequence numbers and titles of figures should be written below the figure, and those of tables should be written above the table.
Unpublished works such as; researches under preparation or submitted for publication, unpublished results or observations, information via personal communication, reports, lecture notes and seminars should not be referenced. An unpublished but printed thesis study can be used a reference.
References part should have single line spacing and should be written in 10 points fonts.
References should be cited between “ ( ) ” in the text. Enumeration should follow the citation order an alphabetical sort.
a) Article:
Abbey, L., Glover-Amengor, M., Atikpo, M.O., Atter, A., Toppe, J. (2017). Nutrient content of fish powder from low value fish and fish byproducts. Food Science and Nutrition, 5(3): 374-379. doi:10.1002/fsn3.402.
Amaral, A.F.S. (2014). Pesticides and Asthma: Challenges for Epidemiology. Front Public Health, 2(6): 1-3. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2014.00006.
Di Pierro, G., O’Keeffe, M.B., Poyarkov, A., Lomolino, G., Richard, J., Gerald, F. (2014). Antioxidant activity of bovine casein hydrolysates produced by Ficus carica L.-derived proteinase. Food Chemistry, 156: 305-311. doi:10.1016/j.foodchem.2014.01.080.
Khiari, Z., Rico, D., Martin-Diana, A.B., Barry-Ryan, C. (2015). Valorization of fish by-products: rheological, textural and microstructural properties of mackerel skin gelatins. Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, 19(1): 180-191. doi: 10.1007/s10163-015-0399-2.
Lalasidis, G., Bostrom, S., Sjoberg, L.B. (1978). Low molecular weight enzymatic fish protein hydrolysates: Chemical composition and nutritive value. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 26(3): 751-756. doi: 10.1021/jf60217a045.
Teng, M., Zhang, H., Fu, Q., Lu, X., Chen, J., Wei, F. (2013). Irrigation-induced pollution of organochlorine pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls in paddy field ecosystem of Liaohe River Plain, China. Chinese Science Bulletin, 58: 1751-1759. doi: 10.1007/s11434-013-5815-1.
Tsaboula, A., Papadakis, E.N., Vryzas, Z., Kotopoulou, A., Kinyzikoglou, K., Papadopoulou-Mourkidou, E. (2019). Assessment and management of pesticide pollution at a river basin level part I: Aquatic ecotoxicological quality indices. Science of The Total Environment, 653: 1597-1611. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.08.240.
Wang, H., Liu, Z., Wang, X., Graham, T., Wang, J. (2021). An analysis of factors affecting the severity of marine accidents. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 210: 107513. doi: 10.1016/j.ress.2021.107513.
Zhang, Y., Sun, X., Chen, J., Cheng, C. (2021). Spatial patterns and characteristics of global maritime accidents. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 206: 107310. doi: 10.1016/j.ress.2020.107310.
b) Book: Examples:
Maden, S. (2006). Diferansiyel Denklemler, Birinci baskı, s. 358, Ankara, Sözkesen Matbaacılık.
Gökalp, H.Y., Kaya, M., Zorba, Ö. (1999).Et Ürünleri İşleme Mühendisliği, 3. Baskı, Erzurum, Atatürk Üniversitesi Yayın No: 786.
Uğur, M.B., Bostan, K., Aksu H. (1998).Et ve Et Ürünleri Teknolojisi Ders Notları, İstanbul, İstanbul Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Yayını.
Kence, A., Bilgin C.C. (1996).Türkiye Omurgalılar Tür Listesi, s. 183, Ankara, Nurol Matbaacılık.
Polat, N., Uğurlu, S. (2011).Samsun İli Tatlı Su Balık Faunası, s. 288, Samsun, Ceylan Ofset.
c) Book Section:
Nelson D.W., Sommers, L.E. (1982). Organic Matter. In: “Methods of Soil Analysis Part 2. Chemical and Microbiological Properties 2nd Ed.” (Editors: A.L. Page, R.H, Miller, D.R. Keeney), Agronomy. No: 9, pp. 574-579, Madison, Wisconsin.
Varnam, A.H., Sutherland, J.P. (1995). Fermented sausages. In: “Meat and Meat Products: Technology, Chemistry and Microbiology”, Chapman & Hall, pp. 314-344, London.
Sgarbieri, V.C. (1987). Alimentaçäo e nutriçäo: fator de saúde e desenvolvimento. In: “Alimentaçäo e nutriçäo: fator de saúde e desenvolvimento”, pp. 387-387.
d) Conference/Symposium Proceedings:
Balık, İ., Çubuk, H. (2001). Uluabat (Apolyont) Gölü ndeki kızılgöz (Rutilus L. 1758) ve tahta balığı (Blicca björkna L., 1758) populasyonlarının büyüklük dağılımları ve kondisyon faktörleri, XI. Ulusal Su Ürünleri Sempozyumu, Cilt I, 384-392, Hatay.
Yeğen, V., Balık, S., Bostan, H., Uysal, R., Bilçen, E. (2006). Göller Bölgesi’ndeki Bazı Göl ve Baraj Göllerinin Balık Faunalarının Son Durumu. 1. Ulusal Balıklandırma ve Rezervuar Yönetimi Sempozyumu, 7-9 Şubat 2006, s. 129-139, Antalya.
Arpa, H. (2003). Su Ürünleri Sektöründe Kamu Örgütlenmesi. AB’ne Üyelik Sürecinde Su Ürünleri Sempozyumu, 16 Ekim 2003, s. 54-59, Ankara.
Dumay, J. (2006). Extraction de lipides en voie aqueuse par bioréacteur enzymatique combiné à l'ultrafiltration: application à la valorisation de co-produits de poisson (Sardina pilchardus). Ph.D. Thesis, Université de Nantes.
Karakaya, M. (1990). Assessment of the attributes of meat emulsion of various species with oil and fat in a model system (in Turkish), PhD. Thesis, Ataturk University, Institute of Natural and Applied Sciences, 60 p., Erzurum.
Koç, S. (2016). Hamsi (Engraulis encrasicolus) ve İşleme Atıklarından Elde Edilen Protein Hidrolizatlarının Besleyici, Fonksiyonel Ve Biyoaktif Özelliklerinin Araştırılması, Doktora Tezi, Çanakkale On Sekiz Mart Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Çanakkale.
Korkmaz, K. (2018). Ticari Enzimler Kullanılarak Farklı Balık Türü Atıklarından Hidrolizat Üretimi ve Kalitesinin Belirlenmesi. Doktora Tezi, Ordu Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Ordu.
g) Official Gazette:
Resmi Gazete, (1991). Tarım ve Köyişleri Bakanlığının Kuruluş ve Görevleri Hakkında Kanun Hükmünde Kararname, 9.08.1991 tarih 20955 sayılı Resmi Gazete.
Official Gazette, (2011). Gıda, Tarım ve Hayvancılık Bakanlığının Teşkilat ve Görevleri Hakkında 3.06.2011 Tarih ve 639 Sayılı Kanun Hükmünde Kararname, 8/6/2011 tarih ve 27958 mükerrer sayılı Resmi Gazete.
i) Footnotes: Only on the first page, the e-mail address of the responsible author and, if submitted, part of the work, thesis or project work should be specified as a footnotes.
j) Reports:
Ercoşkun, H. (2000).Turkiye Fisheries Report. Country Report, Handling and Primary Processing of Marine Products Jica Kanagawa International Fisheries Training Center, May 29th.
Hino, T. (2005). Proceedings of CFD Workshop Tokyo 2005. NMRI Report 2005, Tokyo, Japan.
ITTC (2014). Resistance Committee Report. Proceedings of 27thInternational Towing Tank Conference.
DPT (2001).Sekizinci Beş Yıllık Kalkınma Planı, Su ürünleri ve su ürünleri sanayii özel ihtisas komisyon raporu. DPT Yayın No. 2575, Ankara.
k) Technical Notes:
Tamura, M., Inoue, H., Watanabe, T., Maruko, N. (2001). Research on a brake assist system with a preview function. In: SAE technical paper 2001-01-0357, Society of Automotive Engineers 2001 World Congress, Detroit, MI, USA.
Murray, J., Burt, J.R. (2001). The Composition of Fish. Ministry of Technology, Torry Research Station, Torry Advisory Note No. 38.
FAO (2008). Understanding and applying risk analysis in aquaculture. (Editors: G. Melba, M.G. Bondad-Reantaso, J.R. Arthur, R.P. Subasinghe), FAO Fisheries and Technical Paper. No. 519, Rome, 324 pp.
l) Publications that can be guides/procedures:
ITTC (2002). Uncertainty Analysis, Example for Resistance Test, ITTC Recommended Procedures and Guidelines, Procedure7.5-02-02-02, Revision 01.
Soto, Y.A. (2006). Proitability analysis of the investment in beam trawlers for cuban shrimp fisheries, The United Nations University Fisheries Training Programme, Final Project, Cuba.
m) Appendixes: All appendixes should be written on separate pages and numbered with Roman numerals.
Author 1: (Author First and Last Names must be written!!!) Conceptualization, Methodology, Validation, Formal Analysis, Resources, Writing - Original Draft, Writing-Review and Editing, Data Curation, Software, Visualization, Supervision, Project administration, Funding acquisition. Author 2: (Author First and Last Names must be written!!!) Conceptualization, Methodology, Validation, Formal Analysis, Resources, Writing - Original Draft, Writing-Review and Editing, Data Curation, Software, Visualization, Supervision, Project administration, Funding acquisition. Author n: (Author First and Last Names must be written!!!) Conceptualization, Methodology, Validation, Formal Analysis, Resources, Writing - Original Draft, Writing-Review and Editing, Data Curation, Software, Visualization, Supervision, Project administration, Funding acquisition
(Author(s) who make a declaration of Authorship contribution are required to indicate which of the above-mentioned steps they took part in next to their names in this section. Author(s) must fill out this section carefully!!!)
The author(s) declare that for this article they have no actual, potential or perceived conflict of interests.
(The author(s) are required to state their conflict of interest. The author(s) must fill in this section carefully!!!)
Author(s) declare that this study was conducted in accordance with ethics committee procedures of human or animal experiments. OR
No ethics committee permissions is required for this study.
(With ethics committee permission, the author(s) must edit by choosing one of the two statements!!!)
For human-centered studies such as surveys, social and demographic data collection, and user experience measurement, approval certificates must be obtained from the ethics committees of the relevant universities, and authors should provide information in the ethics section of the article that the ethics committee approval certificate has been obtained. Articles of authors who do not present the ethics committee approval certificate in such studies will not be considered for evaluation. We kindly request authors to show the necessary sensitivity on this matter.
For animal experiments, a local ethics committee permission certificate must be obtained from the relevant universities, and authors should provide information in the ethics section of the article that the local ethics committee permission certificate has been obtained. Articles of authors who do not present the local ethics committee permission certificate in such studies will not be considered for evaluation. We kindly request authors to show the necessary sensitivity on this matter.
This work was supported/funded by … with … project code. OR
No funding was received from institutions or agencies for the execution of this research.
(With funding support, the author(s) must edit by choosing one of the two statements!!!)