ISSN: 1309-7660
e-ISSN: 2717-7785
Founded: 2015
Publisher: Trakya University
Cover Image

Trakya University Journal of Faculty of Letters (TUJFL) is an international refereed journal which publishing original, national and international research articles which examine scientific issues and problems and offer solutions from all subfields of social sciences especially culture, art, language, literature, history, art history, folklore, archeology.

The media organ of Trakya University Faculty of Letters, TUJFL is an international refereed journal. The Journal of Faculty of Letters (TUJFL) has been published biannually in January and July since 2011.

Owner: In Behalf of Trakya University Rectorate, Dean of the Faculty of Letters, Prof. Dr. Yüksel TOPALOĞLU

Publisher: Trakya University, Faculty of Letters
Editor-in-Chief: Inst. Assoc. Prof. Şahin KILIÇ
Country of Publication: Türkiye
ISSN 1309-7660 E-ISSN 2717-7785
First Publication Date: 2011
Biblioghraphic Records: 2011
Publication Type: Peer-Review Academic Journal
Frequency of Publication: Twice a year (January-July)
Publication Languages: Turkish, English and Balkan Languages
Publication Format: Printed and Electronic
Publisher: Trakya University

Phone: +90 284 235 9527/1100

Opening Date for Article Submission: January 1, 2025

2024 - Volume: 14 Issue: 28

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