Research Article
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Year 2015, Volume: 5 Issue: 09, 189 - 221, 10.01.2015


Hasanlu, İran’ın kuzeybatısında
yer alan Hasanlu, Urmiye Gölüne 12 km uzaklıkta yer almaktadır. Bölgenin
doğusunda Urmiye ve Uşneviye, batısında Sulduz ovası bulunmaktadır. Hasanlu
Sulduz Ovasını kontrol etmektedir. Hasanlu Asur yıllıklarında Gilzanu ülkesi
olarak adlandırılmaktadır. Hasanlu ile ilgili en geniş ve kapsamlı çalışmalar
Pensilvanya Üniversitesinin yaptığı “Hasanlu Projesi” dir. Hasanlu Projesi
kapsamında 10 yapı katı tespit edilmiştir. M.Ö. 6000’den başlayan tarihi İslami
devre kadar devam etmektedir. Hasanlu’da III B katı M.Ö. 700 - 600 tarihlerini
vermektedir. Urartu dönemine gelen bu yapı katında bulunan eserlerden
anlaşıldığına göre Hasanlu’nun o dönem adının “Meşta” olduğu anlaşılmıştır. Hasanlu
Kuzeybatı İran’ın kronolojisinin oluşmasında önemli bilgiler sunmaktadır.


  • Burton. T - Brown, Excavations in Azerbaijan, 1948, Londra, 1951.
  • Çilingiroğlu, Altan, Urartu Krallığı Tarihi ve Sanatı, İzmir 1997.
  • -------------------, Urartu Tarihi, İzmir 1994.
  • Dalley, Stephanie, “Foreign Chariotry and Cavalry in the Armies of Tiglath-Pileser III and Sargon II”, British Institute for the Study of Iraq 47, 1985, 31- 48.
  • Danti, D. Michael, “The Artisan’s House of Hasanlu Tepe”, Iran 49, 2011, s. 11-54.
  • -------------------, “The Late Bronze and Early Iron Age In Northwestern Iran”, Ancient Iran (ed. D.T. Potts), 2013, 327- 376.
  • Dyson, H. Robert - Muscarella, W. Oscar, “Constructing the Chronology and Historical Implications of Hasanlu IV”, Iran 27, 1989, s. 1-27.
  • Dyson, H. Robert – Pigott, C. Vincent, “ Hasanlu: Survey of Excavations in Iran- 1973-1974”, Iran XIII, 1975, s. 182 vd.
  • Dyson, H. Robert, “Architecture of the Iron I Period of Hasanlu in Western Iran, and Its Implications for Theories of Migration on the Iranian Plateau” Le plateau iranien et l’Asie centrale des origines a la conquete islamique, ed. J. Deshayes. Paris: Editions du Cente national de la recherche scientifique, 1977, s. 155-159.
  • -------------------, “Digging in Iran: Hasanlu, 1958”, Expedition I, 1959, 4 vd.
  • -------------------, “Problem of Protohistoric Iran as seen from Hasanlu”, JNES XXIV, 1965, s. 193-217.
  • -------------------, “Hasanlu et les Vallees de Solduz et Ushu, Douze Anneees D’Exploration, Archeologie Vivante 1/1, 1968, 83-102.
  • -------------------, “Rediscovering Hasanlu”, Expedition 31/2-3, 1989a, s. 3 vd.
  • -------------------, “The Achaemenid Painted Pottery Hasanlu III A”, AS 49, 1999, s. 101 vd.
  • -------------------, “The Archaeological evidence of the second millennium B.C. on the Persian Plateau”, Cambridge on the History 2/I, I.E.S Edwards et. Al.(ed.), Cambridge 1973, s. 686-715.
  • -------------------, “The Architecture of Hasanlu: Periods I to IV”, AJA 81/4, 1977a, s. 548 vd.
  • --------- “The Iron Age Architecture of Hasanlu”, Expedition 31/ 2-3, 1989b, s. 107 vd.
  • Dyson, H. Robert. - Young, T. Cuyler, “Pisdeli Tepe”, Antiquity XXXIV, no.133, 1960, s. 19 vd.
  • Grayson, A. Kırk, Assyrian Royal Inscriptions II, Wiesbaden, 1976.
  • Hacızade, Kerim, A Study of Urartian Settlement in the N.W. Iran (700- 900 B.C), Basılmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Tahran, 1995.
  • Haenriınck, Ernie, “The Iron Age in Guilan: Proposal for a Chronology. In Bronze- Working Centres of Western Asia c. 1000- 539 B.C”, ed. J. Curtis, 1988, s. 63-78.
  • Hakemi, Ali - Rad, Mahmut, “Rapport et Resultants de Fouilles Scientifques a Hasanlu Solduz”, GB 1950, 87- 103.
  • Hulin, Peter, “Urartian Stones in the Van Museum”, AS 8, 1968, s. 235- 244.
  • Johnson, Elizabeth, “Urartian Influence Upon Irannian Architecture in the First Millennium B.C”, Marsyas 17, 1975, s. 21- 38.
  • Kleiss, Wolfram - Hauptmann, Harald, Topographische Karte von Urartu, 1976, Berlin.
  • König, Friedrich. Hanbuch Der Chaldischen Inschriften, AfO, Beiheft 8, Graz W., 1955-1957.
  • Kroll, Stephan, “Ein Triple Road System oder Stallbauten in Hasanlu IV B?”, AMI 25, 1992, s. 65- 72.
  • -------------------, “Habur Ware im Osten oder: Der TAVO auf Irrwegen im Iranischen Hochland In Beitrage zur altorientalischen Archologie und Altertumskunde”, ed. P. C. Calmayer, K. Hecker, L. Jakop – Rost and C. B. F. Walker, Wiesbaden- Harrassowitz, 1994, 159- 166.
  • -------------------, “İran’daki Urartu Şehirleri” Urartu. Doğu’da Değişim, İstanbul, 2011, s. 150-169.
  • Lehmann – Haupt - Carl. F., Corpus Inscriptionum Chaldicarum, Berlin-Leipzig, 1928-1935.
  • Levine, Louis, “Geographical Studies in the Neo Assyrian Zagros”, IRAN XII, 1974, s. 99- 124.
  • Magee, Peter, “Deconstructing the destruction of Hasanlu: Archaelogy, imperialism and the Chronology of the Iranion Iran Age”, Ir Ant 43, 2008, s. 89-106.
  • Medvedskaya, Inna, “Who destroyed Hasanlu IV ?” Iran 26, 1988, s. 1-15.
  • Melikişvili, Georgi Aleksandrovic, Urartskie klinoobraznye Nadpisi, Moskova, 1960.
  • Muscarella, Oscar. W., “Hasanlu 1964”, The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin,Sayı 25, 1965, s. 121 vd.
  • -------------------, “Hasanlu and Urartu”, BU, 2011, s. 311-26.
  • -------------------, “Hasanlu in the Ninth Century B.C. and Its Relations with Oth Cultural Centers of the Near East”, AJA 75, 1971, s. 263-266.
  • -------------------, “North- Western Iran: Bronze Age to Iron Age.” Anotolian Iron Ages 3, A. Çilingiroğlu, D.H. French (ed)Ankara: BIAAM 16, 1994, s. 139-154.
  • -------------------, “The Excavation of Hasanlu: An Archaeological Evaluation”, BASOR 342, 2006, s. 69-94.
  • -------------------, “The Iron Age at Dinkha Tepe, 1966”, MMAJ - 9, 1974, s. 39-90.
  • -------------------, “Hasanlu and Urartu”, Acta Iranıca, (ed. S. Kroll, C. Gruber, U. Hellwag, M. Roaf/ P. Zımansky), 2007, s. 235 vd.
  • Nobari, Alireza Hejebri, Architecture Militaire Urarteenne, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Paris, 1997.
  • Payne, Margaret, Urartu Çivi Yazılı Belgeler Kataloğu, İstanbul 2006.
  • Pecorella, Paulo. E - SALVINI, Mirjo “Researches in the Region Between the Zagros Mountains and Urmia Lake”, Persica 10, 1982, s. 1-35.
  • -------------------, “Tra lo Zagros e l’Urmia. Ricerche storiche ed archeologichenell’Azerbaigian Iraniano”, IG - 78, Roma 1984.
  • Perfereç, Ekber, İran’ın Kuzeybatısının Demirçağ İncelemesi, Erdebil’in Şehriyar Bölgesi ve Çevresindeki Kalelerin Çalışılması, (Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi), Tarbiat Modares Üniversitesi, Tahran 2007.
  • Pigott, Vincent, C. “The Question of the Presence of Iron I Period in Iron, In Mountains and Lowlands” Essays in the Arechaelogy of Greater Mesopotamia, ed.L.D. Levine and T.C. Young, Jr., 1977, s. 209- 234.
  • Reade, Julian. E., “Hasanlu, Gilzanu and related Considerations” AMI 12, 1979, s. 175- 181.
  • Rigg, Horace Abram, “Sargon’s Eighth Military Campaign”, JAOS 62, 1942, s. 130 vd.
  • Salvini, Mirjo, “Die Urartaischen Schriftlichen Quellen aus Iranisch- Azerbaidjan”, AMI 6, 1979, s. 170 vd.
  • -------------------, “Lidentificazione della citta di Mesta con il Hasanlu.” Tr alo Zagros e l Urmia, Ed. P. E. Pecorella and M. Salvini, Roma, 1984, s. 19 vd.
  • -------------------, “La stele di Karagündüz”, Pecorella, P.E., Salvini, M. (ed.), Tra lo Zagros el’Urmia. Ricerche storiche ed archeologiche nell’Azerbaigian Iraniano, Roma, 1984, s. 57-62.
  • -------------------, Urartu Tarihi ve Kültürü, İstanbul, 2006.
  • Sivas, Hakan, Urartu ile ilgili Assur Kaynakları (Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi), İstanbul, 1991.
  • Şehidi, Khatip, “Investigations of Hasanlu and reconsideration of its upper strato”, International Journal of Humanities of the Islamic Republic of Iran 13/ 3, 2006, s. 17-29.
  • Wright, Edwin. M., “The Eighth Campaign of Sargon II”, JNES 2, 1943, s. 173 – 186.
  • Young, T. Cuyler, “A Comparative Ceramic Chronology for Western Iran”, IRAN III, 1965, s. 53- 85.
  • -------------------, “The Iranian Migration into the Zagros” Iran V, 1967, s. 11- 34.
Year 2015, Volume: 5 Issue: 09, 189 - 221, 10.01.2015



  • Burton. T - Brown, Excavations in Azerbaijan, 1948, Londra, 1951.
  • Çilingiroğlu, Altan, Urartu Krallığı Tarihi ve Sanatı, İzmir 1997.
  • -------------------, Urartu Tarihi, İzmir 1994.
  • Dalley, Stephanie, “Foreign Chariotry and Cavalry in the Armies of Tiglath-Pileser III and Sargon II”, British Institute for the Study of Iraq 47, 1985, 31- 48.
  • Danti, D. Michael, “The Artisan’s House of Hasanlu Tepe”, Iran 49, 2011, s. 11-54.
  • -------------------, “The Late Bronze and Early Iron Age In Northwestern Iran”, Ancient Iran (ed. D.T. Potts), 2013, 327- 376.
  • Dyson, H. Robert - Muscarella, W. Oscar, “Constructing the Chronology and Historical Implications of Hasanlu IV”, Iran 27, 1989, s. 1-27.
  • Dyson, H. Robert – Pigott, C. Vincent, “ Hasanlu: Survey of Excavations in Iran- 1973-1974”, Iran XIII, 1975, s. 182 vd.
  • Dyson, H. Robert, “Architecture of the Iron I Period of Hasanlu in Western Iran, and Its Implications for Theories of Migration on the Iranian Plateau” Le plateau iranien et l’Asie centrale des origines a la conquete islamique, ed. J. Deshayes. Paris: Editions du Cente national de la recherche scientifique, 1977, s. 155-159.
  • -------------------, “Digging in Iran: Hasanlu, 1958”, Expedition I, 1959, 4 vd.
  • -------------------, “Problem of Protohistoric Iran as seen from Hasanlu”, JNES XXIV, 1965, s. 193-217.
  • -------------------, “Hasanlu et les Vallees de Solduz et Ushu, Douze Anneees D’Exploration, Archeologie Vivante 1/1, 1968, 83-102.
  • -------------------, “Rediscovering Hasanlu”, Expedition 31/2-3, 1989a, s. 3 vd.
  • -------------------, “The Achaemenid Painted Pottery Hasanlu III A”, AS 49, 1999, s. 101 vd.
  • -------------------, “The Archaeological evidence of the second millennium B.C. on the Persian Plateau”, Cambridge on the History 2/I, I.E.S Edwards et. Al.(ed.), Cambridge 1973, s. 686-715.
  • -------------------, “The Architecture of Hasanlu: Periods I to IV”, AJA 81/4, 1977a, s. 548 vd.
  • --------- “The Iron Age Architecture of Hasanlu”, Expedition 31/ 2-3, 1989b, s. 107 vd.
  • Dyson, H. Robert. - Young, T. Cuyler, “Pisdeli Tepe”, Antiquity XXXIV, no.133, 1960, s. 19 vd.
  • Grayson, A. Kırk, Assyrian Royal Inscriptions II, Wiesbaden, 1976.
  • Hacızade, Kerim, A Study of Urartian Settlement in the N.W. Iran (700- 900 B.C), Basılmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Tahran, 1995.
  • Haenriınck, Ernie, “The Iron Age in Guilan: Proposal for a Chronology. In Bronze- Working Centres of Western Asia c. 1000- 539 B.C”, ed. J. Curtis, 1988, s. 63-78.
  • Hakemi, Ali - Rad, Mahmut, “Rapport et Resultants de Fouilles Scientifques a Hasanlu Solduz”, GB 1950, 87- 103.
  • Hulin, Peter, “Urartian Stones in the Van Museum”, AS 8, 1968, s. 235- 244.
  • Johnson, Elizabeth, “Urartian Influence Upon Irannian Architecture in the First Millennium B.C”, Marsyas 17, 1975, s. 21- 38.
  • Kleiss, Wolfram - Hauptmann, Harald, Topographische Karte von Urartu, 1976, Berlin.
  • König, Friedrich. Hanbuch Der Chaldischen Inschriften, AfO, Beiheft 8, Graz W., 1955-1957.
  • Kroll, Stephan, “Ein Triple Road System oder Stallbauten in Hasanlu IV B?”, AMI 25, 1992, s. 65- 72.
  • -------------------, “Habur Ware im Osten oder: Der TAVO auf Irrwegen im Iranischen Hochland In Beitrage zur altorientalischen Archologie und Altertumskunde”, ed. P. C. Calmayer, K. Hecker, L. Jakop – Rost and C. B. F. Walker, Wiesbaden- Harrassowitz, 1994, 159- 166.
  • -------------------, “İran’daki Urartu Şehirleri” Urartu. Doğu’da Değişim, İstanbul, 2011, s. 150-169.
  • Lehmann – Haupt - Carl. F., Corpus Inscriptionum Chaldicarum, Berlin-Leipzig, 1928-1935.
  • Levine, Louis, “Geographical Studies in the Neo Assyrian Zagros”, IRAN XII, 1974, s. 99- 124.
  • Magee, Peter, “Deconstructing the destruction of Hasanlu: Archaelogy, imperialism and the Chronology of the Iranion Iran Age”, Ir Ant 43, 2008, s. 89-106.
  • Medvedskaya, Inna, “Who destroyed Hasanlu IV ?” Iran 26, 1988, s. 1-15.
  • Melikişvili, Georgi Aleksandrovic, Urartskie klinoobraznye Nadpisi, Moskova, 1960.
  • Muscarella, Oscar. W., “Hasanlu 1964”, The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin,Sayı 25, 1965, s. 121 vd.
  • -------------------, “Hasanlu and Urartu”, BU, 2011, s. 311-26.
  • -------------------, “Hasanlu in the Ninth Century B.C. and Its Relations with Oth Cultural Centers of the Near East”, AJA 75, 1971, s. 263-266.
  • -------------------, “North- Western Iran: Bronze Age to Iron Age.” Anotolian Iron Ages 3, A. Çilingiroğlu, D.H. French (ed)Ankara: BIAAM 16, 1994, s. 139-154.
  • -------------------, “The Excavation of Hasanlu: An Archaeological Evaluation”, BASOR 342, 2006, s. 69-94.
  • -------------------, “The Iron Age at Dinkha Tepe, 1966”, MMAJ - 9, 1974, s. 39-90.
  • -------------------, “Hasanlu and Urartu”, Acta Iranıca, (ed. S. Kroll, C. Gruber, U. Hellwag, M. Roaf/ P. Zımansky), 2007, s. 235 vd.
  • Nobari, Alireza Hejebri, Architecture Militaire Urarteenne, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Paris, 1997.
  • Payne, Margaret, Urartu Çivi Yazılı Belgeler Kataloğu, İstanbul 2006.
  • Pecorella, Paulo. E - SALVINI, Mirjo “Researches in the Region Between the Zagros Mountains and Urmia Lake”, Persica 10, 1982, s. 1-35.
  • -------------------, “Tra lo Zagros e l’Urmia. Ricerche storiche ed archeologichenell’Azerbaigian Iraniano”, IG - 78, Roma 1984.
  • Perfereç, Ekber, İran’ın Kuzeybatısının Demirçağ İncelemesi, Erdebil’in Şehriyar Bölgesi ve Çevresindeki Kalelerin Çalışılması, (Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi), Tarbiat Modares Üniversitesi, Tahran 2007.
  • Pigott, Vincent, C. “The Question of the Presence of Iron I Period in Iron, In Mountains and Lowlands” Essays in the Arechaelogy of Greater Mesopotamia, ed.L.D. Levine and T.C. Young, Jr., 1977, s. 209- 234.
  • Reade, Julian. E., “Hasanlu, Gilzanu and related Considerations” AMI 12, 1979, s. 175- 181.
  • Rigg, Horace Abram, “Sargon’s Eighth Military Campaign”, JAOS 62, 1942, s. 130 vd.
  • Salvini, Mirjo, “Die Urartaischen Schriftlichen Quellen aus Iranisch- Azerbaidjan”, AMI 6, 1979, s. 170 vd.
  • -------------------, “Lidentificazione della citta di Mesta con il Hasanlu.” Tr alo Zagros e l Urmia, Ed. P. E. Pecorella and M. Salvini, Roma, 1984, s. 19 vd.
  • -------------------, “La stele di Karagündüz”, Pecorella, P.E., Salvini, M. (ed.), Tra lo Zagros el’Urmia. Ricerche storiche ed archeologiche nell’Azerbaigian Iraniano, Roma, 1984, s. 57-62.
  • -------------------, Urartu Tarihi ve Kültürü, İstanbul, 2006.
  • Sivas, Hakan, Urartu ile ilgili Assur Kaynakları (Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi), İstanbul, 1991.
  • Şehidi, Khatip, “Investigations of Hasanlu and reconsideration of its upper strato”, International Journal of Humanities of the Islamic Republic of Iran 13/ 3, 2006, s. 17-29.
  • Wright, Edwin. M., “The Eighth Campaign of Sargon II”, JNES 2, 1943, s. 173 – 186.
  • Young, T. Cuyler, “A Comparative Ceramic Chronology for Western Iran”, IRAN III, 1965, s. 53- 85.
  • -------------------, “The Iranian Migration into the Zagros” Iran V, 1967, s. 11- 34.
There are 58 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Makaleler

Nezahat Ceylan This is me

Publication Date January 10, 2015
Submission Date October 10, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2015 Volume: 5 Issue: 09


APA Ceylan, N. (2015). KUZEYBATI İRAN’DA ÖNEMLİ BİR YERLEŞME: HASANLU. Trakya Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 5(09), 189-221.